3,519 research outputs found

    The Bible translation movement in Renaissance France through example: the analysis of the Second Epistle of John

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    Este artículo pretende estudiar cuatro traducciones francesas de las Escrituras, ubicadas en el periodo del Renacimiento, por intermedio del análisis de la Segunda Epístola de Juan, perteneciente al Nuevo Testamento. Su principal objetivo es investigar la "Bible d’Olivetan" o de "Serrieres" de manera crítica comparando las técnicas ahí empleadas al texto original griego, del cual fue presumiblemente traducida y, en un segundo momento, contrastarla con tres versiones francesas contemporáneas: Las traducciones católicas de Lefêvre d’Étaples y Lovaina y la edición protestante de Calvino, de 1561. Una investigación comparativa intentará, por tanto, determinar las principales similitudes y diferencias traductológicas existientes entre estas versiones y si éstas proceden de factores ideológicos o puramente estilísticosThis article aims to study four French Renaissance translations of the Scriptures through the analysis of New Testament’s Second epistle of John. Its main purpose is to examine the "Bible d’Olivetan" or de "Serrieres" translation critically comparing its techniques to the original Greek text, from which it was presumably translated and, afterwards, to three French contemporary versions: The Catholic Lefèvre d’Étaples’ and Leuven’s translations; and the Protestant Calvin’s 1561 edition. A comparative investigation will thus try to determine the major similarities and differences in translation among these versions and whether these discrepancies come from ideological factors or purely stylistic ones.peerReviewe

    Green compressive sampling reconstruction in IoT networks

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    In this paper, we address the problem of green Compressed Sensing (CS) reconstruction within Internet of Things (IoT) networks, both in terms of computing architecture and reconstruction algorithms. The approach is novel since, unlike most of the literature dealing with energy efficient gathering of the CS measurements, we focus on the energy efficiency of the signal reconstruction stage given the CS measurements. As a first novel contribution, we present an analysis of the energy consumption within the IoT network under two computing architectures. In the first one, reconstruction takes place within the IoT network and the reconstructed data are encoded and transmitted out of the IoT network; in the second one, all the CS measurements are forwarded to off-network devices for reconstruction and storage, i.e., reconstruction is off-loaded. Our analysis shows that the two architectures significantly differ in terms of consumed energy, and it outlines a theoretically motivated criterion to select a green CS reconstruction computing architecture. Specifically, we present a suitable decision function to determine which architecture outperforms the other in terms of energy efficiency. The presented decision function depends on a few IoT network features, such as the network size, the sink connectivity, and other systems’ parameters. As a second novel contribution, we show how to overcome classical performance comparison of different CS reconstruction algorithms usually carried out w.r.t. the achieved accuracy. Specifically, we consider the consumed energy and analyze the energy vs. accuracy trade-off. The herein presented approach, jointly considering signal processing and IoT network issues, is a relevant contribution for designing green compressive sampling architectures in IoT networks


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    Obesity is the most prevalent nutritional disorder encountered in small animal medicine. Problems related with obesity are the higher incidence of morbidity and mortality. Nutritional and physical activity interventions have been common strategies employed; however, they have shown low compliance rates. Because of it more attention has been given to the nutrient composition of diets. Using the canine model, three experiments were conducted to examine the effect of fish oil or barley on protein and lipid metabolism, as well as postprandial glycemia, and nutrient digestibility in mature and in young adult dogs. In Exp. 1, seven female dogs were randomly assigned to one of two isonitrogenous and isocaloric diets, control (CO) or fish oil (FO), in a crossover design. Animals fed the FO diet tended to be more sensitive to glucose, showing a lower glucose half life. Cholesterol and HDL decreased (p\u3c0.05) on the FO treatment. Overall, the supplementation of fish oil may improve glucose clearance rate and is effective in decreasing cholesterol in mature overweight dogs. In Exp. 2, eight female Beagles were randomly assigned to one of two isonitrogenous and isocaloric diets, control (CO) or fish oil (FO), in a crossover design. Overall, feeding a FO containing diet showed a protective effect against the rise of plasma CHOL and it increased plasma ghrelin levels. However, it did not appear to improve protein metabolism or postprandial glycemia in adult lean dogs. In Exp. 3, sixteen female dogs were randomly assigned to four experimental diets; control (40% corn) or three levels of barley (10, 20, 40%). The data suggest that inclusion of barley up to 40% in diets for adult dogs is well tolerated and does not negatively impact nutrient digestibility of the diets. However, inclusion of barley did not improve aspects related to fecal odor, postprandial glycemia, or plasma cholesterol. Overall, the research presented herein suggests that different nutritional strategies - dietary lipid or carbohydrate manipulation - may be beneficial in ameliorating health issues (e.g., hyperlipidemia) or in improving the health status of dogs (e.g., gut health by increased SCFA production)

