16 research outputs found

    Performance of a Direct Methane Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Using Nickel-Ceria-Yttria Stabilized Zirconia as the Anode

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    A nickel-ceria-yttria stabilized zirconia (Ni-CYSZ) cermet material was synthesized and tested as the anode for the direct oxidation of methane in a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) with YSZ as the electrolyte and strontium-doped lanthanum manganite (LSM) as the cathode. Initially, the electrochemical behavior was investigated under several load demands in wet (3% H2O) CH4 at 850 degrees C during 144 h using I-V curves, impedance spectra, and potentiostatic measurements. Long-term tests were subsequently conducted under 180 mAcm(-2) in wet CH4 for 236 h and dry CH4 for 526 h at 850 degrees C in order to assess the cell stability. Material analysis was carried out by SEM-EDS after operation was complete. Similar cell performance was observed with wet (3% H2O) and dry CH4, and this indicates that the presence of water is not relevant under the applied load demand. Impedance spectra of the cell showed that at least three processes govern the direct electrochemical oxidation of methane on the Ni-CYSZ anode and these are related to charge transfer at high frequency, the adsorption/desorption of charged species at medium frequency and the non-charge transfer processes at low frequency. The cell was operated for more than 900 h in CH4 and 806 h under load demand, with a low degradation rate of similar to 0.2 mVh(-1) observed during this period. The low degradation in performance was mainly caused by the increase in charge transfer resistance, which can be attributed to carbon deposition on the anode causing a reduction in the number of active centers. Carbon deposits were detected mostly on the surface of Ni particles but not near the anode/electrolyte interface or the cerium surface. Therefore, the incorporation of cerium in the anode structure could improve the cell lifetime by reducing carbon formatio

    CO Methanation over NiO-CeO2 Mixed-Oxide Catalysts Prepared by a Modified Co-Precipitation Method: Effect of the Preparation pH on the Catalytic Performance

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    In this study, a series of NiO-CeO2 mixed-oxide catalysts have been prepared by a modified co-precipitation method similar to the one used for the synthesis of hydrotalcites. The syntheses were carried out at different pH values (8, 9 and 10), in order to determine the influence of this synthetic variable on the properties of the obtained materials. These materials were characterized by using different techniques, such as TGA, XRD, ICP, N-2 adsorption-desorption isotherms, H-2 temperature-programmed reduction (H-2-TPR), and electron microscopy, including high-angle annular dark-field transmission electron microscopy (HAADF-TEM) and EDS. The characterization results revealed the influence of the preparation method, in general, and of the pH value, in particular, on the textural properties of the oxides, as well as on the dispersion of the Ni species. The catalyst prepared at a higher pH value (pH = 10) was the one that exhibited better behavior in the CO methanation reaction (almost 100% CO conversion at 235 degrees C), which is attributed to the achievement, under these synthetic conditions, of a combination of properties (metal dispersion, specific surface area, porosity) more suitable for the reaction

    Biphasic Bioceramic Obtained from Byproducts of Sugar Beet Processing for Use in Bioactive Coatings and Bone Fillings

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    This study focuses on developing hydroxyapatite synthesized from a CaCO3 -rich byproduct of sugar beet processing called Carbocal® using a hydrothermal reactor. The purpose of this biomaterial is to enhance the osteoinductivity of implantable surfaces and serve as a bone filler, providing a sustainable and economically more affordable alternative. This research involved compositional analysis and micro- and macrostructural physicochemical characterization, complemented with bioactivity and live/dead assays. The biphasic nature of the Carbocal®-derived sample was significant within the context of the bioactivity concept previously proposed in the literature. The bioactivity of the biomaterial was demonstrated through a viability test, where the cell growth was nearly equivalent to that of the positive control. For comparison purposes, the same tests were conducted with two additional samples: hydroxyapatite obtained from CaCO3 and commercial hydroxyapatite. The resulting product of this process is biocompatible and possesses properties similar to natural hydroxyapatite. Consequently, this biomaterial shows potential as a scaffold in tissue engineering and as an adhesive filler to promote bone regeneration within the context of the circular bioeconomy in the geographical area proposed.Junta de Andalucía14 página

    Catalytic Soot Oxidation Activity of NiO–CeO2 Catalysts Prepared by a Coprecipitation Method: Influence of the Preparation pH on the Catalytic Performance

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    A series of NiO–CeO2 mixed oxide catalysts have been synthesized by a modified coprecipitation method at three di erent pH values (pH = 8, 9, and 10). The NiO–CeO2 mixed oxide samples were characterized by TGA, XRD, inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES), FTIR, Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) surface area, H2 temperature-programmed reduction (H2-TPR), and electron microscopy (high-angle annular dark-field transmission electron microscopy/energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (HAADF-TEM/EDS)). The catalytic activities of the samples for soot oxidation were investigated under loose and tight contact conditions. The catalysts exhibited a high BET surface area with average crystal sizes that varied with the pH values. Electron microscopy results showed the formation of small crystallites (~5 nm) of CeO2 supported on large plate-shaped particles of NiO (~20 nm thick). XRD showed that a proportion of the Ni2+ was incorporated into the ceria network, and it appeared that the amount on Ni2+ that replaced Ce4+ was higher when the synthesis of the mixed oxides was carried out at a lower pH. Among the synthesized catalysts, Ni-Ce-8 (pH = 8) exhibited the best catalytic performance

    A facile one-pot hydrothermal synthesis as an efficient method to modulate the potassium content of cryptomelane and its effects on the redox and catalytic properties

