379 research outputs found

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    A collaborative benchmarking framework for multibody system dynamics

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    [Abstract] Despite the importance given to the computational efficiency of multibody system (MBS) simulation tools, there is a lack of standard benchmarks to measure the performance of these kinds of numerical simulations. This works proposes a collaborative benchmarking framework to measure and compare the performance of different MBS simulation methods. The framework is made up of two main components: (a) an on-line repository of test problems with reference solutions and standardized procedures to measure computational efficiency and (b) a prototype implementation of a collaborative web-based application to collect, organize and share information about performance results in an intuitive and graphical form. The proposed benchmarking framework has been tested to evaluate the performance of a commercial MBS simulation software, and it proved to be an effective tool to collect and analyze information about the numerous factors which affect the computational efficiency of dynamic simulations of multibody systems

    La receptividad, la armonía musical y su difusión periodística

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    Las Velás y Tómbolas en la Red y en la Calle

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    Prevalence of asthma and rhinitis symptoms in a Coruña (Spain)

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    Ponencia presentada en el IV Congreso de la Sociedad de Pediatría de Galicia, Verín, 2004[Resumen] Introducción. El asma y la rinitis son dos enfermedades con elevada prevalencia en la infancia, con tendencia a incrementarse en los últimos años. En ambas es frecuente el infradiagnóstico. Objetivo. Verificar la prevalencia de síntomas de asma y rinitis en la población infantil. Material y métodos. Hemos realizado, mediante cuestionario escrito, un estudio transversal siguiendo la metodología del International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC), de prevalencia de sintomatología de asma y rinitis en el área de A Coruña. Resultados. Han sido incluidos 3.017 niños y niñas de 6 y 7 años (tasa de respuesta del 73,9%), y 2.981 de 13 y 14 años (tasa de respuesta del 93,6%). Refirieron haber presentado sibilancias alguna vez el 25,3% de los niños y niñas de 13 y 14 años y el 37,2% de los de 6 y 7 años. Han presentado asma en alguna ocasión el 18,5% de los adolescentes y el 13,7 % del grupo de menor edad. La prevalencia de rinitis alguna vez fue del 30,4% a los 6 y 7 años y del 47,3% a los 13 y 14 años. La mayor prevalencia de rinitis se produjo en el otoño. Conclusiones. El asma y la rinitis son especialmente frecuentes en nuestra población, superior a la observada en la mayoría de poblaciones españolas estudiadas.[Abstract] Introduction. The prevalence of asthma and rhinitis is high in childhood and has been increasing in the last few years. In both diseases underdiagnosis is frequent. Objective. To asses the prevalence of asthma and rhinitis symptoms in childhood. Material and methods. We performed a cross-sectional study using a written questionnaire, following the methodology of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC), on the prevalence of symptoms of asthma and rhinitis in La Coruña. Results. A total of 3017 boys and girls aged 6-7 years old (response rate 73.9 %) and 2981 boys and girls aged 13-14 years old (response rate 93.6 %) were included. The prevalence of “wheezing at some time” was 25.3% in adolescents aged 13-14 years old and was 37.2 % in children aged 6-7 years. The prevalence of “asthma at some time” was 18.5% in adolescents and 13.7% in children. The prevalence of “rhinitis at some time” was 30.4% in the group aged 6-7 years and 47.3% in the group of adolescents. The prevalence of rhinitis was highest in autumn. Conclusions. The prevalence of asthma and rhinitis is high in our population and is higher than that observed in most Spanish populations studied

    Expansion of different subpopulations of CD26−/low T cells in allergic and non-allergic asthmatics

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    CD26 displays variable levels between effector (TH17 ≫ TH1 > TH2 > Treg) and naïve/memory (memory > naïve) CD4+ T lymphocytes. Besides, IL-6/IL−6R is associated with TH17-differentiation and asthma severity. Allergic/atopic asthma (AA) is dominated by TH2 responses, while TH17 immunity might either modulate the TH2-dependent inflammation in AA or be an important mechanism boosting non-allergic asthma (NAA). Therefore, in this work we have compared the expression of CD26 and CD126 (IL-6Rα) in lymphocytes from different groups of donors: allergic (AA) and non-allergic (NAA) asthma, rhinitis, and healthy subjects. For this purpose, flow cytometry, haematological/biochemical, and in vitro proliferation assays were performed. Our results show a strong CD26-CD126 correlation and an over-representation of CD26− subsets with a highly-differentiated effector phenotype in AA (CD4+CD26−/low T cells) and NAA (CD4−CD26− γδ-T cells). In addition, we found that circulating levels of CD26 (sCD26) were reduced in both AA and NAA, while loss of CD126 expression on different leukocytes correlated with higher disease severity. Finally, selective inhibition of CD26-mRNA translation led to enhanced T cell proliferation in vitro. These findings support that CD26 down-modulation could play a role in facilitating the expansion of highly-differentiated effector T cell subsets in asthma.This work was supported by grants from Sociedad Española de Neumología y Cirugía Torácica, (SEPAR) (121/2012) and Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria, FIS; co-financed by European Union ERDF funds) (PI13/02046). JJN-F is a recipient of a Xunta de Galicia Fellowship (co-financed by European Social Fund (ESF))S

