51 research outputs found

    Involvement of JNK1 in neuronal polarization during brain development

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    The c-Jun N-terminal Kinases (JNKs) are a group of regulatory elements responsible for the control of a wide array of functions within the cell. In the central nervous system (CNS), JNKs are involved in neuronal polarization, starting from the cell division of neural stem cells and ending with their final positioning when migrating and maturing. This review will focus mostly on isoform JNK1, the foremost contributor of total JNK activity in the CNS. Throughout the text, research from multiple groups will be summarized and discussed in order to describe the involvement of the JNKs in the different steps of neuronal polarization. The data presented support the idea that isoform JNK1 is highly relevant to the regulation of many of the processes that occur in neuronal development in the CNS

    The Ethyl Acetate Extract of Leaves of Ugni molinae Turcz. Improves Neuropathological Hallmarks of Alzheimer's Disease in Female APPswe/PS1dE9 Mice Fed with a High Fat Diet

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    The most common type of dementia is Alzheimer's disease (AD), a progressive neurodegenerative disease characterized by impairment in cognitive performance in aged individuals. Currently, there is no effective pharmacological treatment that cures the disease due to the lack of knowledge on the actual mechanisms involved in its pathogenesis. In the last decades, the amyloidogenic hypothesis has been the most studied theory trying to explain the origin of AD, yet it does not address all the concerns relating to its development. In the present study, a possible new preclinical treatment of AD was evaluated using the ethyl acetate extract (EAE) of leaves of Ugni molinae Turcz. (synonym Myrtus ugni Molina Family Myrtacea). The effects were assessed on female transgenic mice from a preclinical model of familial AD (APPswe/PS1dE9) combined with a high fat diet. This preclinical model was selected due to the already available experimental and observational data proving the relationship between obesity, gender, metabolic stress, and cognitive dysfunction; related to characteristics of sporadic AD. According to chemical analyses, EAE would contain polyphenols such as tannins, flavonoid derivatives, and phenolic acids, as well as pentacyclic triterpenoids that exhibit neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effects. In addition, the treatment evidenced its capacity to prevent deterioration of memory capacity and reduction of progression speed of AD neuropathology

    Benzodiazepines and Related Drugs as a Risk Factor in Alzheimer's Disease Dementia.

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    Benzodiazepines (BZDs) and Z-drugs are compounds widely prescribed in medical practice due to their anxiolytic, hypnotic, and muscle relaxant properties. Yet, their chronic use is associated with cases of abuse, dependence, and relapse in many patients. Furthermore, elderly people are susceptible to alterations in pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics as well as to drug interaction due to polypharmacy. These situations increase the risk for the appearance of cognitive affectations and the development of pathologies like Alzheimer's disease (AD). In the present work, there is a summary of some clinical studies that have evaluated the effect of BZDs and Z-drugs in the adult population with and without AD, focusing on the relationship between their use and the loss of cognitive function. Additionally, there is an assessment of preclinical studies focused on finding molecular proof on the pathways by which these drugs could be involved in AD pathogenesis. Moreover, available data (1990-2019) on BZD and Z-drug use among elderly patients, with and without AD, was compiled in this work. Finally, the relationship between the use of BZD and Z-drugs for the treatment of insomnia and the appearance of AD biomarkers was analyzed. Results pointed to a vicious circle that would worsen the condition of patients over time. Likewise, it put into relevance the need for close monitoring of those patients using BZDs that also suffer from AD. Consequently, future studies should focus on optimizing strategies for insomnia treatment in the elderly by using other substances like melatonin agonists, which is described to have a much more significant safety profile

    The Implication of the Brain Insulin Receptor in Late Onset Alzheimer's Disease Dementia

