115 research outputs found

    The fall in consumption from being unemployed in Portugal and Spain

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    In Portugal real wage flexibility, at the macroeconomic level, is noticeably higher while unemploymem duration is lower when compared to Spain. This suggests that the hardship of being unemployed is higher in Portugal. Unemployment benefits and family insurance, which are the main buffer against unemployment and have played difterent role in both countries, can explain this disparity. In this chapter we present some estimates of the loss of consumption suffered by unemployed workers relative to employed workers in Portugal and Spain. The estimates come form comparable data sets (cross-sections of the Household Budget Surveys). Our resuits confirm our prior: this loss is much more sizeable in Portugal

    A tale of two neighbour economies: labour market dynamics in Portugal and Spain

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    Portugal and Spain are two neighbour economies which share many characteristics. However, Spanish unemployment more than doubles Portuguese unemployment. In this chapter we resort to structural VAR techniques to ascertain which shocks and what propagation mechanism underlie the functioning of the labours markets in both countries. Our results show that price adjustment is more sticky and that real wage flexibility is higher in Portugal. In line with this evidence, we find that, although shocks hitting both economies since the beginning of the eighties were not too dissimilar, their effects on unemployment were much more long-lasting in Spain than in Portugal

    A los siete años de la masacre del Naya: la perspectiva de las víctimas

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    Recientemente se cumplieron siete años del acto de violencia conocido en Colombia como la masacre del Naya, en el que murieron a manos de “paramilitares” al menos cuarenta pobladores nasa, afrocolombianos, campesinos y comerciantes de esa región remota del sur occidente colombiano. Este texto estudia la narrativa escénica con la que uno de los grupos de supervivientes - la comunidad Kitek Kiwe ”“ recreó lo sucedido al conmemorarse siete años. La puesta en escena nos permite discutir los mecanismos y procesos en los que la política cultural alienta la recomposición emocional y política después de un hecho de violencia de gran magnitud. La narrativa escénica pone en evidencia matices, énfasis y juegos de sentido y cómo los emplean las personas para recobrarse como sujetos y crear comunidades emocionales interculturales que trasciendan sus fronteras étnicas y culturales

    A los siete años de la masacre del Naya: la perspectiva de las víctimas

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    Recientemente se cumplieron siete años del acto de violencia conocido en Colombia como la masacre del Naya, en el que murieron a manos de “paramilitares” al menos cuarenta pobladores nasa, afrocolombianos,campesinos y comerciantes de esa región remota del sur occidente colombiano.Este texto estudia la narrativa escénica con la que uno de los grupos de supervivientes - la comunidad Kitek Kiwe – recreó lo sucedido al conmemorarse siete años. La puesta en escena nos permite discutir los mecanismos y procesos en los que la política cultural alienta la recomposición emocional y política después de un hecho de violencia de gran magnitud. La narrativa escénica pone en evidencia matices, énfasis y juegos de sentido y cómo los emplean las personas para recobrarse como sujetos y crear comunidades emocionales interculturales que trasciendan sus fronteras étnicas y culturales.Colombia recently marked the seventh anniversary of an extended act of violence known as the Naya massacre. At least forty people were killed in this paramilitary massacre in a remote area of southwestern Colombia known as the Upper Naya. The dead included Nasa Indians, Afro-Colombians, mestizo peasants, and local merchants.This text examines the narrative performance which one of the organized groups of survivors known as the Kitek Kiwe community used to represent the event at its seven-year commemoration. A consideration of their performance gives us an opportunity to discuss the mechanisms and processes by which cultural politics contribute to emotional and political recovery after a large-scale act of violence. The performance exposed the use of nuances, emphases, and plays on meaning that people use to recover their identity as subjects and create intercultural emotional communities that transcend ethnic and cultural boundaries


