10 research outputs found

    The relation between mandibular symphysis and the Angle class in orthodontic treatment

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    OBJECTIVES: Facial perception depends on the different components of the face. The chin is a striking anatomical structure in the individual’s identity and mandibular symphysis (MS) shape influences the adjacent soft tissue, determining facial harmony. In lateral cephalometry, the MS corresponds to the image of the mandibular body in its anterior curvature. It shape, inclination and thickness provide valuable information for orthodontic diagnosis and prognosis. Since facial features are associated with malocclusions, the present investigation aims to relate the height, thickness and inclination of the MS using Angle’s Class. METHODS: 495 lateral incidence cephalograms of an orthodontic population were analyzed using a previously developed and tested software. The sample was randomly selected and the height, thickness and inclination of the MS were measured. The values were statistically analyzed (p ≤ 0.05). RESULTS: The distribution according to Angle’s Class was 48.9% for Class I, 34.7% for Class II Division 1, 7.4% for Class II Division 2 and 8.9% for Class III. The MS height did not’t show significant differences between the three dental classes. The MS thickness was significantly increased in Class II Division 2 and Class I subjects (p = 0,037). The MS inclination was significantly less in Class III subjects when compared to Class I and Class II Division 1 (p ≤ 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The MS presented variations, which may be associated with a natural compensation against malocclusion, influencing the position of the teeth and their relationship with the other dento-craniofacial structures and with consequences on the facial harmony

    La movilización de las fuentes energéticas y su incidencia en la relación talla – peso de mujeres de 40 a 50 años (Original)

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    The research that emerged the present article, had as purpose the analysis of the incidence of the management of energy sources (phosphagen system, anaerobic glycolysis and the aerobic or oxidative system), in the Body Mass Index of women of 40 to 55 years of age. In order to carry out the planned research activity, 30 women who systematically performed physical exercises were selected. The programmed scientific activity was based on the general philosophical and methodological bases offered by the dialectical materialist paradigm, deriving from this model the methods used to treat the subject matter of study. The theoretical and empirical methods of scientific research were used to fulfill the programmed objectives, with which it was possible to compile the required information, which was processed through the use of mathematical and statistical methods. The application of the aforementioned methods conditioned to specify as more important results the shortcomings that at the moment of obtaining the initial diagnosis affected the methodological management of the sources supplying energy to the organism, as well as a system of actions aimed at solving the assumed scientific problem ; Reaching the conclusion that the correct management of the energy sources, already outlined, contributes to improve the relationship between the weight of women between 40 and 55 years of age, thus accepting the working hypothesis.La investigación de la que emergió el presente artículo, tuvo como finalidad el análisis de la incidencia de la gestión de las fuentes energéticas (sistema de los fosfágenos, glucólisis anaeróbica y el sistema aeróbico u oxidativo), en el Índice de Masa Corporal de mujeres de 40 a 55 años de edad. Con el fin de ejecutar la actividad investigativa prevista se seleccionaron 30 mujeres que sistemáticamente realizan ejercicios físicos. La actividad científica programada se sustentó sobre las bases filosóficas y metodológicas generales que ofrece el paradigma dialéctico materialista, derivándose de dicho modelo los métodos utilizados para tratar la materia objeto de estudio. El cumplimiento de los objetivos programados tuvo como sostén metodológico métodos del nivel teóricos y empíricos de la investigación científica, con los que se logró recopilar la información requerida, la que fue procesada mediante el uso de métodos matemáticos y estadísticos. La aplicación de los métodos antes señalados condicionó precisar como resultados más importantes, las falencias que en el momento de obtener el diagnóstico inicial afectaba la gestión metodológica de las fuentes suministradoras de energía al organismo, así como un sistema de acciones dirigidas a solucionar el problema científico asumido; arribándose a la conclusión que la correcta gestión de las fuentes energéticas, ya reseñadas, contribuye a mejorar la relación talla peso de mujeres comprendidas entre 40 y 55 años de edad, aceptándose por tanto la hipótesis de trabajo planteada

