84 research outputs found

    Nerve growth factor is expressed by postmitotic avian retinal horizontal cells and supports their survival during development in an autocrine mode of action.

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    Cell death in the developing retina is regulated, but so far little is known about what factors regulate the cell death. Several neurotrophic factors and receptors, including the neurotrophins and Trk receptors, are expressed during the critical time. We have studied the developing avian retina with respect to the role of nerve growth factor (NGF) in these processes. Our starting point for the work was that NGF and its receptor TrkA are expressed in a partially overlapping pattern in the inner nuclear layer of the developing retina. Our results show that TrkA and NGF-expressing cells are postmitotic. The first NGF-expressing cells were found on the vitreal side of the central region of E5.5–E6 retina. This pattern changed and NGF-expressing cells identified as horizontal cells were later confined to the external inner nuclear layer. We show that these horizontal cells co-express TrkA and NGF, unlike a subpopulation of amacrine cells that only expresses TrkA. In contrast to the horizontal cells, which survive, the majority of the TrkA-expressing amacrine cells die during a period of cell death in the inner nuclear layer. Intraocular injections of NGF protein rescued the dying amacrine cells and injection of antisense oligonucleotides for NGF that block its synthesis, caused death among the TrkA-expressing horizontal cells, which normally would survive. Our results suggest that NGF supports the survival of TrkA expressing avian horizontal cells in an autocrine mode of action in the retina of E10-E12 chicks. The cells co-express TrkA and NGF and the role for NGF is to maintain the TrkA-expressing horizontal cells. The TrkA-expressing amacrine cells are not supported by NGF and subsequently die. In addition to the effect on survival, our results suggest that NGF plays a role in horizontal cell plasticity

    A centrifugally controlled circuit in the avian retina and its possible role in visual attention switching.

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    The isthmo-optic nucleus (ION) is the main source of efferents to the retina in birds. Isthmo-optic neurons project in topographical order on amacrine cells in the ventral parts of the retina, and a subclass of these known as proprioretinal neurons project onto the dorsal retina. We propose that, through the intermediary of the amacrine target cells, activity in the isthmo-optic pathway excites ganglion cells locally in the ventral retina but inhibits those in dorsal regions. This circuit would thereby mediate centrifugally controlled switches in attention between the dorsal retina, involved in feeding, and the more ventral parts, involved in scanning for predators. This hypothesis accounts for a wide range of disparate data from behavior, comparative anatomy, endocrinology, hodology, and neurophysiology

    GABA Maintains the Proliferation of Progenitors in the Developing Chick Ciliary Marginal Zone and Non-Pigmented Ciliary Epithelium

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    GABA is more than the main inhibitory neurotransmitter found in the adult CNS. Several studies have shown that GABA regulates the proliferation of progenitor and stem cells. This work examined the effects of the GABAA receptor system on the proliferation of retinal progenitors and non-pigmented ciliary epithelial (NPE) cells. qRT-PCR and whole-cell patch-clamp electrophysiology were used to characterize the GABAA receptor system. To quantify the effects on proliferation by GABAA receptor agonists and antagonists, incorporation of thymidine analogues was used. The results showed that the NPE cells express functional extrasynaptic GABAA receptors with tonic properties and that low concentration of GABA is required for a baseline level of proliferation. Antagonists of the GABAA receptors decreased the proliferation of dissociated E12 NPE cells. Bicuculline also had effects on progenitor cell proliferation in intact E8 and E12 developing retina. The NPE cells had low levels of the Cl–transporter KCC2 compared to the mature retina, suggesting a depolarising role for the GABAA receptors. Treatment with KCl, which is known to depolarise membranes, prevented some of the decreased proliferation caused by inhibition of the GABAA receptors. This supported the depolarising role for the GABAA receptors. Inhibition of L-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (VGCCs) reduced the proliferation in the same way as inhibition of the GABAA receptors. Inhibition of the channels increased the expression of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27KIP1, along with the reduced proliferation. These results are consistent with that when the membrane potential indirectly regulates cell proliferation with hyperpolarisation of the membrane potential resulting in decreased cell division. The increased expression of p27KIP1 after inhibition of either the GABAA receptors or the L-type VGCCs suggests a link between the GABAA receptors, membrane potential, and intracellular Ca2+ in regulating the cell cycle

    Retrograde modulation of dendritic geometry in the vertebrate brain during development.

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    The neurons of the chick's isthmo-optic nucleus (ION) are known to innervate the retina. We here show that removing the retinal primordia causes the ION dendritic trees to be much less polarized than normal. Our observations were made at 11 embryonic days, which is before the isthmo-optic neurons become dependent on the retina for survival. Other parameters such as neuronal size were unchanged, so the effect seems to have been specific to dendritic shape. Our interpretation is that early target removal eliminates a retrograde signal that normally enhances dendritic polarization

    Limits to the dependence of developing neurons on protein synthesis in their axonal target territory.

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    Our basic question was whether the survival of developing neurons is critically dependent on the level of protein synthesis in the axonal target region. The experiments were carried out on the projection from the isthmo-optic nucleus (ION) to the contralateral retina in chick embryos. The ION is known to undergo almost 60% neuronal death between embryonic days (E) 12 and E17 and to be critically dependent on the retina for trophic support throughout this period and shortly afterwards. Various concentrations of the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide were infused into one eye from E15 to E19. Moderate inhibition (up to about 40%) of retinal protein synthesis, which did not lead to retinal degeneration, had no detectable effects on the number of neurons, nor on the general morphology, in the ION. Only when the inhibition was as high as 50%, leading to widespread degeneration in the retina, did massive degeneration occur also in the ION. It was also shown that a single intraocular injection of cycloheximide at E15 that inhibited retinal protein synthesis by as much as 70-90% during the subsequent 24 h had little effect on the ION in embryos fixed at E19. These results indicate that although the ION neurons are critically dependent on the retina, they can resist major reductions in the level of retinal protein synthesis, which argues against the widespread belief that neuronal survival during development is regulated by the limited production of trophic molecules in the axonal target area. The data are, however, compatible with alternative hypotheses. Most plausibly, survival may be regulated by limited access to a nonlimiting supply of trophic molecules

    Major role for neuronal death during brain development: refinement of topographical connections.

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    The precision of the topographic projection from the isthmo-optic nucleus (ION) to the retina has been examined in chicken embryos and chicks by the retrograde transport of a fluorescent carbocyanine dye from restricted retinal sites. At all ages, the labeled neurons are most numerous in the topographically appropriate part of the ION, but in younger embryos up to 49% of them are found outside this region. The distribution of these "aberrantly" projecting neurons is variable, but they generally occur throughout the entire ION. They all die during the ION's period of neuronal death, accounting for most of the 60% cell loss that then occurs. We therefore suggest that a major role of neuronal death during brain development is to reduce the imprecision of neuronal connections