23 research outputs found

    Promotion of Spanish scripted television on the internet: analyzing broadcast-related websites’ content and social audience

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    This article summarizes an investigation into the strategies employed to promote Spanish scripted television (TV fiction) on the Internet. The role of mediation between television networks and their audiences is studied through the content analysis of 515 broadcast-related web sites and 7,849 comments posted by community managers and internet users with assumed feminine digital identities on official and unofficial sites. The official sites are mainly dedicated to providing more information about programs, which represents most of the feedback posted on unofficial sites. Despite extensive activity generated by televised fiction, television networks do not fully exploit these transmedia promotional resources

    Promotion of Spanish scripted television on the Internet : analyzing broadcast-related websites' content and social audience

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    Altres ajuts: FEM2012-33411This article summarizes an investigation into the strategies employed to promote Spanish scripted television (TV fiction) on the Internet. The role of mediation between television networks and their audiences is studied through the content analysis of 515 broadcast-related web sites and 7,849 comments posted by community managers and internet users with assumed feminine digital identities on official and unofficial sites. The official sites are mainly dedicated to providing more informa- tion about programs, which represents most of the feedback posted on unofficial sites. Despite extensive activity generated by televised fiction, television networks do not fully exploit these transmedia promotional resources.Se resume una investigación sobre las estrategias promocionales de la ficción espanola en la Red. Se estudia la función de intermediación entre la producción y la recepción, realizada desde las plataformas oficiales y desde las extraoficiales, mediante el análisis de contenido de 515 webs dedicadas a los programas y el análisis de 7.849 comentarios firmados por los community managers y por los usuarios que adoptan identidades digitales femeninas. Las páginas oficiales se dedican principalmente a ampliar las informaciones sobre los programas, que retroalimentan una buena parte de las plataformas no oficiales. A pesar de la enorme actividad generada por la ficción televisiva, las cadenas no explotan suficientemente estos recursos promocionales transmediale

    Audiovisual Fiction, Tourism, and Audience Studies:A Literature Review

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    Institutions are investing increasing amounts of resources in the promotion of their regions through audiovisual fiction. At the same time, there has been increasing scholarly interest in the relationship between audiovisual fiction and tourism, and particularly the effect of that relationship on potential tourists. Despite the inherently interdisciplinary nature of this field of research, very little attention appears to be given to what media studies, and particularly audience studies, could contribute. The purpose of this article is to offer a critical review of the literature on audiovisual fiction-induced tourism from the perspective of audience analysis. To this end, previous studies are categorised according to their objectives (e.g., to study the effect of films and series on destination image, travel motivations, experiences and intentions to visit, or tourist visits themselves), and an analysis is offered of their main findings and conclusions and of the use they make (if any) of audience analysis.</p

    Fandom televisivo y construcción de identidad. Análisis de los comentarios de las fans españolas y los community managers

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    La era digital ofrece a los espectadores de ficción televisiva una variedad de espacios en los cuales revelar su propia identidad y las emociones generadas por los textos consumidos. Metodología. Se analizan 7.849 comentarios publicados por mujeres fans y community managers en 122 sites (foros y redes sociales) dedicados a la ficción televisiva española. Los 22.301 ítems resultantes exploran las emociones generadas por la ficción televisiva, tales como alegría, entusiasmo, tristeza, enfado, decepción y nostalgia. Conclusiones y discusión. La investigación confirma el potencial de la ficción televisiva para alentar la autorreflexión sobre la identidad propia de las fans. También identifica a los foros como las plataformas que fomentan debates más profundos sobre la ficción televisiva, pese a la popularidad de redes sociales como Facebook o Twitter. Los comentarios de los community managers se centran en la promoción de los programas, desatendiendo el fortalecimiento del sentimiento de comunidad colectiva.Digital age brings to television fiction viewers a variety of spaces where they can disclose their self-identity and emotions generated by the texts consumed. Methodology. This article analyses 7,849 comments posted by female fans and community managers on 122 sites (forums and social networks) dedicated to the Spanish TV fiction. The 22,301 items generated from the comments analysed explore the emotions aroused by television fiction, such as joy, enthusiasm, sadness, anger, disappointment and nostalgia. Conclusions and discussion. The research confirms the potential of TV fiction to encourage self-reflection on the self-identity of fans. It also identifies forums as the platforms that encourage deeper debates about TV series, despite the popularity of social networks such as Facebook or Twitter. Finally, community managers' comments, which focus on the promotion of TV programmes, disregard the strengthening of the feeling of collective identity

