19 research outputs found


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    Upaya Kesehatan jiwa tentunya tidak terlepas dari peran kader Kesehatan dalam mensosialisasikan psikoedukasi pada keluarga. Psikoedukasi untuk meningkatkan pemahaman atau keterampilan sebagai usaha pencegahan dari munculnya psikologis dan meningkatkan pemahaman bagi masyarakat tentang gangguan psikologis, sehingga kesehatan jiwa masyarakat meningkat. Kesehatan jiwa meningkatkan kesehatan masyarakat yang akan mempengaruhi meningkatnya produktivitas sumber daya manusia. Target: Target capean adalah: Kader kesehatan dan kesehatan jiwa   35 orang, dan Tokoh Masyarakat/ Litmas : 4 orang dan 1 perawat jiwa dari Puskesmas. Metode pelaksanaan: Metode pemasaran sosial didahului dengan pedekatan dengan Puskesmas, perawat   PKM, dan kunjungan wilayah untuk mengetahui permasalahan yang ada, pertemuan dengan tokoh masyarakat/ litmas dan kader kesehatan untuk menyamakan persepsi pelaksanaan.  Metode elaksanaan pelatihan Psikoedukasi    pada  kader kesehatan dengan ceramah dan demostrasi, didahulu dengan pre test, dilanjutkan pemberian materi dan demostrasi, redemostrasi dengan metode kelompok kecil dan didampingi oleh fasilitator, akhir pelaksanaan dengan dilakukan post test. Metode Evaluasi  praktek pelaksanaan Psikoedukasi Kesehatan jiwa  ke keluarga dan warga dengan gangguan jiwa didampingi oleh fasilitator. Hasil: Hasil pre tes dan post test menunjukan adanya peningkatan, Hasil Evaluasi pendampingan ole fasilitator pada kader  dalam kunjungan warga   dengan gangguan jiwa menunjukan adanya peningkatan kemampuan kader dalam memberikan dukungan Kesehatan jiwa pada anggota keluarga/Orang Dengan Gangguan Jiwa (ODGJ) di Kelurahan Mojosongo Kecamatan Jebres Surakarta

    Analysis Of Factors Affecting Recurrence People With Mental Disorders

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    Background: Currently around 450 million people worldwide suffer from mental disorders. Patients with mental disorders one third live in developing countries. Riskesdas (2018) found that there was an increase in national psychosis/schizophrenic sufferers (7 per mil). The results of the 2019 study showed that patient relapses were still found which were generally caused by drug withdrawal factors, lack of family support, negative community stigma, and underutilization of health facilities. This study aims to analyze the factors that influence recurrence in people with mental disorders Methods: This study uses a descriptive correlational method, namely research that seeks the relationship between variables. This study utilizes a cross-sectional methodology which is a sort of exploration that underlines the hour of estimation/perception of information on autonomous and subordinate factors at a specific time Results: The majority of respondents were male, as many as 87 (60%), graduate from elementary and non-school, reaching 69 (48.3%). A total of 91 (63.6%) respondents were not working and as many as 89 (62.2%) were single. There was a critical negative connection between self-efficacy and relapse of people with mental disorders (Rs = - 0.414, p = 0.000). There was a positive connection between dysfunctional attitudes and relapse of people with mental disorders (Rs = 0.343, p = 0.000). There was a significant positive relationship between life satisfaction and symptoms of recurrence in patients with mental disorders (Rs = 0.346, p = 0.000). There was a significant positive relationship between social support and symptoms of mental disorder recurrence (Rs = 0.753, p = 0.000). There was a significant positive relationship between medication adherence and relapse in patients with mental disorders (Rs = 0.294, p = 0.000). Adherence to taking medication was an indicator of recurrence in patients with mental disorders with p = 0.000 and OR = 22. Conclusion: Self-efficacy, dysfunctional attitudes, life satisfaction, social support, and medication adherence affect the relapse of people with mental disorders. Appropriate action to the main factors that influence recurrence can be taken to prevent recurrence of patients with mental problems

    Effects of Joint Gymnastics Exercise Intervention on Improving Functional Ability of the Elderly