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    Summary: This work explores the experience over time of Kitek Kiwe, an organization of mainly Nasa indigenous campesinos, formed after a massacre, forced displacement from their place of origin, and resettlement in another part of Cauca, Colombia. The authors carried out extensive collaborative research for almost a decade, including ethnography, accompaniment, the making of a video, among others. Their detailed ethnographies helped the team to understand the social and subjective recovery entailed in the reconstruction of emotional bonds with society through the creation of emotional communities. These communities of meaning include the interweaving of memory-narratives, personal testimony as victims, and the creation of deeply affective moral guiding principles. Grief transcends indignation and enables organization and public mobilization around truth and justice. Key words: Memory, violence, emotional communities, Cauca, Colombia.Resumen: Este trabajo explora la experiencia en el tiempo de Kitek Kiwe, una organización de campesinos principalmente indígenas de la Nasa, formada después de una masacre, que fue desplazada forzadamente desde su lugar de origen y reasentada en otra parte del Cauca, Colombia. Los autores llevaron a cabo una extensa investigación colaborativa durante casi una década, a partir de la etnografía, el acompañamiento, la realización de un video, entre otros. Sus etnografías detalladas ayudaron al equipo a comprender la recuperación social y subjetiva que conlleva la reconstrucción de los vínculos emocionales con la sociedad a través de la creación de comunidades emocionales. Estas son comunidades de sentido en las se entretejen las narrativas de memoria, el testimonio personal como víctimas y la creación de referentes morales con profundas cargas afectivas. El dolor trasciende la indignación y alimenta la organización y la movilización pública amplia en torno a verdad y justicia. Palabras claves: Memória, violencia, comunidades emocionales, Cauca, ColombiaResumo: Este artigo explora a experiência no tempo da Kitek Kiwe, uma organização de camponeses em sua maioria indígenas da Nasa, formada após o massacre, que foi violentamente deslocada do seu local de origem e reassentadas em outros lugares del Cauca, Colômbia. Os autores realizaram uma extensa pesquisa colaborativa por quase uma década, baseada na etnografia, acompanhamento e realização de um vídeo, entre outros. Suas etnografias detalhadas ajudaram a equipe a compreender a recuperação social e subjetiva que envolve a reconstrução de laços afetivos com a sociedade através da criação de comunidades emocionais. São comunidades de sentido em que as narrativas da memória estão entrelaçadas, o testemunho pessoal como vítimas e a criação de referentes morais com profundas cargas emocionais. A dor transcende a indignação e alimenta a organização e a ampla mobilização pública em torno da verdade e da justiça. Palavras-chave: Memória, violência, comunidades emocionais, ação política, Colômbi

    Diseño e implementación de un sistema web para la gestión del flujo de información en el taller automotriz Autoservicios Aguilar

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    La presente investigación “Diseño e implementación de un sistema web para la gestión del flujo de información en el taller automotriz servicios Aguilar” fue realizada en el taller automotriz Aguilar, el cual tenía graves problemas al momento de brindar sus servicios, estos eran el registro del personal, reservación de citas y control de inventario, el cuál estos procesos se realizaban de manera manual provocando errores al momento de registrar los datos. Por todos los problemas encontrados se decidió a Diseñar e implementar un sistema web para la gestión de flujo de información el cuál permita optimizar algunos servicios mencionados y evitar errores al momento de registrar la información. Además se elaborará un manual de usuario el cual sirva de guía para los colaboradores del negocio para que estos puedan saber cómo es el manejo y las funciones de cada módulo del sistema.The present investigation "Design and implementation of a web system for managing the flow of information in the automotive workshop Aguilar services" was carried out in the automotive workshop Aguilar, which had serious problems when providing its services, these were the registration staff, appointment booking and inventory control, which these processes were performed manually causing errors when recording data. Due to all the problems found, it was decided to Design and implement a web system for managing the flow of information, which allows optimizing some of the aforementioned services and avoiding errors when registering information. In addition, a user manual will be developed which will serve as a guide for business collaborators so that they can know how to handle and the functions of each module of the system.TesisCampus Lima Centr

    La opinión de profesionales sobre la incorporación de soportes tecnológicos portátiles en las aulas

