42 research outputs found

    Coral community structure and sedimentation at different distances from the coast of the Abrolhos Bank, Brazil

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    A sedimentação tem sido considerada uma importante fonte de impacto nos recifes de coral. Uma comparação entre as taxas de sedimentação, teor de carbonatos nos sedimentos, cobertura coralínea e tamanho de colônias de corais para as espécies mais comuns (Mussismilia braziliensis, Siderastrea stellata, e Favia gravida) foi realizada em 3 locais no Banco dos Abrolhos. Os locais representam um gradiente de distância da costa: Pedra de Leste (14 km), Pontas Sul (26 km) e Parcel dos Abrolhos (58 km). A sedimentação foi maior no inverno (pSedimentation has previously been considered an important source of impact in coral reefs. We compared 3 sites on the Abrolhos Bank, Brazil, regarding sedimentation rates, carbonate sediment composition, coral cover, and colony size for the commonest local coral species (Mussismilia braziliensis, Siderastrea stellata, and Favia gravida). The sites are located at different distances from the mainland: Pedra de Leste (14 km), Pontas Sul (26 km), and Parcel dos Abrolhos (58 km). Sedimentation was higher in winter (

    Population structure and physiological plasticity of Favia gravida with differences in terrestrial influence

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    Terrestrial runoff is a source of sediments and nutrients to coral reefs. Due to runoff, Brazilian reefs are typically turbid, and have coral species that are naturally turbidity-resistant. This study investigated how terrestrial input influences population and physiology for the coral Favia gravida on two reefs with differences in river mouth proximity in eastern Brazil. The population structure and physiological traits of F. gravida colonies were assessed on both reefs, then some colonies selected for a subsequent transplantation experiment. The reef less impacted by terrestrial influence showed higher population density and lower recruitment. At this site, the coral colonies displayed higher calcification and larger larvae. The reproductive effort between coral populations at the two sites showed no significant difference. The transplantation experiment confirmed the high physiological plasticity of F. gravida colonies at the more turbid reef site. Despite being regarded as a more challenging environment, where F. gravida has a lower population density, the reef closer to the river mouth appears to secure more nutrients, which may heterotrophically compensate its coral colonies

    Infliximab Induces Increase in Triglyceride Levels in Psoriatic Arthritis Patients

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    Objectives. To evaluate lipid profile changes after anti-TNF therapy in patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA). Methods. Fifteen PsA patients (eight polyarticular, four oligoarticular, two axial, and one mutilating) under infliximab were included. None had dyslipoproteinemia or previous statin use. Total cholesterol (TC) and its fractions, inflammatory markers, and prednisone use were evaluated. Results. The comparisons of lipid levels between baseline and after three months (3M) of anti-TNF therapy showed that there was a significant increase in mean triglycerides (117.8 ± 49.7 versus 140.1 ± 64.1 mg/dL, P = 0.028) and VLDL-c (23.6 ± 10.5 versus 28.4 ± 13.7 mg/dL, P = 0.019) levels. In contrast, there were no differences in the mean TC (P = 0.28), LDL-c (P = 0.42), and HDL-c (P = 0.26) levels. Analysis of the frequencies of each lipid alteration at baseline and at 3M were alike (P > 0.05). Positive correlations were found between VLDL-c and CRP (r = 0.647, P = 0.009) and between triglycerides and CRP (r = 0.604, P = 0.017) levels at 3M. ESR reduction was observed after 3M (P = 0.04). Mean prednisone dose remained stable at beginning and at 3M (P = 0.37). Conclusion. This study demonstrated that anti-TNF may increase TG and VLDL-c levels in PsA patients after three months

    Broadcast spawning coral <i>Mussismilia hispida</i> can vertically transfer its associated bacterial core

