18 research outputs found

    Effects of harbor activities on sediment quality in a semi-arid region in Brazil

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    Tropical marine environments are rich in biodiversity and the presence of harbor activities in these areas can harm the coastal ecosystems. In this study, we assessed sediment quality of two harbors from a tropical region in Brazil by applying multiple lines-of-evidence approach. This approach included the integration of results on: (1) grain size, organic matter, organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, trace metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, linear alkylbenzenes, and tributyltin(2) acute toxicity of whole sediments and chronic toxicity of liquid phasesand (3) benthic community descriptors. Our results revealed that the main contaminants detected in sediments from Mucuripe and Pecen Harbors were chromium, copper, nitrogen, zinc, and tributyltin. These toxicants arise from typical harbor activities. However, the changes in benthic composition and structure appear to depend on a combination of physical impacts, such as the deposition of fine sediments and the toxic potential of contaminants, especially in Mucuripe. Thus, apart from toxicants physical processes are important in describing risks. This information may assist in management and conservation of marine coastal areas. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Fundação Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (FUNCAP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Autoridade portuária (Docas do Ceará e Ceará Portos)Univ Fed Ceara, Inst Ciencias Mar, Fortaleza, Ceara, BrazilUNESP, Nucleo Estudos Poluicao & Ecotoxicol Aquat, Sao Vicente, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Inst Mar, Santos, BrazilUniv Sao Paulo, Inst Pesquisas Energet & Nucl, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Sao Paulo, Inst Oceanog, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Rio Grande FURG, Inst Oceanog, Rio Grande, BrazilInstituto do Mar, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, BrazilFUNCAP: 1571/07FUNCAP: BMD-0008-00058.01.18/09CNPq: 142002/2010-0CNPq: 552299/2010-3CNPq: 306486/2015-6Web of Scienc

    Imposex in Thais Rustica ( mollusca Neogastropoda)( Lamarck, 1822) as an indicator of organotin compounds pollution at Maceio coast( Northeastern Brazil)

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    The use of OTC (organotin compounds) as biocides in naval antifouling paints causes impacts on non-target organisms. One of these impacts is a syndrome called imposex in gastropod molluscs. Imposex is the imposition of male secondary sexual characteristics in female gastropods as result of endocrine disruption. In this preliminary study, imposex was observed in four out of ten sampled stations in Maceió: the city Port (100% females exhibited imposex), the Marine Emissary (23% females exhibited imposex), the Marine Terminal (35% females exhibited imposex) and Saco da Pedra beach (12% females exhibited imposex). These stations were distributed in a NE-SW orientation from the Port southwards along the coastline, following the general circulation pattern of the area. The low values of VDSI, RPSI and RPLI indicate that Maceió Coast is a less contaminated area, probably because of low shipping activities together with the fact that the sampling zone is an open coastal system and not an enclosed bay. These results suggest that the imposex development in Thais rustica may be used as a biological indicator of OTC pollution.O uso de COE (compostos orgânicos de estanho) como biocida em tintas antiincrustantes para embarcações causa impactos em organismos não-alvos. Um destes impactos é a síndrome chamada imposex, em moluscos gastrópodos. Imposex é a imposição de caracteres sexuais secundários masculinos em fêmeas de gastrópodos como resultado de desregulação endócrina. Neste estudo preliminar, o imposex foi observado em quatro de dez estações de amostragem em Maceió: o Porto de Maceió (100% de fêmeas imposexadas), o Emissário Submarino (23% de fêmeas imposexadas), o Terminal Marítimo (35% de fêmeas imposexadas) e a praia do Saco da Pedra (12% de fêmeas imposexadas). Estas estações estão distribuídas no litoral no sentido NE/SW a partir do Porto,seguindo o padrão de circulação local. Os valores relativamente baixos dos índices VDSI, RPSI e RPLI indicam que a costa de Maceió é uma área moderadamente impactada. Isto poderia ser explicado pelo fato da costa não ser um sistema abrigado e pelo pequeno movimento de sua zona portuária. Estes resultados sugerem que o desenvolvimento do imposex em Thais rustica pode ser usado como indicador da poluição por COEs

    Celebrando São Besso ou o que Robert Hertz e a Escola Francesa de Sociologia têm a nos dizer sobre festas, rituais e simbolismo

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    Este artigo apresenta reflexões sobre as possibilidades e as dificuldades do estudo de festas religiosas através da interpretação de um texto de Robert Hertz (um dos pesquisadores da Escola Francesa de Sociologia), originalmente publicado em 1913, que versa sobre a festa de São Besso, um evento religioso que ocorre nos alpes italianos. O objetivo do presente trabalho é destacar as pistas que Hertz deixou abertas em seu estudo e sugerir maneiras de nos apropriarmos de seus insights em nossas análises atuais.<br>This article presents some reflections about the possibilities and difficulties in the study of religious festivals. It does so by reinterpreting a text written by Robert Hertz, one of the researches of the French School of Sociology. It is a text about Saint Besso’s festival, originally published in 1913. The aim of the article is to stress some of the clues that Hertz opened with his work and to suggest how his insights can be useful for our own analyses about festivals

    Thais (stramonita) Rustica (LAMARCK, 1822) (Mollusca: Gastropoda:Thaididae), A Potential Bioindicator of Contamination by Organotin Northeast Brazil.

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    The use of antifouling paints containing the biocide compound tributyltin (TBT) has been shown as an inductor of imposex in neogastropods mollusks. Imposex is characterized by the development of male features in females, mainly the appearance of a no functional vas deferens and penis. Samples of Thais rustica were collected in eight sites in the metropolitan area of Natal city, Rio Grande do Norte state, northeast Brazil, and examined for occurrence of imposex, which was found in many females. The higher imposex levels were presented by samples from sites near city harbor.A utilização de tintas antiincrustrantes contendo o composto biocida tributilestanho (TBT) tem induzido moluscos neogastrópodes ao imposex. O imposex é caracterizado pelo surgimento de caracteres sexuais masculinos, sobretudo, pênis e vaso deferente não funcionais em fêmeas desses moluscos. Foram coletadas amostras de Thais rústica em oito estações ao longo da costa da cidade de Natal no Rio Grande do Norte. Esses animais foram analisados quanto a presença e o grau de imposex que apresentavam. Os níveis mais elevados de imposex foram observados na estação mais próxima ao porto