89 research outputs found


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    The Ottoman Empire maintained close relations with the neighbouring Italian city states in the 16th and 17th century. Yacub Pasha (1425-1481), personal physician of Mehmed II the Conqueror, was an Italian Jew who advanced to the title of pasha and vizier. Domenico Hierosolimitano (ca. 1552–1622), the third physician to Sultan Murad III, was a Jerusalemite rabbi. His book is an important source about everyday life and medical practice in Istanbul at the time. Nuh bin Abd al-Mennab (1627-1707), also of Italian stock, was the Chief Physician of the Ottoman Empire, who translated a pharmacopoeia into Turkish. In the same century, two Italians, Israel Conegliano (Conian) and Tobia Cohen became private physicians to leading Ottoman pashas and the Grand Vizier. A. Vuccino (1829-1893) and Antoine Calleja Pasha (1806-1893) taught at the Istanbul Medical School. Italy was a favoured country for medical education during the early period of Ottoman westernisation. Sanizade Mehmet Ataullah Efendi (1771-1826) translated the first medical book printed in the Ottoman Empire from Italian into Turkish. Mustafa Behcet Efendi (1774-1833), chief physician to the Sultan and the founder of the first western medical school in Turkey, translated several medical books from Italian into Turkish. The first printed pharmacopeia in the Ottoman Empire was also originally Italian In the 19th century, Edouard Ottoni and his son Giuseppe Ottoni were well-known military pharmacists, both under the name of Faik Pasha. Probably the most influential physician of Italian origin was Giovanni Battista Violi (1849-1928), who had practiced paediatrics in Turkey for more than fifty years. Violi was the founder of the first children’s hospital, the first vaccine institute, and the first paediatric journal in the Ottoman Empire.U XVI. i XVII. stoljeću Osmansko je Carstvo bilo u bliskim odnosima sa susjednim talijanskim gradovima-državama. Osobni liječnik Mehmeda II. Osvajača, Jakub Paša (1425.– 1481.), bio je talijanski Židov koji je napredovao do titule paše, a poslije i vezira. Domenico Hierosolimitano (oko 1552.–1622.), treći liječnik sultana Murada III., bio je jeruzalemski rabin. Njegova je knjiga važan izvor saznanja o svakodnevnom životu u Istanbulu, koja opisuje i medicinsku praksu toga vremena. Nuh bin Abd al-Mennab (1627.–1707.), također talijanskog podrijetla, bio je glavni liječnik Osmanskog Carstva, koji je farmakopeju preveo na turski. U istom su stoljeću dva Talijana, Israel Conegliano (Conian) i Tobia Cohen, postali osobni liječnici najvećih turskih paša i velikog vezira. A. Vuccino (1829.–1893.) i Antoine Calleja Paša (1806.–1893.) predavali su na Medicinskom fakultetu u Istanbulu. Kad se Osmansko Carstvo počelo okretati Zapadu, Italija je bila najomiljenije odredište za medicinsko obrazovanje. Sanizade Mehmed Ataulah Efendi (1771.–1826.) preveo je s talijanskoga prvi medicinski udžbenik tiskan u Osmanskom Carstvu. Mustafa Behcet Efendi (1774.–1833.), glavni sultanov liječnik i osnivač prvoga medicinskog fakulteta zapadnoga tipa u Turskoj, preveo je nekoliko medicinskih udžbenika s talijanskog na turski. Prva tiskana osmanska farmakopeja također je prevedena s talijanskog. U XIX. su se stoljeću Edouard Ottoni i njegov sin Giuseppe Ottoni, obojica pod imenom Faik Paša, proslavili kao vojni ljekarnici. Vjerojatno najutjecajniji liječnik talijanskog podrijetla bio je Giovanni Battista Violi (1849.–1928.) koji je u Turskoj više od pola stoljeća držao pedijatrijsku praksu te osnovao prvu pedijatrijsku bolnicu i imunološki zavod te prvi pedijatrijski časopis

    Watch out for malaria: still a leading cause of child death worldwide

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Due to the efforts in malaria control promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO), the reported malaria burden is being reduced throughout the world. Nevertheless, malaria remains a leading cause of child death worldwide.</p> <p>Aims</p> <p>purpose of the paper is to summarize the main historical steps in fighting malaria, from the first descriptions to the last ones.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>a case of probable autochthonous malaria has been recently described in Italy, raising concern over the possibility of resurgence of malaria in countries previously interested by this disease. Moreover, both the constant threat of the parasite and vector mosquito developing resistance to medicines and insecticides, and the on-going climate change make the challenge of eradicating malaria really difficult. Therefore, malaria is still an actual disease, requiring adequate programs of surveillance, stronger health systems in poor countries, and efforts in order to develop new and effective tools in malaria control. WHO has definitely demonstrated the effects of "social determinants" on health. So, eradication strategies cannot be based only on a scientific background, because culture, politics, power, resources and wars have a profound impact on health and disease. These elements should be introduced in all the programs of malaria control.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>malaria is still an actual disease with great public health implications, and the approaches for control and prevention should have the appropriate social and political context in addition to the science involved in order to save lives of children at risk.</p