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    The hologenome theory of evolution (HTE), which is under fierce debate, presupposes that parts of the microbiome are transmitted from one generation to the next [vertical transmission (VT)], which may also influence the evolution of the holobiont. Even though bacteria have previously been described in early life stages of corals, these early life stages (larvae) could have been inoculated in the water and not inside the parental colony (through gametes) carrying the parental microbiome. How Symbiodinium is transmitted to offspring is also not clear, as only one study has described this mechanism in spawners. All other studies refer to incubators. To explore the VT hypothesis and the key components being transferred, colonies of the broadcast spawner species Mussismilia hispida were kept in nurseries until spawning. Gamete bundles, larvae and adult corals were analyzed to identify their associated microbiota with respect to composition and location. Symbiodinium and bacteria were detected by sequencing in gametes and coral planula larvae. However, no cells were detected using microscopy at the gamete stage, which could be related to the absence of those cells inside the oocytes/dispersed in the mucus or to a low resolution of our approach. A preliminary survey of Symbiodinium diversity indicated that parental colonies harbored Symbiodinium clades B, C and G, whereas only clade B was found in oocytes and planula larvae [5 days after fertilization (a.f.)]. The core bacterial populations found in the bundles, planula larvae and parental colonies were identified as members of the genera Burkholderia, Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, Ralstonia, Inquilinus and Bacillus, suggesting that these populations could be vertically transferred through the mucus. The collective data suggest that spawner corals, such as M. hispida, can transmit Symbiodinium cells and the bacterial core to their offspring by a coral gamete (and that this gamete, with its bacterial load, is released into the water), supporting the HTE. However, more data are required to indicate the stability of the transmitted populations to indicate whether the holobiont can be considered a unit of natural selection or a symbiotic assemblage of independently evolving organisms

