3,014 research outputs found
la convivencia como elemento esencial de la Unión Marital de Hecho
En el presente artículo es esencial estudiar la permanencia de la convivencia como elemento esencial de la “Unión Marital de Hecho” (UMH) y la voluntad de conformarla, aquella que ha sido reglamentada por la normatividad en Colombia e interpretada por la jurisprudencia, en vista de consultar los efectos y vicisitudes que se han evidenciado en el transcurso del tiempo, para lograr identificar lo que actualmente gira entorno a la dinámica social y el reconocimiento jurisprudencial de derecho frente a la UMH y la conformación de la “Sociedad Patrimonial” (SP). Para ello, es necesario consultar diferentes motores de búsqueda como Dialnet, google academic, Ebrary, lo que permitirá cumplir con los objetivos propuestos.Universidad Libre - Facultad de Derecho - Especialidad en Derecho de FamiliaIn this article it is essential to study the permanence of coexistence as an essential element of the De facto Marital Union and the will to form it, one that has been regulated by the regulations in Colombia and interpreted by the jurisprudence, in view of consulting the effects and vicissitudes that have been evidenced over time, in order to identify the need for a normative modification that allows to fill gaps in front of the De facto Marital Union and the conformation of the Patrimonial Society. Therefore, it is necessary to consult different search engines such as Dialnet, google academic, ebrary, which will allow the proposed objectives to be met
Intermediate deviation regime for the full eigenvalue statistics in the complex Ginibre ensemble
We study the Ginibre ensemble of complex random matrices and
compute exactly, for any finite , the full distribution as well as all the
cumulants of the number of eigenvalues within a disk of radius
centered at the origin. In the limit of large , when the average density of
eigenvalues becomes uniform over the unit disk, we show that for the
fluctuations of around its mean value
display three different regimes: (i) a typical Gaussian regime where the
fluctuations are of order , (ii) an intermediate regime
where , and (iii) a large
deviation regime where . This
intermediate behaviour (ii) had been overlooked in previous studies and we show
here that it ensures a smooth matching between the typical and the large
deviation regimes. In addition, we demonstrate that this intermediate regime
controls all the (centred) cumulants of , which are all of order , and we compute them explicitly. Our analytical results are
corroborated by precise "importance sampling" Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 10 pages, 3 Figure
Abstract ∙ Cerro Hoya National Park in Panama (CHNP) is one of the least explored protected areas in southern Mesoamerica. It houses the greatest ecosystem diversity in the degraded Azuero Peninsula, but its inaccessibility hinders expeditions and scientific research. Avian richness in CHNP was previously estimated by combining data from five ornithological expeditions at ca. 225 species. However, the highest altitude areas remained relatively unexplored and some historical records were not verified. We intensively surveyed highlands and foothills of CHNP and identified five new range extensions. One of these included a Selasphorus sp., of which we collected three male (two adults, one immature) and one female specimens. We compared morphology and plumage color patterns of these with closely related species in detail and confirm their likely classification with the endangered Glow-throated Hummingbird (Selasphorus ardens). This species is rare, with few documented sightings, confirmed specimens, and no unambiguous female museum specimen until now. We also confirmed historical records and provide 26 unlisted species (one by an external source) to CHNP. Our results confirm that Cerro Hoya is a highly biodiverse skyisland of Mesoamerica. We urge improved enforcement of its protection in combination with further studies of the ecology and evolutionary processes in this unique region. Resumen · Censos ornitológicos en ambientes de altura en el Parque Nacional Cerro Hoya (Azuero, Panamá) revelan nuevas extensiones de distribución, incluyendo un inusual colibrí (Selasphorus sp.) El Parque Nacional Cerro Hoya (PNCH) es una de las áreas protegidas menos exploradas de Panamá y el sur de Mesoamérica. Este alberga la mayor diversidad de ecosistemas en la degradada península de Azuero, pero su inaccesibilidad dificulta la investigación científica. Combinando datos de cinco expediciones ornitológicas, se estimó una riqueza aviar de alrededor de 225 especies. No obstante, las áreas de mayor altitud permanecieron relativamente inexploradas y algunos registros históricos no fueron verificados. Exploramos intensivamente las tierras altas y estribaciones del PNCH e identificamos cinco nuevas extensiones de distribución. Uno de estos incluye Selasphorus sp., del cual colectamos tres especímenes machos (dos adultos, un juvenil) y una hembra. Comparamos detalladamente la morfología y los patrones de coloración del plumaje con especímenes de especies relacionadas estrechamente. Confirmamos que estos individuos podrían pertenecer al amenazado Colibrí Ardiente (Selasphorus ardens). Esta especie es rara, con pocos avistamientos y especímenes de museo con información inconsistente, principalmente en hembras. También confirmamos los registros históricos y agregamos 26 especies no listadas para el PNCH (una obtenida por fuente externa). Nuestros resultados confirman que Cerro Hoya es una isla-cielo de gran biodiversidad en Mesoamérica. Es urgente mejorar la aplicación de su protección, así como estudiar la ecología y los procesos evolutivos en esta región única