    Primary and secondary thickening in the stem of Cordyline fruticosa (Agavaceae)

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    The growth in thickness of monocotyledon stems can be either primary, or primary and secondary. Most of the authors consider this thickening as a result of the PTM (Primary Thickening Meristem) and the STM (Secondary Thickening Meristem) activity. There are differences in the interpretation of which meristem would be responsible for primary thickening. In Cordyline fruticosa the procambium forms two types of vascular bundles: collateral leaf traces (with proto and metaxylem and proto and metaphloem), and concentric cauline bundles (with metaxylem and metaphloem). The procambium also forms the pericycle, the outermost layer of the vascular cylinder consisting of smaller and less intensely colored cells that are divided irregularly to form new vascular bundles. The pericycle continues the procambial activity, but only produces concentric cauline bundles. It was possible to conclude that the pericycle is responsible for the primary thickening of this species. Further away from the apex, the pericyclic cells undergo periclinal divisions and produce a meristematic layer: the secondary thickening meristem. The analysis of serial sections shows that the pericycle and STM are continuous in this species, and it is clear that the STM originates in the pericycle.The endodermis is acknowledged only as the innermost layer of the cortex.O crescimento em espessura do caule de monocotiledônea pode ser primário, ou primário e secundário. A maioria dos autores consideram o espessamento resultante do MEP (Meristema de Espessamento Primário) e do MES (Meristema de Espessamento Secundário). Há divergências de qual seria o meristema responsável pelo espessamento primário. Em Cordyline fruticosa o procâmbio forma feixes vasculares de dois tipos: traços foliares colaterais (com proto e metaxilema e proto e metafloema), e feixes caulinares concêntricos (com metaxilema e metafloema). O procâmbio também forma o periciclo, a camada mais externa do cilindro vascular, constituída por células menores e menos coradas que se dividem irregularmente, formando novos feixes vasculares. O periciclo dá continuidade à atividade procambial, originando somente feixes concêntricos. Concluiu-se ser o periciclo responsável pelo espessamento primário desta espécie. Mais distante do ápice as células pericíclicas passam a sofrer divisões periclinais originando o Meristema de Espessamento Secundário. A análise dos cortes seriados mostra que o periciclo e o MES são contínuos nesta espécie, ficando claro que o periciclo origina oMES. A endoderme é reconhecida, apenas, como a camada mais interna do córtex.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Performance-Based Design of the CRS-RRC Schoenflies-Motion Generator

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    Rigid-body displacements obtained by combining spatial translations and rotations around axes whose direction is fixed in the space are named Shoenflies' motions. They constitute a 4-dimensional (4-D) subgroup, named Shoenflies' subgroup, of the 6-D displacement group. Since the set of rotation-axis' directions is a bi-dimensional space, the set of Shoenflies' subgroups is a bi-dimensional space, too. Many industrial manipulations (e.g., pick-and-place on a conveyor belt) require displacements that belong to only one Schoenflies' subgroup and can be accomplished by particular 4-degrees-of-freedom (4-DOF) manipulators (Shoenflies-motion generators (SMGs)). The first author has recently proposed a novel parallel SMG of type CRS-RRC (1). Such SMG features a single-loop architecture with actuators on the base and a simple decoupled kinematics. Here, firstly, an organic review of the previous results on this SMG is presented; then, its design is addressed by considering its kinetostatic performances. The adopted design procedure optimizes two objective functions, one (global conditioning index (GCI)) that measures the global performance and the other (CImin) that evaluates the worst local performance in the useful workspace. The results of this optimization procedure are the geometric parameters' values that make the studied SMG have performances comparable with those of commercial SMGs. In addition, a realistic 3D model that solves all the manufacturing doubts with simple and cheap solutions is presented

    Haemodynamic changes during propofol induction in dogs: New findings and approach of monitoring