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by brain accumulation of the amyloid β peptide (Aβ), which form senile plaques, neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) and, eventually, neurodegeneration and cognitive impairment. Interestingly, epidemiological studies have described a relationship between type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and this pathology, being one of the risk factors for the development of AD pathogenesis. Information as it is, it would point out that, impairment in insulin signalling and glucose metabolism, in central as well as peripheral systems, would be one of the reasons for the cognitive decline. Brain insulin resistance, also known as Type 3 diabetes, leads to the increase of Aβ production and TAU phosphorylation, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, protein misfolding, and cognitive impairment, which are all hallmarks of AD. Moreover, given the complexity of interlocking mechanisms found in late onset AD (LOAD) pathogenesis, more data is being obtained. Recent evidence showed that Aβ42 generated in the brain would impact negatively on the hypothalamus, accelerating the 'peripheral' symptomatology of AD. In this situation, Aβ42 production would induce hypothalamic dysfunction that would favour peripheral hyperglycaemia due to down regulation of the liver insulin receptor. The objective of this review is to discuss the existing evidence supporting the concept that brain insulin resistance and altered glucose metabolism play an important role in pathogenesis of LOAD. Furthermore, we discuss AD treatment approaches targeting insulin signalling using anti-diabetic drugs and mTOR inhibitors

    A metabolic perspective of late onset Alzheimer's disease

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    After decades of research, the molecular neuropathology of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is still one of the hot topics in biomedical sciences. Some studies suggest that soluble amyloid β (Aβ) oligomers act as causative agents in the development of AD and could be initiators of its complex neurodegenerative cascade. On the other hand, there is also evidence pointing to Aβ oligomers as mere aggravators, with an arguable role in the origin of the disease. In this line of research, the relative contribution of soluble Aβ oligomers to neuronal damage associated with metabolic disorders such as Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) and obesity is being actively investigated. Some authors have proposed the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and the induction of the unfolded protein response (UPR) as important mechanisms leading to an increase in Aβ production and the activation of neuroinflammatory processes. Following this line of thought, these mechanisms could also cause cognitive impairment. The present review summarizes the current understanding on the neuropathological role of Aβ associated with metabolic alterations induced by an obesogenic high fat diet (HFD) intake. It is believed that the combination of these two elements has a synergic effect, leading to the impairement of ER and mitochondrial functions, glial reactivity status alteration and inhibition of insulin receptor (IR) signalling. All these metabolic alterations would favour neuronal malfunction and, eventually, neuronal death by apoptosis, hence causing cognitive impairment and laying the foundations for late-onset AD (LOAD). Moreover, since drugs enhancing the activation of cerebral insulin pathway can constitute a suitable strategy for the prevention of AD, we also discuss the scope of therapeutic approaches such as intranasal administration of insulin in clinical trials with AD patients

    Memantine for the treatment of dementia. A review on its current and future applications

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the presence in the brain of extracellular amyloid-β protein (Aβ) and intracellular neurofibrillary tangles composed of hyperphosphorylated tau protein. The N-Methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDAR), ionotropic glutamate receptor, are essential for processes like learning and memory. An excessive activation of NMDARs has been associated with neuronal loss. The discovery of extrasynaptic NMDARs provided a rational and physiological explanation between physiological and excitotoxic actions of glutamate. Memantine (MEM), an antagonist of extrasynaptic NMDAR, is currently used for the treatment of AD jointly with acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. It has been demonstrated that MEM preferentially prevents the excessive continuous extrasynaptic NMDAR disease activation and therefore prevents neuronal cell death induced by excitotoxicity without disrupting physiological synaptic activity. The problem is that MEM has shown no clear positive effects in clinical applications while, in preclinical stages, had very promising results. The data in preclinical studies suggests that MEM has a positive impact on improving AD brain neuropathology, as well as in preventing Aβ production, aggregation, or downstream neurotoxic consequences, in part through the blockade of extrasynaptic NMDAR. Thus, the focus of this review is primarily to discuss the efficacy of MEM in preclinical models of AD, consider possible combinations of this drug with others, and then evaluate possible reasons for its lack of efficacy in clinical trials. Finally, applications in other pathologies are also considered

