Reflective practice in speech-language pathology: relevance for practice and education = La pratique réflexive en orthophonie : pertinence pour la pratique et l’enseignement


As a profession, speech-language pathology appears to have become interested in reflection and reflective practice as important components of clinical practice and education. However, little systematic consideration of the potential value of reflective practice within the field has been undertaken. The purpose of this paper seeks to consider how reflective practice is relevant to contemporary speech-language pathology practice. Drawing on comprehensive and diverse theoretical literature, we suggest that reflective practice is a framework worthy of consideration because of its potential to: (1) foster the generation of knowledge from practice, (2) balance and contextualize science with patient care, (3) facilitate the integration of theory and practice, (4) link evidence-based practice with clinical expertise, and finally, (5) contribute to the cultivation of ethical practice. © 2016, Canadian Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists. All Rights Reserved

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