52 research outputs found

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    Perceived vulnerability and severity predict adherence to COVID-19 protection measures: the mediating role of instrumental coping

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    [EN] The COVID-19 disease has caused thousands of deaths worldwide and required the rapid and drastic adoption of various protective measures as main resources in the fight to reduce the spread of the disease. In the present study we aimed to identify socio cognitive factors that may influence adherence to protective measures toward COVID-19 in a Spanish sample. This longitudinal study analyzes the predictive value of perceived severity and vulnerability of infection, self-efficacy, direct exposure to the virus, and instrumental focused coping style for adhering to infection protection behaviors during the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic. It also tests sex and age differences in these factors and changes over time. A two-wave longitudinal study (N = 757) was conducted in March and April 2020 starting the day after a strict national lockdown was decreed in Spain. A path analysis was used to test direct and indirect effects between vulnerability and the adherence to protective behaviors. Results suggest that individuals’ perceived severity and vulnerability to COVID-19 and instrumental coping strategies are related to the use of more protective behaviors. This coping strategy mediates the effect of perceived vulnerability on engaging in protective behaviors, and this effect depends on direct exposure to COVID-19 and perceived self-efficacy moderators. Results suggest that recognizing one’s own abilities to engage in instrumental actions may facilitate adherence to protective measures in people who had not been directly exposed to COVID-19. Therefore, adopting instrumental coping strategies to manage an individual’s perceived vulnerability to infection may positively impact the adherence to protective behaviors, especially during the onset of an unexpected threat and when there is no prior direct experience with the situation.This research was supported by funds awarded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Department of Education of the Junta de Castilla y León (Spain) by order of 19 June 2020 to the project Coping Strategies in the Health Emergency Situation created by COVID-19. The University of Burgos awarded funding to the Social Inclusion and Quality of Life (SIQoL) research group

    Off- and Online Heterosexual Dating Violence, Perceived Attachment to Parents and Peers and Suicide Risk in Young Women

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    Dating violence (DV) is a public health problem among young people, especially women. It involves violent acts towards one’s partner and occurs face-to-face (offline) or through the Internet (online). Offline DV is linked to suicidal ideation and attachment to parents and peers. Fewer studies analyze the psychological and social consequences of online DV. This study tests the link between young women’s DV victimization (off- and online), suicide risk (SR), and parent and peer support in a sample of young Spanish females (N = 1227) (Mage=19, SD = 2.82; range = 13–28). Results confirm that compared to non-victims off- and online DV increase suicidal thoughts and attempts. This effect is stronger for victims of both types of DV (thoughts: OR offline DV = 3.11; CI95% 2.06, 4.69; OR online DV = 2.37; CI95% 1.69, 3.32; OR off-online DV = 4.19 CI95% 2.44, 7.17) (attempts: OR offline DV = 4.02; CI95% 1.83, 8.81; OR online DV = 3.69; CI95% 1.96, 7.01; OR off-online DV = 10.55 CI95% 2.56, 44.43). Mediation and moderation models were used to assess the effect of perceived attachment of parents and friends in DV victims and SR. Mediation analyses indicated that perceived attachment and proximity to parents and peers reduces the impact of DV on SR. Moderation analyses showed that a high level of perceived peer attachment reduces the effect of offline DV on SR. Regarding off-online DV, a high level of perceived parent attachment mitigates suicide risk. Loneliness, lack of care from loved ones, and thwarted belongingness increase suicidal thoughts in DV victims. Peers and parents’ proximity may prevent risk behaviors in DV victims.This research was funded by CONICYT 2017/Doctorado en el Extranjero Becas Chile/2017, grant number 72180394 to Marcela Gracia Leiva, and by Basque government Post–Doctoral Scholarship to Alicia Puente Martínez, POS_2019_2_0014; This study was partially funded by grant 2019/00184/001 awarded by the Junta of Castilla y León (Spain) to the Social Inclusion and Quality of Life (SIQoL) research group and by grant Culture, Cognition and Emotion. Ref GIC12/91 IT–666–13 and the University of the Basque Country and Basque Government [grant number: GIC12/91 IT–666–13]

    Manual del instructor: preparación y evaluación de proyectos: material para la capacitación en gestión de organizaciones de microempresarios

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    Adaptación del manual para el instructor MATCOM “prevención y evaluación de proyectos para cooperativas agropecuarias” dirigido a docentes para su uso en la metodología de capacitación y asesoría del sector microempresaria, describe el programa de capacitación sobre preparación y evaluación de proyectos, sus unidades, objetivos, lecciones de cada unidad y guías de instrucciónAdaptation of the manual for the MATCOM instructor "prevention and evaluation of projects for agricultural cooperatives" aimed at teachers for its use in the training and advisory methodology of the microentrepreneur sector, describes the training program on project preparation and evaluation, its units, objectives , lessons of each unit and instruction guidesIdentificación de proyectos -- Identificación de datos -- Formulación de pronósticos -- Otros elementos para formular -- Valoración y evaluación de proyectosnaManual desarrollado dentro del convenio MATCOM/OIT-SENA205 página

    Advanced utilisation options for biomass gasification fl y ash

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    The objective of this work was to search sustainable methods for the direct utilisation of the fly ash generated in a 150 kWth fluidised-bed pilot plant using Orujillo waste, a by-product from olive oil industry. An extensive characterization was made over raw ashes generated in the process. Existing (combustion) fly ash utilisation methods were found not to be directly applicable to these gasification ashes because of the high concentrations of unburned carbon and harmful soluble compounds. Further utilisation options for management of these ashes were identified. Two utilisation paths are investigated in detail in this work: the use of ash in the manufacture of gypsum wallboards and bricks with isolation properties. These utilisation options are based on lowcost preparation methods using ash in significant proportion, yielding a considerable high-value product. They represent promising new applications with high market potential. Dedicated tests to assess these two utilisation options are issued and from this the potential application of these routes is discussed. Keyboards: gasification; pilot plant; waste disposa

