13,494 research outputs found

    Desinfestação e estabelecimento in vitro de segmentos caulinares de camu-camuzeiro.

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    No presente estudo objetivou-se avaliar diferentes concentrações e tempo de imersão no hipoclorito de sódio para desinfestação e estabelecimento in vitro de segmentos caulinares de camucamuzeiro

    Evolução da maturação e determinação do ponto de colheita de banana nas condições de cultivo da região do Submédio do Vale do São Francisco.

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    O elevado índice de perdas desde a produção até a comercialização de banana no Brasil faz com que apenas uma parcela, entre 50 a 60% da produção, chegue à mesa do consumidor. A determinação do ponto de colheita mais adequado tem como finalidade permitir o máximo aproveitamento da fruta. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o acompanhamento da maturação dos frutos desde a emissão da inflorescência até a maturação completa do cacho na planta e, assim, verificar a época ideal de colheita, por meio de análises físicas e químicas, quanto a tamanho, peso, textura, pH, acidez total titulável e açucares solúveis totais, nas condições de cultivo do Vale do São Francisco. Verificou-se que o diâmetro, comprimento e desaparecimento da angulosidade dos frutos, não foram adequados para determinação do ponto de colheita de bananas de cultivar Pacovan, visto que os frutos mantiveram-se irregular em tamanho e forma até a completa maturação e que a acidez total titulável e textura foram os melhores indicativos para o ponto de colheita

    Uso de antibióticos no controle da contaminação in vitro de segmentos caulinares de camu-camuzeiro.

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    Objetivou-se avaliar diferentes doses de antibióticos adicionados ao meio de cultura do controle da contaminação bacteriana in vitro de segmentos caulinares de camucamuzeiro

    Role of the mixing conditions and composition of galvanic sludges on the inertization process in clay-based ceramics

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    Hydroxide-metal sludges from electroplating industry are a potential source of environmental contamination due to their high content of heavy metals. The incorporation of these residues in a ceramic matrix can be a promising way to suppress the harmful effect of metals normally present in those sludges. This work reports the role of the mixing time between the waste and ceramic materials and of the calcination step on the fixing level of several metal-containing species (Al, Zn, Ni, Fe, Ca, Cu, Cr) after sequential leaching in different media (aqueous, acetate and citrate). A strong and/or long mixing process will promote the deagglomeration of the coarser agglomerates and then will increase the reactivity of remaining grains towards the ceramic material during the calcination. As a consequence, inertization is improved for fired samples. With non-calcined samples leaching increases as a result of increasing dispersability/availability of species

    Effect of experimental variables on the inertization of galvanic sluges in clay-based ceramics

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    The incorporation of several industrial wastes in ceramic matrixes had been attempted as an effective low expense technique for the fixation of metallic species in usable products or simply to reduce the residue volume for further disposal. However, the dominant mechanism of the inertization process and the relevant influent parameters are still unknown, mostly due to the complexity of the systems. This work reports the effect of several processing parameters such as the mixing time, the calcination temperature and duration, the relative amount of sludge, and the physical aspect of the sample (powdered or pressed pellets) on the fixing level of relevant species (SiO2, SO4 2−, Zn, Ni, Ca, Cu, Cr) by leaching in different media (aqueous, acetate, and citrate). Statistical tools were used to define the relevance of each experimental variable on the inertization process of the used galvanic sludge. The relative amount of sludge in the mixture, the calcination temperature and the agglomeration state of the sample were found to be the most influent parameters of the inertization process. The incipient reaction between sludge and ceramic matrix components points out for the dominance of a macro- encapsulation mechanism

    Physical and chemical characterisation of metal finishing industrial wastes

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    In EU countries approximately 150,000 ons/year of galvanic sludges are generated by 4000 industrial units from the orresponding wastewater treatment plants. These sludges are generally classified as hazardous (European Waste Catalogue as adopted in Council Decision 2000/532/CE and as amended by Decisions 2001/118/EC, 2001/119/EC and 2001/573/CE), basically due to the presence of heavy metals. This work attempts to better understand the physical and chemical characteristics of these sludges, by studying 39 samples collected in different Portuguese industries that should represent all kinds of similar wastes independent of their place of generation. Chemical composition and leaching characteristics are given, together with density, grain size distribution, and specific surface area values. Statistical analysis was used for grouping the wastes according to chemical parameters, which might be useful to predict potential reuse as raw materials for different applications

    A strategy to identify housekeeping genes suitable for analysis in breast cancer diseases

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    Standard curve and serial dilutions for nHKGs and tHKGs. The x axis represents the dilution series (1:800, 1:400, 1:200 and 1:100) and the y axis represents the mean of CT for each gene. The correlation coefficient r is given for each gene inside parentheses. (PDF 53 kb