313 research outputs found

    Conservative scheme for numerical modeling of flow in natural geometry

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    Case study: efficiency of slit-check dams in the mountain region of Versilia basin

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    BR-262 no Pantanal: cenário de encontros entre homens e animais silvestres.

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    A BR-262 no seu trecho entre Aquidauana/Anastácio e Corumbá/Ladário em Mato Grosso do Sul é bastante peculiar, pois percorre áreas de Planalto da Bacia do Alto Paraguai e áreas da Planície de inundação do Pantanal. Nessas últimas áreas, onde ocorre uma fauna diversificada em espécies e abundante em número de indivíduos, a pista de rodagem foi construída em condições especiais sobre um aterro para fugir das inundações durante o período de cheia e com muitas pontes para dar passagem para a água. Atualmente, o fluxo nessa estrada vem aumentando devido à maior comercialização entre Brasil, Bolívia e outros países andinos, transformando-se no ?Corredor Bioceânico?. Concomitantemente, estão ocorrendo obras e benfeitorias na estrada e há uma tendência de aumento no índice de atropelamento de animais silvestres. Neste documento, encontra-se a opinião dos autores que fazem uma reflexão a cerca dos fatores envolvidos nos atropelamentos e apontam alternativas e medidas de mitigação para reduzi-los, propondo uma nova forma de abordar esse tema, isto é, assumir a BR-262 no Pantanal como uma área de uso comum para os homens e os animais. A partir desse ponto de vista, justifica-se usufruí-la, não somente como uma via de transporte e comunicação, mas também como um dos mais privilegiados sítios de observação de aves e animais silvestres do País.bitstream/item/80996/1/DOC111.pd

    Production of Universal Red Blood Cells via Enzymatic Conversion

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    Red blood cell (RBC) transfusion units are considered one of the most essential healthcare components in the world. In the United States alone, approximately 21 million transfusion units are required every year. Despite this high demand, RBC units are becoming increasingly scarce since only a fraction of eligible donors provide RBCs to for medical use. Additionally, RBC transfusions are limited to immune compatibility in patients, making it difficult to serve all patients with such a limited supply. This proposed design provides a method in which RBCs of any blood group can be converted into the universal blood type, O, to eliminate any concerns regarding blood type compatibility between donor and patient. This conversion process uses bacterial glycosidades to cleave the sugar groups on the surface of RBCs that defines our blood type. This process will help increase hospitals’ supply of readily usable RBCs for any situation while also providing a solution to hospitals’ struggle to use their blood bags before they expire. This proposal seeks to design a start-up scale plant that will both prepare the glysocidases needed for the treatment process and execute the conversion. This project design expects a production capacity of 200,000 tranfusion units of successfully converted RBCs per year and will be located in Medford, MA. With an initial investment of 25.6million,thedesignsyieldsaatwelveyearnetpresentvalueof25.6 million, the designs yields a a twelve-year net present value of 8,461,700 and has an investor’s rate of return of 21.73%. A limited twelve-year lifespan was chosen in an attempt to more accurately represent the lifespan of a start-up and to more strictly analyze its financial feasibility. The proposed project is forecasted to breakeven in early 2028, at the beginning of its eighth year of its operation, with a return on investment of 17.17%. With initial evidence of profitability, this project design is recommended. Furthermore, the financial analysis performed in this report limits the scope of this project to satisfying the blood demands of one major hospital in a metropolitan area. In reality, however, it is expected that the start-up will expand to other major hospitals or blood collecting organizations within the first several years of operation, further increasing its potential value. It should be noted, however, that investors exercise caution as the blood market has been in constant flux for the past seven years, making it difficult to predict how valuable RBC transfusion units will be compared to other blood components. The process should be executed only if an acceptable pricing can be established to sustain the large costs associated with guaranteeing endotoxin and contamination free products

    Comércio de iscas vivas no Pantanal de Mato Grosso do Sul, SCPESCA/MS, 2005.

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    O monitoramento pelo SCPESCA/MS constitui um exemplo gratificante de parceria entre instituições que atuam junto à pesca no Pantanal. O Sistema, que não seria possível sem esse esforço conjunto, gera resultados como a descrição anual da pesca e vem formando um grande banco de dados sobre a atividade, constituindo uma fonte importante de informações e conhecimentos para subsidiar a gestão dos recursos pesqueiros da região. Este estudo aborda o comércio de iscas vivas registrado pelo Sistema de Controle da Pesca de Mato Grosso do Sul (SCPESCA/MS) em 2005. Trata-se do comércio no atacado, realizado por intermediários entre municípios e entre Estados, pois a venda local (no atacado ou varejo) é feita diretamente entre as partes e não é contabilizada pelo Sistema.bitstream/CPAP-2010/57289/1/BP90.pd

    Analysis of bed material of Tanaro River (north -western Italy)

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    Práticas milenares de pesca no Pantanal.

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    bitstream/item/79976/1/ADM141.pdfFormato eletronico. Disponivel em: Agência Pantanal, Meat World, Aqui e destaque, Canal do produtor, Infobibos, Rios Vivos, Campo Grande News, Maracaju News, Conheça o Pantanal, MS Notícias, Agora MS

    Pesca profissional: desafios e oportunidades.

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    bitstream/CPAP/56438/1/ADM027.pdfFormato eletrônico

    Evaluation of virucidal activity of fabrics using feline coronavirus

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    Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus type 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is an enveloped RNA virus responsible for the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) that represents a global health threat, causing an ongoing pandemic in many countries and territories. WHO recommendations emphasize the importance of all personal protective equipment (PPE) that can interrupt COVID-19 transmission. The textile industry and scientists are developing hygienic fabrics by the addition of or treatment with various antimicrobial and antiviral compounds. Methods for determining the antiviral activity of fabrics are reported in the International Standards Organization (ISO) 18184 (2019) guidelines. Three different fabric samples treated with silver derivate, copper derivative and a not treated cotton fabric used as control were examined and put in contact with a suspension of feline coronavirus (FCoV). After 2 h of incubation a significant decrease of viral titer, as high as 3.25 log10 Tissue Culture Infectious Dose (TCID)50/50 μl, in feline cells was observed in treated fabrics, with respect to not treated fabrics. In this study, we optimized laboratory methods to evaluate the virucidal activity of silver- and copper treated cotton- based fabrics against coronavirus, using FCoV suitable as a surrogate of SARS-CoV-2 but safe for laboratory technicians