1,490 research outputs found

    Physiotherapy case reports on three people with progressive supranuclear palsy

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    Introduction: Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) is a neurodegenerative brain disease that affects patient’s functionality and quality of life. Physiotherapy should be recommended at the time of diagnosis to slow the progression of disability and enhance the quality of life of these patients. Clinical presentation: Here, we describe three cases of patients with PSP, outlining their motor and non-motor symptoms and examining their clinical progression with physiotherapy intervention. During the initial intervention years, a reduction in the number of falls was achieved, along with improvements in gait and balance. Conclusion: Exercise and physiotherapy appear to be beneficial for patients with PSP by enhancing their functionality and quality of life. Controlling or reducing the number of falls should be the primary goal of any intervention for patients with PSP.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Indicadores de sustentabilidade no projeto de edifícios hospitalares

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    A indústria de construção tem como principal objetivo a concepção de um produto que satisfaça a funcionalidade para a qual foi projetado, que se revele economicamente viável, que contenha as condições de segurança desejadas e que possua as características de durabilidade fundamentais para a redução da sua deterioração ao longo do seu ciclo de vida. Tendo em atenção o conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável, o produto final desta indústria deve ainda ser compatível com a sua envolvente e traduzir-se no menor impacte ambiental possível. Todos estes princípios e pressupostos traduzem-se no conceito de construção sustentável, o qual comporta uma panóplia de intervenientes multidisciplinares. Conjugando esta preocupação com a questão da humanização dos hospitais, que tem vindo a ser constantemente estudada por vários autores, surge a importância de se compreender o que é um edifício hospitalar sustentável, quais são as melhores práticas sustentáveis de projeto e qual a melhor forma de se garantir a sua aplicação. O projeto de um ambiente hospitalar, requer uma série de preocupações com a satisfação e bem-estar da equipa de trabalho, do paciente e administradores e apresenta uma forte responsabilidade social e impacto na cidade. Devido às diversas exigências de projeto, verifica-se que estes edifícios não são concebidos e utilizados de forma sustentável, isto porque não existe um método eficaz de apoio aos projetistas que lhes permita introduzir conscientemente medidas nesse sentido. Consequentemente, estes não sabem quais os melhores parâmetros a seguir e os seus gestores não estão a par das medidas que devem adoptar para uma utilização eficiente. Tendo em consideração o contexto apresentado, com este trabalho pretende-se apresentar práticas de construção sustentáveis que suportem as decisões dos intervenientes em duas fases: concepção (apoiar a decisão no sentido de adopção de soluções que contribuam para a sustentabilidade do edifício); e utilização (apoiar os utilizadores e gestores para que a operação e manutenção do equipamento sejam executadas com o maior nível de eficiência possível)

    Healthcare building sustainability assessment tool - Sustainable effective design criteria in the Portuguese context

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    Tools and methods to improve current practices and quality in the healthcare building sector are necessary to support decision-making at different building life cycle phases. Furthermore, Healthcare Building Sustainability Assessment (HBSA) Methods are based on criteria organised into different levels, such as categories and indicators. These criteria highlight aspects of significant importance when designing and operating a sustainable healthcare building. To bring more objectivity to the sustainability assessments, the standardisation bodies (CEN and ISO) proposed core indicators that should be used in the evaluation of the environmental, societal and economic performances of buildings. Nevertheless, relying on state of the art analysis, it is possible to conclude that there are aspects of major importance for the operation of healthcare buildings that are not considered in the HBSA methods. Thus, the aim of this paper is to discuss the context of sustainability assessment methods in the field of healthcare buildings and to present a proposal for the incorporation of Sustainable-Effective Design (SED) criteria in a new HBSA method. The used research method is innovative since in the development of the list of sustainability criteria it considers the opinion of main healthcare buildings' stakeholders, the existing healthcare assessment methods and the ISO and CEN standardisation works in the field of the methods to assess the sustainability of construction works. As a result, the proposed method is composed of fifty-two sustainability indicators that cover the different dimensions of the sustainability concept to support decision making during the design of a new or retrofitted healthcare building in urban areas.The authors acknowledge the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and POPH/FSE for its financial support for this study (Reference SFRH/BD/77959/2011). A special thank you is also addressed to Donald Ellis for proofreading the English text.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Design and radical innovation: a strategic perspective based upon a comparative case study between emergent and traditional industries in Portugal