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    Cryptomelane has been widely applied as catalyst in oxidation reactions due to its excellent redox properties and low cost. Here, a novel one-pot hydrothermal synthesis using a potassium permanganate aqueous solution as precursor and ethanol as reducing agent has successfully been developed to obtain cryptomelane nano-oxides. This synthetic route makes it possible to control the amount of potassium incorporated into the structure of the cryptomelane by selecting the appropriate synthesis temperature and ethanol initial concentration. Taking advantage of this approach, the effect of potassium concentration on the structural stability and reducibility of the cryptomelane, which are poorly discussed in the literature, has been studied. We have observed that samples with low content of potassium (~11%) show high conversions of CO to CO2 especially at low temperatures. The lower activity of the samples with high K contents (~16%) can be ascribed to the beneficial effect of K on the structural stability of cryptomelane in detriment of labile oxygen on cryptomelane surface

    Catalytic Performance of Ni/CeO2/X-ZrO2 (X = Ca, Y) Catalysts in the Aqueous-Phase Reforming of Methanol

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    In this study, we reported on the effect of promoting Ni/ZrO2 catalysts with Ce, Ca (two different loadings), and Y for the aqueous-phase reforming (APR) of methanol. We mainly focused on the effect of the redox properties of ceria and the basicity provided by calcium or yttrium on the activity and selectivity of Ni in this reaction. A systematic characterization of the catalysts was performed using complementary methods such as XRD, XPS, TPR, CO2-TPD, H-2 chemisorption, HAADF-STEM, and EDS-STEM. Our results reveal that the improvement in reducibility derived from the incorporation of Ce did not have a positive impact on catalytic behaviour thus contrasting with the results reported in the literature for other Ce-based catalytic compositions. On the contrary, the available Ni-metallic surface and the presence of weak basic sites derived from Ca incorporation seem to play a major role on the catalytic performance for APR of methanol. The best performance was found for a Ce-free catalyst with a molar Ca content of 4%

    The Role of Gold-Alumina Template in the Electrochemical Deposition of CeO2 Nanotubes

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    Electrochemical synthesis employing porous membranes previously metalized with a gold layer as a template is an easy and widespread method to obtain 1D nanostructures. Nevertheless, experimental factors for tuning the morphology and structural details of such nanostructures are still investigated. The influence of the amount of gold on morphology and structure of the 1D systems is studied for the first time. For this purpose, CeO2 nanotubes are synthesized via template-based lectrodeposition inside the pores of gold-sputtered anodic aluminum oxide (AAO). X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy techniques, including 3D electron tomography, are applied for the characterization of the template and the nanostructures. On one hand, the results reveal how gold is deposited on top and inside the pores of the AAO as a thin layer or as particles. On the other hand, the 1D systems consist of nanotubes formed by randomly oriented fluorite-like nanocrystals (2–5 nm), which features a network of inner walls whose compactness directly relates to the thickness of the gold-sputtered layer. From the combined analysis of voltage–time curves recorded during electrodeposition and the 2D, 3D structural information, a growth mechanism is proposed, which may enlighten paths to tailor the morphology and properties of CeO2 1D nanostructure

    Biorrecuperación del metal en catalizadores Pd/Al2O3 mediante sistemas tiosulfato-cobre-amoniaco (BIORE-Pd)

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    Resumen del proyecto de líneas prioritarias "Biorrecuperación del metal en catalizadores Pd/Al2O3 mediante sistemas tiosulfato-cobre-amoniaco (BIORE-Pd)" del IMEYMAT

    3D-printing of metallic honeycomb monoliths as a doorway to a new generation of catalytic devices: the Ni-based catalysts in methane dry reforming showcase

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    Stainless-steel honeycomb monoliths (square cell-shape/230 cpsi cylinders) were 3D-printed and used as support of a Ni/CeO2-ZrO2 powder deposited by washcoating. The resulting catalysts were characterized by XRF, SEM-EDX and H-2-TPR, and tested in the dry reforming of methane reaction. In the 750-900 degrees C range, they showed competitive conversions (45-95%) and H-2/CO ratio (0.84-0.94) compared to cordierite honeycombs with same catalyst loading and geometric characteristics, but did not require activation time thanks to better heat transfer. Both structured catalysts were stable in prolonged TOS experiments. The bare metallic monoliths exhibited significant activity at 900 degrees C due to their intrinsic nickel content

    Honeycomb monolithic design to enhance the performance of Ni-based catalysts for dry reforming of methane

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    Supported Ni catalysts (4.5 wt%) using a Ce-Zr oxide (18/82 molar ratio and a ceria-rich surface) depicting advanced redox properties, were deposited by washcoating over cordierite honeycombs (230 and 400 cpsi). FIB-STEM unveiled nanostructure details otherwise undistinguishable by conventional techniques. The catalytic performance was evaluated in the dry reforming of methane at 700-900 ºC, using a CH4:CO2 1:1 feedstock, and exploring high Weight Hourly Space Velocity (115-346 L g-1 h-1). The structured catalysts exhibited better performance than the corresponding powders, reaching values close to thermodynamic limits for both reactants conversion and H2/CO ratio, from 750 ºC, and no deactivation was observed in prolonged experiments (24-48 hours). This was related to both the high catalyst efficiency after being deposited with low loading on the cordierite and the intrinsic advantages of the monolithic reactor, like preventing from the kinetic control that operates in powdered samples under high WHSV or limiting the deactivation.The authors thank the financial support by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain/FEDER Program of the EU (Project MAT2017-87579-R), and the Junta de Andalucía (Groups FQM-110 and FQM-334). We also acknowledge the Cadiz University SC-ICyT for using its facilities for the ICP-AES, XRD, XRF and SEM-EDX measurements, and the Seville University CITIUS for the FIB-(S)TEM studies.Artículo científico de 10 pgs. Publicado el 1 de enero de 2022 y cumplidos dos años desde dicha fecha, se puede incluir el fichero con la versión remitida a publicar en el repositorio institucional RODIN