968 research outputs found

    Aprendizaje basado en intereses: una experiencia en la asignatura de Procesadores de Lenguajes

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    La materia de Procesadores de Lenguajes tradicionalmente ha estado presente como materia obligatoria u optativa en la mayoría de titulaciones relacionadas con la Informática. Esta materia trata sobre el desarrollo y la comprensión de los compiladores e intérpretes. En este trabajo se presenta el enfoque que se ha dado a dicha materia en el contexto EEES, y fundamentalmente a la parte práctica, para potenciar un aprendizaje significativo. La propuesta se basa en la realización de trabajos que impliquen dar solución a problemas que requieren del diseño y desarrollo de un lenguaje específico de un dominio así como de su procesador asociado en lugar de la aproximación clásica de diseñar un compilador para un subconjunto de un lenguaje de programación conocido. El trabajo explica el desarrollo de este planteamiento, así como algunos ejemplos significativos de prácticas desarrolladas en los años en los cuales se lleva aplicando.SUMMARY -- The Language Processors subject is present as a core or optional subject in most degrees related with the field of Computer Science. Usually, this subject has dealt with the development and comprehension of compilers and interpreters. In this paper we introduce the approach we have followed in the subject, mainly in the practical part, to promote a significant learning. In order to achieve this goal, students have solved problems that require designing a domain-specific language and its related language processor instead of just designing a compiler for a subset of a given programming language. The paper explains the development of this approach in detail, and it also shows some outstanding works among those carried out by the students in this time.Peer Reviewe

    The economic geography of football success: empirical evidence from european cities

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    Introduction. – 1. The geography of successful football teams: an analytical framework – 2. Empirical analysis – 2.1. Data, model estimation and results – 2.2. Cities and teams: some remarks about market size and teams’ performance – 3. Conclusions – 4. Annex

    Experiencias de uso y evaluación de una herramienta de apoyo a la enseñanza de Teoría de Autómatas y Lenguajes Formales

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    Una materia habitual en los planes de estudios de Ingeniería Informática es la Teoría de Autómatas y Lenguajes Formales. Los alumnos suelen tener problemas a la hora de afrontar la preparación de esta materia, ya que la encuentran muy abstracta y apartada de otras materias que estudian en paralelo. Para facilitar la preparación de esta materia, se desarrolló la herramienta SELFA-Pro, que permite resolver ejercicios de la mayor parte del temario de la materia. En este artículo se presenta la experiencia reciente de uso de la herramienta en un entorno real, tanto en cuanto a estadísticas y su relación con los resultados académicos, como en cuanto a opinión subjetiva de los alumnos.A subject that is usually found in the studies of Computer Science is the Theory of Automata and Formal Languages. Students usually have some problems when facing this subject, as they find it very abstract and distant from other subjects they study at the same time. In order to make easier the preparation of the subject, the SELFA-Pro tool was developed. This tool allows students solving problems of most themes in the subject. In this paper we show some recent experiences of use of this tool in real studies. We include both statistics of use with their possible relationship with academic results and subjective opinion of the students that work with the tool

    ¿Podemos hacer que el mundo sea un mejor lugar mientras enseñamos/aprendemos?

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    En este trabajo se reflexiona sobre la oportunidad que tenemos de trabajar en nuestras signaturas de las titulaciones de Ingeniería en Informática en proyectos reales que de alguna forma mejoren el mundo y tengan repercusión sobre la sociedad. Como ejemplo se presentará en detalle una experiencia realizada en la asignatura de Comercio Electrónico, en la que empleando una metodología de aprendizaje basado en proyectos se ha unido el aprendizaje con el compromiso social, dando como resultado un producto que se ha quedado en explotación y que facilita el trabajo de una protectora de animales.This paper argues that our world might be improved by working in our subjects in real projects, which should have some effect on it. An experience of learning through real projects, carried out in the Electronic Commerce subject is presented in this work. Project-based learning and service-learning have been used in it as learning methodologies. As a result, an e-commerce solution has been designed, developed and implemented to facilitate the work of a society for the protection of animals, promoting responsible adoption of abandoned animals

    Aprendiendo Comercio Electrónico en los Grados de Ingeniería Informática: una experiencia enriquecedora

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    En este trabajo se argumentará, desde dos perspectivas diferentes, la utilidad de la inclusión de la materia de Comercio Electrónico en los planes de estudio del Grado en Ingeniería Informática. La primera es aquella que se centra en lo que puede aportar al futuro profesional de un graduado en informática, ya que aporta conocimientos sobre un campo desconocido que se prevé que va a ser muy importante en el futuro y con muchas profesiones asociadas. La segunda es aquella que permite desarrollar y poner en marcha proyectos de emprendimiento o dar el soporte tecnológico a los mismos.This paper presents the usefulness of the Electronic Commerce subject in the curriculum of the Degree in Computer Engineering from two different perspectives. The first is one that focuses on what it could provide to the professional future of a graduate in computer science into a field that is expected to be very important in the future. The second is one that allows to develop and implement entrepreneurial projects or give technical support to them