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    The survival challenge faced by the Portuguese companies nowadays has promoted Innovation as the main management strategy to be applied. This research reveals the importance and the role of Design as the basic and integrative tool for the success of this strategy, focused on Radical or Breakthrough Innovation. The main contribution of this paper is the proposal of a conceptual model developed from a comparative case study research, made among Portuguese companies from the emergent sectors connected to new technologies and Portuguese companies from the traditional sectors. That work allowed the definition of the Success Critical Factors to consider for the development of radical new products: integrating new technologies (Science Knowledge), market sensibility (Marketing Knowledge), forecasting new needs or user interfaces and disruptive creativity (Design Knowledge)

    Activity schedule and foraging in Protopolybia sedula (Hymenoptera, Vespidae)

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    Protopolybia sedula is a social swarming wasp, widely spread throughout many countries in the Americas, including most of Brazil. Despite its distribution, studies of its behavioral ecology are scarce. This study aimed to describe its foraging activity and relation to climatic variables in the city of Juiz de Fora in southeastern Brazil. Three colonies were under observation between 07:00 and 18:00 during April 2012, January 2013, and March 2013. Every 30 minutes, the number of foragers leaving and returning to the colony was registered along with air temperature and relative humidity. Activity began around 07:30¸ increased between 10:30 and 14:30, and ended around 18:30. A mean of 52.7 exits and 54 returns were measured every 30 minutes. The daily mean values were 1,107 ± 510.6 exits and 1,135 ± 854.8 returns. Only one colony showed a significant correlation between forager exits and temperature (rs = 0.8055; P \u3c 0.0001) and between exits and relative humidity (rs = -0.7441; P = 0.0001). This paper shows that climatic variables are likely to have little control on the foraging rhythm of P. sedula when compared to other species, suggesting the interaction of other external and internal factors as stimuli of species foraging behavio


