3,474 research outputs found

    Role of growth factors in the pathogenesis of tissue fibrosis in systemic sclerosis.

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    The most severe clinical and pathologic manifestations of systemic sclerosis (SSc) are the result of a fibrotic process characterized by the excessive and often progressive deposition of collagen and other connective tissue macromolecules in skin and numerous internal organs. The mechanisms involved in the initiation and progression of the remarkable fibrotic process in SSc remain largely unknown. Extensive recent studies have indicated that a variety of polypeptide growth factors play a crucial role in this process. The most commonly implicated growth factors include transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β), connective tissue growth factor (CTGF), platelet derived growth factor (PDGF), and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Here, the experimental evidence supporting the participation of various growth factors in the pathogenesis of the fibrotic process in SSc and the molecular mechanisms involved will be reviewed

    Awareness and Advocacy for the Needs of NFL Athletes: A Qualitative Study

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    The presentation delves into understanding, investigating, and supporting the occupational needs of NFL athletes. Through thorough research and analysis, it was revealed that these athletes face distinct challenges and demands in their professional and personal lives, specifically in wellness, quality of life, and lifestyle balance. The study results provide knowledge and abilities to address and advocate the unique needs of NFL athletes. The evidence strongly emphasizes the advantages and benefits of occupational therapy services in non-traditional settings such as sports.https://soar.usa.edu/otdcapstonesspring2024/1022/thumbnail.jp

    On the Dynamics of Dengue Virus type 2 with Residence Times and Vertical Transmission

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    A two-patch mathematical model of Dengue virus type 2 (DENV-2) that accounts for vectors' vertical transmission and between patches human dispersal is introduced. Dispersal is modeled via a Lagrangian approach. A host-patch residence-times basic reproduction number is derived and conditions under which the disease dies out or persists are established. Analytical and numerical results highlight the role of hosts' dispersal in mitigating or exacerbating disease dynamics. The framework is used to explore dengue dynamics using, as a starting point, the 2002 outbreak in the state of Colima, Mexico

    Biomarkers in systemic sclerosis.

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    Systemic sclerosis is an autoimmune inflammatory disorder of unknown etiologycharacterized b y pronounced fibroproliferative alterations in the microvasculature, and frequent cellular and humoral immunity abnormalities, culminating in a severe and often progressive fibrotic process. Numerous biomarkers reflecting the three main pathogenetic mechanisms in systemic sclerosis have been described; however, aside from several disease-specific autoantibodies, other biomarkers have not been thoroughly validated and require further study. Thus, there is an unmet need for validated biomarkers for diagnosis, disease classification, and evaluation of organ involvement and therapeutic response in systemic sclerosis

    The Ambitious Idea of Kant's Corollary

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    Misrepresentations can be innocuous or even useful, but Kant’s corollary to the formula of universal law appears to involve a pernicious one: “act as if the maxim of your action were to become by your will a universal law of nature”. Humans obviously cannot make their maxims into laws of nature, and it seems preposterous to claim that we are morally required to pretend that we can. Given that Kant was careful to eradicate pernicious misrepresentations from theoretical metaphysics, the imperative to act as if I have this supernatural power has typically been treated as an embarrassment meriting apology. The wording of the corollary may be vindicated, however, by recognizing that “as if” (als ob) is a technical term both in the Critique of Pure Reason and here. It signals a modal shift from the assertoric to the problematic mode of cognition, one that is necessitated by the attempt to incorporate the natural effects of a free will into a universal moral imperative that is philosophically practical. In this paper I sketch how the modal shift makes sense of the corollary as a subjectively necessary, philosophically practical idealization of the extension of human freedom into nature, one that accurately represents a necessary parameter of moral conduct: moral ambition

    “Relación Entre La Calidad De Servicio Y La Fidelización Del Cliente En La Empresa Sanicenter Sac. Chiclayo, 2016”

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    En esta investigación se planteó como objetivo determinar la relación entre la calidad de servicio y la fidelización del cliente de la empresa SANICENTER S.A.C. de la ciudad de Chiclayo. Para ello se desarrolló una encuesta bajo la escala Likert dirigida hacia los clientes del establecimiento, con una muestra de 120 clientes, obteniéndose como resultado que si existe una relación directa entre las variables. De dicha relación el 14,2% se divisa en un nivel promedio, con el 66,7% en un nivel alto. Para el apoyo de la investigación se analizó la situación actual de la empresa con respecto al servicio que brinda, específicamente la sucursal ubicada en Av. Alfonzo Ugarte Nº 1259 – 1265 de la ciudad de Chiclayo. Posterior a ello, se presenta el análisis estadístico chi – cuadrado, obtenidos con ayuda del software estadístico SPSS, arrojando que el coeficiente es de 97,395 y un p valor de 0,000 (p<0,5) con un nivel de confianza del 95% que confirman la aceptación de la hipótesis planteada en la investigación: La calidad de servicio se relaciona directamente con la fidelización del cliente en la empresa SANICENTER de la ciudad de Chiclayo