    Tanacetipathes longipinnula Loiola & Castro, 2005, new species

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    Tanacetipathes longipinnula new species Figure 14 Antipathes tanacetum: Echeverría & Castro, 1995: 1 –7, Figs. 2–5 (part) [non Tanacetipathes tanacetum (Pourtalès, 1880)]. Material examined. Brazil: off Vitória, 20 ° 29 ’ S, 0 36 ° 05´W, 50 m, REVIZEE Central V Sta. # 23 (MNRJ 5595: 1 colony—holotype; MNRJ 4667: 1 colony—paratype;); Almirante Saldanha Bank, 22 ° 22 ’ S, 0 37 ° 35 ’ W, 240 m, REVIZEE Central VI (MNRJ 5146: 1 colony—paratype); off Cape of São Tomé, 22 ° 26 ’ S, 0 40 ° 35 ’ W, 106 m (MNRJ 2367: 1 colony—paratype); off Cabo Frio, 23 º01’S, 040º 57 ’ W, 110m (MNRJ 5147: 1 colony—paratype). Diagnosis. Corallum monopodial, with long posterior primary pinnules (maximum length 23–40 mm), long secondary pinnules (maximum length 47 mm), long tertiary pinnules (maximum length 28 mm), and short spines (0.15 mm or less) with small ornamentations; polyps not known. Holotype. Colony monopodial, 37 cm high, 5.5 cm wide (Fig. 14 a–b). Colony emerges from a basal plate with 32 mm in diameter (Fig. 14 a–b). Diameter of axis near the base 3.5 mm. Primary pinnules in 4 or 5 rows, in laterally alternating groups; length of anterior primaries 10–33 mm, length of posterior primaries 24–40 mm; diameter of the primaries 0.20–0.36 mm, second anteriors tending to be slenderer than the others (Fig. 14 c); distance between adjacent (in the same row) primaries 2.1–2.7 mm. Five to six primary pinnule cycles per centimeter of axis (Fig. 14 b). Secondary pinnules only on the proximal half of primaries, on the abpolypar side, up to 4 per primary pinnule; up to 28 mm long, 0.16–0.36 mm in diameter; very elongated and curved towards the distal portion of the primaries (Fig. 14 c). Tertiary pinnules common, 1–2 per secondary, maximum length 19 mm, on the abpolypar side of the secondaries (Fig. 14 c). Spines conical, slightly compressed, with small papillae over the whole surface, distal portion inclined and, occasionally, slightly curved towards the distal end of the pinnules; 8–9 irregular longitudinal rows (around the whole pinnule); polypar spines 0.09–0.13 mm tall, 0.04– 0.06 mm wide at base; abpolypar spines 0.04–0.06 mm tall, 0.01–0.03 mm wide at base; 4–6 spines per millimeter in a row; distance between adjacent spines in each row 0.11– 0.26 mm (Fig. 14 d–h). Polyps badly damaged. Variations Found in the Paratypes. Monopodial colonies 11.0–52.0 cm tall, 4.7 –8.0 cm wide. Axis 0.9–3.7 mm in diameter near the base, and basal plate, when present, 19.0– 25.0 mm in diameter. Primary pinnules in 4 to 6 rows; maximum length of anterior primaries 13–16 mm (species average including holotype 17.80 ± 9.14 mm), maximum length of posterior primaries 24–35 mm (species average including holotype 29.20 ± 6.05 mm); distance between adjacent (in the same row) primaries 0.9–2.3 mm. Secondary pinnules maximum length 47 mm (species average including holotype 29.90 ± 10.62 mm), 0.12–0.36 mm in diameter. Tertiary pinnules maximum length 26 mm (species average including holotype 13.20 ± 6.25 mm). Quaternary pinnules rarely present. Spines in 6–10 irregular longitudinal rows (around the whole pinnule); polypar spines 0.07–0.15 mm tall, 0.03–0.06 mm wide at base; abpolypar spines 0.03–0.08 mm tall, 0.01–0.05 mm wide at base; distance between adjacent spines in each row 0.11–0.28 mm. Polyps also badly damaged. Etymology. The name longipinnula is used as a compound noun in apposition with the generic name (International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, 1999: article 31.2.1), derived from “ longus” (Latin, elongate) and “ pinnula” (Latin, feather, pinnule), in reference to the comparatively great size of pinnules and subpinnules. Remarks. Tanacetipathes longipinnula has much longer secondary (up to 47.0 mm) and tertiary pinnules (up to 26.0 mm) than any other species of this genus. The maximum length of the primary pinnules of T. longipinnula (40.0 mm) is similar to that observed in T. barbadensis (45.0 mm, Brook, 1889, Warner, 1981). However, T. barbadensis is different from T. longipinnula because of its branched colonies (although sparsely so), larger number of secondaries per primary pinnule (usually up to 8, rarely up to 20, occasionally only 1 or 2 secondaries set very close to the primary origin), tertiary pinnules short and rarely present, and taller polypar spines— 0.10–0.30 mm (Brook, 1889; Warner, 1981; diagnosis herein included). The number and arrangement of the secondary and tertiary pinnules are similar in T. hirta and in T. longipinnula, n. sp.: 4 to 6 secondaries, on the proximal half of the primaries, on the abpolypar side; 1 to 3 tertiary pinnules per proximal secondary pinnule (Opresko, 1972; Warner, 1981). These two species also have in common the range in height of their spines: T. hirta polypar spines 0.07–0.17 mm, abpolypar spines 0.03–0.13 mm (Opresko, 1972; Warner, 1981). However, T. hirta is branched and fan shaped, and has shorter secondary (3–10 mm long, average 5 mm, Opresko, 1972; 15 mm long, Warner, 1981: Fig. 7) and tertiary pinnules (see Opresko, 1972: Fig. 6 D, Warner, 1981: Fig. 7). Tanacetipathes tanacetum is close to the new species, but the distribution of secondary pinnules (scattered over a larger area along the primary in T. tanacetum) and the more frequently elongated condition of pinnules of the new species give each of these species a distinctive appearance. Although occasionally a pinnule of T. tanacetum may be as long as the pinnules in specimens of the new species with relatively short pinnules, the length of a set of pinnules of each species is clearly different. Echeverría & Castro (1995) studied some specimens from Bacia de Campos, RJ, identifying them as T. tanacetum. However, two of these specimens (MNRJ 2367 and one specimen of MNRJ 2368 —removed to MNRJ 5147) belong to T. longipinnula. Tanacetipathes cavernicola, T. spinescens, T. thamnea, and T. wirtzi are branched colonies, and have primary, secondary, and tertiary pinnules that are smaller in length than those in Tanacetipathes longipinnula. There are also differences in the position and number of subpinnules. Besides, the heights of polypar and abpolypar spines are different between the species cited above (except T. spinescens) and T. longipinnula (see Brook, 1889; Warner, 1981; Opresko, 2001 b; descriptions of T. cavernicola and T. thamnea here included). Also, Tanacetipathes wirtzi has no tertiary pinnules (Opresko, 2001 b). The colonies of T. spinescens are densely branched and the primary pinnules are shorter, up to 15 mm long. Distribution. Atlantic: Brazil, off Rio de Janeiro and off Espírito Santo (20 º– 23 º S—Fig. 1), in depths between 50 and 240 m.Published as part of Loiola, Livia L. & Castro, Clovis B., 2005, Tanacetipathes Opresko, 2001 (Cnidaria: Antipatharia: Myriopathidae) from Brazil, including two new species, pp. 1-31 in Zootaxa 1081 on pages 24-26, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.17039