    Motivation, Anxiety, and Emotional Intelligence Are Associated with the Practice of Contact and Non-Contact Sports: An Explanatory Model

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    (1) Background: Several studies have shown that high anxiety impairs sport performance, making it important to develop strategies which improve the emotional self-regulation of athletes. The present study analyzed the relationship between emotional intelligence, motivational climate in sport, and anxiety according to participation in contact or non-contact sports, using multi-group structural equation modeling; (2) Methods: This research was conducted with a sample of 371 semi-professional athletes from Spain. The main variables were emotional intelligence, motivational climate in sport, and anxiety. A multi-group path analysis was developed and demonstrated acceptable fit (X2 = 418.60; df = 46; p < 0.001; Comparative Fit Index (CFI) = 0.959; Normalized Fit Index (NFI) = 0.955; Incremental Fit Index (IFI) = 0.959; Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) = 0.063); (3) Results: A negative association was identified between task-oriented climate and ego-oriented climate. Moreover, there was a positive relationship between task-oriented climate and emotional intelligence, which was strongest in individuals participating in non-contact sports. The relationship between ego-oriented climate and emotional intelligence was less evident. Furthermore, both state anxiety and trait anxiety were negatively correlated with emotional intelligence; (4) Conclusions: The key conclusion from the present research is that task-oriented motivational climates positively influence levels of emotional intelligence and anxiety, especially in contact sports. It is important to encourage the development of self-determined motivational climates in order to avoid emotional states which can hinder performance

    Motivational Climate Is Associated with Use of Video Games and Violence in Schoolchildren: A Structural Equation Model According to Healthy Behaviors

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    The aim of this cross-sectional study was to develop an explanatory model of motivational climate, problematic use of videogames, violent behaviour and victimisation in schoolchildren. The sample included 734 children aged between 10 and 12 years of age from the province of Granada (Spain). A multi-group structural equation model was used, with an excellent fit (CFI = 0.964; NFI = 0.954; IFI = 0.964; RMSEA = 0.048). The results showed a positive relationship between the problematic use of video games, victimisation and violent behaviors, associating negatively with the task climate. Likewise, the task-oriented motivational climate was indirectly related to victimisation situations and violent behavior, while the ego climate did so positively with special emphasis on children who did not perform physical activity. As a main conclusion it is shown that adherence to the practice of physical activity, and particularly within a task-oriented motivational climate, can act as a protective factor against the problematic use of video games

    Path and speed of spectrum management reform under uncertain costs and benefits

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    The unsolved question in spectrum management is no longer if a reform is necessary to enable higher market participation but the optimal path and speed of reform. We offer an expression to determine when to choose a gradual or big bang reform depending on current and expected technology and an expression to determine whether to wait or not for new technology. Gradual is better if the technological advance coefficient is high, the reversibility of the reforms is costly, the duration of the second reform is long, the probability of an outcome lower than expected is considerable or the reforms are not too complementary

    Experience applying language processing techniques to develop educational software that allow active learning methodologies by advising students

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    This paper is focused on those systems that allow students to build their own knowledge by providing them with feedback regarding their actions while performing a problem based learning activity or while making changes to problem statements, so that a higher order thinking skill can be achieved. This feedback is the consequence of an automatic assessment. Particularly, we propose a method that makes use of Language Processor techniques for developing these kinds of systems. This method could be applied in subjects in which problem statements and solutions can be formalized by mean of a formal language and the problems can be solved in an algorithmic way. The method has been used to develop a number of tools that are partially described in this paper. Thus, we show that our approach is applicable in addressing the development of the aforementioned systems. One of these tools (a virtual laboratory for language processing) has been in use for several years in order to support home assignments. The data collected for these years are presented and analyzed in this paper. The results of the analysis confirm that this tool is effective in facilitating the achievement of learning outcomes

    Diversidad de género en la dirección de las empresas y su influencia en la discriminación salarial. El caso español

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    La creciente participación de la mujer en el mercado laboral ha supuesto uno de los principales cambios socioeconómicos de las últimas décadas. Esta incorporación es reflejo de la distribución poblacional, sin embargo, ésta no se ha realizado de forma homogénea, siendo evidente la existencia de segregación de género, vertical y horizontal, en el tejido empresarial español. Este hecho ha desarrollado diferentes líneas de investigación relacionadas con la discriminación laboral de la mujer, incluyendo la brecha salarial. Este trabajo analiza la relación entre la diversidad de género en los equipos de dirección de las empresas españolas y la discriminación salarial en las mismas. Utilizando la Encuesta de Estructura Salarial se analiza, a través de la estimación de ecuaciones tipo Oaxaca-Blinder, si el grado de feminización del equipo de dirección influye, y en qué sentido, sobre la brecha salarial. Los resultados preliminares señalan que las empresas que tienen un grado de feminización superior a un valor umbral relacionado con el concepto teórico de masa crítica (30% y 40%) tienen menor índice de discriminación salarial
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