    Gestión integral de residuos sólidos

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    La cartilla 1 considera la evolución histórica de la generación y manejo de los residuos sólidos, haciendo una corta reseña de la forma como el hombre desde la antigüedad hasta nuestros días ha realizado el manejo de los residuos. Aquí también se referencian los marcos legales e institucionales, existentes en Colombia partiendo desde la Ley 23 de 1973 hasta el Decreto 2981 del 20 de diciembre del 2013, además se muestra la estructura institucional para el manejo de los residuos sólidos a nivel nacional. En un tercer momento académico, se definen términos como el manejo integral y sustentable de los residuos sólidos, los planes de manejo integral de residuos sólidos PMIRS y la clasificación de los residuos sólidos según su origen y tipo de manejo.El contenido de los documentos publicados en el repositorio, es de exclusiva responsabilidad de los autores y no expresa necesariamente, el pensamiento de la Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina.UNIDAD 1 Gestión de los residuos sólidos -- UNIDAD 2 Cadena de generación de residuos -- UNIDAD 3 Sistema de manejo de residuos sólidos -- UNIDAD 4 Planes de gestión integral de residuos (PGIRS) -

    The Method of Kant’s Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals: Establishing Moral Metaphysics as a Science

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    This dissertation concerns the methodology Kant employs in the first two sections of the Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals (Groundwork I-II) with particular attention to how the execution of the method of analysis in these sections contributes to the establishment of moral metaphysics as a science. My thesis is that Kant had a detailed strategy for the Groundwork, that this strategy and Kant’s reasons for adopting it can be ascertained from the Critique of Pure Reason (first Critique) and his lectures on logic, and that understanding this strategy gains us interpretive insight into Kant’s moral metaphysics. At the most general level of methodology, Kant says there are four steps for the establishment of any science: 1) make distinct the idea of the natural unity of its material 2) determine the special content of the science 3) articulate the systematic unity of the science 4) critique the science to determine its boundaries The first two of these steps are accomplished by the genetically scholastic method of analysis, paradigmatically the method whereby confused and obscure ideas are made clear and distinct, thereby logically perfecting them and transforming them into possible grounds of cognitive insight that are potentially complete and adequate to philosophical purposes. The analysis of Groundwork I is a paradigmatic analysis that makes distinct what is contained in common understanding, i.e. its Inhalt or intension, making distinct the higher partial concepts that together define the concept of morality. The analysis of Groundwork II is an employment more specifically of the method of logical division, which makes distinct what is contained under the concept, i.e. its Umfang, by which the extension or object of morality is determined. Part I introduces Kant’s conception of moral metaphysical science and why he took it to be in need of establishment, explains the general method for establishing science and the scholastic method of analysis by which its first two steps are to be accomplished, then provides an interpretation of Groundwork I as an execution of this method. Part II details Kant’s determination of the special content of moral science in Groundwork II in relation to the central problem for moral metaphysics – how synthetic a priori practical cognition is possible

    Whole-genome functional characterization of RE1 silencers using a modified massively parallel reporter assay.

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    Transcriptional silencers are under- studied compared with activating elements. By using MPRAduo, Mouri et al. perform a whole-genome functional characterization screen of RE1 silencers and identify REST-binding motif characteristics and cofactor localization required for a functional silencer. They also identify human genetic variants that impact RE1 activity

    Polimorfismos de nucleótido simple en hormonas asociadas al crecimiento muscular en ovinos criollos colombianos

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    Objective. To determine the Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) present in growth hormone (GH) and insulin like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) genes and their association with muscle growth in Colombian Creole hair sheep. Materials and methods. A populationof 100 sheep was selected, from three different regions: Andean valleys, Piedemonte Llanero and Córdoba department, subjected to different production systems. Polymorphisms identification was determined by the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Single Chain Conformation Polymorphism (SSCP) techniques. Results. AA, AB and BB genotypes were identified for these genes. Allele frequencies were defined for the GH and IGF-1 (IGFov-1, IGF1ov-2 and IGF1ov-3) markers of 58.9, 36.87, 53.76 and 56.81% for alleleA, respectively, and 41.41, 63.13, 46.24 and 43.18% for allele B, respectively. Genotypic frequencies were also determined for each marker at the population level, calculated from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium with a Fis correlation analysis. Conclusion. The selected markers present a high level of homology in the selected population, and it was determined that there is a high percentage of heterozygous individuals based on the markers evaluated.Objetivo. Determinar Polimorfismos de Nucleótido Simple (SNPs) presentes en los genes de la Hormona del Crecimiento (HC) y del Factor de Crecimiento Semejante a la Insulina 1 (IGF-1) y su asociación con el crecimiento muscular en ovinos de pelo criollos colombianos. Materiales y métodos. Se seleccionó una población de 100 ovinos, de tres regiones diferentes: Valles interandinos, Piedemonte Llanero y departamento de Córdoba, sometidos a diferentes sistemas de producción. La identificación de polimorfismos en los genes se realizó mediante las técnicas de Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa (PCR) y de Polimorfismo Conformacional de Cadena Sencilla (SSCP). Resultados. Se identificaron los genotipos AA, AB y BB para dichos genes. Las frecuencias alélicas para los marcadores HC, IGF-1 (IGFov-1, IGF1ov-2 e IGF1ov-3) fueron de 58,9, 36,87, 53,76 y 56,81% para el alelo A, respectivamente, y de 41,41, 63,13, 46,24 y 43,18% para el alelo B, respectivamente. Asimismo, se determinaron las frecuencias genotípicas para cada marcador a nivel poblacional, calculado a partir del equilibrio de Hardy-Weinberg con un análisis de correlación Fis. Conclusión. Los marcadores seleccionados presentaron un alto nivel de homología en la población seleccionada, lográndose determinar que existe un alto porcentaje de individuos heterocigotos con base a los marcadores evaluados.