50 research outputs found

    Le programme canadien de lutte à l’inflation

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    Dans le cadre du programme canadien de contrÎle des prix et des salaires, l'auteur cherche à savoir si nos modes traditionnels de relations de travail peuvent continuer de solutionner les conflits à des coûts qui demeurent acceptables sur le plan social.It is mainly at the plant level and at the bargaining table that the distribution of the economic pie is made and where equilibrium between efficiency and security is seeked. In Canada, at least for the time being, all concerned parties still have a confiictual approach to the problem of income distribution. It is questionnable whether such an approach can last when one considers the multiplicity of problems.The Canadian wage and price control program may be defined as a mean to try to modify programs of remuneration and collective agreements whether freely bargained or not and as a program which is part of a more global effort aiming at limiting the demands on our economy.Anti-inflationnary measures used in this program are cuts in government ex-penditures, limits on the growth of civil service, fiscal and monetary measures aiming at keeping the rate of growth of total demand and of production compatible with the decreasing rate of inflation, and structural policies for particular problems such as energy, housing and food, and also aiming at better working conditions.This A IB program is not anti-labour since its application is largely volontary and since it aims at preventing a loss of income in real terms.It is only after the signing of an agreement that the AIB gets into play in an effort to revise such an agreement to see whether guidelines have been respected or not. These guidelines are, 1) the wage of a working person may increase at the same rate as the anticipated growth of the cost of living. 2) Workers income may increase slightly more rapidly than the anticipated growth of the cost of living. This objective is reached by adding the national productivity coefficient of 2%. 3) Because of past inflation and because of past wage policies workers in need of catching up may do so under this program.An examination of past experience shows that the program works and that Canadians are ready to do their share in order to attain specific objectives. This attitude however can only be temporary as the program of wage and price control cannot be an antidote to the causes of inflation. More permanent solutions need to be found.As part of these permanent solutions it seems to me that the adversary system philosophy of our labour relations system needs to be reexamined. A climate of mutual respect must be restablished between labour and management

