73 research outputs found

    The use of Multi-Sensory Environments with autistic children: Exploring the effect of having control of sensory changes

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    Multi-Sensory Environments (also called sensory or Snoezelen® rooms) are specialised spaces that contain equipment to modify the environment. They are commonly used in special-needs schools with autistic children, but empirical investigation into how to best use Multi-Sensory Environments with autistic children has been limited. Based on converging evidence that autistic children may benefit from having control, we tested 41 autistic children (8 female) aged 4–12 years (mean = 8 years, standard deviation = 2.05 years) who used the Multi-Sensory Environment both with and without control over the sensory changes. Behavioural coding of video data showed that having control was associated with increased attention and reduced repetitive motor behaviours, sensory behaviours, activity levels, stereotyped speech and vocalisations. Social behaviour, anxiety, positive affect and arousal were not significantly affected by condition. Our findings demonstrate that how a Multi-Sensory Environment is used can affect autistic children’s behaviours. They also suggest that providing control of sensory changes to autistic children may help create better conditions for learning

    Associations between disordered eating, internalizing symptoms, and behavioral and neural correlates of response inhibition in preadolescence

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    Response inhibition difficulties are reported in individuals with eating disorders (EDs), anxiety, and depression. Although ED symptoms and internalizing symptoms co-occur in preadolescence, there is limited research examining associations between these symptoms and response inhibition in this age group. This study is the first to investigate the associations between behavioral and neural markers of response inhibition, disordered eating (DE), and internalizing symptoms in a community sample of preadolescents. Forty-eight children (M age = 10.95 years, 56.3% male) completed a Go/NoGo task, whereas electroencephalography was recorded. Self-report measures of DE and internalizing symptoms were collected. Higher levels of anxiety and depression were associated with neural markers of suboptimal response inhibition (attenuated P3NoGo amplitudes) in preadolescence. In contrast, higher levels of depression were associated with greater response inhibition at a behavioral level. These findings suggest internalizing symptoms in preadolescence are associated with P3-indexed difficulties in evaluation and monitoring, but these are not sufficient to disrupt behavioral performance on a response inhibition task. This pattern may reflect engagement of compensatory processes to support task performance. DE was not significantly associated with response inhibition, suggesting that difficulties in response inhibition may only be reliably observed in more chronic and severe DE and ED presentations

    A comparison of the eating disorder service experiences of autistic and non-autistic women in the UK

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    Objective Qualitative studies report that autistic women have poor experiences when being treated for an eating disorder (ED) and express that ED services are not appropriately tailored to meet their needs. It is unclear whether their experience differs to other women accessing ED services. The aim of the current study was to compare autistic and non-autistic women's ED illness history and experiences in ED services. Method An online survey about ED illness history and their experience with ED treatment was completed by 46 autistic women with a restrictive ED and 110 non-autistic women with a restrictive ED. Results Despite some similarities, there were three key differences in the experiences reported by autistic and non-autistic women. First, autistic women reported a longer duration of ED and being diagnosed with an ED at a younger age than non-autistic women. Second, autistic women reported accessing a broader range of healthcare settings and ED treatments than non-autistic women when being treated for an ED. Finally, autistic women rated their experiences of inpatient care, dietetic input, and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) as significantly less beneficial than non-autistic women when being treated for an ED. Conclusion These findings increase understanding of autistic women's ED experience and can help to shape ED services and treatments to better accommodate the needs of their autistic clients

    Psychological processes in adapting to dementia: illness representations among the IDEAL cohort

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    YesHow people understand and adapt to living with dementia may influence well-being. Leventhal’s Common Sense Model (CSM) of Self-Regulation provides a theoretical basis for exploring this process. We used cross-sectional and longitudinal data from 1,109 people with mild-to-moderate dementia in the Improving the experience of Dementia and Enhancing Active Life (IDEAL) cohort. We elicited dementia representations (DRs) using the Representations and Adjustment to Dementia Index (RADIX), a validated measure based on the CSM, identified groups sharing distinct DR profiles, and explored predictors of group membership and associations with well-being, and whether problem-focused coping played a mediating role in these associations. We identified four DR classes: people who see the condition as a disease and adopt a diagnostic label; people who see the condition as a disease but refer to symptoms rather than a diagnostic label; those who see the condition as part of aging; and those who are unsure how to make sense of the condition. A fifth group did not acknowledge any difficulties. “Disease” representations were associated with better cognition and younger age, while “aging” and “no problem” representations were associated with better mood and well-being. The association with well-being remained stable over 24 months. There was limited partial support for a mediating role of problem-focused coping. Variations in DRs may reflect individual differences in the psychological processes involved in adjusting to dementia. DRs provide a framework for personalizing and tailoring both communications about dementia and interventions aimed at supporting people in coping with dementia. There is a need to debate what constitutes a positive DR and how its development might be encouraged

    How to do it: the neurological consultation with an autistic patient

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    Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition with a very heterogeneous presentation. Autistic people are more likely to have unmet healthcare needs, making it essential that healthcare professionals are ‘autism-aware’. In this article, we provide an overview of how autism presents and use case studies to illustrate how a neurological consultation in an outpatient clinic environment could prove challenging for a autistic person. We suggest how to improve communication with autistic patients in clinic and highlight the importance of a patient-centred and flexible approach

    “It’s not that they don’t want to access the support… it’s the impact of the autism”: the experience of eating disorder services from the perspective of autistic women, parents and healthcare professionals