    Tanacetipathes hirta Gray 1857

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    Tanacetipathes hirta (Gray, 1857) Figure 6 Antipathes hirta Gray, 1857: 293; Opresko, 1972: 979 –984, tab. 2, Fig. 6; Warner, 1981: 151 –152, Figs. 5, 6 and 7. Antipathes picea Pourtalès, 1880: 115, pl. 3, fígs. 9 and 29; Brook, 1889: 161 [Brook included this species in a group of species with uncertain generic identity]. Parantipathes hirta: Brook, 1889: 144, pl. 2, Fig. 11, pl. 11, Fig. 1 [Brook indicated uncertainty on the generic identity of this species.]; van Pesch, 1914: 20. Tanacetipathes hirta: Opresko, 2001 a: 358 –361; 2001 b: 349. Material examined. Brazil: off São Mateus, 19 º 42 ’ S, 039º 26 ’ W, 239m, REVIZEE Bahia­ 2 Sta. #E0533 (MNRJ 4618: 2 colonies). Diagnosis. Colony sparsely branched up to the 5 th order, branches lateral, in angles of 45 ° – 90 ° with the lower order branches (Fig. 6 a); axis and branches with 4–6 longitudinal rows of primary pinnules (depending on occurrence of second anterior), arranged biserially in alternate groups along the axis. Maximum length of primary anterior pinnules 14–24 mm (average 19.30 ± 3.56 mm), maximum length of posterior primary pinnules 19– 30 mm (average 23.10 ± 3.28 mm). Secondary pinnules up to 20 mm long (average maximum length 13.00 ± 3.91 mm), in a single series on the proximal half of the primaries’ abpolypar side, up to four secondaries per primary (Fig. 6 c). One to three tertiary pinnules, only on the abpolypar side of the proximal secondaries (Fig. 6 c). Quaternary pinnules rarely present. Spines smooth or with small ornamentations (both conditions found in the same specimen), conical, acute (Fig. 6 d–e); inclined and usually curved towards the distal end of the pinnules; 6–10 longitudinal rows around the axis (Fig. 6 f–h); polypar spines 0.07–0.18 mm tall (Fig. 6 d), abpolypar, 0.03–0.11 mm (Fig. 6 e); Polyps 0.7–0.8 mm in transverse diameter, in a single series along the pinnules; 10–12 per centimeter; tentacles 0.2 mm long; oral cone elevated 0.2 mm; mouth usually sagittally elongated (emended from Opresko, 1972). Remarks. The Brazilian colonies of Tanacetipathes hirta (Gray, 1857) are similar to the specimens described by Opresko (1972) and Warner (1981). The only difference is that Opresko’s material has posterior primary pinnules 2 to 6 times longer than the anterior ones. Our material has anterior primaries with a length (5.0–24.0 mm, average 11.2 mm) closer to the length of the posterior (12.0–26.0 mm, average 18.5 mm) than in Opresko’s and Warner’s specimens. However, the branching pattern, the arrangement of the pinnules and subpinnules, and the characteristics of the spines indicate that these specimens belong to the same species. The diagnosis given by Opresko (1972) was herein emended to include variations observed in Brazilian colonies, especially the relative length of anterior and posterior primary pinnules. This represents the first record of T. hirta from the South Atlantic. Distribution. Atlantic: Florida and Venezuela (Opresko, 1972); Caribbean (Brook, 1889; Opresko, 1972); Boca de Navios, NW Trinidad (Warner, 1981); Brazil: oceanic seamount off eastern Brazil (about 19 ° S—Fig. 1).Published as part of Loiola, Livia L. & Castro, Clovis B., 2005, Tanacetipathes Opresko, 2001 (Cnidaria: Antipatharia: Myriopathidae) from Brazil, including two new species, pp. 1-31 in Zootaxa 1081 on pages 10-12, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.17039