Consolidado teórico sobre la práctica reflexiva del docente de Educacion Física (primer avance)
El presente trabajo se presenta como un informe de investigación donde los autores se fundamentaron en el objetivo general denominado como; realizar un consolidado teórico acerca de la práctica reflexiva del docente de educación física (primer avance). A través de este marco teórico se espera como tal que se continúe avanzando en el consolidado y que a futuro se elabore una propuesta pedagógica y se pueda implementar en las prácticas docentes y en los educadores físicos
Factors Influencing Quality of Life in Survivors of Head and Neck Cancer: a preliminary study
Objectives: Time after diagnosis, survivors of head and neck cancer may perceive a decrease in their quality of life due to suffering from different sequelae. This preliminary study aims to describe which factors influence survivors of head and neck cancer quality of life.
Data Sources: A cross-sectional study was performed. Demographic and clinical factors, quality of life (global health status), pain (pressure pain thresholds), physical fitness (overall fitness), functional capacity, and fatigue were evaluated. A multiple regression model was undertaken to check which outcomes could impact quality of life. A total of 53 survivors of head and neck cancer participated in this study. Upper trapezius pres- sure pain threshold, overall fitness, and global fatigue were significant predictors of global health status, and when combined, they explained 42.10% of the variance in the global health status score.
Conclusion: Quality of life perceived by survivors of head and neck cancer is influenced by pain, physical fit- ness, and fatigue reported. This association of outcomes may act as a symptom cluster for survivors of head and neck cancer.
Implications for Nursing Practice: The knowledge of this symptom cluster may help developing symptom assessment and management strategies and improving quality of life for survivors of head and neck cancer.This study was partially funded by the Fondos Estructurales de la Unio n Europea (FEDER). This study took place because of the additional funding from the Uni- versity of Granada, Excellence Actions: Units of Excellence; Unit of Excellence on Exercise and Health (UCEES). PI-0171-2020 and PI- 0187-2021, CSyF, Junta de Andalucía
Caracterización de la motivación en el desarrollo de procesos administrativos en una empresa del sector tecnológico
El objetivo del presente proyecto fue analizar los factores motivacionales
dentro de la organización, que inciden en el desarrollo de procesos
administrativos en los empleados de la empresa sector tecnológico, con el
propósito de caracterizar dichos factores y su posible afectación en el desempeño
laboral de sus empleados. La motivación laboral emerge como tema de interés
en este trabajo, por la exposición de los indicadores de la encuesta de bienestar
(Empresa del sector tecnológico, 2017) y desde el análisis del plan estratégico,
ya que se determinó que los cargos administrativos corresponden a cargos
críticos debido a la importancia de las funciones que desempeñan en la
organización, donde pese a los incentivos promovidos por la empresa a través
del programa de bienestar se evidenció a través de la encuesta de bienestar
(Empresa del sector tecnológico, 2017), que los empleados perciben que no son
suficientes para fortalecer el compromiso y contrarrestar la carga laboral, que se
ha aumentado en los últimos años con el incremento de los empleados en las
Es así, como se comienza a estudiar las teorías más representativas de la
motivación laboral, iniciando con teorías conductistas como la de Hull y Tolman,
también humanistas como la de Maslow y McClelland y otras sistémicas como
Herzberg y Toro. La metodología de investigación implementada es de origen
mixto, incluye investigación documental y de campo en tres fases (Zorrilla, 1993),
la revisión documental, la aplicación del Cuestionario de Motivación en el Trabajo
segunda edición (Toro, 1992) y un grupo focal basado en una entrevista
semiestructurada validada por tres expertos. Los datos interpretados permitieron
definir los indicadores motivacionales y diseñar una propuesta de mejoramiento
enfocada en los objetivos estratégicos y los intereses de los empleados