    Formal support after NNICC clinical discharge

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    Communication (nº4) included in symposium: National Network of Integrated Continuous Care: evolution of the dependents health profile. Symposium coordinator: Fernando Petronilho, Escola Superior de Enfermagem da Universidade do Minho, [email protected]: The resources available to families that integrate dependents are facilitating factors of healthy transitions. The research carried out in Portugal shows that there is inadequate formal network support to self-care dependents after home return. Objective: Identify the formal network support for dependents, after clinical discharge from the National Network of Integrated Continuous Care (NNCCI) to home. Material and Methods: An exploratory study of quantitative profile. The sample includes 418 families that integrate dependents, after clinical discharge from the NNICC to home, in the Minho region of Portugal. Was applied the form "Profile of the dependents Integrated in the NNICC providers" during one year (2013 to 2014). Results: In clinical discharge for most families was planned medical [84.1% (N = 351)] and nursing [53.8% (N = 224)] support, with appointments at the health center or house scheduling; [44.8% (N = 187)] were referred for physiotherapy services and only [2.9% (N = 12)] had support of Home Support Services (HSS). In families who had not planned nursing support [46.2% (N = 194)] after clinical discharge of the dependent, it was found that 47.9% (N = 93) of family caregivers (FC) play the role for the 1st time and 20.1% (N = 39) of the dependent relatives are totally dependent. Conclusion: The study revealed insufficient support from the formal network, in particular, by the nursing teams to families that integrate the most dependent patients. Those, in view of their very vulnerable health condition, require of the FC higher intensity and complexity of care, hence, they cannot “be alone" in the taking care process. Clinical discharge should be planned with more professionalism

    Evolución de las personas dependientes en el autocuidado acompañadas en la Red Nacional de Cuidados Continuos Integrados

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    Background: The National Network for Integrated Continuous Care (NNICC) emerged as a response to the increasing aging of the Portuguese population and the consequent increase in the number of self-care dependent individuals. Objectives: To assess the potential for the recovery of autonomy, the evolution of bodily processes impairment, and the level of self-care dependence among dependent individuals admitted to the NNICC. Methodology: A descriptive and exploratory study was conducted using a convenience sample of 891 dependent individuals from 10 NNICC care units within the area of influence of a Local Coordination Team in the region of Minho, Portugal. Results: The results showed a low to moderate potential for the recovery of autonomy. There was a positive evolution in bodily processes impairment and in the level of self-care dependence. The greater potential for the recovery of autonomy is associated with a lower level of bodily processes impairment and a higher self-care independence. Conclusion: The study reveals effective health gains in the health condition of dependent individuals admitted to the NNICC, within its different types of care, which demonstrates its usefulness.Enquadramento: A Rede Nacional de Cuidados Continuados Integrados surgiu como resposta ao crescente envelhecimento da população portuguesa e ao consequente aumento do número de pessoas dependentes no autocuidado. Objetivos: Avaliar o potencial de reconstrução de autonomia, e a evolução do compromisso nos processos corporais e da dependência no autocuidado das pessoas dependentes admitidas na Rede. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo e exploratório, com uma amostra de conveniência constituída por 891 pessoas dependentes, realizado em 10 prestadores de cuidados da Rede da área de abrangência de uma Equipa Coordenadora Local da região Minho de Portugal. Resultados: O potencial de reconstrução de autonomia situa-se entre reduzido a moderado. Verificou-se uma evolução positiva no compromisso nos processos corporais e no nível de dependência no autocuidado. Maior potencial de reconstrução de autonomia está associado a menor compromisso nos processos corporais e a maior independência. Conclusão: O estudo revela ganhos em saúde efetivos na condição de saúde das pessoas dependentes acompanhadas nas diferentes tipologias de cuidados da Rede, o que demonstra a sua utilidade.Marco contextual: La Red Nacional de Cuidados Continuados Integrados surgió como respuesta al creciente envejecimiento de la población portuguesa y al consiguiente aumento del número de personas dependientes en el autocuidado. Objetivos: Evaluar el potencial de reconstrucción de la autonomía, y la evolución del compromiso en los procesos corporales y de dependencia en el autocuidado de las personas dependientes admitidas en la Red. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo y exploratorio, con una muestra de conveniencia constituida por 891 personas dependientes, realizado en 10 prestadores de cuidados de la Red del área de cobertura de un equipo coordinador local de la región del Miño de Portugal. Resultados: El potencial de reconstrucción de la autonomía se sitúa entre reducido y moderado. Se verificó una evolución positiva en el compromiso en los procesos corporales y en el nivel de dependencia en el autocuidado. Un mayor potencial de reconstrucción de la autonomía se asocia con un menor compromiso en los procesos corporales y una mayor independencia. Conclusión: El estudio revela beneficios efectivos en la salud de las personas dependientes acompañadas en las diferentes tipologías de cuidados de la Red, lo que demuestra su utilidad.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evolution of self-care dependent individuals admitted to the National Network for Integrated Continuous Care