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    Abstract Background Propofol is one of the most widely used injectable anaesthetic agents in veterinary practice. Cardiovascular effects related to propofol use in dogs remain less well defined. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the haemodynamic changes during induction of general anaesthesia with propofol in healthy dogs, by a beat-to-beat continuous monitoring. All dogs were premedicated with intramuscular acepromazine (0.015 mg/kg) and methadone (0.15 mg/kg). Transthoracic echocardiography was used to measure the velocity time integral (VTI) of the left ventricular outflow tract. A syringe driver, programmed to deliver propofol 5 mg/kg over 30 s followed by a continuous infusion of 25 mg/kg/h, was used to induce and maintain anaesthesia. From the initiation of propofol administration, heart rate (HR) and mean invasive arterial blood pressure (MAP) were recorded every 5 s for 300 s, while aortic blood flow was continuously recorded and stored for 300 S. maximum cardiovascular depression was defined the lowest MAP (MAP_Tpeak) recorded during the monitored interval. VTI and VTI*HR were calculated at 0, 30, 90, 120, 150 and 300 s post administration of propofol, and at MAP_Tpeak. Haemodynamic effects of propofol in relation to plasma and biophase concentrations were also evaluated by pharmacokinetics simulation. Results The median (range) HR was significantly higher (p = 0.006) at the moment of maximum hemodynamic depression (Tpeak) [105(70–148) bpm] compared with pre-induction values (T0) [65(50–120) bpm]. The median (range) MAP was significantly lower (p < 0.001) at Tpeak [61(51–69) mmHg] compared with T0 [88(72–97) mmHg]. The median (range) VTI and VTI*HR were similar at the two time points [11.9(8.1–17.3) vs 13,3(9,4-16,5) cm, and 1172(806–1554) vs 1002(630–1159) cm*bpm, respectively]. Conclusions Induction of anaesthesia with propofol causes a drop of arterial pressure in healthy dogs, however cardiac output is well maintained by compensatory chronotropic response. The magnitude of MAP_Tpeak may be strictly related with propofol plasma concentration

    La traducción bíblica en la Francia renacentista: la comprensión de Dios en la sociedad francesa de los siglos XV y XVI

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    En el presente trabajo estudiamos, a nivel traductológico, cuatro traducciones bíblicas francófonas distintas del siglo XVI: - Bible d’Anvers o de Lefèvre d’Étaples (1534); - Bible de Serrières o de Olivétan (1535); - Primera biblia de Lovaina (1550) y - Bible de l’épée o de Calvino (1561) El trabajo consiste en un análisis versicular de las traducciones mencionadas y de los originales utilizados en las mismas. Para este propósito, tomamos como objeto de estudio el libro de Rut, perteneciente al Antiguo Testamento y compuesto de cuatro capítulos. Su examen nos permitirá identificar las principales estrategias empleadas por los traductores católicos y protestantes, así como las diferencias existentes entre estas traducciones. Hemos llevado a cabo nuestro estudio en cinco fases bien definidas, distribuidas y estructuradas en tres capítulos principales. A continuación, detallamos las distintas fases del trabajo: 1. Estudio del contexto histórico y sociocultural de Francia y su entorno francófono en un período de cerca de 150 años (1450 – 1600). En este apartado comentamos cuestiones relacionadas con la guerra, las artes, el advenimiento de una nueva iglesia (protestante) y de nuevas formas de comercio y estructuración de la sociedad. Asimismo, hacemos hincapié en la evolución gubernamental del país y su relación con la Reforma Protestante dentro y fuera de sus fronteras. 2. Estudio de las principales traducciones bíblicas de la época. Describimos las obras más representativas, fechadas entre 1476-78 y 1561, así como las posibles motivaciones de sus traductores y un breve comentario sobre los mismos. 3. Análisis versicular del libro de Rut a partir de los textos base empleados (hebreo, griego y latín), así como la traducción de Martin Lutero al alemán. Hemos desarrollado un análisis horizontal entre los distintos textos originales y la traducción luterana, con la cual establecemos las discrepancias semánticas, las elecciones de vocabulario y las principales técnicas de traducción encontradas en los mismos. Hemos tenido en cuenta, sobre todo, las modificaciones realizadas por San Jerónimo (y plasmadas en la Vulgata), que constituirían la más importante fuente de discordancias entre las traducciones francófonas, y las posibles influencias sufridas por Lutero (sea del THM o de la Vulgata) a lo largo de su trabajo. 4. Estudio de la traducción de Pierre-Robert Olivétan, de 1535, por medio de un análisis vertical entre los textos de origen y la traducción olivetana. Hemos descrito las principales similitudes entre la Biblia de Serrières y el texto hebreo y las influencias de la Vulgata y de la traducción luterana. 5. Hemos elegido tres de las más representativas traducciones francófonas de la primera mitad del siglo XVI: La traducción de Lefèvre d’Étaples (1534), la traducción de Calvino (cuya primera edición está fechada en 1541, pero para este estudio se utilizó la edición revisada de 1561) y la traducción de Lovaina (1550). Tras ello, hemos realizado un análisis horizontal de dichas traducciones, confrontándolas entre sí y con la versión de Olivétan. Resaltamos, por tanto, las discrepancias entre las versiones católicas y las protestantes y su fidelidad con los respectivos textos origen (Vulgata – Traducciones católicas / THM, LXX – Traducciones protestantes). La naturaleza del análisis de las traducciones francófonas ha seguido la misma metodología utilizada en el estudio de los originales hebreo, griego y latino y la traducción luterana. Se han tenido en cuenta las técnicas de traducción empleadas por cada traductor, así como las modificaciones resultantes de influencias del hebreo sobre los textos católicos y del latín sobre los textos protestantes. En cuanto a las fases tres, cuatro y cinco, es importante advertir que hemos estudiado cada uno de los versículos (22 versículos pertenecientes al primer capítulo, 23 al segundo, 18 al tercero y 22 al cuarto) de forma independiente, abordando los tres niveles de análisis (originales – Lutero / originales – Olivétan / Olivétan – traducciones francófonas). Al final del análisis de cada capítulo del libro de Rut, hemos procedido a un análisis conclusivo para estudiar el estilo y las técnicas de traducción más empleadas por cada traductor, comparándolos entre sí para poder establecer un posible patrón de traducción existente entre las versiones católicas y protestantes