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    This study aimed to analyze the understanding of families who accompany adult users with mental disorders in a Psychosocial Care Center (CAPS) type II on the paradigms of the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform (RPB) and the new configuration of comprehensive mental health care. This is qualitative descriptive-exploratory research carried out in CAPS II, in the interior of BA with family members/caregivers participating in family groups. Fifteen family members participated, respecting the ethical issues and applied the TCLE, submitted to Content Analysis inspired by Bardin. We observed favorable and contrary positions to the BPR and lack of clarity about its proposal; recognition of the quality and satisfaction about the care offered by CAPS; weaknesses in the care offered by CAPS; lack of support from the executive management, and suggestions for improvement. We conclude that CAPS is seen as a complementary institution to mental health care, being seen as more adequate and satisfactory, due to the actions based on humanization, welcoming, and support. The valorization of the biomedical culture evidenced by the family members and the lack of adherence of users are still barriers that need to be overcome for the provision of care proposed along the lines of the CAPS.El presente estudio tiene como objetivo analizar el entendimiento de las familias que acompañan a los usuarios adultos con trastornos mentales en un Centro de Atención Psicosocial (CAPS) tipo II sobre los paradigmas de la Reforma Psiquiátrica Brasileña (RPB) y la nueva configuración de atención integral a la salud mental. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa de carácter descriptivo-exploratorio realizada en el CAPS II, en el interior de BA con familiares/cuidadores participantes de los grupos de familiares. Participaron 15 familiares, respetando las cuestiones éticas y el TCLE aplicado, sometidos al Análisis de Contenido inspirado por Bardin. Se observaron posiciones favorables y contrarias a la RPB y falta de claridad respecto a su propuesta; reconocimiento de la calidad y satisfacción respecto al cuidado ofrecido por los CAPS; fragilidades en el cuidado ofrecido por los CAPS; falta de apoyo a la gestión ejecutiva y sugerencias de mejora. Se concluye que el CAPS es considerado como una institución complementaria al cuidado de la salud mental, siendo considerado como el más adecuado y satisfactorio, por las acciones realizadas en la humanización, en el acompañamiento y en el apoyo. La valoración de la cultura biomédica evidenciada por los familiares y la falta de aderencia de los usuarios son, sin embargo, barreras que deben ser ultrapasadas para la prestación de un cuidado propuesto por los moldes de los CAPS.O presente estudo teve o objetivo de analisar o entendimento das famílias que acompanham usuários adultos com transtornos mentais em um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS) tipo II sobre os paradigmas da Reforma Psiquiátrica Brasileira (RPB) e a nova configuração de atenção integral à saúde mental. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa de caráter descritivo-exploratório realizada no CAPS II, no interior da BA com familiares/responsáveis participantes dos grupos de familiares. Participaram 15 familiares, respeitando as questões éticas e aplicado TCLE, submetido à Análise de Conteúdo inspirada em Bardin. Observou-se posicionamentos favoráveis e contrários à RPB e falta de clareza quanto à sua proposta; reconhecimento da qualidade e satisfação quanto ao cuidado oferecido pelo CAPS; fragilidades no cuidado oferecido pelo CAPS; falta de apoio da gestão executiva e sugestões para melhoria. Conclui-se que o CAPS é tido como instituição complementar ao cuidado em saúde mental, sendo posto como mais adequado e satisfatório, pelas ações pautadas na humanização, no acolhimento e no apoio. A valorização da cultura biomédica evidenciada pelos familiares e a falta de aderência dos usuários ainda são barreiras que precisam ser ultrapassadas para a prestação de um cuidado proposto pelos moldes dos CAPS


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    This study aimed to analyze the understanding of families who accompany adult users with mental disorders in a Psychosocial Care Center (CAPS) type II on the paradigms of the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform (RPB) and the new configuration of comprehensive mental health care. This is qualitative descriptive-exploratory research carried out in CAPS II, in the interior of BA with family members/caregivers participating in family groups. Fifteen family members participated, respecting the ethical issues and applied the TCLE, submitted to Content Analysis inspired by Bardin. We observed favorable and contrary positions to the BPR and lack of clarity about its proposal; recognition of the quality and satisfaction about the care offered by CAPS; weaknesses in the care offered by CAPS; lack of support from the executive management, and suggestions for improvement. We conclude that CAPS is seen as a complementary institution to mental health care, being seen as more adequate and satisfactory, due to the actions based on humanization, welcoming, and support. The valorization of the biomedical culture evidenced by the family members and the lack of adherence of users are still barriers that need to be overcome for the provision of care proposed along the lines of the CAPS.El presente estudio tiene como objetivo analizar el entendimiento de las familias que acompañan a los usuarios adultos con trastornos mentales en un Centro de Atención Psicosocial (CAPS) tipo II sobre los paradigmas de la Reforma Psiquiátrica Brasileña (RPB) y la nueva configuración de atención integral a la salud mental. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa de carácter descriptivo-exploratorio realizada en el CAPS II, en el interior de BA con familiares/cuidadores participantes de los grupos de familiares. Participaron 15 familiares, respetando las cuestiones éticas y el TCLE aplicado, sometidos al Análisis de Contenido inspirado por Bardin. Se observaron posiciones favorables y contrarias a la RPB y falta de claridad respecto a su propuesta; reconocimiento de la calidad y satisfacción respecto al cuidado ofrecido por los CAPS; fragilidades en el cuidado ofrecido por los CAPS; falta de apoyo a la gestión ejecutiva y sugerencias de mejora. Se concluye que el CAPS es considerado como una institución complementaria al cuidado de la salud mental, siendo considerado como el más adecuado y satisfactorio, por las acciones realizadas en la humanización, en el acompañamiento y en el apoyo. La valoración de la cultura biomédica evidenciada por los familiares y la falta de aderencia de los usuarios son, sin embargo, barreras que deben ser ultrapasadas para la prestación de un cuidado propuesto por los moldes de los CAPS.O presente estudo teve o objetivo de analisar o entendimento das famílias que acompanham usuários adultos com transtornos mentais em um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS) tipo II sobre os paradigmas da Reforma Psiquiátrica Brasileira (RPB) e a nova configuração de atenção integral à saúde mental. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa de caráter descritivo-exploratório realizada no CAPS II, no interior da BA com familiares/responsáveis participantes dos grupos de familiares. Participaram 15 familiares, respeitando as questões éticas e aplicado TCLE, submetido à Análise de Conteúdo inspirada em Bardin. Observou-se posicionamentos favoráveis e contrários à RPB e falta de clareza quanto à sua proposta; reconhecimento da qualidade e satisfação quanto ao cuidado oferecido pelo CAPS; fragilidades no cuidado oferecido pelo CAPS; falta de apoio da gestão executiva e sugestões para melhoria. Conclui-se que o CAPS é tido como instituição complementar ao cuidado em saúde mental, sendo posto como mais adequado e satisfatório, pelas ações pautadas na humanização, no acolhimento e no apoio. A valorização da cultura biomédica evidenciada pelos familiares e a falta de aderência dos usuários ainda são barreiras que precisam ser ultrapassadas para a prestação de um cuidado proposto pelos moldes dos CAPS