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    Key to the species of the genus Tanacetipathes 1. Colonies with many secondary pinnules on the posterior primaries (usually more than 8 per pinnule); secondary pinnules frequently on the polypar side of primaries.......... 2 ­ Colonies with few secondary pinnules on the posterior primaries (usually less than 7 per pinnule); secondary pinnules rarely on the polypar side of primaries.................... 3 2. Colonies unbranched or with branches arising from near the colony basis [See Warner, fig. 2, branches on upper part of corallum]; posterior primary pinnules with up to 18 (more frequently 8–10) secondaries; 1–2 small tertiary pinnules, only on proximal secondary pinnules; polypar spines 0.09–0.30 mm tall, abpolypar spines 0.02–0.21mm.......................................................................................................................... T. thamnea ­ Colonies with branches arising far from the colony basis, resulting in a fan shape; posterior primary pinnules with up to 42 (more frequently 11–15) secondaries; 2–5 tertiary pinnules, irregularly distributed on both proximal and distal secondary pinnules; polypar spines 0.06–0.14 mm tall, abpolypar spines 0.03–0.06 mm.............................. ........................................................................................................ T. thallassoros n. sp. 3. Three­seven elongated abpolypar secondary pinnules per primary, distributed along the whole pinnule.......................................................................................................... 4 ­ Less than three elongated abpolypar secondary pinnules per primary, more frequently set near the pinnule origin............................................................................................. 7 4. Secondary and tertiary pinnules long: secondaries maximum length 19–47 mm; tertiaries maximum length 19–26 mm ................................................... T. longipinnula n. sp. ­ Secondary and tertiary pinnules short: secondaries maximum length 7–22 mm; tertiaries maximum length 5–10 mm..................................................................................... 5 5. Monopodial colonies or colonies with branches up to the 2 nd [mostly 1 st] order mainly arising from near the base ........................................................................... T. tanacetum ­ Colonies densely branched........................................................................................... 6 6. Branches arranged irregularly; occasionally branches arranged in groups of three or four, arising on the same region of the axis; colonies tending to arborescent; primary pinnules maximum length 15 mm............................................................. T. spinescens ­ Branches arranged laterally, maximum of two arising on the same region of the axis; colonies fan shaped; primary pinnules maximum length 25–30 mm................. T. hirta 7. Colonies branched up to the 2 nd order; tertiaries absent.................................... T. wirtzi ­ Colonies branched up to the 5 th order; tertiaries present (may be missing oin some secondaries)....................................................................................................................... 8 8. Primary pinnules up to 45 mm long ......................................................... T. barbadensis ­ Primary pinnules less than 20 mm long ................................................... T. cavernicolaPublished as part of Loiola, Livia L. & Castro, Clovis B., 2005, Tanacetipathes Opresko, 2001 (Cnidaria: Antipatharia: Myriopathidae) from Brazil, including two new species, pp. 1-31 in Zootaxa 1081 on pages 29-30, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.17039

