18 research outputs found
Penelitian ini ditalarbelakangi oleh fenomena menarik terkait kebahasaan dalam konten
video humor diunggah oleh akun Podcast Kesel Aje pada aplikasi TikTok yang berhasil
mendapatkan banyak respons positif dari warganet. Melalui fenomena tersebut, peneliti
memandang bahwa pada konten video humor yang diunggah tersebut mengandung strategi
yang dapat dianalisis melalui teori-teori pragmatik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode
kualitatif dan bersifat deskriptif. Penelitian ini menunjukan adanya strategi pragmatik
berupa pelanggaran prinsip kerja sama Grice pada maksim kualitas, kuantitias, relevansi
dan cara. Selain itu, terdapat strategi lain berupa implikatur dan praanggapan yang
menciptakan efek humor pada konten-konten yang diunggah oleh akun Podcast Kesel Aje
pada aplikasi TikTok. Pada data yang telah diumpuknan, terdapat 72 tuturan yang
mengandung strategi pragmatik untuk menciptakan humor. Tuturan yang memanfaatkan
pelanggaran prinsip kerja sama pada maksim kualitas sebanyak 4 tuturan, pelanggaran pada
maksim kuantitas sebanyak 22 tuturan, pelanggaran pada maksim relevansi sebanyak 36
tuturan, dan pelanggaran pada maksim cara 7 tuturan. Kemudian, tuturan yang
memanfaatkan stategi pragmatik berupa implikatur konvensional terdapat 1 tuturan, dan
tuturan yang memanfaatkan strategi berupa implikatur percakapan adalah sebanyak 69
tuturan, serta tuturan yang meanfaatkan strategi berupa praanggapan sebanyak 2 tuturan.
Pada hasil temuan tersebut, dapat dilihat bahwa strategi pragmatik yang mendominasi
adalah berupa pelanggaran prinsip kerja sama pada maksim relevansi. Fungsi yang
ditemukan pada tuturan yang mengandung strategi humor adalah berupa representatif,
direktif, ekspresif dan komisif. Makna yang ditemukan pada tuturan yang mengandung
strategi pragmatik untuk menciptakan humor diantaranya adalah berupa penolakan,
pengelakan, tuduhan, pernyataan, penyemangat, penghinaan, sindiran, penegasan, bujukan,
ketidakpedulian, keraguan, pengekangan, curahan hati, dan kebingungan.
Kata kunci: pragmatik, strategi pragmatik, humor, tiktok, konten vide
Melanoma epidemic across the millennium: time trends of cutaneous melanoma in Emilia-Romagna (Italy) from 1997 to 2004
Background After a rapid increase in malignant melanoma (MM) incidence trends of the melanoma epidemic in the recent years seemed in-the last decades, not homogeneous. Objective This study aimed at the monitoring of some epidemiological data referring to melanoma in a region of the Northern Italy during the past 8-year period. Methods All cases of melanoma, including also in situ lesions, diagnosed in Emilia-Romagna and San Marino State, with the exclusion of Cesena province, from 1997 to 2004 were recorded and the incidence of melanoma, adjusted for the European standard population by the direct method, was calculated. Results Mean standardized incidence was 9.7 for invasive MMs and 11.9 considering also in situ ones, showing an ascending trend with an increment of 3.3 new incident cases in 2004. compared with 1997. No differences in age distribution, gender and site were reported. Concerning tumour thickness, although a general ascending trend in all subtypes, only thin melanoma incidence significantly increased over the study period. Conclusions Contrary to data from Northern European countries, melanoma incidence still showed an ascending trend in the Italian population of Emilia Romagna
Melanoma epidemic across the millennium: time trends of cutaneous melanoma in Emilia-Romagna (Italy) from 1997 to 2004
After a rapid increase in malignant melanoma (MM) incidence
in the last decades, trends of the melanoma epidemic in the recent years seemed not homogeneous.
This study aimed at the monitoring of some epidemiological data
referring to melanoma in a region of the Northern Italy during the past 8-year period. All cases of melanoma, including also
in situ lesions, diagnosed in Emilia-Romagna and San Marino State, with the exclusion of Cesena province, from 1997 to 2004 were recorded and the incidence of melanoma, adjusted for
the European standard population by the direct method, was calculated.
Mean standardized incidence was 9.7 for invasive MMs and 11.9,
considering also in situ ones, showing an ascending trend with an increment of 3.3 new incident cases in 2004 compared with 1997. No differences in age distribution, gender and site were reported. Concerning tumour thickness, although a general ascending trend in all subtypes, only thin melanoma incidence significantly increased over the study period.
Contrary to data from Northern European countries, melanoma
incidence still showed an ascending trend in the Italian population of Emilia Romagna
Melanoma epidemic across the millennium: Time trends of cutaneous melanoma in Emilia-Romagna (Italy) from 1997 to 2004
Background: After a rapid increase in malignant melanoma (MM) incidence in the last decades, trends of the melanoma epidemic in the recent years seemed not homogeneous. Objective: This study aimed at the monitoring of some epidemiological data referring to melanoma in a region of the Northern Italy during the past 8-year period. Methods: All cases of melanoma, including also in situ lesions, diagnosed in Emilia-Romagna and San Marino State, with the exclusion of Cesena province, from 1997 to 2004 were recorded and the incidence of melanoma, adjusted for the European standard population by the direct method, was calculated. Results: Mean standardized incidence was 9.7 for invasive MMs and 11.9, considering also in situ ones, showing an ascending trend with an increment of 3.3 new incident cases in 2004 compared with 1997. No differences in age distribution, gender and site were reported. Concerning tumour thickness, although a general ascending trend in all subtypes, only thin melanoma incidence significantly increased over the study period. Conclusions: Contrary to data from Northern European countries, melanoma incidence still showed an ascending trend in the Italian population of Emilia Romagna. © 2007 The Authors Journal compilation © 2007 European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
Melanoma epidemic across the millennium: time trends of cutaneous melanoma in Emilia-Romagna (Italy) from 1997 to 2004
Background After a rapid increase in malignant melanoma (MM) incidence trends of the melanoma epidemic in the recent years seemed in-the last decades, not homogeneous. Objective This study aimed at the monitoring of some epidemiological data referring to melanoma in a region of the Northern Italy during the past 8-year period. Methods All cases of melanoma, including also in situ lesions, diagnosed in Emilia-Romagna and San Marino State, with the exclusion of Cesena province, from 1997 to 2004 were recorded and the incidence of melanoma, adjusted for the European standard population by the direct method, was calculated. Results Mean standardized incidence was 9.7 for invasive MMs and 11.9 considering also in situ ones, showing an ascending trend with an increment of 3.3 new incident cases in 2004. compared with 1997. No differences in age distribution, gender and site were reported. Concerning tumour thickness, although a general ascending trend in all subtypes, only thin melanoma incidence significantly increased over the study period. Conclusions Contrary to data from Northern European countries, melanoma incidence still showed an ascending trend in the Italian population of Emilia Romagna