    Are We All in a Truman Show? Spotting Instagram Crowdturfing through Self-Training

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    Influencer Marketing generated $16 billion in 2022. Usually, the more popular influencers are paid more for their collaborations. Thus, many services were created to boost profiles' popularity metrics through bots or fake accounts. However, real people recently started participating in such boosting activities using their real accounts for monetary rewards, generating ungenuine content that is extremely difficult to detect. To date, no works have attempted to detect this new phenomenon, known as crowdturfing (CT), on Instagram. In this work, we propose the first Instagram CT engagement detector. Our algorithm leverages profiles' characteristics through semi-supervised learning to spot accounts involved in CT activities. Compared to the supervised approaches used so far to identify fake accounts, semi-supervised models can exploit huge quantities of unlabeled data to increase performance. We purchased and studied 1293 CT profiles from 11 providers to build our self-training classifier, which reached 95\% F1-score. We tested our model in the wild by detecting and analyzing CT engagement from 20 mega-influencers (i.e., with more than one million followers), and discovered that more than 20% was artificial. We analyzed the CT profiles and comments, showing that it is difficult to detect these activities based solely on their generated content

    Are We All in a Truman Show? Spotting Instagram Crowdturfing through Self-Training

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    Influencer Marketing generated 16 billion in 2022. Usually, the more popular influencers are paid more for their collaborations. Thus, many services were created to boost profiles' popularity metrics through bots or fake accounts. However, real people recently started participating in such boosting activities using their real accounts for monetary rewards, generating ungenuine content that is extremely difficult to detect. To date, no works have attempted to detect this new phenomenon, known as crowdturfing (CT), on Instagram. In this work, we propose the first Instagram CT engagement detector. Our algorithm leverages profiles' characteristics through semi-supervised learning to spot accounts involved in CT activities. Compared to the supervised approaches used so far to identify fake accounts, semi-supervised models can exploit huge quantities of unlabeled data to increase performance. We purchased and studied 1293 CT profiles from 11 providers to build our self-training classifier, which reached 95% F1-score. We tested our model in the wild by detecting and analyzing CT engagement from 20 mega-influencers (i.e., with more than one million followers), and discovered that more than 20 % was artificial. We analyzed the CT profiles and comments, showing that it is difficult to detect these activities based solely on their generated content.</p

    Ultrasound-guided hook-wire localization for surgical excision of non-palpable superficial inguinal lymph nodes in dogs: A pilot study

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    The evaluation of loco-regional lymph nodes (LN) plays an important prognostic role and assists the clinical decision making in canine cancer patients. Excision of non-palpable LN can be challenging. The aim of the study was to evaluate surgical time, successful excision rate and surgical complications associated with the use of an ultrasound-guided hook-wire (UGHW) LN localization method for non-palpable superficial inguinal LN (SILN) in dogs. Dogs that presented for excision of non-palpable SILN, performed with the aid of an UGHW placement, were enrolled. Information including signalment, SILN width, UGHW placement and surgical procedure time, hook-wire position, successful excision and intra-and post-operative complications were reviewed. Seventeen dogs were enrolled. Median LN width was 3 mm (range 2–11). Median time of preoperative UGHW placement and surgical LN excision was 8 min and 15 min, respectively. Successful SILN excision was achieved in all cases. Two minor intra-operative (hook migration and wire fragmentation) and one minor post-operative complications (seroma) were observed. No major intraoperative or post-operative complications occurred. The UGHW LN localization method is safe and effective and may allow a high rate of successful SILN excisions in dogs. This method has the potential to facilitate LN excision for other superficial LN locations
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