9 research outputs found


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    A falta de dados disponíveis sobre as taxas de suicídio entre a população idosa no Brasil é preocupante, especialmente diante das altas taxas observadas em países desenvolvidos.  O suicídio em idosos é uma questão importante de saúde pública e um tema de crescente preocupação em todo o mundo. A revisão bibliográfica é uma metodologia amplamente utilizada para reunir informações atualizadas e relevantes sobre um determinado tema de pesquisa. A justificativa para este estudo é a necessidade de entender melhor os fatores de risco, a saúde mental e as barreiras ao acesso aos cuidados de saúde mental, além das estratégias de prevenção e intervenção, para reduzir o número de suicídios em idosos. O objetivo é identificar os fatores de risco, e as barreiras ao acesso a cuidados de saúde mental, bem como as estratégias de prevenção e intervenção, reduzindo o estigma associado e incentivando as pessoas a procurar ajuda e suporte emocional disponíveis para idosos em risco de suicídio. Espera-se que este estudo possa contribuir para o desenvolvimento de políticas e programas de prevenção de suicídio em idosos, promovendo uma melhor compreensão dos fatores que afetam a saúde mental dos idosos e a prevenção de suicídios

    Avaliação do programa nacional de fortalecimento da agricultura familiar: a intenção de pagamento do crédito

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    Esta publicação faz parte de um estudo maior (Tese). Nela analisou-se a intenção de pagamento do crédito no contexto da avaliação do Programa Nacional de Fortalecimento da Agricultura Familiar (Pronaf) na Paraíba. A pesquisa foi executada com base na opinião dos beneficiários do Grupo A (Assentados) e B (Agricultores familiares) em duas etapas: (a) preliminar, para o levantamento de crenças e informações e (b) principal, para a medição dessas crenças. Para avaliar a intenção de pagamento, foi empregado o modelo Teórico da Ação Planejada de Ajzen (1991). Com base nesse modelo, a Atitude, a Crença normativa (componente da norma subjetiva) e a Norma Subjetiva foram, para o Grupo A, as variáveis preditoras que explicaram a Intenção de pagamento de crédito. Para o Grupo B, as dimensões Atitude, Crença comportamental (componente da atitude), Crença normativa (componente da norma subjetiva) e a crença de controle (componente da percepção de controle) influenciaram a Intenção do pagamento de crédito. A Percepção de controle não influenciou diretamente a Intenção comportamental, mas indiretamente essa variável é preditora do Comportamento-alvo.This publication is part of a major study (Thesis). In that thesis it was analyzed the intention of Pronaf's beneficiaries to repay the credit they have received. The Pronaf is a line of credit for small farmers implemented by the Brazilian Federal Government in 1996. Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behavior (1991) was used to evaluate the beneficiaries' intention in paying what they owned. In order to accomplish this evaluation, two studies were conducted. The first one (Preliminary Study) focused on the small farmer's beliefs about the program operation. The second (Main Study) focused on the measurement of these beliefs. Two beneficiary groups participated of the studies: Group A (agrarian reform settlers) and Group B (small farmers). According to Ajzen's model, for the participants of the Group A, the Attitude, the Normative belief (subjective norm component) and the Subjective Norm were positive significant predictors of the Intention to repay the credit. For the Group B, the Attitude, Behavioral belief (attitude component), Normative belief (subjective norm component) and Control belief (perceived behavioral control component) were positive significant predictors of the Intention to repay the credit. The Perceived behavioral control did not influence directly the behavioral Intention, but this variable indirectly predicts the target behavior

    Evaluation of Brazilian family farming program: a study on the intention of repaingy the agricultural credit / Avaliação do programa nacional de fortalecimento da agricultura familiar: a intenção de pagamento do crédito

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    This publication is part of a major study (Thesis). In that thesis it was analyzed the intention of Pronaf's beneficiaries to repay the credit they have received. The Pronaf is a line of credit for small farmers implemented by the Brazilian Federal Government in 1996. Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behavior (1991) was used to evaluate the beneficiaries' intention in paying what they owned. In order to accomplish this evaluation, two studies were conducted. The first one (Preliminary Study) focused on the small farmer's beliefs about the program operation. The second (Main Study) focused on the measurement of these beliefs. Two beneficiary groups participated of the studies: Group A (agrarian reform settlers) and Group B (small farmers). According to Ajzen's model, for the participants of the Group A, the Attitude, the Normative belief (subjective norm component) and the Subjective Norm were positive significant predictors of the Intention to repay the credit. For the Group B, the Attitude, Behavioral belief (attitude component), Normative belief (subjective norm component) and Control belief (perceived behavioral control component) were positive significant predictors of the Intention to repay the credit. The Perceived behavioral control did not influence directly the behavioral Intention, but this variable indirectly predicts the target behavior

    PPAR? is a major regulator of branched-chain amino acid blood levels and catabolism in white and brown adipose tissues.