    Representations of female sexuality in Spanish television fiction

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    The overrepresentation of sexual content on television and the debate raised by new femininities have transformed research on sexuality and TV fiction into a fruitful field of study. Content analyses demonstrate that television fiction offers a distorted image of sexuality and that information on relevant sex issues is barely considered. This article analyzes the sexual representations of female characters in Spanish TV fiction using a hybrid method that combines SPSS Statistics tools and socio-semiotics. The sample consists of 709 female characters from all the shows premiered in 2012 and 2013. The sexual activity of the female characters is related to physical attractiveness and age, with the exception of children and adolescents. Young female characters in the sample identify empowerment with sexual assertiveness and control, while sexual depictions of women over 45 are almost non-existent. Sexual relations are presented as the "natural" outcome of romantic relationships and seduction.La sobrerrepresentación de la sexualidad en la televisión y el debate suscitado por las nuevas feminidades han convertido la investigación sobre sexualidad y ficción televisiva en un fructífero campo de estudio. El análisis de contenido muestra que la televisión ofrece una imagen distorsionada de la sexualidad y que la información sobre cuestiones sexuales raramente figura en los programas. Este artículo analiza las representaciones de los personajes femeninos de la ficción televisiva española, mediante la utilización de un método híbrido que combina herramientas como el programa estadístico SPSS con la socio-semiótica. La muestra comprende los 709 personajes femeninos incluidos en la ficción propia de estreno de 2012 y 2013. La actividad sexual de los personajes femeninos está condicionada por el atractivo y por la edad, a excepción de las niñas y adolescentes. Los personajes jóvenes de la muestra identifican el empoderamiento con la asertividad y el control, mientras que las representaciones de las mujeres mayores de 45 años son muy escasas. Las relaciones sexuales son representadas como el desenlace "natural" de las relaciones románticas y la seducció

    The binge-watcher’s journey: Investigating motivations, contexts, and affective states surrounding Netflix viewing

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    The growth of Internet-distributed TV services has transformed video consumption, enhancing the level of control that viewers have over what they watch. Along with the release o

    The Helicobacter pylori Genome Project : insights into H. pylori population structure from analysis of a worldwide collection of complete genomes

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    Helicobacter pylori, a dominant member of the gastric microbiota, shares co-evolutionary history with humans. This has led to the development of genetically distinct H. pylori subpopulations associated with the geographic origin of the host and with differential gastric disease risk. Here, we provide insights into H. pylori population structure as a part of the Helicobacter pylori Genome Project (HpGP), a multi-disciplinary initiative aimed at elucidating H. pylori pathogenesis and identifying new therapeutic targets. We collected 1011 well-characterized clinical strains from 50 countries and generated high-quality genome sequences. We analysed core genome diversity and population structure of the HpGP dataset and 255 worldwide reference genomes to outline the ancestral contribution to Eurasian, African, and American populations. We found evidence of substantial contribution of population hpNorthAsia and subpopulation hspUral in Northern European H. pylori. The genomes of H. pylori isolated from northern and southern Indigenous Americans differed in that bacteria isolated in northern Indigenous communities were more similar to North Asian H. pylori while the southern had higher relatedness to hpEastAsia. Notably, we also found a highly clonal yet geographically dispersed North American subpopulation, which is negative for the cag pathogenicity island, and present in 7% of sequenced US genomes. We expect the HpGP dataset and the corresponding strains to become a major asset for H. pylori genomics


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    Obra ressenyada: C. CASARES, Á marxe, 1997. Obra xornalística V

    La audiencia social y el mundo narrativo de la ficción: análisis de los comentarios de los fans y community managers sobre la ficción televisiva y webseries españolas

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    El artículo explora la opinión de la audiencia social sobre los programas de ficción de producción española estrenados en 2011 y 2012, periodo en el que se afianza la sinergia entre televisión e internet en España. La investigación analiza el buzz social generado por fans, community managers y, eventualmente, otros miembros del equipo del programa (p. ej. actores) tras la emisión del último episodio de 72 ficciones (44 series y seriales televisivos y 28 webseries). De los 8103 comentarios recogidos, el 62.6 % (5073 posts) hacen referencia al relato de la ficción compuesto por las tramas, los personajes, los actores y los escenarios. El contenido de los mensajes ha sido diseccionado a través de un libro de códigos diseñado para el software Atlas. ti. Los resultados confirman la inclinación de los fans por el humor, la sorpresa y los personajes que representan valores positivos, mientras que los juicios negativos se concentran en los finales mal orquestados. Por último, el discurso que emerge del entorno oficial persigue la promoción y construcción de una imagen de calidad del programa que evita cualquier comentario de carácter crítico.