1,422 research outputs found

    Vulnerability Assessment of Critical Bridges in the Hampton Roads Region of Virginia to Storm Surge Flooding under Sea Level Rise

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    In this thesis, a hydrodynamic model was developed to study the vulnerability of the transportation infrastructure in the Hampton Roads region of Virginia to storm surge flooding under sea level rise. The Hampton Roads region is the second most affected area by relative sea level rise in the United States. The hydrodynamic model was validated for tide prediction, and its performance in storm surge simulation was validated with data from Hurricane Irene (2011). The developed model was then applied to eight flood-prone bridges in the transportation network that connect the cities of Norfolk, Hampton, Virginia Beach, Chesapeake and Portsmouth; the extent, intensity, and duration of storm surge inundation under different sea level rise (SLR) scenarios was estimated. Furthermore, the difference between the results of the model and the simplistic “bathtub” approach in estimating flooding was highlighted

    Catalytic fuel cell used as an analytical tool for methanol and ethanol determination. Application to ethanol determination in alcoholic beverages

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    A small direct catalytic methanol 'fuel cell' was used for analytical purposes. Three different formats were investigated for methanol and ethanol determination: two different Open Circuit Voltage (OCV) formats and a potentiostatic (i.e. amperometric) format; the latter was used if the current supplied by the cell was recorded. The measurement times using one or other of these three formats were much different. The time required by the potentiostatic format was more short for a suitable analytical measurement. The cell was used to check ethanol content in several commercial wine and beer samples and the possibility of using the fuel cell for the analytical measures in real samples, discussed. Lastly the results were compared with those obtained using two conventional amperometric enzyme sensors and statistical tests carried out. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Modeling the Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Storm Surge Inundation in Flood-Prone Urban Areas of Hampton Roads, Virginia

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    Hampton Roads is a populated area in the United States Mid-Atlantic region that is highly affected by sea level rise (SLR). The transportation infrastructure in the region is increasingly disrupted by storm surge and even minor flooding events. The purpose of this study is to improve our understanding of SLR impacts on storm surge flooding in the region. We develop a hydrodynamic model to study the vulnerability of several critical flood-prone neighborhoods to storm surge flooding under several SLR projections. The hydrodynamic model is validated for tide prediction, and its performance in storm surge simulation is validated with the water level data from Hurricane Irene (2011). The developed model is then applied to three urban flooding hotspots located in Norfolk, Chesapeake, and the Isle of Wight. The extent, intensity, and duration of storm surge inundation under different SLR scenarios are estimated. Furthermore, the difference between the extent of flooding as predicted by the hydrodynamic model and the “bathtub” approach is highlighted

    Exploiting the Hierarchical Morphology of Single-Walled and Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Films for Highly Hydrophobic Coatings

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    Self-assembled hierarchical solid surfaces are very interesting for wetting phenomena, as observed in a variety of natural and artificial surfaces. Here, we report single-walled (SWCNT) and multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) thin films realized by a simple, rapid, reproducible, and inexpensive filtration process from an aqueous dispersion, that was deposited at room temperature by a dry-transfer printing method on glass. Furthermore, the investigation of carbon nanotube films through scanning electron microscopy (SEM) reveals the multi-scale hierarchical morphology of the self-assembled carbon nanotube random networks. Moreover, contact angle measurements show that hierarchical SWCNT/MWCNT composite surfaces exhibit a higher hydrophobicity (contact angles of up to 137{\deg}) than bare SWCNT (110{\deg}) and MWCNT (97{\deg}) coatings, thereby confirming the enhancement produced by the surface hierarchical morphology.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, This article is part of the Thematic Series "Self-assembly of nanostructures and nanomaterials

    Super-Hydrophobic Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Coatings for Stainless Steel

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    We have taken advantage of the native surface roughness and the iron content of AISI 316 stainless steel to direct grow multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) random networks by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) at low-temperature (<1000∘< 1000^{\circ}C), without the addition of any external catalysts or time-consuming pre-treatments. In this way, super-hydrophobic MWCNT films on stainless steel sheets were obtained, exhibiting high contact angle values (154∘154^{\circ}) and high adhesion force (high contact angle hysteresis). Furthermore, the investigation of MWCNT films at scanning electron microscopy (SEM) reveals a two-fold hierarchical morphology of the MWCNT random networks made of hydrophilic carbonaceous nanostructures on the tip of hydrophobic MWCNTs. Owing to the Salvinia effect, the hydrophobic and hydrophilic composite surface of the MWCNT films supplies a stationary super-hydrophobic coating for conductive stainless steel. This biomimetical inspired surface not only may prevent corrosion and fouling but also could provide low-friction and drag-reduction.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Saint-Denis, La Possession – Nouvelle route du littoral (tranche 1)

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    La Nouvelle route du littoral est l’ouvrage routier construit sur l’ocĂ©an par la RĂ©gion RĂ©union entre Saint-Denis et La Possession, afin de remplacer la route actuelle dite en corniche ouverte en 1976 (fig. 1). Fig. 1 – Vue aĂ©rienne de l’actuelle route du littoral Cliché : É. Jacquot (Dac-OI). Ce grand projet d’infrastructure est le premier dans l’üle de La RĂ©union Ă  ĂȘtre accompagnĂ© d’une opĂ©ration d’archĂ©ologie prĂ©ventive, et entraĂźna avec lui la continuitĂ© de ce service public dans l’ocĂ©an..

    Le quartier du port Ă  Marseille Ă  l’époque moderne et contemporaine : essai de reconstitution d’un paysage urbain disparu

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    17 juin 2010 Aix-Marseille UniversitéDirecteur de thÚse Régis Bertrand, Professeur émérite, université de ProvenceMembres du jury PrésidentGilbert Buti, Professeur, université de Provence RapporteurPhilippe Bernardi, Directeur de recherche, CNRS ExaminateursRobert Carvais, Chargé de recherche, CNRSMichel Signoli, Directeur de recherche, CNRS Consultable ThÚse publiée sous le titre Le quartier du port de Marseille 1500-1790. Une réalité urbaine restituée, Aix-en-Provence, Presses universitaire..

    TEC - MOB Analisi preliminari: Information Technology

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    This document describes the TEC-MOB project: "Rete delle alte tecnologie per la mobilit? fisica e virtuale nell\u27area vasta costiera della Toscana", with particolar attention to security issues. General topics are here discussed, by starting from basic concepts, up to some applicative solutions for helping the phisical and virtual mobility

    3.4. La poudrerie de Saint-Chamas

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    Bien que n’ayant pas fait l’objet d’une fouille archĂ©ologique, une prĂ©sentation de la Poudrerie est apparue comme une suite logique aprĂšs celle de la Raffinerie de Marseille. Les deux manufactures entretiennent en effet des liens Ă©troits pendant plus de deux siĂšcles, l’une recevant de l’autre les matĂ©riaux raffinĂ©s nĂ©cessaires Ă  la fabrication de la poudre (fig. 83). Fig. 83. Le golfe de Saint-Chamas et la Poudrerie, fin XIXe siĂšcle, in : P. Lafran 1983 (Photographies de Joseph Sanguin 1860..
