65 research outputs found

    Cultura obrera y prensa anarquista: radiografia de Guerra di Classe, plataforma de los anarquistas italianos durante la Guerra Civil en Catalunya, 1936-1938

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    Giovanni C. Cattini is a young historian who offers an itemized study on Berneri's Guerra di Classe: he refers the first moments and also the definitive crisis of this newspaper after Berneri¿s assassination in May 1937. This is not the first work devoted to this militant platform has been annalysed but Cattini's approach observes not only the ideological and political contest maintained with other sectors of the libertarian movement but the contrived militant tools that have allowed its existance during the Spanish Civil War

    El projecte Almirall a Cercles

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    El Projecte Almirall. Pensament i cultura del segle XIX neix per explicar la importància del fons bibliogràfic de la Biblioteca de l’Ateneu Barcelonès com a eina per entendre la recepció dels corrents europeus del pensament, humanístic i científic en la societat catalana i espanyola de finals del Vuit-cents. Això és possible perquè l’Ateneu Barcelonès era el lloc on els intel·lectuals i els escriptors catalans podien llegir revistes i llibres europeus amb les últimes novetats en els diferents camps del coneixement. D’aquesta manera, en podien resumir les tesis en els diaris i en la premsa catalana, actuant així de vertaders intermediaris culturals d’aquestes idees. Avui en dia, i gràcies a la progressiva digitalització del fons bibliogràfic, el Projecte Almirall ens permet de reconstruir la recepció d’aquests corrents culturals d’una manera matisadaThe Almirall Project: a portal of 19th-century culture and thinking was created to explain the importance of the collection of the Barcelona Athenaeum Library as a tool to understand the reception of European currents of thought, humanities and science in Catalan and Spanish society in the late nineteenth century. This is possible because the Barcelona Athenaeum was the place where Catalan intellectuals and writers could read European magazines and books about the latest developments in the various fields of knowledge. In this way, they were able to summarize the arguments in the Catalan newspapers and press, thereby acting as true cultural intermediaries of these ideas. Today, thanks to the progressive digitization of the bibliographic collection, Project Almirall allows us to reconstruct the reception of these cultural currents in a nuanced wa

    Minoranze nazionali e sinistra democristiana: i cattolici toscani e la questione spagnola (1959-1964)

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    Negli ultimi anni la storiografia ha analizzato la rete delle relazioni tra l’opposizione antifranchista e le forze democratiche e socialiste italiane, però ha generalmente trascurato l’appoggio di una parte dei democratici cristiani all’antifranchismo cattolico. Nel presente articolo presenteremo il contributo che Giorgio La Pira ed un gruppo di giovani cattolici toscani, vicini a Nicola Pistelli e alla sua rivista Politica, diedero alla causa della democrazia spagnola, collaborando principalmente con cattolici dei movimenti nazionalisti baschi e catalani, ma anche del resto della Spagna. I cattolici toscani furono in prima linea nel denunciare la repressione franchista agli studenti e lavoratori spagnoli, così come informarono l’opinione pubblica italiana della presenza d’una opposizione antifranchista eterogenea in cui un ruolo non secondario era svolto da democristiani spagnoli, catalani e baschi. Queste rete di contatti ebbe il suo culmine nel IV Colloquio mediterraneo di Firenze (1964) in cui parteciparono vari esponenti dell’opposizione no-comunista alla dittatura di Franco. Questo attivismo ci permette delineare una serie di contatti transnazionali dell’antifranchismo poco conosciuti ma che, all’epoca, contribuirono a erodere il consenso che il regime vantava nel mondo cattolico. National Minorities and the Christian Democratic Left: Tuscan Catholics and the Spanish Question (1959-1964) Abstract: In the past few years historiography has analysed the network of relations between the anti-Francoist opposition and the Democratic and Socialist forces in Italy, but the support by some Christian Democrats to Catholic anti-Francoism has been generally neglected. The present article shows the contribution to the cause of Spanish democracy provided by Giorgio La Pira and a group of young Tuscan Catholics. These Catholics were close to Nicola Pistelli and his journal, Politica, and collaborated mainly with fellow Catholics from the Basque and Catalan nationalist movements, but also with others from the rest of Spain. Tuscan Catholics were at the forefront in denouncing Francoist repression of Spanish students and workers, and they informed the Italian public opinion about the existence of a heterogeneous anti-Francoist opposition in which an important role was being played by Spanish, Catalan and Basque Christian Democrats. This network of contacts culminated in the IV Mediterranean Colloquium in Florence (1964), which saw the participation of several representatives of the non-Communist opposition to Franco’s dictatorship. Such activism allows us to trace back a whole series of anti-Francoism transnational contacts which had been little-known until recently, but that at that time contributed to eroding the consensus enjoyed by the regime in the Catholic world

    La gran confrontación como paradigma de historia comparada en el área mediterránea

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    El escrito ofrece una aproximación a los temas tratados en el seminario La gran confrontación entre democracia y dictadura Se presentan por apartados: la cronología de la modernización de la sociedad mediterránea; las raíces de la debilidad del liberalismo y el papel de los intelectuales; el uso público de la historia en el debate historiográfico acerca del fascismo/antifascismo y sus transiciones; el papel de la Iglesia; el Ejército y el militarismo en los regímenes autoritarios.El escrito ofrece una aproximación a los temas tratados en el seminario La gran confrontación entre democracia y dictadura Se presentan por apartados: la cronología de la modernización de la sociedad mediterránea; las raíces de la debilidad del liberalismo y el papel de los intelectuales; el uso público de la historia en el debate historiográfico acerca del fascismo/antifascismo y sus transiciones; el papel de la Iglesia; el Ejército y el militarismo en los regímenes autoritarios.The piece offers an approach to the subjects dealt with in the seminar “The great confrontation between democracy and dictatorship”. They are presented in different sections: the chronology of the modernization of the Mediterranean society; the causes of the weakness of liberalism and the role of the intellectuals; the public use of history in the historiographic debate with regards to Fascism/anti-Fascism and its transitions; the role of the church; the Army and militarism in authoritarian regimes

    Història Social / Biografia Històrica. Entrevista a Susanna Tavera

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    La biografía parlamentaria en la historiografía vasca

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    Ressenya de Joseba Agirreazkuenaga i Mikel Urquijo (dirs.), Diccionario biográficode los diputados y diputadas del Parlamento Vasco (1980-1984), 2 vols.,Bilbao, Eusko Legebiltzarra / Parlamento Vasco, 2021.Review Joseba Agirreazkuenaga i Mikel Urquijo (dirs.), Diccionario biográficode los diputados y diputadas del Parlamento Vasco (1980-1984), 2 vols.,Bilbao, Eusko Legebiltzarra / Parlamento Vasco, 2021.Reseña de Joseba Agirreazkuenaga i Mikel Urquijo (dirs.), Diccionario biográficode los diputados y diputadas del Parlamento Vasco (1980-1984), 2 vols.,Bilbao, Eusko Legebiltzarra / Parlamento Vasco, 2021

    La modernització i les seves incògnites: el malson de les multituds

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