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    Enquadramento: A Rede Nacional de Cuidados Continuados Integrados surgiu como resposta ao crescente envelhecimento da população portuguesa e ao consequente aumento do número de pessoas dependentes no autocuidado. Objetivos: Avaliar o potencial de reconstrução de autonomia, e a evolução do compromisso nos processos corporais e da dependência no autocuidado das pessoas dependentes admitidas na Rede. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo e exploratório, com uma amostra de conveniência constituída por 891 pessoas dependentes, realizado em 10 prestadores de cuidados da Rede da área de abrangência de uma Equipa Coordenadora Local da região Minho de Portugal. Resultados: O potencial de reconstrução de autonomia situa-se entre reduzido a moderado. Verificou-se uma evolução positiva no compromisso nos processos corporais e no nível de dependência no autocuidado. Maior potencial de reconstrução de autonomia está associado a menor compromisso nos processos corporais e a maior independência. Conclusão: O estudo revela ganhos em saúde efetivos na condição de saúde das pessoas dependentes acompanhadas nas diferentes tipologias de cuidados da Rede, o que demonstra a sua utilidade.Background: The National Network for Integrated Continuous Care (NNICC) emerged as a response to the increasing aging of the Portuguese population and the consequent increase in the number of self-care dependent individuals. Objectives: To assess the potential for the recovery of autonomy, the evolution of bodily processes impairment, and the level of self-care dependence among dependent individuals admitted to the NNICC. Methodology: A descriptive and exploratory study was conducted using a convenience sample of 891 dependent individuals from 10 NNICC care units within the area of influence of a Local Coordination Team in the region of Minho, Portugal. Results: The results showed a low to moderate potential for the recovery of autonomy. There was a positive evolution in bodily processes impairment and in the level of self-care dependence. The greater potential for the recovery of autonomy is associated with a lower level of bodily processes impairment and a higher self-care independence. Conclusion: The study reveals effective health gains in the health condition of dependent individuals admitted to the NNICC, within its different types of care, which demonstrates its usefulness.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Perfil de pessoas dependentes "muito idosas" acompanhadas por equipas de cuidados continuados integrados (ECCI)

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    La movilización de las fuentes energéticas y su incidencia en la relación talla – peso de mujeres de 40 a 50 años (original)

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    The research that emerged the present article, had as purpose the analysis of the incidence of the management of energy sources (phosphagen system, anaerobic glycolysis and the aerobic or oxidative system), in the Body Mass Index of women of 40 to 55 years of age. In order to carry out the planned research activity, 30 women who systematically performed physical exercises were selected. The programmed scientific activity was based on the general philosophical and methodological bases offered by the dialectical materialist paradigm, deriving from this model the methods used to treat the subject matter of study. The theoretical and empirical methods of scientific research were used to fulfill the programmed objectives, with which it was possible to compile the required information, which was processed through the use of mathematical and statistical methods. The application of the aforementioned methods conditioned to specify as more important results the shortcomings that at the moment of obtaining the initial diagnosis affected the methodological management of the sources supplying energy to the organism, as well as a system of actions aimed at solving the assumed scientific problem ; Reaching the conclusion that the correct management of the energy sources, already outlined, contributes to improve the relationship between the weight of women between 40 and 55 years of age, thus accepting the working hypothesis.La investigación de la que emergió el presente artículo, tuvo como finalidad el análisis de la incidencia de la gestión de las fuentes energéticas (sistema de los fosfágenos, glucólisis anaeróbica y el sistema aeróbico u oxidativo), en el Índice de Masa Corporal de mujeres de 40 a 55 años de edad. Con el fin de ejecutar la actividad investigativa prevista se seleccionaron 30 mujeres que sistemáticamente realizan ejercicios físicos. La actividad científica programada se sustentó sobre las bases filosóficas y metodológicas generales que ofrece el paradigma dialéctico materialista, derivándose de dicho modelo los métodos utilizados para tratar la materia objeto de estudio. El cumplimiento de los objetivos programados tuvo como sostén metodológico métodos del nivel teóricos y empíricos de la investigación científica, con los que se logró recopilar la información requerida, la que fue procesada mediante el uso de métodos matemáticos y estadísticos. La aplicación de los métodos antes señalados condicionó precisar como resultados más importantes, las falencias que en el momento de obtener el diagnóstico inicial afectaba la gestión metodológica de las fuentes suministradoras de energía al organismo, así como un sistema de acciones dirigidas a solucionar el problema científico asumido; arribándose a la conclusión que la correcta gestión de las fuentes energéticas, ya reseñadas, contribuye a mejorar la relación talla peso de mujeres comprendidas entre 40 y 55 años de edad, aceptándose por tanto la hipótesis de trabajo planteada

    Profile of "very elderly” dependents accompanied by integrated continuous care teams (ICCT)