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    Background: The elderly experience changes in the musculoskeletal system in the form of joint disorders that attack the joints and supporting tissue structures around the joints causing pain, loss of physical function, and disability. This requires management to reduce joint pain and improve muscle movement, function, strength, and endurance using joint gymnastics/rheumatism. The purpose of this study was to improve the ability of physical functioning in the elderly. Methods: Quasi-experimental research with pre-post test design. The number of samples was 42 elderly people. This study measured the ability of physical function in the elderly. The research instrument used the KOOS (Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score) questionnaire. Data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon signed ranks test. Results: Research shows the majority of respondents are > 59 years old, and the majority are women (62.2%). There was an increase in knowledge with an increase in score of 2.19 and functional ability with an increase of 21.71 which was described in 4 sections, namely for pain score increased by 7.59, sign and symptom score increased by 7.09, ADL score increased by 2.76 and quality of life score increased by 4.26.  There was a significant effect (p = 0.000) of joint gymnastics training interventions on improving knowledge and functional abilities. Conclusion: There is an effect of joint gymnastics exercise interventions on improving knowledge and functional abilities.  Suggestion: the application of joint gymnastics exercises is needed as an additional intervention in the community and to improve functional ability in the elderly


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    Introduction: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a health problem that is increased every year. All stages of CKD are related to the increased risk of cardiovascular morbidity, premature mortality and the decreased quality of life (Hill, NR, Fatoba, ST, Oke, JL, Hirst, JA, O’Callaghan, CA, Laseserson, JS, Hobbs, FDR 2016). People who experience chronic kidney disease(CKD) will require renal replacement therapy, and one of treatment for patient with CKD is hemodialysis. Patients undergoing hemodialysis will experience psychological, sociological, spiritual, biological, and physical change that result in the changes of self-concept. The Purpose of this research was to describe self-concept of chronic renal failure patients who undergoing hemodialysis in dr Soeradji Tirtonegoro Hospital Klaten. Method: This research is descriptive survey research design. The sampling technique is purposive sampling of 30 respondents using inclusion and exclusion criteria. Instrument of self-concept used modified questionnaire from The Tennessee Self Concept Scale (TSCS) (Fitts, WH & Warren, WC 1996) and Musyanawati (2015). Results: The result showed that 30 respondents (100%) had adaptive self concept, but respondents showed symptoms that risk on changing self concept. Body image of respondents are in the positive and negative ranges. Ideal self of respondent was in the realistic and unrealistic ranges. Self esteem of respondents is in the high and low range. Role of respondents are in the performance unsatisfactory and satisfactory. Identity respondents are in the range of clear identity to negative range. Discussion: Overall, the self consept in patients undergoing hemodialysis are in the adaptive ranges, but respondents showed symptoms that risk on changing self concept. Keywords: Chronic Renal Failure, Hemodialysis, Self Concep


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    Lansia adalah kelompok rentan /beresiko terhadap penyakit infeksi maupun penyakit tidak menular (PTM) disebabkan oleh penurunan fungsi organ secara fisiologis dan penurunan immunitas. Berbagai keluhan muncul terutama yang bekaitan dengan sistemkardiovaskuler dan syndrmmetabolisme seperti meningkatnyaTekanan Darah (Hypertensi) .  Pemantauan Kesehatan lansia seyogyanya dilakukan secara teratur supaya permasalahan Kesehatan Lansia cepat teratasi. Posyandu Lansia adalah Lembaga swadaya masyarakat yang mendapat support dari Pemerintah dan tersebar hampir disetiap desa. Layanan Kesehatan rutin berupa : penimbangan BB, pengkuran Tinggi Badan dan pengukuran Tekanan darah dilakukan oleh Kader terlatih.  Pemeriksan Laboratorium sederhana seperti Gula darah, asam urat dan kolesterol tidak termasuk program posyandu dikarenakan tidak ada alokasi dana, sehingga gejala awal PTM tidak terdeteksi. Berdasarkan  uraian tersebut , kami dosen Poltekkes akan melakukan Pengabmas dengan melakukan Pemeriksaan  dasar  meliputi pemeriksaan  Tekanan Darah pada lansia sebagai upaya deteksi dini PTM dan memberikan senam hipertensi sebagai relaksasi.  Tujuan : Mewujudkan kehidupan yang sehat bagi lansia melalui pemberian terapi senam Hipertensi di Posyandu Lansia. Metode : Dengan melakukan Pelatihan Senam Hipertensi dan PengukuranTD. Manfaat : Sebagai upaya deteksi dini Penyakit Tidak Menular dan meningkatkan kunjungan posyandu lansia

    Pemberdayaan Pasien Dengan Pendekatan Self Help Group Terhadap Perubahan Mekanisme Koping Pada Pasien Gangguan Jiwa Skizoprenia Di RSJD Dr Arif Z Surakarta