    Tanacetipathes thalassoros Loiola & Castro, 2005, new species

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    Tanacetipathes thalassoros new species Figure 15 Material examined. Brazil: Trindade Island, about 20 ° S, 0 30 ° W, about 100 m, REVIZEE Bahia­ 1 (MNRJ 3414: 1 colony—holotype); Jaseur Bank, 20 ° 36 ’S, 0 35 ° 51 ’W, about 50 m, REVIZEE Central II (MNRJ 5148: 1 colony fragment—paratype); Doga Ressa Bank, 20 ° 57 ’ S, 0 34 ° 58 ’W, about 100 m, REVIZEE Central IV (MNRJ 3401: 1 colony fragment—paratype). Diagnosis. Corallum with branches arising far from the colony basis, resulting in a fan shape; posterior primary pinnules with up to 42 (more frequently 11–15) secondaries. Two to five tertiary pinnules, irregularly distributed on both proximal and distal secondary pinnules. Spines short (less than 0.14 mm), smooth or with small ornamentations. Polyps not known. Holotype. Colony 62 cm in height, 39 cm wide, basal plate 10 mm in diameter, diameter of axis at the base 6.0 mm (Fig. 15 a–b). Colony fan­shaped, branched up to the 6 th order; lateral branches 45 ° to 90 ° with the axis, fan­shaped (Fig. 15 a–b). Primary pinnules in 4–5 rows, in laterally alternating groups; length of anterior primaries 4–16 mm, length of posterior primaries 16–44 mm. Diameter of primaries 0.20–0.32 mm, second primary anteriors tending to be slenderer than the others; distance between adjacent (in the same row) primaries 1.6 –2.0 mm (Fig. 15 b). Six­seven primary pinnule cycles per centimeter of axis (Fig. 15 b). Secondary pinnules along the whole length of primaries, mostly on the abpolypar side, some on the polypar, 5–11 per primary pinnule; up to 16 mm long, 0.12–0.28 mm in diameter; secondary pinnules elongated or short, independent of position (proximal or distal) (Fig. 15 c). Tertiary pinnules usually on the abpolypar side of proximal and distal secondaries, irregularly distributed, frequently more than 5 per secondary pinnule; proximal tertiary pinnules from opposite posterior primaries occasionally can be fused (Fig. 15 c). Spines conical, slightly compressed, smooth or with small papillae on their surfaces (both conditions are found in the same specimen); polypar and abpolypar spines slightly curved towards the distal end of pinnules; 6–8 irregular longitudinal rows (around the whole pinnule); polypar spines 0.05–0.10 mm tall, 0.03– 0.06 mm wide at base; abpolypar spines 0.03–0.07 mm tall, 0.01–0.04 mm wide at base; 4–5 spines per millimeter in a row; distance between adjacent spines in each row 0.15– 0.25 mm (Fig. 15 d–h). Polyps badly damaged. Variations Found in the Paratypes. Two fragments 11.8 and 13.0 cm tall, 6.8 and 1.6 cm wide, respectively, both without basal plates. Axis 1.2–1.5 mm in diameter near the base. Primary pinnules in 3–5 rows (usually 4); maximum length of anterior primaries 13– 16 mm (species average including holotype 9.20 ± 4.54 mm); maximum length of posterior primaries 27–44 mm (species average including holotype 26.00 ± 9.97 mm); diameter of primaries 0.20–0.50 mm. Secondary pinnules 5–42 per primary pinnule; maximum length 20 mm (average, including holotype, 12.20 ± 4.76 mm), 0.12–0.32 mm in diameter. Spines in 6–10 irregular longitudinal rows (around the whole pinnule); polypar spines 0.06–0.14 mm tall, 0.03–0.06 mm wide at base; abpolypar spines 0.03–0.06 mm tall, 0.01–0.05 mm wide at base; 4–10 spines per millimeter in a row; distance between adjacent spines in each row 0.14–0.26 mm. Polyps also badly damaged. Etymology. The epithet thalassoros is used as a compound noun in apposition with the generic name (International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, 4 th edition, 2000: article 31.2.1), derived from the words “thalassa” (Greek, sea) and “oros ” (Greek, mountain), in reference to the locations where the specimens were found. Remarks. The arrangement and number of secondary and tertiary pinnules are very peculiar in T. thallassoros: up to 42 secondaries per primary; tertiary pinnules frequently more than 5 per secondary pinnule, irregularly distributed over proximal and distal secondaries. All the other species of Tanacetipathes have fewer secondaries per primary. The only exception is T. thamnea, in which this ratio is up to 25 per primary. However, T. thamnea has smaller and fewer tertiary pinnules, located only on the proximal secondaries, and taller polypar spines (up to 0.30 mm tall) than the new species. Also, no other species of Tanacetipathes has tertiary pinnules on the more distal secondaries as seen in T. thallassoros. Distribution. Off Brazil: Trindade Island; Jaseur and Doga Ressa Banks (about 20 ° S—Fig. 1), in depths between 50 and 100 m.Published as part of Loiola, Livia L. & Castro, Clovis B., 2005, Tanacetipathes Opresko, 2001 (Cnidaria: Antipatharia: Myriopathidae) from Brazil, including two new species, pp. 1-31 in Zootaxa 1081 on pages 27-29, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.17039