    Methodology to identify and prioritise the sustainability aspects to be considered in the design of Brazilian healthcare buildings

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    The evidence of climate change has increased the necessity for actions to avoid severe consequences for future generations. Recognising the benefits of sustainable and energy-efficient buildings has led to the development of several methods to estimate and rate the performance of building. Healthcare buildings are functional and dynamic structures that support their occupants’ healing processes and comfort. They have a significant role in society and specific goals in merging their strategic planning requirements (cost reduction, regulatory compliance, social responsibility, and performance improvement) with Sustainable Development Goals. Therefore, this paper addresses critical issues regarding the sustainability of the Brazilian healthcare sector by analysing the suitability of the most common international healthcare building sustainability assessment methods to the specific social, economic, and environmental contexts of the Brazilian healthcare sector. The paper analyses the HBSAtool-PT, a sustainability assessment method developed for this type of building, and identifies the possibilities for adapting to the Brazilian context. As a result, this research proposes a framework to assess the sustainability of healthcare buildings in Brazil. In the framework’s definition, a survey was conducted to determine the opinion of building stakeholders regarding the importance of indicators. A weighing system for the proposed sustainability indicators was developed using the AHP method

    An overview of NuDetective Forensic Tool and its usage to combat child pornography in Brazil

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    In many countries, the possession of files containing child and teen pornography is a heinous crime and is desirable for law enforcement be able to detect such files in a timely manner at crime scenes. However, mainly at crime scenes, it is impossible to manually examine all files that can be stored in digital storage devices. The NuDetective Forensic Tool was developed to assist forensic examiners to identify child pornography at crime scenes. NuDetective uses automatic nudity detection in images and videos, file name comparison and also uses hash values to reduce the files to be analyzed by forensic examiners. Despite the high detection rates achieved in past experiments, the authors did not get any formal feedback of NuDetective users about its performance in real forensic cases. So, this work presents a detailed review of the four main features of NuDetective Forensic Tool, including all techniques and methods implemented, and also the results of an unpublished survey conducted to evaluate the real effectiveness of NuDetective by its Brazilian users. The results obtained showed that NuDetective is helping to arrest pedophiles and to combat the child sexual exploitation in the digital era.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO
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