    Étude sur les besoins et aspirations des citoyens du Nord-Est de MontrĂ©al-Nord

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    En collaboration avec : Les assistants de recherche et stagiaires : Mounia Chadi; Alexandre Claude; Idir Guermah VĂ©ronic Lapalme; Elsa Lavigne; Nomez Najac; Sandra Najac; Joseph Westres. Le comitĂ© de recherche et la direction de l’IUPE : Isaac Acevedo (Accorderie de MontrĂ©al-Nord); Diomedes Caicedo (citoyen); Aziz Elasri (SHAPEM); Julie Demers (Parole d’excluEs); Jean-Marc Fontan (IUPE);Étienne Grondin (Parole d’excluEs); Rose-AndrĂ©e Hubbard (SPVM); Williamson Lamarre (CafĂ© Jeunesse Multiculturel); Maria Ponce (citoyenne); Patrice Rodriguez (Parole d’excluEs); Richard VallĂ©e (CSSS Ahuntsic MontrĂ©al-Nord).L’étude sur les besoins et aspirations des citoyens du Nord-Est de MontrĂ©al-Nord s’inscrit dans la dĂ©marche de Parole d’excluEs, un organisme qui lutte contre la pauvretĂ© et l’exclusion sociale par la participation citoyenne. Elle jumĂšle l’approche ethnographique Ă  la recherche-action participative, en encourageant la prise de parole citoyenne et l’action collective. L’étude poursuit un triple objectif : cerner la perception des citoyens de leur quartier; identifier les changements auxquels ils aspirent; les mobiliser pour des changements ciblĂ©s. Au terme d’une pĂ©riode de six mois, nous avons Ă©changĂ© avec 209 citoyens du Nord-Est de MontrĂ©al-Nord aux profils divers et dans une variĂ©tĂ© de contextes informels et formels. Tout au long de la collecte de donnĂ©es, nous avons veillĂ© Ă  ce que les enjeux Ă©manent du terrain, selon les prioritĂ©s et prĂ©occupations des citoyens. Nous n’avions pas de cadre conceptuel ni de grille analytique prĂ©Ă©tablis. Une analyse thĂ©matique inductive et transversale des donnĂ©es nous a permis de regrouper diffĂ©rents enjeux identifiĂ©s et d’en dĂ©gager quatre grands dĂ©fis transversaux qui constitueront la base des actions Ă  mener par Parole d’excluEs et ses partenaires dans le quartier : le vivre ensemble; les prĂ©jugĂ©s et la discrimination; la situation des jeunes; et les conditions de vie et la pauvretĂ©. Chacun de ces dĂ©fis reflĂšte des perceptions et des expĂ©riences diverses – voire, opposĂ©es – qui illustrent des dynamiques, mais aussi des tensions sociales prĂ©sentes dans le secteur. L’analyse inclut Ă©galement plus de 250 pistes d'action proposĂ©es par les citoyens pour agir sur les dĂ©fis. Une discussion analytique qui propose diffĂ©rents croisements permet de dĂ©gager les contributions de cette recherche. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude reprĂ©sente en effet non seulement une valeur ajoutĂ©e en termes de connaissance des dynamiques sociales et des besoins et aspirations des citoyens du Nord-Est de MontrĂ©al-Nord, mais propose Ă©galement un processus et une mĂ©thode de recherche innovants, en jumelant la recherche-action participative et l’approche ethnographique.The study on the needs and aspirations of Northeast citizens of Montreal North is enshrined in Parole d’excluEs, an organization that fights against poverty and social exclusion through citizen participation. This research combines ethnographic methods and participatory action research by encouraging citizens to speak out and take collective actions. The study has three objectives: identifying citizen’s perceptions of the neighbourhood; identifying changes they would like to see and mobilize citizens for targeted changes. After a period of six months, we exchanged with 209 citizens of the North East Montreal North sector with various profiles in a variety of informal and formal settings. During data collection, we have ensured that the issues originated from the field, according to the priorities and concerns of the citizens. We had no conceptual framework nor pre-established analytical grid. Inductive and transversal thematic analysis of the data allowed us to consolidate various issues we identified and we were able to identify four major crosscutting challenges that will form the basis of actions carried out by Parole d’excluEs and it’s partners in the neighbourhood: living together; prejudice and discrimination; the situation of young people; and living conditions and poverty. Each of these challenges reflects various – at times even opposite – perceptions and experiences of citizens that illustrate the dynamics, but also the social tensions present in the area. The analysis also includes more than 250 courses of action proposed by citizens to address the challenges in the neighbourhood. This study contributes not only to the knowledge of social dynamics and the needs and aspirations of the citizens of the North-East of Montreal North, but also to the development of innovative research processes and methods, combining participatory action research and ethnographic approach.Co-publication avec Parole d'excluEs et l'Incubateur universitaire Parole d'excluEs

    Le point sur les pensions

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    In the absence of change to the income security system, more than 50% of workers moving toward retirement, with salaries on both sides of the median, will have to reduce significantly their standard of living. For the workers who rely strictly on the Old Age Pension and the Quebec Pension Plan, the solution cannot reside in the setting up of large defined benefit or defined contribution plans in their current form. There is only one conclusion, the existing voluntary approach to complementary pension plans and registered retirement savings plans must be replaced by compulsory participation and the locking-up of retirement savings. For the workers not covered by an employer pension plan, the establishment of a compulsory retirement pension plan, similar to the RRSP, is the solution best adapted to the Quebec context and the income security policy. En l’absence de changements au systĂšme de sĂ©curitĂ© du revenu, plus de 50 % des travailleurs qui se dirigent vers la retraite, dont les salaires se situent de chaque cĂŽtĂ© de la mĂ©diane, vont devoir rĂ©duire significativement leur niveau de vie. Ce sont en grande partie des travailleurs de la petite et moyenne entreprise et des travailleurs autonomes. La question de la retraite des deux tiers des travailleurs qui ne peuvent compter que sur la Pension de la sĂ©curitĂ© de la vieillesse et le RĂ©gime de rentes du QuĂ©bec ne peut trouver sa solution dans l’établissement gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ© de rĂ©gimes Ă  prestation dĂ©terminĂ©e ou de rĂ©gimes Ă  cotisation dĂ©terminĂ©e dans leur forme actuelle. Une conclusion s’impose, le caractĂšre facultatif ou volontaire qui caractĂ©rise les rĂ©gimes complĂ©mentaires de retraite et les rĂ©gimes enregistrĂ©s d’épargne retraite doit ĂȘtre remplacĂ© par la participation obligatoire et par l’immobilisation de l’épargne retraite. Pour les travailleurs non couverts par un rĂ©gime d’employeur, la crĂ©ation d’un rĂ©gime obligatoire de type RÉER est la solution la mieux adaptĂ©e en fonction du contexte quĂ©bĂ©cois et de la politique de la sĂ©curitĂ© du revenu.income security system, pensions, compulsory participation. , systĂšme de sĂ©curitĂ© du revenu, pensions, participation obligatoire.

    A collaborative model to implement flexible, accessible and efficient oncogenetic services for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer : the C-MOnGene study

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    Medical genetic services are facing an unprecedented demand for counseling and testing for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC) in a context of limited resources. To help resolve this issue, a collaborative oncogenetic model was recently developed and implemented at the CHU de Québec-Université Laval; Quebec; Canada. Here, we present the protocol of the C-MOnGene (Collaborative Model in OncoGenetics) study, funded to examine the context in which the model was implemented and document the lessons that can be learned to optimize the delivery of oncogenetic services. Within three years of implementation, the model allowed researchers to double the annual number of patients seen in genetic counseling. The average number of days between genetic counseling and disclosure of test results significantly decreased. Group counseling sessions improved participants' understanding of breast cancer risk and increased knowledge of breast cancer and genetics and a large majority of them reported to be overwhelmingly satisfied with the process. These quality and performance indicators suggest this oncogenetic model offers a flexible, patient-centered and efficient genetic counseling and testing for HBOC. By identifying the critical facilitating factors and barriers, our study will provide an evidence base for organizations interested in transitioning to an oncogenetic model integrated into oncology care; including teams that are not specialized but are trained in genetics

    Validating intravascular imaging with serial optical coherence tomography and confocal fluorescence microscopy

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    Atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases are characterized by the formation of a plaque in the arterial wall. Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) provides high-resolution images allowing delineation of atherosclerotic plaques. When combined with near infrared fluorescence (NIRF), the plaque can also be studied at a molecular level with a large variety of biomarkers. In this work, we present a system enabling automated volumetric histology imaging of excised aortas that can spatially correlate results with combined IVUS/NIRF imaging of lipid-rich atheroma in cholesterol-fed rabbits. Pullbacks in the rabbit aortas were performed with a dual modality IVUS/NIRF catheter developed by our group. Ex vivo three-dimensional (3D) histology was performed combining optical coherence tomography (OCT) and confocal fluorescence microscopy, providing high-resolution anatomical and molecular information, respectively, to validate in vivo findings. The microscope was combined with a serial slicer allowing for the imaging of the whole vessel automatically. Colocalization of in vivo and ex vivo results is demonstrated. Slices can then be recovered to be tested in conventional histology

    Il faut redonner l’accĂšs aux soins Ă  tous les QuĂ©bĂ©cois

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    Cet article nous met en garde contre une reprĂ©sentation biaisĂ©e, largement vĂ©hiculĂ©e, du dĂ©bat actuel qui associe la dĂ©fense d’une intĂ©gration du privĂ© dans le systĂšme public Ă  un dĂ©saveu du principe de l’égalitĂ© d’accĂšs pour tous et comme une admission sans rĂ©serve d’un systĂšme injuste Ă  « deux vitesses ». Or, il nous faut constater les consĂ©quences nĂ©gatives perverses de notre rĂ©gime public limitant, dans les faits, l’utilisation optimale des ressources disponibles et l’accĂšs aux soins, et reconnaĂźtre les avantages d’une coexistence positive du privĂ© et du public (Ă  l’image du modĂšle français) qui, outre les solutions pratiques qu’elle comporte, se conforme au droit fondamental de la libertĂ© de choix des individus. Bien comprise et intelligemment orchestrĂ©e, l’intĂ©gration des sources privĂ©es de financement en amont ne remet pas en cause l’égalitĂ© d’accĂšs aux soins en aval mais nous permettra, bien plutĂŽt, de rĂ©sorber la crise systĂ©mique qui paralyse le systĂšme de santĂ©.The author warns us against the widely spread misconception that views any attempt to integrate private channels of health care financing and delivery within the public system as a repudiation of the principle of equal access for all. This undermines the present debate, fostering a blind acceptance that this will result in an unfair “two-tiered regime”. However, we must still acknowledge the negative and perverse consequences present in the actual public system which in fact prevents the optimal utilisation of available resources and effective access to health care. We should recognise instead the real advantages that a positive coexistence of private and public channels brings about (e.g. the French model). This would not only permit us to implement concrete solutions but also conforms to the fundamental individual right to freedom of choice. If it is well understood and carefully orchestrated, allowing private sources of financing upstream will not undermine equal access to health care downstream. Instead, it will allow us to solve the systemic crisis that paralyses our health care system