    Tanacetipathes thamnea Warner 1981

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    Tanacetipathes thamnea (Warner, 1981) Figure 11 Antipathes thamnea Warner, 1981: 148 –151, Figs. 2–4. Tanacetipathes thamnea: Opresko, 2001 a: 358 –361, Fig. 12 c; 2001 b: 349. Figure 11 Tanacetipathes paula Pérez, Costa & Opresko, 2005: 8 –12, figs. 5–8. Material examined. Brazil: off Salvador, 13 ° 06’ S, 0 38 ° 25 ’ W, about 50m, REVIZEE Bahia­ 1 Sta. #D­0360 (MNRJ 3411: 1 colony); off Caravelas, 18 ° 39 ’ S, 0 37 ° 52 ’ W, 65m, REVIZEE Central V Sta. # 17 (MNRJ 4864: 2 colonies); off São Matheus, 20 ° 05’ S, 0 37 ° 28 ’ W, 98m, REVIZEE Central I (MNRJ 3128: 2 colonies); Jaseur Bank, 20 ° 36 ’ S, 0 35 ° 51 ’ W, about 100m, REVIZEE Central II (MNRJ 5824, MNRJ 5138: 11 colonies); off Vitória: 20 ° 40 ’ S, 0 34 ° 35 ’ W, 100m, REVIZEE Central II Sta. # 46, (MNRJ 5139: 4 colonies); 108m, REVIZEE Central V Sta. # 45 (MNRJ 4666, MNRJ 5140, MNRJ 5141: 22 colonies); 20 ° 44 ’ S, 0 31 ° 49 ’ W, 80m, REVIZEE Central V Sta. # 42 (MNRJ 4670: 2 colonies); Almirante Saldanha Bank, 22 ° 23 ’ S, 0 37 ° 35 ’ W, 105m, REVIZEE Central I Sta. # 7 (MNRJ 3011: 2 colonies); 103m, REVIZEE Central VI (MNRJ 5142, MNRJ 5145: 4 colonies); 240m (MNRJ 5143, MNRJ 5144: 5 colonies). Diagnosis. Colonies unbranched, or branching irregularly, usually in a single plane, up to 5 th order (Fig. 11 a, b). Branches pinnulate, pinnules straight or nearly so; pinnules projecting at right angles transverse to the branch or slightly inclined towards the distal end of the branch; 4–6 rows of primary pinnules. Maximum length of anterior primary pinnules 4–23 mm (average in Brazilian specimens 9.47 ± 3.55 mm), maximum length of posterior primaries 8–25 mm long (average in Brazilian specimens 15.57 ± 3.45 mm). Secondary pinnules up to 14 mm long, (maximum length average 8.06 ± 2.20 mm); up to 7 (more frequently 2–3) per anterior primary and up to 18 (more frequently 8–10) per posterior primary; secondaries on abpolypar (mostly) and polypar sides of the primary pinnules (Fig. 11 c). Tertiary pinnules usually on the abpolypar side of the more elongate secondaries (Fig. 11 c). Occasionally, primary pinnules with only one or two secondaries, near the proximal end of posterior primaries. Spines smooth or with small ornamentations (both conditions found in the same specimen on Brazilian material), subcylindrical, perpendicular or inclined distally; adjacent spines 1–2 spine lengths apart, arranged in alternate longitudinal rows; 6–8 rows on the distal portions of the pinnules. Polypar spines 0.09–0.30 mm tall, abpolypar spines 0.02–0.21 mm tall (Fig. 11 d–j). Polyps 0.52–0.64 mm in transverse diameter, arranged in single rows, 10–17 per centimeter along one side of the pinnules. Tentacles 0.3–0.7 mm long in fresh material, and 1 / 3 to 1 / 2 smaller in fixed material (emended from Warner, 1981). Remarks. The Brazilian material is similar to type specimen of Tanacetipathes thamnea Warner, 1981, except the former colonies are branched only up to the 1 st order, while the latter, up to the 5 th order. Despite this difference, the branches in the type and in Brazilian specimens suggest colonies with similar appearance (see Warner, 1981: Fig. 2). The range in the height of polypar spines is also different: in Brazilian colonies 0.10–0.30 mm, and in the type specimen 0.09–0.21 mm. However, species of Tanacetipathes are known for showing great variations in the size of the spines, as described for T. tanacetum by Opresko (1972). Warner’s description indicates spines inclined distally in angles up to