    Caridad/Solidaridad desde el día a día del entorno ciudadano

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    El tema de la Caridad, la Solidaridad, de la Beneficencia es pilar fundamental en las Hermandades y sobre todo en la época de crisis que va quedando atrás. Un tema que interesa o no a los Medios de Comunicación, en el que las Hermandades se sienten felices de poder dar asistencia, solidaridad, pero por otra parte, muchas veces, no quiere mostrar cuanto hace en esta parcela, dar toda su proyección

    Association between blood eosinophil count with asthma hospital readmissions

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published in European Journal of Internal Medicine on 2018, available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejim.2018.02.034Introduction: The presence of eosinophils in asthma inflammation is a relevant factor in the pathophysiology of the disease, however the relationship between the blood eosinophil count (BEC) with asthma severity and prognosis is still under debate. The aim of this work is to analyze the relationship between the BEC levels and hospital readmissions in patients with asthma. Material and methods: A review was retrospectively carried out on all admissions of patients over 18 years old due to exacerbation of asthma occurring in our hospital between the years 2000 and 2010. The personal characteristics and the asthma personal history of each patient were recorded. The BEC was determined from the first blood sample taken from the patient after their arrival at the hospital. Hospital early, late and frequent readmissions were analyzed using 4 cut-off points; less than 150 eosinophils/μL vs ≥150/μL, less than 200 vs 200 /μL, less than 300 vs ≥300/μL, and less than 400 vs ≥400/μL. Results: We have included 1316 patients, 70% of whom are women, as well as a mean age of 60 years, and a mean FEV1 of 73.5% of the reference value. The mean eosinophil blood count was 201.7 cells/μL. A BEC ≥300 cells/μL showed a reduction of risk of late readmission of 42%, a BEC ≥400 cells/μL showed a reduction in late readmission risk of 41% and decrease in frequent late readmission of 63%. Conclusions: Our study appears to support that an elevated BEC is associated with a lower incidence of asthma hospital readmissions.S

    The CD14 (−159 C/T) SNP is associated with sCD14 levels and allergic asthma, but not with CD14 expression on monocytes

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    LPS-ligation to CD14/TLR-4 on monocytes/macrophages triggers the production of IL-12-family cytokines. IL12/18 promote TH1-differentiation, counteracting the TH2-driven asthma. Therefore, CD14 modulation could alter the TH2-differentiation and should be taken into account when studying asthma. To analyse the alteration in CD14 levels and its association with CD14 (−159 C/T) SNP (rs2569190) in Caucasian adults with stable allergic asthma, we performed a cross-sectional study (277 healthy subjects vs. 277 patients) where clinical parameters, CD14 values and the CD14 (−159 C/T) SNP were studied. Apart from typical biomarkers, we found an increment of neuron-specific enolase (NSE) in allergic asthma, probably linked to monocyte activity. Indeed, we evidenced increased monocyte numbers, but lower CD14 expression and normalised sCD14 values in patients. Moreover, we noticed an association of the T allele (P = 0.0162) and TT genotype (P = 0.0196) of the CD14 SNP with a decreased risk of allergic asthma and augmented sCD14 levels. In conclusion, monocyte CD14 expression and normalized sCD14 values were reduced in stable state asthmatics, and this could be related to the presence of an expanded CD14low monocyte subset. This study also demonstrates that the CD14 (−159 C/T) polymorphism is a risk factor for moderate-severe allergic asthma in adult CaucasiansThis study was funded by grants from Sociedad Española de Neumología y Cirugía Torácica, (SEPAR) (121/2012) and Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria, FIS; co-financed by European Union ERDF funds) (PI13/02046). JJNF is a recipient of a Xunta de Galicia Fellowship (Co-financed by European Social Fund (ESF))S

    Obesity and asthma: an association modified by age

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    [Abstract] Background. Some studies indicate some causal relationship between obesity and asthma, while others show inconsistent results. Our objective was to evaluate the prevalence of asthma according to obesity in children. Methods. A cross-sectional study, following the ISAAC study methodology, was conducted on two randomly selected groups consisting of 6–7 year-old children (n = 7485) and 13–14 year-old adolescents (n = 8496). The asthma symptoms and potential risk factors were determined from the questionnaire. Overweight and obesity were defined based on the body mass index. Multiple logistic regression was used to obtain adjusted prevalence odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals. Results. Obesity was associated with an increase in wheezing ever (OR: 1.35) and exercise-induced asthma (OR: 1.62) in the 6–7 year-old group. No significant relationship was observed in the adolescent population. Conclusion. Obesity was associated with a higher prevalence of asthma in young children, but not in adolescents