60 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKJudul: Analisis Efek Kebijakan Moneter Terhadap Outputdi IndonesiaNama: Catona MachtraNIM: 1201101010076Fakultas/jurusan: Ekonomi dan Bisnis/Ekonomi PembangunanDosen Pembimbing: Fakhruddin, SE, M.S.EKonsentrasi: Ekonomi MoneterPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara variabel Produk Domestik Bruto, Nilai Tukar dan Inflasi. Model analisis yang digunakan adalah model Vector Autoregressive (VAR) dengan menggunakan data kuartalan dari tahun 1990.1 sampai tahun 2015.1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara variabel Produk Domestik Bruto, Nilai Tukar dan Inflasi. Ketika satu variabel berubah maka variabel lain akan mengikuti pergerakannya dan saling memengaruhi satu sama lain. Untuk penelitian selanjutnya, disarankan untuk menambah jumlah variabel yang akan dikaji guna untuk mengetahui variabel-variabel apa saja yang ikut memengaruhi output di Indonesia.Kata Kunci : Produk Domestik Bruto, Nilai Tukar, Inflasi, VARABSTRACTTitle: Analysis Effects of Monetary Policy on Outputin Indonesia Student Name: Catona MachtraStudent ID: 1201101010076Faculty/ Department: Economics and Business/Development EconomicsAcademic Advisor: Fakhruddin, SE, M.S.EConcentration:Monetary EconomyThe purpose of this research is to analyze the relationship of Gross Domestic Product, Exchange Rate and Inflation. In analysis, used multiple regression analysis instrument with Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model. By using quartely data from 1990.1 to 2015.4 periods. The results of this research show significant relationship between Gross Domestic Product, Exchange Rate, and Inflation. When one variable change, then other variables will follow the movement and affect with each other. For the next research, the author suggests to employ different variables to further investigate relationship variables toward output in Indonesia.Keywords: Gross Domestic Product, Exchange Rate, Inflation, VA


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    ABSTRAKJudul: Interaksi Dinamis Variabel Makroekonomi Dengan Pasar Saham Konvensional dan Syariah: Sebuah AnalisisKomparatifNama: Catona MachtraNPM: 1609200010034Fakultas/jurusan: Ekonomi dan Bisnis/Ilmu EkonomiDosen Pembimbing: 1. Dr. M. Shabri A. Majid, M.Ec2. Dr. Taufiq C. Dawood, M.Ec, DevPenelitian ini memberikan kontribusi berupa studi empiris tentang kointegrasi, pengaruh jangka pendek dan jangka panjang serta hubungan kausalitas antara variabel makroekonomi diantaranya Indeks Produksi Industri, Jumlah Uang Beredar, Nilai Tukar, Ekspor Neto, Tingkat Bunga terhadap Pasar Saham konvensional dan Pasar Saham Syariah. Analisis yang digunakan model Autoreggresive Distributed Lag (ARDL) dan Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) dengan menggunakan data bulanan dari tahun 2005.M7 sampai tahun 2017.M6. Hasil penelitian menemukan adanya hubungan kesimbangan jangka panjang antara variabel makroekonomi terhadap pasar saham konvensional dan syariah di Indonesia. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menemukan pengaruh jangka pendek dan jangka panjang antara variabel makroekonomi terhadap pasar saham konvensional dan syariah, dimana pengaruh jangka panjang dapat memperbaiki ketidakseimbangan pada jangka pendek. Berdasarkan uji kausalitas pada pasar saham konvensional ditemukan hubungan kausalitas dua arah antara indeks harga saham gabungan dan nilai tukar. Pasar saham syariah juga ditemukan hubungan kausalitas dua arah antara Jakarta indeks Islam dan nilai tukar. Disarankan untuk penelitian selanjutnya agar memperluas faktor-faktor eksternal serta menambah indeks lain yang masuk dalam pasar saham konvensional dan syariah, sehingga mampu memberikan gambaran yang lebih komprehensif terhadap hasil penelitian.Kata Kunci : Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan, Jakarta Indeks Islam, Indeks Produksi Industri, Jumlah Uang Beredar, Nilai Tukar, Ekspor Neto, Tingkat Bunga, Multivariat Kausalitas, ARDL, VECMABSTRACTTitle: Dynamic Interactions of Macroeconomic Variables With Conventional and Sharia Stock Market: A Comparative AnalysisStudent Name: Catona MachtraStudent ID: 1609200010034Faculty/ Department: Economics and Business/EconomicsAcademic Advisor : 1 Dr. M. Shabri A. Majid, M.Ec2. Dr. Taufiq C. Dawood, M.Ec, DevThis study contributes an empirical study of cointegration, short-term and long-term effects and causality relationship between macroeconomic variables such as index of industrial production, money supply, exchange rate, net exports, interest rate on conventional stock market and sharia stock market. The analysis used the Autoreggresive Distributed Lag (ARDL) and the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) by using monthly data from 2005.M7 to 2017.M6 periods. The results of the research found a long-term equilibrium relationship between macroeconomic variables to conventional stock market and sharia stock market in Indonesia. Besides that, the research found a shor-term and long-term effects of macroeconomic variables on conventional and sharia stock market, where long-term effects can be improve short-term imbalances. Based on the causality test on the conventional stock market found two-way causality relationship between the Jakarta composite index and exchange rate. Sharia stock market also found a two way causal relationship between Jakarta Islamic index and exchange rate. It is recommended for further research to expand external factors and add other indexes that enter into conventional dan sharia stock market, thus providing a more comprehensive overview of the research results. Keywords: Jakarta Composite Index, Jakarta Islamic Index, Index of Industrial Production, Money Supply, Exchange Rate, Net Export, Interest Rate, Multivariate Causality, ARDL, VEC


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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the relationship of Gross Domestic Product, Exchange Rate and Inflation. Analysis used multiple regression analysis instruments with Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model and using quarterly data from 1990.1 to 2015.4 periods. The results of this research show significant relationship between Gross Domestic Product, Exchange Rate, and Inflation. For the next research, the author suggests to employ different variables to further investigate relationship variables toward output in Indonesia

    Mutation and Loss of Heterozygosity in an Individual of the Root-infecting Fungus Armillaria Gallica in a Mixed Hardwood Forest

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    Long-lived individuals of the opportunistic fungal pathogen Armillaria gallica arise in single mating events, and then grow vegetatively to occupy large territories including multiple woody substrates. In effect, this leaves a spatial record of mutation, the detection of which would allow new inferences about how fungal individuals grow and infect their hosts. In this thesis, I first identified a large individual of A. gallica in eastern Ontario. I then searched for genetic variation within this individual by focusing on the tandemly repeated rRNA gene cluster and four microsatellite markers that are variable in the A. gallica population. I discovered a loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in the rRNA gene-cluster region, forming two genotypes that show significant spatial clustering in a Mantel test. My M.Sc. thesis research serves as a baseline for a genome-wide study of the mutational dynamic within the vegetative growth phase of this large and old Armillaria individual.MAS

    Interaksi dinamis variabel makroekonomi dengan saham konvensional dan syariah: sebuah analisis komparatif

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