2,708 research outputs found

    Ambiguity Aversion and Absence of Trade

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    What is the effect of ambiguity aversion on trade? Although in a Bewley's model ambiguity aversion always lead to less trade, in other models this is not always true. However, we show that if the endowments are unambiguous then more ambiguity aversion implies less trade, for a very general class of preferences. The reduction in trade caused by ambiguity aversion can be as severe as to lead to no-trade. In an economy with MEU decision makers, we show that if the aggregate endowment is unanimously unambiguous then every Pareto optima allocation is also unambiguous. We also characterize the situation in which every unanimously unambiguous allocation is Pareto optimal. Finally, we show how our results can be used to explain the home-bias effect. As a useful result for our methods, we also obtain an additivity theorem for CEU and MEU decision makers that does not require comonotonicity JEL Code: D51, D6, D8no-trade results, ambiguity aversion, Pareto optimality.

    Ambiguity Aversion and Trade

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    What is the effect of ambiguity aversion on trade? Although in a Bewley's model ambiguity aversion always lead to less trade, in other models this is not always true. However, we show that if the endowments are unambiguous then more ambiguity aversion implies less trade, for a very general class of preferences. The reduction in trade caused by ambiguity aversion can be as severe as to lead to no-trade. In an economy with MEU decision makers, we show that if the aggregate endowment is unanimously unambiguous then every Pareto optima allocation is also unambiguous. We also characterize the situation in which every unanimously unambiguous allocation is Pareto optimal. Finally, we show how our results can be used to explain the home-bias effect. As a useful result for our methods, we also obtain an additivity theorem for CEU and MEU decision makers that does not require comonotonicity. JEL Classification Numbers: D51, D6, D8

    The predictive functional control and the management of constraints in GUANAY II autonomous underwater vehicle actuators

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    Autonomous underwater vehicle control has been a topic of research in the last decades. The challenges addressed vary depending on each research group's interests. In this paper, we focus on the predictive functional control (PFC), which is a control strategy that is easy to understand, install, tune, and optimize. PFC is being developed and applied in industrial applications, such as distillation, reactors, and furnaces. This paper presents the rst application of the PFC in autonomous underwater vehicles, as well as the simulation results of PFC, fuzzy, and gain scheduling controllers. Through simulations and navigation tests at sea, which successfully validate the performance of PFC strategy in motion control of autonomous underwater vehicles, PFC performance is compared with other control techniques such as fuzzy and gain scheduling control. The experimental tests presented here offer effective results concerning control objectives in high and intermediate levels of control. In high-level point, stabilization and path following scenarios are proven. In the intermediate levels, the results show that position and speed behaviors are improved using the PFC controller, which offers the smoothest behavior. The simulation depicting predictive functional control was the most effective regarding constraints management and control rate change in the Guanay II underwater vehicle actuator. The industry has not embraced the development of control theories for industrial systems because of the high investment in experts required to implement each technique successfully. However, this paper on the functional predictive control strategy evidences its easy implementation in several applications, making it a viable option for the industry given the short time needed to learn, implement, and operate, decreasing impact on the business and increasing immediacy.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Minimax Estimation of Distances on a Surface and Minimax Manifold Learning in the Isometric-to-Convex Setting

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    We start by considering the problem of estimating intrinsic distances on a smooth surface. We show that sharper estimates can be obtained via a reconstruction of the surface, and discuss the use of the tangential Delaunay complex for that purpose. We further show that the resulting approximation rate is in fact optimal in an information-theoretic (minimax) sense. We then turn to manifold learning and argue that a variant of Isomap where the distances are instead computed on a reconstructed surface is minimax optimal for the problem of isometric manifold embedding

    Supervising Embedding Algorithms Using the Stress

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    While classical scaling, just like principal component analysis, is parameter-free, most other methods for embedding multivariate data require the selection of one or several parameters. This tuning can be difficult due to the unsupervised nature of the situation. We propose a simple, almost obvious, approach to supervise the choice of tuning parameter(s): minimize a notion of stress. We substantiate this choice by reference to rigidity theory. We extend a result by Aspnes et al. (IEEE Mobile Computing, 2006), showing that general random geometric graphs are trilateration graphs with high probability. And we provide a stability result \`a la Anderson et al. (SIAM Discrete Mathematics, 2010). We illustrate this approach in the context of the MDS-MAP(P) algorithm of Shang and Ruml (IEEE INFOCOM, 2004). As a prototypical patch-stitching method, it requires the choice of patch size, and we use the stress to make that choice data-driven. In this context, we perform a number of experiments to illustrate the validity of using the stress as the basis for tuning parameter selection. In so doing, we uncover a bias-variance tradeoff, which is a phenomenon which may have been overlooked in the multidimensional scaling literature. By turning MDS-MAP(P) into a method for manifold learning, we obtain a local version of Isomap for which the minimization of the stress may also be used for parameter tuning