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    In this paper, the feasibility of incorporating portable technological devices in educational practice is investigated by studying the level of acceptance of this innovative measure. To do this, we have made an inquiry to technology working professionals. The sample population includes students and teachers of the Master in Teacher Training (Secondary, Vocational, Bachelor and Languages Education) and other university graduates. The results reveal a wide acceptance of the incorporation of portable devices in addition to a high degree of awareness of some of its effects. Different levels of previous training needs of teachers, relatively homogeneous preferences among media types, and an estimate modest increase in disruption were also identified.En este artículo se investiga la viabilidad de la incorporación de soportes tecnológicos portátiles en la práctica educativa, estudiando el nivel de aceptación de esta medida innovadora. Para ello, se ha realizado una consulta a un grupo de profesionales relacionados con la tecnología. La muestra poblacional incluye alumnado y profesorado universitario de un Máster para la formación del profesorado de enseñanzas secundarias, así como titulados universitarios ajenos a dicho Máster. Los resultados revelan una amplia aceptación de la incorporación de dispositivos portátiles, además de un alto grado de concienciación sobre algunos de sus efectos. También se han detectado distintos niveles de necesidades formativas previas del profesorado, preferencias relativamente homogéneas entre tipos de soporte, y previsión de un aumento moderado de la disrupción

    Differential study of retinal thicknesses in the eyes of Alzheimer’s patients, multiple sclerosis patients and healthy subjects

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) cause retinal thinning that is detectable in vivo using optical coherence tomography (OCT). To date, no papers have compared the two diseases in terms of the structural differences they produce in the retina. The purpose of this study is to analyse and compare the neuroretinal structure in MS patients, AD patients and healthy subjects using OCT. Spectral domain OCT was performed on 21 AD patients, 33 MS patients and 19 control subjects using the Posterior Pole protocol. The area under the receiver operating characteristic (AUROC) curve was used to analyse the differences between the cohorts in nine regions of the retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL), ganglion cell layer (GCL), inner plexiform layer (IPL) and outer nuclear layer (ONL). The main differences between MS and AD are found in the ONL, in practically all the regions analysed (AUROCFOVEAL = 0.80, AUROCPARAFOVEAL = 0.85, AUROCPERIFOVEAL = 0.80, AUROC_PMB = 0.77, AUROCPARAMACULAR = 0.85, AUROCINFERO_NASAL = 0.75, AUROCINFERO_TEMPORAL = 0.83), and in the paramacular zone (AUROCPARAMACULAR = 0.75) and infero-temporal quadrant (AUROCINFERO_TEMPORAL = 0.80) of the GCL. In conclusion, our findings suggest that OCT data analysis could facilitate the differential diagnosis of MS and AD

    Differential Study of Retinal Thicknesses in the Eyes of Alzheimer"s Patients, Multiple Sclerosis Patients and Healthy Subjects

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) and Alzheimer"s disease (AD) cause retinal thinning that is detectable in vivo using optical coherence tomography (OCT). To date, no papers have compared the two diseases in terms of the structural differences they produce in the retina. The purpose of this study is to analyse and compare the neuroretinal structure in MS patients, AD patients and healthy subjects using OCT. Spectral domain OCT was performed on 21 AD patients, 33MS patients and 19 control subjects using the Posterior Pole protocol. The area under the receiver operating characteristic (AUROC) curve was used to analyse the differences between the cohorts in nine regions of the retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL), ganglion cell layer (GCL), inner plexiform layer (IPL) and outer nuclear layer (ONL). The main differences between MS and AD are found in the ONL, in practically all the regions analysed (AUROCFOVEAL = 0.80, AUROCPARAFOVEAL = 0.85, AUROCPERIFOVEAL = 0.80, AUROC_PMB = 0.77, AUROCPARAMACULAR = 0.85, AUROCINFERO_NASAL = 0.75, AUROCINFERO_TEMPORAL = 0.83), and in the paramacular zone (AUROCPARAMACULAR = 0.75) and infero-temporal quadrant (AUROCINFERO_TEMPORAL = 0.80) of the GCL. In conclusion, our findings suggest that OCT data analysis could facilitate the differential diagnosis of MS and AD