    Gender-related issues in the pharmacology of new anti-obesity drugs

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    Four new medicines-liraglutide, lorcaserin, bupropion/naltrexone, and phentermine/topiramate-have been recently added to the pharmacological arsenal for obesity treatment and could represent important tools to manage this epidemic disease. To achieve satisfactory anti-obesity goals, the use of these new medicines should be optimized and tailored to specific patient subpopulations also by applying dose adjustments if needed. In the present review, we posit that gender could be among the factors influencing the activity of the new obesity drugs both because of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic factors. Although evidence from premarketing clinical studies suggested that no dose adjustment by gender is necessary for any of these new medicines, these studies were not specifically designed to identify gender-related differences. This observation, together with the strong theoretical background supporting the hypothesis of a gender-dimorphic response, strongly call upon an urgent need of new real-life data on gender-related difference in the pharmacology of these new obesity drugs

    Saverio Muratori e a escola Italiana de tipologia projetual

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    Este artigo descreve o desenvolvimento da escola Muratoriana de morfologia urbana e tipologia do edificado. Partindo do trabalho de Muratori enquanto arquiteto experiente, profundamente envolvido na interpretação Romana do racionalismo Italiano, os autores descrevem o crescente interesse de Muratori pela história como meio para recuperar o sentido de continuidade na prática arquitetónica. Adotando uma abordagem teórica assente na arquitetura e no desenho urbano, Muratori começou a trabalhar num quadro crítico que pudesse explicar a criação e a transformação da forma urbana ao longo dos séculos. Muratori teve muitos seguidores. Descreve-se o ressurgimento do interesse pelo trabalho de Muratori nos anos 90

    An approach to prevent frailty in community dwelling older adults: a pilot study performed in Campania region in the framework of the PERSSILAA project

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    We developed and tested an innovative physical training method in older adults that embeds the gym program into everyday life in the most conservative way possible. Physical training was included in the activities of local parishes where older women from Southern Italy spend most of their free time and was delivered by trained physical therapists with the support of an ICT tool known as CoCo. 113 older women (aged 72.0 [69.0-75.0] years) noncompliant to conventional exercise programs participated to the study. 57 of them underwent the final anthropometric assessment and 50 the final physical tests. In study completers handgrip strength and physical performance evaluated with the chair-stand, the two minutes step and the chair-sit and -reach tests significantly improved. Quality of life as evaluated with the EuroQol-5dimension (EQ-5D) questionnaire improved as well. In conclusion, a training program designed to minimally impact on life habits of older people is effective in improving fitness in patients noncompliant to other to physical exercise programs

    Vasoactive compounds in the neonatal period

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    Sufficient organ blood flow of healthy newborn babies is maintained by relatively low systemic blood pressure. Premature infants are at an increased risk of systemic hypotension, often but not obviously, resulting in hypoperfusion of the cerebral, renal and intestinal vascular beds. Maintaining a stable blood pressure in preterm babies is of high importance in order to prevent complications such as intraventricular hemorrhage, periventricular leucomalatia, necrotizing enterocolitis or renal failure. The regulation of systemic and local hemodynamics in newborns differs substantially from that of the adults. Developmental changes in catecholamine sensitivity, higher local vasodilator factor activity and structural differences of the immature myocardium should be taken into account when applying vasoactive agents in neonates. The effects of widely used catecholamines such as dopamine, epinephrine or dobutamine can not be directly adapted from adult therapeutics to neonatal care. Their administration should be supported by data on their effects on systemic and cerebral blood flow in addition to blood pressure changes. At the bedside, neonatologists should use new diagnostic tools to differentiate between neonatal hypotension and hypoperfusion, vasoconstriction and myocardial dysfunction in order to choose the appropriate medication. Newer vasoactive agents already used in adult or pediatric cardiovascular therapy such as milrinone, levosimendan or terlipressin need to be carefully evaluated before introducing them to the treatment of neonatal hypotensive states. Well-designed preclinical and human newborn studies also evaluating their local effects are warranted