about 37 °, but his illustration (Warner, 1981: Fig. 3) shows such a condition only on the distal end of the pinnules. Polypar spines from the proximal end of a pinnule were either perpendicular or slightly inclined distally (Warner, 1981: Fig. 3). On our specimens, the majority of proximal polypar spines are perpendicular to the axis; spines of distal portions of the pinnules are more inclined than those of proximal regions, as occurs in most species of this genus. Despite these minor discrepancies, the material herein studied was identified as T. thamnea especially due to the arrangement of secondary pinnules, unique among Tanacetipathes species. This is the first record of T. thamnea in the South Atlantic, in depths up to 240 m. The diagnosis given by Warner (1981) was emended to include variations observed in the Brazilian material, especially concerning the branching pattern, distribution of the secondary pinnules, and spines height and inclination. We hereby propose the synonymy of Tanacetipathes paula Pérez, Costa & Opresko, 2005, with T. thamnea. The main characters distinguishing these species would be a “more extensive subpinnulation” and “typically monopodial or only sparsely branched somewhat in a single plane” in T. thamnea (Pérez et al., 2005). Also, primary pinnules would be longer in T. thamnea (Tab. 2). Branching pattern unbranched or up to 5 th order, usually branched up to the 6 th order in a single plane Colonies 49 colonies, 5.2–59 cm high; largest Single colony, 83 cm high; without specimen (59 cm) without pinnulation pinnulation near (> 25 cm) basis near (11.5 cm) basis However, only seven Brazilian colonies (out of 49 studied) have primary pinnules longer than 1.9 mm. The number of secondaries per primary pinnule would also be different (Tab. 2). Nevertheless, an examination of the holotype of T. paula showed instances where there are a greater number of secondaries per primary. Fourteen Brazilian colonies (out of 49 studied) have only up to 9 secondaries per primary. Moreover, we evaluated diagnostic characters of T. thamnea (Brazilian specimens) and found a continuous variation in the length of primary pinnules (Fig. 12) and in the number of secondaries per posterior primary pinnule (Fig. 13). Also, we found significant correlations among several characteristics (Tab. 3). A multiple linear regression of colony size and mean length of posterior primaries (independent variables) against number of secondaries per primary (dependent variable) showed significant results (Tab. 4). Interestingly, the number of secondaries per primary showed a significant correlation with colony size, but length of posterior primaries did not (Tab. 3). This suggests the latter character may vary due to environmental forces instead of being inherent to colony growth. Overall, it is demonstrated that differential characters of T. paula fit well within the range of variation of T. thamnea. Variable 1 Variable 2 r P Global R = 0.66519145; F(2,46) = 18.254; p= 0.000001 Independent variables Beta P Colony size 0,576572 0,000005* Mean length of posterior primary pinnules 0,415060 0,000511* Distribution. Atlantic: Boca de Navios, NW Trinidad (Warner, 1981); Brazil: on the continental shelf and oceanic seamounts off northeastern and eastern Brazil (between 13 º– 22 º S—Fig. 1).Published as part of Loiola, Livia L. & Castro, Clovis B., 2005, Tanacetipathes Opresko, 2001 (Cnidaria: Antipatharia: Myriopathidae) from Brazil, including two new species, pp. 1-31 in Zootaxa 1081 on pages 19-22, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.17039