administrativos para ser incluida en el plan de bienestar del 2019.The objective of this project was to analyze the motivational factors within the organization, which affect the development of administrative processes in the employees technology sector company, in order to characterize these factors and their possible impact on the performance of their employees. Work motivation emerges as a topic of interest in this work, due to the exposure of the indicators of the welfare survey (Empresa del sector tecnológico, 2017) and from the analysis of the strategic plan, since it was determined that the administrative charges correspond to critical positions due to the importance of the functions they perform in the organization, where despite the incentives promoted by the company through the wellness program was evidenced through the welfare survey (Empresa del sector tecnológico, 2017), which employees perceive is not enough to Strengthen the commitment and counteract the workload, which has increased in recent years with the increase of employees in stores. This is how the most representative theories of work motivation begin to be studied, beginning with behavioral theories such as Hull and Tolman, as well as humanists such as Maslow and McClelland and other systems such as Herzberg and Toro. The research methodology implemented is of mixed origin, includes documentary and field research in three phases (Zorrilla, 1993), the documentary review, the application of the Motivation in Work Questionnaire, second edition (Toro, 1992) and a focus group based on in a semi-structured interview validated by three experts. The interpreted data allowed defining the motivational indicators and designing an improvement proposal focused on the strategic objectives and the interests of the administrative employees to be included in the 2019 welfare plan
Self-Rated Health Status and Cardiorespiratory Fitness in a Sample of Schoolchildren from Bogotá, Colombia. The FUPRECOL Study
To evaluate the relationship between Self-Rated Health (SRH) and cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) in a sample of children and adolescents enrolled in official schools in Bogotá, Colombia. A cross-sectional study was performed with 7402 children and adolescents between 9 and 17 years of age. Participants were asked to rate their health based on eight validated questions, addressing the participants propensity for headache, stomach-ache, backache, feeling-low, irritability/bad mood, nervousness, sleeping-difficulties, and dizziness. The choices were “rarely or never”, “almost every month”, “almost every week”, and “more than once a week/about every day”. Participants performed the international course-navette shuttle run test to estimate CRF, and cut-off points for age and gender were used to categorize the healthy/unhealthy fitness zone according to the FITNESSGRAM® criteria. Overall, 16.4% of those surveyed reported a perception of irritability/bad mood “more than once a week/about every day”, followed by feeling-low and nervousness (both with 9.9%). Dizziness had the lowest prevalence with a percentage of 6.9%. Unhealthy CRF in boys increased the likelihood of headaches by 1.20 times, stomach aches by 1.31 times, feeling-low by 1.29 times, nervousness by 1.24 times, and dizziness by 1.29 times. In girls, unhealthy CRF increased the likelihood of headaches by 1.19 times, backache by 1.26 times, feeling-low by 1.28 times, irritability/bad mood by 1.17 times, sleeping-difficulties by 1.20 times, and dizziness by 1.27 times. SRH was associated with CRF in both genders. Early identification of children and adolescents with low CRF levels will permit interventions to promote healthy behaviors and prevent future diseases during adulthood.The FUPRECOL Study was possible due to the financial support provided by the Instituto Colombiano para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología “Francisco José de Caldas” COLCIENCIAS (Contract No. 671-2014 Code 122265743978)
Manejo de las Complicaciones de la Cirugía Ortognática. Revisión Literaria
Las deformidades dentofaciales se presentan de forma aislada afectando solo a mandíbula o afectar a otras estructuras craneofaciales, ya sea de forma unilateral o bilateral, afectado a un solo plano o varios. En busca de un procedimiento quirúrgico que resuelva esta patología se crea la cirugía ortognática o cirugía ortopédica de los maxilares que conlleva una íntima relación interdisciplinaria entre ortodoncistas, cirujanos, odontólogos generalistas, protesistas, restauradores, fonoaudiólogos, kinesiólogos y psicólogos. A pesar de ser una cirugia de elección puede dar complicaciones como el desarrollo de trastornos respiratorios, como ronquidos o incluso apnea obstructiva del sueño (AOS), daño a los nervios faciales y sensoriales; entre otros que se abordan en el presente artículo. Es fundamental tener en cuenta estos riesgos y tomar medidas preventivas adecuadas para minimizar su ocurrencia y gestionar eficazmente cualquier complicación que pueda surgir. Sin embargo, cuando acontecen es primordial un manejo rápido y adecuado de los mismos.Las deformidades dentofaciales se presentan