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    Background: Schizophrenia is one of the most common forms of mental disorders in Indonesia. Effective treatments for mental disorders are coming from themselves (WHO, 2018), for some mental disorders require empowerment, one of which is Self Help Group therapy. Self Help Group aims to develop empathy among fellow group members where fellow group members provide mutual support to form adaptive coping. This study aims to determine the effect of empowering patients with the Self Help Group approach to coping mechanisms in patients with schizophrenic mental disorders. Method: The research is quasi-experiment with a pre-post test design with a control group design. Data were taken before and after the administration of self-help intervention groups in schizophrenia in the intervention group. The number of samples is 66 clients divided by 2, namely 33 respondents for the intervention group and 33 respondents for the control group. This study measured coping mechanisms. The research instrument used a coping mechanism questionnaire. Data were analyzed using a dependent t-test, independent multiple linear regression t-test. Results: The study proved that there are significant differences in the coping mechanism before and after giving the Self Help Group (p-value, 0.000). Self Help Group if implemented by the patient has the opportunity to improve coping mechanisms by 20.1% and is expected to improve the coping mechanism by 4.909 points. Conclusion: The Self Help Group used for interventions is considered effective to increase coping skills


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    Abstract: Decrease Response Angry, Violent Behavior, De-Escalation Techniques. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of techniques for de-escalation of the mad changes in mental patients with violent behavior. This research is a quasi experimental design with pre-post test with control group "with the intervention de-escalation techniques. How is the total sampling sampling with a sample of 28 clients divided into 2 groups: a group of 14 clients get de-escalation techniques and 14 client groups that do not get the technique de-eskalasi.Pada group that received de-escalation techniques, a meeting 2 times span of 2 days. The statistical test used was the t test with a 95% confidence level. The results of this study demonstrate implementation techniques de-escalation in patients angry with violent behavior provide a more significant effect than those not given the de-escalation techniques that proved the value of Ï value = 0.00Keywords: Decrease Response Angry, Violent Behavior, De-Escalation Techniques.Abstrak: Penurunan Respon Marah, Perilaku Kekerasan, Teknik De-Eskalasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk untuk mengetahui pengaruh teknik de-eskalasi terhadap perubahan marah pada pasien gangguan jiwa dengan perilaku kekerasan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperimen dengan desain pre post test with control group †dengan intervensi teknik de-eskalasi. Cara pengambilan sampel adalah total sampling dengan sampel sebanyak 28 klien dibagi 2 kelompok yaitu 14 klien kelompok yang mendapatkan teknik de-eskalasi dan 14 klien kelompok yang tidak mendapatkan teknik de-eskalasi.Pada kelompok yang mendapat teknik de-eskalasi dilakukan pertemuan sebanyak 2 kali dalam rentang waktu 2 hari. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah dengan t test dengan derajat kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan Implementasi teknik de-eskalasi pada pasien marah dengan perilaku kekerasan memberikan pengaruh lebih signifikan dibanding dengan yang tidak diberikan teknik de-eskalasi yang dibuktikan nilai Ï value = 0.00Kata Kunci : Penurunan Respon Marah, Perilaku Kekerasan, Teknik De- Eskalasi

    Parenting Psikoedukasi Dalam Mendukung Perkembangan Sosial Dan Emosional Anak Usia Pra Sekolah Di Kota Surakarta

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    Background: Children in kindergarten are experiencing rapid growth and development. Supporting child development is not only the responsibility of the government but also the responsibility of parents, teachers and the surrounding community. Parents are expected to have a good understanding of the psychological child so that they can provide care and education that allows children to grow and develop according to their age. This study aims to determine the effect of parenting psychoeducation on the social and emotional development of pre-school children. Methods: This research used the method of "quasi experiment pre-post test with one group" with a total sample of 63 pre-school age children. Sampling was done using Non Randomized One Group Pretest Postest Design. Research data analysis was performed using SPSS version 23. Results: The results showed that preschool age children numbered 63 people consisting of 60.3% (38) people were male and the rest were female 39.7% (25). There was an increase in social development in preschool children whose parents received significantly higher parenting psychoeducation (p value 0,000) There was an increase in emotional development in pre-school children whose parents received significantly higher parenting psychoeducation (p value 0,000). Conclusion: The conclusion showed that there was a parenting psychoeducation effect on parents on social and emotional development of pre-school age children. Keywords: Psychoeducation, Social and Emotional Development, Pre School Childre