    Critical Analysis of Hypothesis Tests in Federal Information Processing Standard (140-2)

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    This work presents an analysis of the existing dependencies between the tests of the FIPS 140-2 battery. Two main analytical approaches are utilized, the first being a study of correlations through the Pearson’s correlation coefficient that detects linear dependencies, and the second one being a novel application of the mutual information measure that allows detecting possible non-linear relationships. In order to carry out this study, the FIPS 140-2 battery is reimplemented to allow the user to obtain p-values and statistics that are essential for more rigorous end-user analysis of random number generators (RNG)

    Frequency of use and preferences for information and communication technologies in patients with sleep apnea: A multicenter, multinational, observational cross-sectional survey study

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    Background: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a condition characterized by repeated episodes of partial or complete obstruction of the upper airway during sleep. An accessible method to facilitate self-management education is through information and communication technologies (ICTs). Purpose: To assess the frequency of and preferences for ICT use in patients with sleep apnea. Methods: A multicenter, multinational, observational cross-sectional survey study was conducted between 2018 and 2019 in sleep units in different countries of Latin America, including patients of both genders older than 18 years with a diagnosis of sleep apnea. Participants were asked to complete 20 questions in a self-administered survey about the frequency of use of ICTs and their preferences for receiving disease-related information. Results: A total of 435 patients participated in the study, with a mean age of 59.1 ± 14.0; 62.5% (n = 272) were males. Most patients had access to cellphones (92.4%, n = 402), smartphone (83.0%, n = 361) and an internet connection (82.3%, n = 358). One-to-one ICTs were regarded as the most frequently used ICT type, as 75.4% (n = 328) of participants reported using them daily (χ2(4) = 848.207, p =.000). With respect to categories of interest, one-to-one ICTs were also the best rated ICT type to receive (59.1%, n = 257; χ2(2) = 137.710, p =.000) and ask physicians (57.0%, n = 248; χ2(2) = 129.145, p =.000) information about OSA. Finally, older adults and those with lower educational levels were found to be less likely to use and be interested in ICTs. Conclusion: Most patients have access to different ICTs and often use them to seek and receive medical information. The preferred ICTs include those in the one-to-one category (WhatsApp, email) and the one-to-many category (web browsers) for general health and OSA-related informatio

    Aquacultural Homoeopathy: A Focus on Marine Species

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    Homoeopathy is an alternative medical system proposed by Samuel Hahnemann in the eighteenth century. It uses highly diluted and agitated substances that derived from plants, minerals or animals, which have shown to be effective in human medicine, agronomy, veterinary, and as a novelty, in marine aquaculture. Aquacultural homoeopathy has developed rapidly in recent years, partially motivated by the misuse of powerful drugs (hormones, antibiotics, disinfectants) that when solving a problem generate undesirable side effects. In the last 10 years, scientific articles have been published on its application in freshwater fish native to Brazil, obtaining beneficial effects on growth, survival, hepatosomatic index, development of muscle fibres and lipid content in muscle. At Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste (CIBNOR, Mexico: www.cibnor.mx), we have studied the effects of homoeopathy to improve the culture of economically important marine species of molluscs, fish and shrimp. In this chapter, we show a selection of different research with preliminary or advanced results, related to the use of homoeopathy and its impact on zootechnic, biochemical, genomic and transcriptomic parameters in marine molluscs, fish and crustaceans. The results obtained suggest that homoeopathy is an eco-friendly alternative applicable in aquaculture industry to improve various productive and health aspects

    Modulation of GABAA receptors and of GABAergic synapses by the natural alkaloid gelsemine

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    The Gelsemium elegans plant preparations have shown beneficial activity against common diseases, including chronic pain and anxiety. Nevertheless, their clinical uses are limited by their toxicity. Gelsemine, one of the most abundant alkaloids in the Gelsemium plants, have replicated these therapeutic and toxic actions in experimental behavioral models. However, the molecular targets underlying these biological effects remain unclear. The behavioral activity profile of gelsemine suggests the involvement of GABAA receptors (GABAARs), which are the main biological targets of benzodiazepines (BDZs), a group of drugs with anxiolytic, hypnotic, and analgesic properties. Here, we aim to define the modulation of GABAARs by gelsemine, with a special focus on the subtypes involved in the BDZ actions. The gelsemine actions were determined by electrophysiological recordings of recombinant GABAARs expressed in HEK293 cells, and of native receptors in cortical neurons. Gelsemine inhibited the agonist-evoked currents of recombinant and native receptors. The functional inhibition was not associated with the BDZ binding site. We determined in addition that gelsemine diminished the frequency of GABAergic synaptic events, likely through a presynaptic modulation. Our findings establish gelsemine as a negative modulator of GABAARs and of GABAergic synaptic function. These pharmacological features discard direct anxiolytic or analgesic actions of gelsemine through GABAARs but support a role of GABAARs on the alkaloid induced toxicity. On the other hand, the presynaptic effects of the alkaloid provide an additional mechanism to explain their beneficial effects. Collectively, our results contribute novel information to improve understanding of gelsemine actions in the mammalian nervous system