de forma aislada afectando solo a mandíbula o afectar a otras estructuras craneofaciales, ya sea de forma unilateral o bilateral, afectado a un solo plano o varios. En busca de un procedimiento quirúrgico que resuelva esta patología se crea la cirugía ortognática o cirugía ortopédica de los maxilares que conlleva una íntima relación interdisciplinaria entre ortodoncistas, cirujanos, odontólogos generalistas, protesistas, restauradores, fonoaudiólogos, kinesiólogos y psicólogos. A pesar de ser una cirugia de elección puede dar complicaciones como el desarrollo de trastornos respiratorios, como ronquidos o incluso apnea obstructiva del sueño (AOS), daño a los nervios faciales y sensoriales; entre otros que se abordan en el presente artículo. Es fundamental tener en cuenta estos riesgos y tomar medidas preventivas adecuadas para minimizar su ocurrencia y gestionar eficazmente cualquier complicación que pueda surgir. Sin embargo, cuando acontecen es primordial un manejo rápido y adecuado de los mismos
Prevention of Chemotherapy-induced Peripheral Neuropathy with PRESIONA, a Therapeutic Exercise and Blood Flow Restriction Program: A Randomized Controlled Study Protocol
This trial will analyze the acute and cumulative effects of a tailored program called PRESIONA that combines therapeutic exercise and blood flow restriction to prevent chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) in individuals with early breast cancer undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
PRESIONA will be a physical therapist–led multimodal exercise program that uses blood flow restriction during low-load aerobic and strength exercises. For the acute study, only 1 session will be performed 1 day before the first taxane cycle, in which 72 women will be assessed before intervention and 24 hours post intervention. For the cumulative study, PRESIONA will consist of 24 to 36 sessions for 12 weeks following an undulatory prescription. At least 80 women will be randomized to the experimental group or control group. Feasibility will be quantified based on the participant recruitment to acceptance ratio; dropout, retention, and adherence rates; participant satisfaction; tolerance; and program security. In the efficacy study, the main outcomes will be CIPN symptoms assessed with a participant-reported questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-CIPN20). In addition, to determine the impact on other participant-reported health and sensorimotor and physical outcomes, the proportion of completed scheduled chemotherapy sessions will be examined at baseline (t0), after anthracycline completion (t1), after intervention (t2), and at the 2-month (t3) and 1-year follow-ups (t4).
The proposed innovative approach of this study could have a far-reaching impact on therapeutic options, and the physical therapist role could be essential in the oncology unit to improve quality of life in individuals with cancer and reduce side effects of cancer and its treatments.
Physical therapists in the health care system could be essential to achieve the planned doses of chemotherapy to improve survival and decrease the side effects of individuals with breast cancer. The prevention of CIPN would have an impact on the quality of life in these individuals, and this protocol potentially could provide an action guide that could be implemented in any health care system.This study is funded by Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria del Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FI19/00230), the Spanish Ministry of Education Cultura y Deporte (FPU17/00939 and FPU18/03575), and Ilustre Colegio Profesional de Fisioterapeutas de Andalucía (AI-04/2020)
The Potential Economic Value of a Trypanosoma cruzi (Chagas Disease) Vaccine in Latin America
The substantial burden of Chagas disease, especially in Latin America, and the limitations of currently available treatment and control strategies have motivated the development of a Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi) vaccine. Evaluating a vaccine's potential economic value early in its development can answer important questions while the vaccine's key characteristics (e.g., vaccine efficacy targets, price points, and target population) can still be altered. This can assist vaccine scientists, manufacturers, policy makers, and other decision makers in the development and implementation of the vaccine. We developed a computational economic model to determine the cost-effectiveness of introducing a T. cruzi vaccine in Latin America. Our results showed vaccination to be very cost-effective, in many cases providing both cost savings and health benefits, even at low infection risk and vaccine efficacy. Moreover, our study suggests that a vaccine may actually “pay for itself”, as even a relatively higher priced vaccine will generate net cost savings for a purchaser (e.g., a country's ministry of health). These findings support continued investments in and efforts toward the development of a human T. cruzi vaccine
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