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    Introdução: Em Portugal, os estudos mostram que as pessoas dependentes acompanhadas pela RNCCI são maioritariamente idosas, no entanto, uma parte significativa são “muito velhas”. Objetivos: Conhecer o perfil dos dependentes com mais de 80 anos acompanhados por ECCI. Método:Estudo exploratório de perfil quantitativo. Amostra inclui 85 dependentes com idades ≥ 80 anos, acompanhados por 4 ECCI região Minho de Portugal. Aplicado na admissão o formulário ""Perfil dos Dependentes Integrados nos Prestadores de Cuidados da RNCCI”, entre março 2014/fevereiro 2015. Resultados: A média idade dependentes 86 anos (min: 80; máx: 98); tempo médio dependência 2 anos. Maioria dependentes: sexo feminino (63,5%); analfabetos/baixa escolaridade (96,5%); viúvos (49,4%); diagnóstico médico principal - pneumonia (24,7%), seguido do AVC (22,4%); úlceras pressão (18,8%); rigidez articular (48,2%); expetorar ineficaz (27,1%); dor (43,5%); força muscular diminuída (97,6%); sem equilíbrio sentado (32,9%) e de pé (76,5%); risco queda (98,8%). Nível dependência autocuidado (score=16,7: “grandes dependentes”) e potencial reconstrução autonomia (score=15,2: “reduzido” a “moderado”). Variedade fármacos prescritos (média=7,4) e tomas diárias (média=9,2). Conclusões: Os resultados revelam tratar-se de um grupo de dependentes muito vulnerável, com necessidade de cuidados profissionais de proximidade por parte da ECCI, dando suporte adequado aos dependentes e também aos familiares cuidadores.Introduction:In Portugal, studies show that dependent people accompanied by National Network of Integrated Continuous Care are mostly elderly, but a significant proportion are ""very elderly”. Objetivos: To know the profile of dependents with more than 80 years, accompanied by ICCT. Method: Exploratory quantitative study. Sample includes 85 dependents aged ≥ 80 years, accompanied by 4 ICCT of Portugal Minho’s region. Applied the form ""Profile of Dependents Integrated in the NNICC Providers"" on admission, between March 2014/February 2015. Results:The mean age of dependents is 86 years (min:80; max:98); mean time of dependence 2 years. Majority of dependents: female (63.5%); Illiterate/low schooling (96,5%); widows (49,4%); Major medical diagnosis - pneumonia (24,7%), followed by stroke (22,4%); Pressure ulcers (18,8%); Joint stiffness (48,2%); Ineffective expelling (27,1%); Pain (43,5%); decreased muscle strength (97,6%); Without sitting equilibrium (32,9%) and standing (76,5%); risk of falling (98,8%). Level of dependence on self-care (score=16,7: ""large dependents"") and potential for autonomy reconstruction (score=15,2: ""reduced"" to ""moderate""). Variety of drugs prescribed (mean=7,4) and daily doses (mean=9,2). Conclusions: The results show that it is a very vulnerable group of dependents, with the need for professional care of proximity by ICCT, giving adequate support to dependents and also to family caregivers

    Functional status among elderly dependents with pressure ulcers admitted at National Network of Integrated Continuous Care: a comparative study

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    Aim: Compare the functional status of elderly dependents related with the presence of pressure ulcers (PU) admitted at the National Network of Integrated Continuous Care (NNICC). Method: We develop a cross-sectional, descriptive and comparative study in several NNICC units in a Northern region of Portugal. The sample consisted 891 elderly dependents. For the survey purpose, we use a multiple functional dimension assessment questionnaire validate by the authors in previous studies. Results / Discussion: At the admission in the NNICC the prevalence of PU was 16% (143 cases). The results show that the elderly with PU comparatively to the elderly with absence of PU had: i) less age [t (889) = 1,978, p = .048], ii) less autonomy reconstruction potential [t (889) = -9,782, p < .001], iii) greater self-care dependency degree [t (889) = -9,170, p < .001], iv) longer periods of self-care dependency [t (889) = 4,867, p < .001], v) higher body functions commitment [t (889) = 17,599, p < .001], vi) more days of institutionalization at the NNICC [t (602) = 3,913, p < .001] and vii) more need to hospitalization due deterioration status [t( 602)= 3,576, p < .001]. Conclusion: Elderly dependents with PU demonstrate greater functional decline in the different dimensions evaluated on this study comparatively with the elderly without PU. The implementation of interventions by health professionals aiming to prevent PU is therefore essential for the elderly health gains and higher health related quality of life levels, with particular impact on the most dependents.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio