8 research outputs found

    Terminologías y sistemas de clasificación en ciencias biomédicas

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    Las terminologías surgieron como un intento de reducir la diversidad terminológica en el lenguaje científico, facilitando una buena comunicación, que es la base de toda investigación científica. Esta revisión explica los principios y las aplicaciones asociadas con las terminologías y los sistemas de clasificación, centrándose en el campo de las ciencias biomédicas. La investigación fue realizada en bases de datos científicas, libros y la internet, utilizando las palabras clave: Terminología, sistemas de clasificación, interoperabilidad, ontologías y Bio-ontologías. Esta revisión tiene por objeto explicar que las terminologías facilitan una buena comunicación, reduciendo la diversidad terminológica y además explicando que no son sistemas estáticos. Ellas pueden "evolucionar" para formar estructuras complejas como ontologías biomédicas, con el objetivo de ser utilizadas con múltiples propósitos que comienzan con la transferencia eficiente de la información, hasta el procesamiento de información obtenida de la investigación biológica para su comprensión.Palabras clave: Terminología, sistema de clasificación, interoperabilidad, ontología.Terminologies and classification systems in biomedical sciencesABSTRACTStandards terminologies emerged as an attempt to reduce the diversity terminology in scientific languages, facilitating good communication, which is the basis of all scientific research. This review explains principles and applications associated with terminologies and classification systems focusing mainly on the field of biomedical sciences. The research was conducted on scientific databases, books and network using the keywords: Terminologies, Classification systems, Medical Informatics, Electronic Health Records systems, Interoperability, Ontologies and Bio-ontologies. This review is intended to explain that terminologies facilitate good communication, reducing terminology diversity and they are not static systems. They can “evolve” to more complex structures like biomedical ontologies, with the aim of being used with multiple purposes beginning with the efficient transfer of information, to the processing of information as a result of biological research for its understanding.Keywords: Terminology, Classification system, Interoperability, Ontology. </p

    The Interaction of Human Pathogenic Fungi With C-Type Lectin Receptors

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    Fungi, usually present as commensals, are a major cause of opportunistic infections in immunocompromised patients. Such infections, if not diagnosed or treated properly, can prove fatal. However, in most cases healthy individuals are able to avert the fungal attacks by mounting proper antifungal immune responses. Among the pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), C-type lectin receptors (CLRs) are the major players in antifungal immunity. CLRs can recognize carbohydrate ligands, such as β-glucans and mannans, which are mainly found on fungal cell surfaces. They induce proinflammatory immune reactions, including phagocytosis, oxidative burst, cytokine, and chemokine production from innate effector cells, as well as activation of adaptive immunity via Th17 responses. CLRs such as Dectin-1, Dectin-2, Mincle, mannose receptor (MR), and DC-SIGN can recognize many disease-causing fungi and also collaborate with each other as well as other PRRs in mounting a fungi-specific immune response. Mutations in these receptors affect the host response and have been linked to a higher risk in contracting fungal infections. This review focuses on how CLRs on various immune cells orchestrate the antifungal response and on the contribution of single nucleotide polymorphisms in these receptors toward the risk of developing such infections

    Mitochondrial Function and Microbial Metabolites as Central Regulators of Intestinal Immune Responses and Cancer

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    Energy and anabolic metabolism are essential for normal cellular homeostasis but also play an important role in regulating immune responses and cancer development as active immune and cancer cells show an altered metabolic profile. Mitochondria take a prominent position in these metabolic reactions. First, most key energetic reactions take place within or in conjunction with mitochondria. Second, mitochondria react to internal cues from within the cell but also to external cues originating from the microbiota, a vast diversity of associated microorganisms. The impact of the microbiota on host physiology has been largely investigated in the last decade revealing that the microbiota contributes to the extraction of calories from the diet, energy metabolism, maturation of the immune system and cellular differentiation. Thus, changes in the microbiota termed dysbiosis have been associated with disease development including metabolic diseases, inflammation and cancer. Targeting the microbiota to modulate interactions with the mitochondria and cellular metabolism to delay or inhibit disease development and pathogenesis appears an attractive therapeutic approach. Here, we summarize recent advances in developing the therapeutic potential of microbiota-mitochondria interactions for inflammation and cancer

    Producción Biológica De Hidrógeno: Una Aproximación Al Estado Del Arte

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    This review compiles the information from many papers about the biohydrogen production. The basic fundamentals of different biological production systems are described. Special emphasis is given to the dark fermentation, reported as one of the more efficient and viable method of hydrogen production from waste materials. The use of diverse microorganisms and manipulation of some process variables are described to obtain the maximum hydrogen production. In addition, an account of the methods developed for the purification and improvement of production is presented.En este documento se presenta una revisión de información obtenida de la literatura sobre la producción de biohidrógeno, describiendo los fundamentos básicos de los diferentes sistemas de producción biológica, con especial énfasis en la fermentación oscura, la cual ha sido reportada como uno de los métodos más eficientes y viables de producción de hidrógeno a partir de materiales de desecho. Se describe el uso de diversos microorganismos y la manipulación de diferentes variables de proceso para obtener las condiciones que optimicen la producción de hidrógeno. Además, se hace un recuento de los métodos desarrollados para el mejoramiento de la producción y purificación del hidrógeno