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    This study explores autistic women’s experiences of eating disorder services. Estimates suggest that 20%–30% of women in treatment for anorexia nervosa display diagnostic features characteristic of autism. Research suggests that autistic individuals’ needs are not being met by standard anorexia nervosa treatments. In the current study, in-depth interviews were conducted with 15 autistic women with experience of anorexia nervosa, 12 parents of autistic women with anorexia nervosa, and 11 eating disorder healthcare professionals. Using thematic analysis, three overarching themes were identified: misunderstanding autism and autistic traits, one treatment does not fit all, and improving accessibility and engagement within services. We found that there were diverse barriers facing autistic women when in treatment for anorexia nervosa, and these were accentuated by a lack of autism understanding within eating disorder services. Future research should focus on developing interventions that are tailored to the specific needs of autistic individuals with anorexia nervosa

    Health conditions in spousal caregivers of people with dementia and their relationships with stress, caregiving experiences, and social networks: longitudinal findings from the IDEAL programme

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    YesObjectives: Longitudinal evidence documenting health conditions in spousal caregivers of people with dementia and whether these influence caregivers’ outcomes is scarce. This study explores type and number of health conditions over two years in caregivers of people with dementia and subgroups based on age, sex, education, hours of care, informant-rated functional ability, neuropsychiatric symptoms, cognition of the person with dementia, and length of diagnosis in the person with dementia. It also explores whether over time the number of health conditions is associated with caregivers’ stress, positive experiences of caregiving, and social networks Methods: Longitudinal data from the IDEAL (Improving the experience of Dementia and Enhancing Active Life) cohort were used. Participants comprised spousal caregivers (n = 977) of people with dementia. Self-reported health conditions using the Charlson Comorbidity Index, stress, positive experiences of caregiving, and social network were assessed over two years. Mixed effect models were used Results: On average participants had 1.5 health conditions at baseline; increasing to 2.1 conditions over two years. More health conditions were reported by caregivers who were older, had no formal education, provided 10 + hours of care per day, and/or cared for a person with more neuropsychiatric symptoms at baseline. More baseline health conditions were associated with greater stress at baseline but not with stress over time. Over two years, when caregivers’ health conditions increased, their stress increased whereas their social network diminished Discussion: Findings highlight that most caregivers have their own health problems which require management to avoid increased stress and shrinking of social networksEconomic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) - grant ES/L001853/2. Alzheimer’s Society, grant number 348, AS-PR2-16-001. Sabatini was supported by an ESRC Postdoctoral fellowship (ES/X007766/1)

    Longitudinal trajectories of quality of life among people with mild-to-moderate dementia: a latent growth model approach with IDEAL cohort study data

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    Copyright © The Author(s) 2022. Objectives We aimed to examine change over time in self-rated quality of life (QoL) in people with mild-to-moderate dementia and identify sub-groups with distinct QoL trajectories. Method We used data from people with mild-to-moderate dementia followed up at 12 and 24 months in the IDEAL cohort study (baseline n=1537). A latent growth model approach examined mean change over time in QoL, assessed with the QoL-AD scale, and investigated associations of baseline demographic, cognitive and psychological covariates with the intercept and slope of QoL. We employed growth mixture modelling to identify multiple growth trajectories. Results Overall mean QoL scores were stable and no associations with change over time were observed. Four classes of QoL trajectories were identified: two with higher baseline QoL scores, labelled Stable (74.9%) and Declining (7.6%), and two with lower baseline QoL scores, labelled Stable Lower (13.7%) and Improving (3.8%). The Declining class had higher baseline levels of depression and loneliness, and lower levels of self-esteem and optimism, than the Stable class. The Stable Lower class was characterised by disadvantage related to social structure, poor physical health, functional disability, and low psychological well-being. The Improving class was similar to the Stable Lower class but had lower cognitive test scores. Discussion Understanding individual trajectories can contribute to personalised care planning. Efforts to prevent decline in perceived QoL should primarily target psychological well-being. Efforts to improve QoL for those with poorer QoL should additionally address functional impairment, isolation, and disadvantage related to social structure.NIHR Dementias and Neurodegeneration Specialty (DeNDRoN) in England; Scottish Dementia Clinical Research Network (SDCRN); Health and Care Research Wales.; NIHR Applied Research Collaboration South-West Peninsula

    Factors associated with self- and informant ratings of quality of life, well-being and life satisfaction in people with mild-to-moderate dementia: results from the Improving the experience of Dementia and Enhancing Active Life programme

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    Background A large number of studies have explored factors related to self- and informant ratings of quality of life in people with dementia but many studies have had relatively small sample sizes and mainly focused on health conditions and dementia symptoms. The aim of this study is to compare self- and informant-rated quality of life, life satisfaction and wellbeing, and investigate the relationships of the two different rating methods with various social, psychological and health factors, using a large cohort study of community-dwelling people with dementia and carers in Great Britain. Methods This study included 1283 dyads of people with mild-to-moderate dementia and their primary carers in the Improving the experience of Dementia and Enhancing Active Life (IDEAL) study. Multivariate modelling was used to investigate associations of self- and informant-rated quality of life, life satisfaction and wellbeing with factors in five domains: psychological characteristics and health; social location; capitals, assets and resources; physical fitness and health; and managing everyday life with dementia. Results People with dementia rated their quality of life, life satisfaction and wellbeing more highly than did the informants. Despite these differences, the two approaches had similar relationships with social, psychological and physical health factors in the five domains. Conclusions Although self- and informant ratings differ, they display similar results when focusing on factors associated with quality of life, life satisfaction and wellbeing. Either self- or informant ratings may offer a reasonable source of information about people with dementia in terms of understanding associated factors