218 research outputs found

    Distribution of the Dirac modes in QCD

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    It was established that distribution of the near-zero modes of the Dirac operator is consistent with the Chiral Random Matrix Theory (CRMT) and can be considered as a consequence of spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry (SBCS) in QCD. The higher-lying modes of the Dirac operator carry information about confinement physics and are not affected by SBCS. We study distributions of the near-zero and higher-lying modes of the overlap Dirac operator within NF=2N_F = 2 dynamical simulations. We find that distributions of both near-zero and higher-lying modes are the same and follow the Gaussian Unitary Ensemble of Random Matrix Theory. This means that randomness, while consistent with SBCS, is not a consequence of SBCS and is related to some more general property of QCD in confinement regime.Comment: Contribution to Lattice 2017 proceedings, 18-24 June, 2017, Granada, Spai

    Post-transcriptional regulatory strategies and extraribosomal functions of human rpL3

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    Comprensione del ruolo di alcuni putativi interattori proteici di rpL3 e del suo trascritto primario identificati mediante spettrometria di massa sui prodotti di esperimenti di “GST Pull Down” e “RNA Pull Down”, quali hnRNP H1, NPM e KHSRP, nella regolazione post-trascrizionale del gene di rpL3

    On SU(2)CSSU(2)_{CS}-like groups and invariance of the fermionic action in QCD

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    In this work, we introduce some new U(1)U(1) symmetry groups of the free fermionic action in euclidean space-time, which are a consequence of parity and time-reversal symmetries. Afterwards, we discuss how the introduction of a gauge interaction affects the invariance of the action, with special reference to QCD. Moreover, inspired by recent QCD lattice results of \textit{Glozman et al.}, in which an interesting and unexpected symmetry group has been observed, namely SU(2)CSSU(2)_{CS} (that contains U(1)AU(1)_A as subgroup), we build other SU(2)CSSU(2)_{CS}-like groups in euclidean space-time using the previous introduced U(1)U(1) groups. Finally we argue about the possible invariance of the fermionic action with respect these new SU(2)CSSU(2)_{CS}-like groups and its consequence on the hadron temporal correlators.Comment: 21 pages + appendice

    Studio dei metodi di stima per la valutazione della densità della Minilepre.

