381 research outputs found

    A Case Study on Head Movement Comparative Clauses

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    According to Chomsky (1995), movement is simply feature movement for checking and the "generalized pied-piping" which shows up in overt syntax is just due to phonological reasons. In this paper I point out that this approach cannot be right, in that the distinction between X and XP movement does exist minimally in syntax, independently from any phonological consideration. Evidence is given that comparative clauses, all other morphological and phonological conditions being equal, minimally contrast with interrogatives in that they involve head movement to CO of a Wh-element, instead of phrase movement. A brief analysis of the selectional requirements internal to the comparative construction, together with an extension to free relatives, drives to the conclusion that the two types of movement are to be distinguished on the basis of their projecting effects: features moved in head-position do project, and are thus visible from the exterior of the checking domain, while features moved in Spec position do not.Segons Chomsky (1995), l'operació de trasllat es redueix al trasllat de trets per a la seva comprovació, i el trasllat amb arrossegament generalitzat que es produeix en la sintaxi explícita es deu simplement a raons fonològiques. En aquest article assenyalo que aquest plantejament no pot ser correcte perquè: la distinció entre trasllat de SX i trasllat de X existeix realment en la sintaxi i és independent de qualsevol consideració de tipus fonològic. Es donen proves en el sentit que, donades les mateixes condicions fonològiques i morfològiques, les oracions comparatives contrasten mínimament amb les oracions interrogatives pel fet que impliquen trasllat de nucli a CO d'un element QU i no pas trasllat de projecció màxima. Una breu anàlisi dels requisits de selecció interns a la construcció comparativa, juntament amb el tractament de les oracions de relatiu sense antecedent, porta a la conclusió que cal distingir els dos tipus de trasllat d'acord amb els efectes de projecció que desencadenen: els trets que es traslladen a una posició de nucli es projecten i són, per tant, visibles des de l'exterior del domini de comprovació, perd els trets que es traslladen a una posició d'especificador ni es projecten ni són visibles

    Fansubs e sottotitoli ufficiali a confronto: il caso del film "Juno"

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    La presente tesi ha l'obiettivo di proporre un confronto tra la sottotitolazione professionale e quella amatoriale in relazione al film "Juno". Dopo una breve presentazione relativa alla modalità traduttiva della sottotitolazione, di cui si introducono i principali aspetti tecnici e linguistici, si affronta il tema della traduzione amatoriale, ovvero un nuovo tipo di attività traduttiva basata sulla collaborazione dei volontari. In particolare, l’attenzione è rivolta ai fansubs, i sottotitoli creati dai fan, di cui vengono discussi approfonditamente aspetti quali l’origine, il processo di creazione e le figure in esso coinvolte, i metodi di distribuzione, la legalità, ma anche le più importanti community italiane dedite alla loro produzione. Segue la ricerca impostata sull’analisi ed il confronto tra i sottotitoli ufficiali e quelli amatoriali del film “Juno”, con particolare attenzione rivolta ai procedimenti con cui il turpiloquio e i riferimenti culturali presenti nel dialogo filmico sono stati resi nelle due modalità di sottotitoli

    The Role of Probabilistic Reasoning Abilities on Adolescent Risk Taking

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    The aim of this work was to investigate the role of the cognitive system and the affective system on adolescents’ risk taking in gambling tasks characterized as different on the basis of information given to decision makers. In Study 1, we explored the role of probabilistic reasoning and sensation seeking on decision making in a non-risky context (Non-Gambling Task) and a risky context (Gambling Task) in which no preliminary information were given to participants. Results showed that adolescents referred to probabilistic reasoning only in the Non-Gambling Task. In Study 2, we explored the role of probabilistic reasoning and sensation seeking in risky situations with preliminary information given to participants. Specifically, we compared a risky context characterized by high-emotional arousal (Game of Dice Task), in which a feedback after each decision was given, with one characterized by low-emotional arousal (Game of Dice Task – Modified version), without feedback. Probabilistic reasoning characterized adolescents’ decision making regardless of feedback. Findings showed that adolescents’ decision making was solely linked to the cognitive system in the non-risky situation, and the affective system overcomes the cognitive system in situation of risk. Moreover, providing information about the task might interfere with the imbalance between the two systems

    The role of probabilistic reasoning abilities on adolescent risk taking

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    The aim of this work was to investigate the role of the cognitive system and the affective system on adolescents’ risk taking in gambling tasks characterized as different on the basis of information given to decision makers. In Study 1, we explored the role of probabilistic reasoning and sensation seeking on decision making in a non-risky context (Non-Gambling Task) and a risky context (Gambling Task) in which no preliminary information were given to participants. Results showed that adolescents referred to probabilistic reasoning only in the Non-Gambling Task. In Study 2, we explored the role of probabilistic reasoning and sensation seeking in risky situations with preliminary information given to participants. Specifically, we compared a risky context characterized by high-emotional arousal (Game of Dice Task), in which a feedback after each decision was given, with one characterized by low-emotional arousal (Game of Dice Task – Modified version), without feedback. Probabilistic reasoning characterized adolescents’ decision making regardless of feedback. Findings showed that adolescents’ decision making was solely linked to the cognitive system in the non-risky situation, and the affective system overcomes the cognitive system in situation of risk. Moreover, providing information about the task might interfere with the imbalance between the two systems

    LAIÑO SUÁREZ, RAMÓN [Material gráfico]

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    Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, 201