18 research outputs found

    « Brisées par leur travail! OU Au bout du rouleau » : réflexion critique sur les modes managériaux en santé

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    After introducing and describing managerial health practices, the authors critically reflect on four ethical issues that arise from these practices. Copyright © Marie-Josée Drolet, Mireille Lalancette and Marie-Ève Caty, 202

    Réflexions critiques sur les dimensions éthiques des pratiques de la réadaptation

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    Advocacy et nouveaux modes managériaux : le rôle politique de deux ordres professionnels de la santé = Advocacy and new managerial modes: the political role of two health professional associations

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    This article discusses the rhetoric deployed by two professional orders, the Ordre des ergothérapeutes du Québec and the Ordre des orthophonistes et des audiologistes du Québec, when they are called upon to contribute to public debates on various social issues. What rationalities do they promote and how are these rationalities are in tension with those articulated by the government? To answer this question, we analyzed 10 recent briefs tabled at the National Assembly of Quebec. Our analyses reveal four rationalities: Political, economic, scientific and ethical. By revealing these rationalities, we highlight the tensions between bureaucratic and professional logic. This article thus helps to demystify a little-known political communication exercise. © 2020 Communiquer. Revue de communication sociale et publique. All rights reserved

    La place de l’éthique professionnelle dans les programmes d’orthophonie au Canada

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    Résumé L’éthique professionnelle est une compétence importante pour les professionnels qui œuvrent dans le domaine de la santé. Chez les orthophonistes, plus spécifiquement, l’élargissement constant du champ de pratique et la complexification des besoins de la population vieillissante font en sorte que ces professionnels sont confrontés à davantage de questionnements de nature éthique. Pourtant, la littérature scientifique démontre que les orthophonistes ne se sentent pas adéquatement préparés à résoudre des enjeux de nature éthique. L’objectif général de cette étude était d’examiner l’état de la formation en éthique professionnelle dans tous les programmes canadiens qui offrent une formation en orthophonie. Afin de répondre à cet objectif, un sondage a été envoyé aux directeurs des onze programmes universitaires canadiens en orthophonie. Trois programmes ont répondu au sondage. Les principaux résultats obtenus suggèrent que l’éthique professionnelle est un sujet enseigné à l’intérieur de différents cours des cursus universitaires canadiens en orthophonie. Malgré tout, le pourcentage consacré à celui-ci à l’intérieur des cours s’avère faible et difficile à bien estimer. Ces résultats offrent un premier éclairage sur la quantité et la qualité des cours portant sur l’éthique professionnelle offerts dans les différents programmes canadiens d’orthophonie, de même que sur les méthodes pédagogiques utilisées. Abstract Professional ethics is an important skill for professionals who work in the area of health. For speech-language pathologists specifically, the constant widening of the field of practice and the increasing complexity of the needs of the aging population expose professionals to more ethical questioning. Yet, the scientific literature demonstrates that speech-language pathologists do not feel properly prepared to solve ethical issues. The main objective of this study was to examine the situation of ethics training in all Canadian programs that offer speech language pathology training. In order to meet this objective, a survey was sent to the directors of the eleven Canadian university programs in speech-language pathology. Three programs responded to the survey. The main results obtained suggest that professional ethics is a subject taught within different courses in Canadian university speech-language programs. Nevertheless, the percentage dedicated to ethics inside the courses is low and difficult to clearly estimate. These results shed light on the quantity and quality of professional ethics courses offered in the various Canadian speech-language programs, as well as on the teaching methods used

    Reflective practice in speech-language pathology: relevance for practice and education = La pratique réflexive en orthophonie : pertinence pour la pratique et l’enseignement

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    As a profession, speech-language pathology appears to have become interested in reflection and reflective practice as important components of clinical practice and education. However, little systematic consideration of the potential value of reflective practice within the field has been undertaken. The purpose of this paper seeks to consider how reflective practice is relevant to contemporary speech-language pathology practice. Drawing on comprehensive and diverse theoretical literature, we suggest that reflective practice is a framework worthy of consideration because of its potential to: (1) foster the generation of knowledge from practice, (2) balance and contextualize science with patient care, (3) facilitate the integration of theory and practice, (4) link evidence-based practice with clinical expertise, and finally, (5) contribute to the cultivation of ethical practice. © 2016, Canadian Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists. All Rights Reserved

    Transformation and articulation of clinical data to understand students’ and health professionals’ clinical reasoning : protocol for a scoping review

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    Background: There are still unanswered questions regarding effective educational strategies to promote the transformation and articulation of clinical data while teaching and learning clinical reasoning. Additionally, understanding how this process can be analyzed and assessed is crucial, particularly considering the rapid growth of natural language processing in artificial intelligence. Objective: The aim of this study is to map educational strategies to promote the transformation and articulation of clinical data among students and health care professionals and to explore the methods used to assess these individuals’ transformation and articulation of clinical data. Methods: This scoping review follows the Joanna Briggs Institute framework for scoping reviews and the PRISMA-ScR (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews) checklist for the analysis. A literature search was performed in November 2022 using 5 databases: CINAHL (EBSCOhost), MEDLINE (Ovid), Embase (Ovid), PsycINFO (Ovid), and Web of Science (Clarivate). The protocol was registered on the Open Science Framework in November 2023. The scoping review will follow the 9-step framework proposed by Peters and colleagues of the Joanna Briggs Institute. A data extraction form has been developed using key themes from the research questions. Results: After removing duplicates, the initial search yielded 6656 results, and study selection is underway. The extracted data will be qualitatively analyzed and presented in a diagrammatic or tabular form alongside a narrative summary. The review will be completed by February 2024. Conclusions: By synthesizing the evidence on semantic transformation and articulation of clinical data during clinical reasoning education, this review aims to contribute to the refinement of educational strategies and assessment methods used in academic and continuing education programs. The insights gained from this review will help educators develop more effective semantic approaches for teaching or learning clinical reasoning, as opposed to fragmented, purely symptom-based or probabilistic approaches. Besides, the results may suggest some ways to address challenges related to the assessment of clinical reasoning and ensure that the assessment tasks accurately reflect learners’ developing competencies and educational progress

    Cheminement et difficultés analytiques en méthodologie de la théorisation enracinée : expérience de deux doctorantes

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    Les difficultés analytiques de la méthodologie de la théorisation enracinée (MTE) sont rarement abordées dans les écrits scientifiques. Comment mettre en oeuvre la MTE? Quelles sont les difficultés analytiques de la MTE rencontrées par les chercheurs novices? Cet article aborde des moments critiques vécus par les deux auteures au cours de l’analyse de leurs données de recherche doctorale suivant les principes de la MTE. L’objectif est de mettre en lumière des difficultés qui surviennent pour une majorité de chercheurs novices dans la réalisation d’une recherche qualitative employant un devis MTE ainsi que d’offrir des conseils notamment en lien avec la gestion de la panoplie de données, la saturation des données et la démarche itérative. Des exemples précis tirés du projet de doctorat des deux auteures sont partagés. Il en ressort que l’encadrement du directeur de thèse est primordial dans le cheminement analytique. Ceci rappelle que le mentorat est un élément important dans l’apprentissage de la MTE