    Dual Mkk4 and Mkk7 Gene Deletion in Adult Mouse Causes an Impairment of Hippocampal Immature Granule Cells

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    (1) Background: The c-Jun-NH2-terminal protein kinase (JNK) is a mitogen-activated protein kinase involved in regulating physiological processes in the central nervous system. However, the dual genetic deletion of Mkk4 and Mkk7 (upstream activators of JNK) in adult mice is not reported. The aim of this study was to induce the genetic deletion of Mkk4/Mkk7 in adult mice and analyze their effect in hippocampal neurogenesis. (2) Methods: To achieve this goal, Actin-CreERT2 (Cre+/−), Mkk4flox/flox, Mkk7flox/flox mice were created. The administration of tamoxifen in these 2-month-old mice induced the gene deletion (Actin-CreERT2 (Cre+/−), Mkk4∆/∆, Mkk7∆/∆ genotype), which was verified by PCR, Western blot, and immunohistochemistry techniques. (3) Results: The levels of MKK4/MKK7 at 7 and 14 days after tamoxifen administration were not eliminated totally in CNS, unlike what happens in the liver and heart. These data could be correlated with the high levels of these proteins in CNS. In the hippocampus, the deletion of Mkk4/Mkk7 induced a misalignment position of immature hippocampal neurons together with alterations in their dendritic architecture pattern and maturation process jointly to the diminution of JNK phosphorylation. (4) Conclusion: All these data supported that the MKK4/MKK7–JNK pathway has a role in adult neurogenic activity

    Rabdomiomas intraorales de tipo adulto múltiple. Reporte de un caso

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    El Rabdomioma de tipo adulto (RMA) es una lesión infrecuente que se origina a partir del músculo estriado, derivado específicamente del tercer y cuarto arco braqui al. Se presenta como una entidad de evolución lenta y por lo general de curso asintomático. Su aparición en boca es rara y cuando lo hace, los sitios más frecuentes son el piso de la boca, el paladar blando y la lengua. A continuación describiremos un caso de dos lesiones de RMA intraoral que se localizaron a nivel de la cara ventral, sector anterior de la lengua. Las lesiones tenían varios años de evolución y su diagnóstico presuntivo fueron fibromas irritativos o lipomas. Sin embargo, los hallazgos histopatológicos demostraron la presencia de fibras musculares estriadas que indican el diagnóstico definitivo de RMA intraoral es múltiples.0000-0002-8097-212

    Dual Mkk4 and Mkk7 Gene Deletion in Adult Mouse Causes an Impairment of Hippocampal Immature Granule Cells

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    (1) Background: The c-Jun-NH2-terminal protein kinase (JNK) is a mitogen-activated protein kinase involved in regulating physiological processes in the central nervous system. However, the dual genetic deletion of Mkk4 and Mkk7 (upstream activators of JNK) in adult mice is not reported. The aim of this study was to induce the genetic deletion of Mkk4/Mkk7 in adult mice and analyze their effect in hippocampal neurogenesis. (2) Methods: To achieve this goal, Actin-CreERT2 (Cre+/−), Mkk4flox/flox, Mkk7flox/flox mice were created. The administration of tamoxifen in these 2-month-old mice induced the gene deletion (Actin-CreERT2 (Cre+/−), Mkk4∆/∆, Mkk7∆/∆ genotype), which was verified by PCR, Western blot, and immunohistochemistry techniques. (3) Results: The levels of MKK4/MKK7 at 7 and 14 days after tamoxifen administration were not eliminated totally in CNS, unlike what happens in the liver and heart. These data could be correlated with the high levels of these proteins in CNS. In the hippocampus, the deletion of Mkk4/Mkk7 induced a misalignment position of immature hippocampal neurons together with alterations in their dendritic architecture pattern and maturation process jointly to the diminution of JNK phosphorylation. (4) Conclusion: All these data supported that the MKK4/MKK7-JNK pathway has a role in adult neurogenic activity