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    Abstract: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Anxiety, Coping Mechanisms, Self Esteem, The Patient With Schizophrenia. This study aimed to determine the effect of CBT to change coping mechanisms, anxiety, self-esteem in patients schizophrenia in Mental Hospital, Surakarta. The research method was quasi experimental pre-post test with control group. The data was gathered at before and after giving the CBT interventions in schizophrenia patients the intervention group.The amount of samples were 64 respondents which were 32 respondents of intervention group and 32 respondents of control group. Research instrument to learn coping mechanisms, anxiety, self-esteem. Data were analyzed using paired t-tests. Independent t-test multiple linear regression. The results of this study e a significant difference anxiety, coping mechanisms and self esteem before and after CBT (p value <0.05), this proves the existence of a significant change in the patients the intervensi group CBT than the control group.The conclusion is that the level of anxiety, coping mechanisms will be decreased whether and self esteem will be higher the patient does the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) by himself consistently life with the probability score is 10.0% for anxiety condition and 8.50% for coping mechanisms condition and 31.3 for self-esteem degree and there will be enhanced -4.938 point for anxiety and -4.969 point for coping mechanisms condition and 5.906 point for self esteem degree.Keywords : cognitive behavioral therapy, anxiety, coping mechanisms, self esteem, the patient with schizophreniaAbstrak: skizofrenia, kecemasan, mekanisme koping, harga diri, cognitive behavioral therapy (cbt). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh CBT terhadap perubahan mekanisme koping, kecemasan, harga diri pada pasien Skizoprenia di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Daerah Surakarta. Metode penelitian adalah quasi experiment dengan desain pre-post test design with control group. Data diambil sebelum dan sesudah pemberian intervensi CBT pada pasien skizofrenia kelompok intervensi. Cara pengambilan sampel adalah convinience sampling dengan sampel sebanyak 64 klien dibagi 2 yaitu 32 responden untuk kelompok intervensi dan 32 responden untuk kelompok kontrol. Instrumen penelitian untuk mengetahui mekanisme koping, kecemasan, harga diri. Data dianalisis menggunakan Paired t-tes., independent t-test regresi linier ganda. Hasil penelitian membuktikan adanya perbedaan yang bermakna kecemasan, mekanisme koping dan hargadiri rendah sebelum dan sesudah pemberian CBT (p value < 0,05), hal ini membuktikan adanya perubahan yang bermakna pada pasien yang mendapatkan CBT dibandingkan yang tidak mendapatkan. CBT bila dilaksanakan secara konsisten oleh pasien, berpeluang untuk menurunkan kecemasan sebesar 10,0% dan diperkirakan mampu menurunkan nilai kecemasan sebesar -4.938 poin dan berpeluang untuk menurunkan mekanisme koping sebesar 8.50% dan diperkirakan mampu menurunkan nilai mekanisme koping sebesar -4.969 poin dan juga berpeluang untuk meningkatkan harga diri sebesar 31.3% dan diperkirakan mampu meningkatkan nilai harga diri sebesar 5.906 poin. Disarankan CBT digunakan sebagai suatu intervensi keperawatan dalam merawat pasien gangguan jiwa.Kata kunci: skizofrenia, kecemasan, mekanisme koping, harga diri, cognitive behavioral therapy (cbt)


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    Introduction: Schizophrenia is a chronic psychotic with the prevalence of schizophrenia in Indonesia is 70%. The schizhophrenia often accompanied by negative feelings self-perception, and self-efficacy, helplessness, anxiety, behavioral changes. The number of schizhopheria in Mental Hospital in Surakarta was 93% in 2008. Physical treatment of schizophrenia patients were included drug delivery and Convultion Electro Therapy (ECT). These treatments were considered unsufficient so that psychological approach such as psychotherapy can be taken into account. One provision of psychotherapy patients with schizophrenia is Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT) which can help individuals to develop skills in improving the coping mechanisms, reducing anxiety and increasing self-esteem. This study is aimed to determine the effect of SEFT to change coping mechanisms, anxiety, self-esteem in patients schizophrenia in Mental Hospital, Surakarta. Method: The research method was quasi experimental with pre-post test with control group. The data was gathered before and after giving the SEFT interventions in intervention and control group of schizophrenia patients.The amount of samples were 64 respondents which were 32 respondents of intervention group and 32 respondents of control group. The research instrument was adapted from Coopersmith Self Esteem Inventory (CSEI) that consist of 58 items regarding self esteem. Data were analyzed using paired t-tests., Independent t-test multiple linear regression. Result: The results of this study showed that there was a significant difference of self esteem before and after SEFT (p value <0.05). Conclusion: This proves that the existence of a significant change in the patients in the intervention group SEFT than the control group. The conclusion is that the level of self esteem could be increased by SEFT with the probability score is 31.3% and could increase point 4.312 point for self esteem degree. Keyword: Schizophrenia, Self Esteem, Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT