4 research outputs found

    Sistematización de las prácticas socioeducativas artísticas de la corporación "Arlequín y Los Juglares" como un aporte a los procesos de empoderamiento político de las mujeres afro descendientes víctimas del desplazamiento forzado en el período 2010-2015

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    RESUMEN: Este trabajo de grado es una sistematización de las prácticas de la Corporación “Arlequín y los Juglares”, en ella se realizó la reconstrucción histórica de sus 43 años, la descripción de sus prácticas socioeducativas artísticas, de los procesos de empoderamiento político en las mujeres afro descendientes de Yemayá, se analizó los aportes que tienen dichas prácticas a estos procesos y se cualificó la misma, para esto, se realizaron una serie de técnicas interactivas como la línea del tiempo, un sociodrama, pensándonos a “Arlequín y los Juglares”, observación participante y no participante y entrevistas semiestructuradas. Esta experiencia permitió identificar el papel transformador que tiene la educación social y el arte, así mismo, evidenciar como éstos aportan a procesos de empoderamiento político en los sujetos a través de espacios de diálogo, reflexión, creación y problematización de sus realidades y en clave del proceso vivido, se visibilizó que éste transciende la concepción tradicional, ya que de acuerdo a la experiencia de las mujeres de Yemayá, también se refiere a la toma de la palabra y la toma de decisiones, a su participación en escenarios políticos y sociales e igualmente en su vida cotidiana y su hogar.ABSTRACT: This thesis is a systematization of the Corporation “Arlequín y los juglares” practicum. The historic reconstruction of 43 years of the corporation was made in it, the description of the socio-educative artistic practices, of the empowering political processes in the Yemayá Afro descent women were developed. The contributions of those practices were analyzed and improved. In order to do this a series of interactive techniques were carried out as a time line, a role play, thinking about “Arlequín y los juglares”, participant and non-participant observations and semi-structured interviews. With this experience the transforming role of the social education and art was identified. Furthermore make evidence how these contribute to the political empowering processes in the subjects through spaces for dialogue, reflection, creation and questioning of their realities in relationship with their process lived, it was evinced that this process emerges the traditional conception, given that according to the Yemayá women experience it also refers to the way they express themselves, the decision making and their participation in political and social scenarios as in their daily lives and their homes.RESUMEN: Este trabajo de grado es una sistematización de las prácticas de la Corporación “Arlequín y los Juglares”, en ella se realizó la reconstrucción histórica de sus 43 años, la descripción de sus prácticas socioeducativas artísticas, de los procesos de empoderamiento político en las mujeres afro descendientes de Yemayá, se analizó los aportes que tienen dichas prácticas a estos procesos y se cualificó la misma, para esto, se realizaron una serie de técnicas interactivas como la línea del tiempo, un sociodrama, pensándonos a “Arlequín y los Juglares”, observación participante y no participante y entrevistas semiestructuradas. Esta experiencia permitió identificar el papel transformador que tiene la educación social y el arte, así mismo, evidenciar como éstos aportan a procesos de empoderamiento político en los sujetos a través de espacios de diálogo, reflexión, creación y problematización de sus realidades y en clave del proceso vivido, se visibilizó que éste transciende la concepción tradicional, ya que de acuerdo a la experiencia de las mujeres de Yemayá, también se refiere a la toma de la palabra y la toma de decisiones, a su participación en escenarios políticos y sociales e igualmente en su vida cotidiana y su hogar.ABSTRACT:This thesis is a systematization of the Corporation “Arlequín y los juglares” practicum. The historic reconstruction of 43 years of the corporation was made in it, the description of the socio-educative artistic practices, of the empowering political processes in the Yemayá Afro descent women were developed. The contributions of those practices were analyzed and improved. In order to do this a series of interactive techniques were carried out as a time line, a role play, thinking about “Arlequín y los juglares”, participant and non-participant observations and semi-structured interviews. With this experience the transforming role of the social education and art was identified. Furthermore make evidence how these contribute to the political empowering processes in the subjects through spaces for dialogue, reflection, creation and questioning of their realities in relationship with their process lived, it was evinced that this process emerges the traditional conception, given that according to the Yemayá women experience it also refers to the way they express themselves, the decision making and their participation in political and social scenarios as in their daily lives and their homes

    Latin American study of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer LACAM : a genomic epidemiology approach

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    Q2Q1Artículo original1-13Purpose: Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer (HBOC) syndrome is responsible for ~5–10% of all diagnosed breast and ovarian cancers. Breast cancer is the most common malignancy and the leading cause of cancer-related mortality among women in Latin America (LA). The main objective of this study was to develop a comprehensive understanding of the genomic epidemiology of HBOC throughout the establishment of The Latin American consortium for HBOC-LACAM, consisting of specialists from 5 countries in LA and the description of the genomic results from the first phase of the study. Methods: We have recruited 403 individuals that fulfilled the criteria for HBOC from 11 health institutions of Argentina, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru. A pilot cohort of 222 individuals was analyzed by NGS gene panels. One hundred forty-three genes were selected on the basis of their putative role in susceptibility to different hereditary cancers. Libraries were sequenced in MiSeq (Illumina, Inc.) and PGM (Ion Torrent-Thermo Fisher Scientific) platforms. Results: The overall prevalence of pathogenic variants was 17% (38/222); the distribution spanned 14 genes and varied by country. The highest relative prevalence of pathogenic variants was found in patients from Argentina (25%, 14/57), followed by Mexico (18%, 12/68), Guatemala (16%, 3/19), and Colombia (13%, 10/78). Pathogenic variants were found in BRCA1 (20%) and BRCA2 (29%) genes. Pathogenic variants were found in other 12 genes, including high and moderate risk genes such as MSH2, MSH6, MUTYH, and PALB2. Additional pathogenic variants were found in HBOC unrelated genes such as DCLRE1C, WRN, PDE11A, and PDGFB. Conclusion: In this first phase of the project, we recruited 403 individuals and evaluated the germline genetic alterations in an initial cohort of 222 patients among 4 countries. Our data show for the first time in LA the distribution of pathogenic variants in a broad set of cancer susceptibility genes in HBOC. Even though we used extended gene panels, there was still a high proportion of patients without any detectable pathogenic variant, which emphasizes the larger, unexplored genetic nature of the disease in these populations

    Tensiones y realidades de los docentes universitarios frente a la pandemia Covid-19

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    The contingency generated from the Covid-19 pandemic means that the working conditions of teachers are transformed with an increase in the hours worked, immobility of the workplace, resolution of administrative situations of the educational institution and support for students with Situations that require it, leads to a physical and mental overload on the part of university teachers. A phenomenological design study is developed in which 178 university teachers of the 2020-I cycle are included with a part-time employment contract (4 hours) in the morning-night hours and a full-time employment contract (8 hours); who are working from their homes in theoretical, practical and theoretical-practical methodology. It is found that teachers show impairment in their physical and mental load due to the Covid-19 pandemic contingency, relating the working day, work intensity, interpersonal relationships with respect to the different types of loads from habituality to the given special context Due to contingency, where physical-mental effort, stressful situations in work and non-work activities are factors attributed to the professional burnout of the teacher, the virtual modality has generated that teachers have changing physical and psychological behaviors.La contingencia generada a partir de la pandemia de Covid-19 hace que las condiciones laborales de los docentes se transformen con un aumento de las horas laboradas, inmovilidad en el lugar de trabajo, resolución de situaciones administrativas de la institución educativa y el apoyo a estudiantes con situaciones que así lo requieren, lleva a una sobrecarga física y mental por parte de los docentes universitarios. Se desarrolla un estudio de diseño fenomenológico en el que se incluyen 178 docentes universitarios del ciclo 2020-I con contrato laboral medio tiempo (4 horas) en horario de la mañana- noche y contrato laboral tiempo completo (8 horas); que se encuentran laborando desde sus casas en metodología teórica, práctica y teórico-práctica. Se encuentra que los docentes evidencian afectación en su carga física y mental debido a la contingencia por pandemia Covid-19, relacionando la jornada laboral, intensidad de trabajo, las relaciones interpersonales con respecto a los diferentes tipos de cargas desde la habitualidad al contexto especial dado por la contingencia, en donde el esfuerzo físico-mental, las situaciones de tipo estresantes en la actividad laboral y extra laboral son factores atribuidos al desgaste profesional del docente, la modalidad virtual ha generado que los docentes tengan conductas físicas y psicológicas cambiantes