    Plan estratégico para una empresa comercial

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    Desarrollar un plan prospectivo para la empresa Compañía General Ingenieros Constructores y Comercialización Limitada en la ciudad de Cartagena, se establece como una estrategia de oportunidades aplicando la estructura metodológica orientada hacia las estratégicas; el análisis para posibilitar diversidad de alternativas que contribuyen a mejorar y ampliar los espacios de acción y de esta forma posicionar la empresa en el contexto local, regional y nacional. El plan se ciñe a la metodología prospectiva garantizando de esta forma la veracidad de los procesos e instrumentos utilizados para lograr los objetivos propuestos en actividades de trabajo. En el contexto contemporáneo indiscutiblemente todas las organizaciones y empresas se proyectan en una dinámica constante de acción para lograr efectividad, posicionamiento en los mercados frente a la competencia. Básicamente se resume la actividad en tres procesos; prospectiva estratégica, análisis prospectivo y análisis estratégico; de las cuales surgirá las conclusiones finales y los aspectos a tener en cuenta para el desarrollo integral aplicable a la empresa CGI Ltda., en el plan de análisis estratégico prospectivo. Con esta nueva visión se pretende implementar modelos prácticos para contribuir al desarrollo y gestión empresarial en el sector de infraestructura en obras civiles

    Estudio Bibliométrico de Bases de Datos Internacionales sobre la Convivencia Escolar y la Contabilidad Ambiental

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    El tema central de este artículo es analizar bibliométricamente la producción científica relacionada a la convivencia escolar y la contabilidad ambiental. El enfoque utilizado fue el cuantitativo, esto porque utilizó la estadística para dar el resultado deseado. El tipo de investigación fue el descriptivo porque buscó caracterizar indicadores bibliométricos tales como año de publicación, base de datos, país donde se efectuó el estudio, número de páginas y número de referencias, Se tomaron en cuenta 42 artículos científicos que guardan relación con la producción científica sobre convivencia escolar y la contabilidad ambiental publicados en las bases de ProQuest, Scielo, Redib y Dialnet correspondientes al periodo muestrado entre los años 2015-2017


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    La contabilidad ambiental propone información exacta y comprensible a los responsables de las empresas para una mejor toma de decisiones sobre los aspectos financieros y del medio ambiente. Por su parte, la bibliómetrica permite estudiar la producción y la productividad científica y técnica, su influencia y relevancia. El presente artículo tiene como fin el estudio bibliométrico y su relación con la contabilidad ambiental. El tipo de investigación que se utilizó fue el descriptivo cuantitativo, esto porque se caracterizaron indicadores bibliométricos más usuales en este tipo de proyectos. Las bases de datos tomadas en cuenta en el estudio fueron ProQuest, Scielo, Redib y Dialnet y que han publicado sobre la temática entre los años 2016-2017. Se concluye que no son muchas las publicaciones referencias al tema en las bases acotadas

    La correcta funcionalidad de la cadena de custodia como medio de preservación de la capacidad demostrativa de los elementos materiales probatorios y evidencia física

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effectiveness of the chain of custody as a means to preserve the demonstrative capacity of material evidence and physical evidence. The methodology had a qualitative approach under a legal-dogmatic and inductive model. The conclusions of the study show that the chain of custody is a requirement of legality, as it constitutes an essential element of due process that is not a simple method of investigation without incidence, and as a means of proof does not violate due process, it is important within the Collection, packaging and labeling process of the test subject elements apply the techniques in an appropriate way to the material evidence for analysis and begins once the fixing procedures have been completed and ends with the sending of the material evidence to the authorized laboratory or store of evidence and that the Attorney General's Office is obliged to apply a series of measures that are intended to preserve the identity or integrity of the material evidence or physical evidence to establish the truth of the facts and determine the responsibility of the accused.El presente artículo tiene como propósito analizar la eficacia de la cadena de custodia como medio para preservar la capacidad demostrativa de los elementos materiales probatorios y evidencia física. La metodología tuvo un enfoque cualitativo bajo un modelo jurídico-dogmático e inductivo. Las conclusiones del estudio demuestran que la cadena de custodia es un requisito de legalidad, pues constituye un elemento esencial del debido proceso que no es un simple método de investigación sin incidencia, y como medio probatorio no vulnera el debido proceso probatorio, es importante dentro del proceso de recolección, embalaje y rotulado de los elementos materia de prueba aplicar las técnicas en forma adecuada de los elementos materiales probatorios para su análisis y se inicia una vez realizados los procedimientos de fijación y finaliza con el envío de los elementos materiales probatorios al laboratorio autorizado o almacén de evidencias y que la Fiscalía General de la Nación está obligada a aplicar una serie de medidas que tienen por objeto  preservar la identidad o integridad de los elementos materiales probatorios o evidencia física para establecer la verdad de los hechos y determinar la responsabilidad del procesad

    Los criterios legales del psicólogo forense como perito en casos de violación de menores en el sistema acusatorio en Colombia

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    The expert opinion is a form of evidence that has to do with the contribution of certain technical, scientific or artistic elements, that the knowledgeable individual in the material in question, seeks to clarify any controversy and for this to occur, it is necessary that have special knowledge. The objective of this paper is to analyze the legal criteria of the forensic psychologist as an expert in cases of rape of minors in the accusatory system in Colombia. In order to carry out this reflection, the descriptive analytical level was used as a type of research and the non-experimental design was used. In addition, bibliographic references on the subject were used and the corresponding analysis was carried out.El dictamen pericial es una forma de prueba que tiene que ver con el aporte de determinados elementos técnicos, científicos o artísticos, que el individuo conocedor en la material que se trate, busca aclarar toda controversia y para que ello se pueda dar, es necesario que se tenga de especiales conocimientos. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo analizar los criterios legales del psicólogo forense como perito en casos de violación de menores en el sistema acusatorio en Colombia. Para llevar adelante esta reflexión, se utilizó como tipo de investigación el nivel descriptivo analítico y como diseño el no experimental. Además, se utilizaron referencias bibliográficas sobre la temática y se procedió a hacer el análisis respectivo