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    Ai fini di portare informazioni utili allo studio dei metodi di stima per la valutazione della densità di Sylvilagus floridanus, la ricerca si è incentrata sulla analisi della produzione fecale in funzione della temperatura nella minilepre. In particolare tale indagine è stata condotta per fornire maggiori conoscenze di base a sostegno delle tecniche gestionali relative al monitoraggio della specie. Per la stima della densità nelle specie selvatiche vengono applicati metodi di censimento di tipo diretto (animali) o indiretto (segni di presenza come feci o impronte). Il pellet count, come metodo indiretto, costituisce uno dei sistemi maggiormente impiegati sopratutto negli ungulati e recentemente anche in alcuni lagomorfi. In ambiente aperto è risultato una tecnica sufficientemente valida per calcolare l’indice di abbondanza di varie specie anche se per stimare in maniera assoluta le densità è necessario apportare correzioni per l’indice di defecazione. Per quanto riguarda il Silvilago non è disponibile nessun dato bibliografico e non sono presenti studi precedenti che possono aiutare nella stima della densità di questa specie alloctona. Per i motivi su esposti i dati da noi raccolti hanno avuto come scopo quello di creare un database da poter utilizzare come dato di partenza per studi futuri sul pellet count in campo. Per la prova, sono state catturate minilepri nella Zona di Ripopolamento e Cattura di Spicchio, in località Centocampi nel Comune di Larciano (PT) e il lavoro è stato organizzato nel seguente modo: 1- Cattura di individui vivi nella ZRC di Spicchio attraverso l’uso di trappole fornite dalla Polizia Provinciale di Pistoia: a doppia entrata e ad entrata singola. 2- Trasporto e allevamento delle minilepri catturate negli stabulari del Dipartimento di Scienze Veterinarie dell’Università di Pisa. Gli animali sono stati alloggiati in gabbie apposite e dopo un periodo di adattamento di 7 gg sono iniziate le misurazioni relative al peso ed al numero di feci deposto giornalmente. Contemporaneamente al conteggio è stata monitorata anche la temperatura minima e massima nell’ambiente attraverso un termometro a mercurio. La prova si è svolta nel periodo compreso tra il 26 novembre 2013 e il 22 gennaio 2014 ed è stata suddivisa in tre fasi: 1° fase allevamento all’aperto (Temperatura media 6°C), 2° fase allevamento in un locale ventilato e climatizzato (Temperatura media 25°C), 3°fase allevamento nuovamente all’aperto (temperatura media 12°C). Durante il periodo di stabulazione, è stato inoltre conservato per ogni minilepre un campione rappresentativo di 200 feci da quelle conteggiate giornalmente per misurare il loro peso fresco e secco. I dati raccolti sono stati analizzati con il metodo della regressione lineare per valutare la relazione tra temperatura e produzione fecale I valori ottenuti hanno dimostrato come all'aumentare della Temperatura il numero di feci prodotte, il peso fresco e secco tendono a ridursi (b= -0,11; -0,37; -3,57) ed in corrispondenza di temperature vicine a 30°C la produzione fecale diminuisce di oltre il 10% invece per quelle vicino ai 5°C aumenta di circa il 9% rispetto a condizioni di termoneutralità (18°C). In conclusione la minilepre come altre specie di lagomorfi evidenzia una difficoltà di adattamento alle variazioni di temperatura, in particolare alle alte temperature che incidono fortemente sul consumo di alimento e di conseguenza sulla produzione fecale. I dati ricavati da questo lavoro sono da considerarsi elementi di riferimento per una stima appropriata del pellet count ed in particolare possono fornire utili indicazioni sulla valutazione della produzione fecale in diverse condizioni stagionali. Il censimento infatti viene normalmente eseguito in diversi periodi dell'anno che possono modificare appunto la quantità di feci prodotta , a seconda del mese in cui ci troviamo. SUMMARY This research focused on the analysis of faecal production as a function of temperature in the Eastern Cottontail with the purpose of bringing information to the study of estimation methods for assessing the density of Sylvilagus floridanus. In particular, the research has been conducted to provide more basic knowledge in support of management techniques related to species monitoring. Census methods are applied to direct (animals) or indirect (signs of presence such as footprints or faeces), in order to estimate the density in wildlife. The pellet count, as indirect method, is one of the most heavily used mainly in ungulates and recently also in some lagomorphs. In open environment such as technique is considered to be sufficiently valid to calculate the index of abundance of various species but to estimate the density it is absolutely necessary to make adjustments to the index of defecation. As far as it concerns the Silvilago no bibliographical data is available and there are no previous studies that can help in the estimation of the density of this allochthonous species. In line with above the mentioned reasons, the data collected has the aim to create a database that could be used as a starting point for future studies on the pellet count in the field. To perform the test, cottontail rabbits have been captured in the Zona di Ripopolamento e Cattura di Spicchio, in the area of Centocampi in the Municipality of Larciano (PT) and the work was organized as follows: 1- Capture of living individuals in the ZRC di Spicchio through the use of traps provided by the Provincial Police of Pistoia: double-entry and single entry. 2- Transport and breeding specimens captured in the enclosures of the Department of Veterinary Science, University of Pisa. The animals were housed in cages and after an adjustment period of 7 days we started measurements related to the weight and the number of faeces deposited daily. At the same time as the counting we also monitored the minimum and maximum temperature in the environment through a mercury thermometer. The test took place in the period between 26 November 2013 and 22 January 2014 and it includes three phases: Phase 1 outdoor rearing (Medium temperature 6 ° C), 2nd stage rearing in a ventilated, air conditioned environment (average temperature 25 ° C), 3rd stage breeding again outdoors (average temperature 12 ° C). During the stalling, for each cottontail rabbit a representative sample of 200 has also been retained from those counted daily to measure their fresh and dry weight. The collected data were analysed by the method of linear regression to evaluate the relationship between temperature and faecal production. The values ​​obtained have shown that with increasing temperature the number of faeces produced, the fresh and dry weight tend to shrink (b = -0.11; -0.37; -3.57) and at temperatures close to 30 ° C the faecal production decreased by more than 10% instead for those around 5 ° C it increased by approximately 9% in respect to thermo neutral conditions (18 ° C). In conclusion, Silvilago, as other species of lagomorphs, is characterised by a difficulty of adaptation to changes in temperature, particularly at high temperatures which strongly affect the food consumption and consequently on faecal production. The data collected are to be considered as reference elements for an appropriate estimate of the pellet count; in particular they can provide useful information on estimate faecal production in different seasonal conditions. The census, in fact, is normally performed in different times of the year as this can precisely change the amount of faeces produced, according to the month in which we find ourselves