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    Objective We investigated whether PPAR? modulates adipose tissue BCAA metabolism, and whether this mediates the attenuation of obesity-associated insulin resistance induced by pharmacological PPAR? activation. Methods Mice with adipocyte deletion of one or two PPAR? copies fed a chow diet and rats fed either chow, or high fat (HF) or HF supplemented with BCAA (HF/BCAA) diets treated with rosiglitazone (30 or 15?mg/kg/day, 14?days) were evaluated for glucose and BCAA homeostasis. Results Adipocyte deletion of one PPAR? copy increased mice serum BCAA and reduced inguinal white (iWAT) and brown (BAT) adipose tissue BCAA incorporation into triacylglycerol, as well as mRNA levels of branched-chain aminotransferase (BCAT)2 and branched-chain ?-ketoacid dehydrogenase (BCKDH) complex subunits. Adipocyte deletion of two PPAR? copies induced lipodystrophy, severe glucose intolerance and markedly increased serum BCAA. Rosiglitazone abolished the increase in serum BCAA induced by adipocyte PPAR? deletion. In rats, HF increased serum BCAA, such levels being further increased by BCAA supplementation. Rosiglitazone, independently of diet, lowered serum BCAA and upregulated iWAT and BAT BCAT and BCKDH activities. This was associated with a reduction in mTORC1-dependent inhibitory serine phosphorylation of IRS1 in skeletal muscle and whole-body insulin resistance evaluated by HOMA-IR. Conclusions PPAR?, through the regulation of both BAT and iWAT BCAA catabolism in lipoeutrophic mice and muscle insulin responsiveness and proteolysis in lipodystrophic mice, is a major determinant of circulating BCAA levels. PPAR? agonism, therefore, may improve whole-body and muscle insulin sensitivity by reducing blood BCAA, alleviating mTORC1-mediated inhibitory IRS1 phosphorylation

    Aspectos psicossociais da prevenção do infarto: construção e validação de um instrumento de medida Psychosocial aspects of the infarct prevention: Construction and validation of a measure instrument

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    Com base na Teoria da Ação Racional (TAR) como um bom recurso para a explicação de uma série de comportamentos ligados à saúde, procurou-se investigar a intenção de pessoas, incluindo infartadas, em praticar a caminhada, no mínimo, três vezes por semana. Para isso, foi construído, validado e aplicado um instrumento composto de 22 itens, numa amostra de 302 pessoas da população em geral, para verificar a intenção de exercerem tal comportamento. Os resultados demonstraram que o Modelo da TAR é capaz de predizer o comportamento em questão. Uma análise de Regressão Múltipla explicou 42&#37; da variância obtida na intenção comportamental, mediante crenças normativas gerais, atitude e crenças comportamentais gerais, como determinantes para o comportamento de caminhar, no mínimo, três vezes por semana. As variáveis de natureza normativa foram as responsáveis pela maior parte da variância explicada, apresentando, desta forma, a sua importância para intervenções visando à adoção do comportamento investigado.<br>Based on the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) as a good resource to explain and predict a series of health-linked behaviors, it tried to investigate the people's intention, including people that had already suffered from a heart attack, in they practice walking, at least three times a week. For this, it was built, applied and validated an instrument composed of 22 items, in an amount of 302 people of the population in general to verify the intention of they exercise such behavior. The results demonstrated that the TRA Model is able to predict the quoted behavior. A Multiple Regression analyses explained 42&#37; of the variance obtained from behavior intention, through general normative beliefs, attitude and general behavior beliefs, as decisive for the behavior of walking, at least three times a week. The variables of normative nature were the responsible for most of the explained variance, presenting, thus, its importance for interventions, seeking the adoption of the investigated behavior