    Genome-wide homozygosity in Maremmana Cattle

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    The current availability of large numbers of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) throughout the genome makes these markers particularly suitable for the detection of patterns of genetic diversity and of genome-wide homozygosity in animal populations. The aim of this work was to estimate genetic diversity and homozygosity in the Maremmana cattle breed. We used a sample of 149 animals (males and females) genotyped with the BovineSNP50 v2 (54K) Illumina BeadChip. After editing for call-rate >0.9 and removing SNP unassigned or on the sex chromosomes, 128 animals and 50,814 SNPs were left. We estimated the following genetic parameters: observed and expected heterozygosity (Ho and He), minor allele frequency (MAF), and the FIS statistic. We also scanned the genome for runs of homozygosity (ROH). In the present study, ROH were detected based on 20-SNP-long sliding-windows, and allowing for a maximum of 1 missing and 1 heterozygote genotype, and a maximum gap between consecutive SNP of 105 bp. ROH contained minimum 10 SNPs, and had a minimum length of 1 Mb and a minimum density of 1 SNP every 50 kbps. The average Ho and He were 0.374 ± 0.132 and 0.365 ± 0.120, respectively, and the average MAF was 0.274 ± 0.130. These values are consistent with the range observed in other cattle breeds. We obtained some negative values for FIS (-0.162 to 0.180) which corresponded to animals with lower than average homozygosity. In total, 10,465 ROH were detected (81.75 per animal), with an average length of 2.69 Mb. Most ROH (74%) had length 2 Mb. ROH are contiguous lengths of homozygous genomic segments where the two inherited haplotypes are identical. ROH indicate genomic regions where a reduction in heterozygosity occurred, and offer new opportunities to estimate inbreeding (F). The inbreeding coefficient based on ROH (FROH) was estimated by the ratio between the total ROH length and the size of the genome in each animal. Average FROH was 0.0869 ± 0.032. Unlike inbreeding estimated based on Ho, FROH is not influenced by allele frequencies (sampling) and can distinguish recent from ancient inbreeding. However, FROH requires SNP positions to be known (unlike Ho). Two genomic regions with ROH in over 60% of the animals were found: one on BTA6 (38.6-39.7 Mbps), one on BTA13 (54.3-54.8 Mbps). These may highlight regions where selective pressures have shaped the genome of the Maremmana breed

    The symbolism of water and stone in Clemente Riedemann’s karra maw’n

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    N El artículo consiste en un análisis del poemario Karra Maw’n (2015) del valdiviano Clemente Riedemann (1953) desde una perspectiva ecocrítica, que profundiza en la geografía poetizada, en especial, en el agua y en la piedra como elementos que determinan el paisaje. Debido a la violencia ejercida en las luchas territoriales y a partir de la explotación desmedida de recursos, la utilización y el significado socio-cultural de ambos elementos se transforma, lo que provoca la reacción de la naturaleza en forma de terremotos y maremotos; vale decir, los cambios experimentados por el agua y la piedra representan la violencia histórica ejercida en el sur chilenoThe article consists of an analysis of the collection of poems Karra Maw’n (2015) by the poet of Valdivia, Clemente Riedemann (1953) from an ecocritical perspective which goes in depth into the poeticized geography and in particular into water and stone as elements that determine the scenery. Due to the violence used in the territorial conflicts and from the disproportionate exploitation of resources, the usage and socio-cultural significance of both elements is transformed, which provokes a reaction from nature in the form of earthquakes and tidal waves. In other words, the changes experienced by water and stone represent the violence historically carried out in the south of Chil