455 research outputs found

    Neural Underpinnings of Distortions in the Experience of Time Across Senses

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    Auditory signals (A) are perceived as lasting longer than visual signals (V) of the same physical duration when they are compared together. Despite considerable debate about how this illusion arises psychologically, the neural underpinnings have not been studied. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate the neural bases of audiovisual temporal distortions and more generally, intersensory timing. Adults underwent fMRI while judging the relative duration of successively presented standard interval–comparison interval (CI) pairs, which were unimodal (A–A, V–V) or crossmodal (V–A, A–V). Mechanisms of time dilation and compression were identified by comparing the two crossmodal pairs. Mechanisms of intersensory timing were identified by comparing the unimodal and crossmodal conditions. The behavioral results showed that auditory CIs were perceived as lasting longer than visual CIs. There were three novel fMRI results. First, time dilation and compression were distinguished by differential activation of higher-sensory areas (superior temporal, posterior insula, middle occipital), which typically showed stronger effective connectivity when time was dilated (V–A). Second, when time was compressed (A–V) activation was greater in frontal cognitive-control centers, which guide decision making. These areas did not exhibit effective connectivity. Third, intrasensory timing was distinguished from intersensory timing partly by decreased striatal and increased superior parietal activation. These regions showed stronger connectivity with visual, memory, and cognitive-control centers during intersensory timing. Altogether, the results indicate that time dilation and compression arise from the connectivity strength of higher-sensory systems with other areas. Conversely, more extensive network interactions are needed with core timing (striatum) and attention (superior parietal) centers to integrate time codes for intersensory signals


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    Tail autotomy acts as anti-predatory mechanism in a great diversity of lizard species. Research links tail loss with various aspects of lizard life history. However, parasitic aspects are not taken into consideration, despite being a variable that greatly influences reptile ecology. For the first time, it is proposed that the existence of a relationship between the caudal autotomy of a lizard species is related to its parasitic condition. We studied 30 adult specimens of Liolaemus darwinii Bell, 1843 in the desert of Monte, San Juan province, Argentina. Autotomy was used as a direct measure of predator-prey interaction. A series of variables were analyzed that could be related to tail autotomy. The following variables were studied using generalized linear models: sex, environments (disturbed vs. conserved), condition (parasitized vs. not parasitized), parasitic intensity, weights (g) and snout-vent length (Lhc). The dependent variable (presence of tail: 1, absence of tail: 0) was adjusted to a binomial distribution, whose link function is logit (logistic regression). Only the variable parasitized vs. non-parasitized condition was significantly associated with tail autotomy. Parasitized individuals all have cut tails or in some stage of regeneration. Individuals that were not parasitized had complete tails (intact). The results establish for the first time a relationship between parasitism and tail loss in L. darwinii. The results are discussed in a behavioral ecological context and physiological resource allocation. In addition, our work is an approach to understanding the role of parasites in the ecology of L. darwinii in the Monte desert in Argentina.La autotomía de cola es usada como estrategia antipredatoria en diversas especies de lagartijas. Las investigaciones relacionan la pérdida de cola con diversos aspectos en la historia de vida en reptiles. Sin embargo, los aspectos parasitarios no son tenidos en cuenta, a pesar de ser una variable que influye enormemente en la ecología de reptiles. Por primera vez, se propone la existencia de una relación entre la autotomía caudal de una especie de lagartija con su condición parasitaria. Se analizaron 30 ejemplares adultos de Liolaemus darwinii Bell, 1843 capturados en el desierto del Monte, provincia de San Juan, Argentina. Se utilizó la autotomía caudal como medida directa de interacción entre depredador y presa. Se analizaron cinco variables que podrían relacionarse con la autotomía de cola. Para ello, fueron estudiadas mediante modelos lineales generalizados las variables; sexos, ambientes (perturbado/ conservado), condición (parasitado/ no parasitado), intensidad parasitaria, pesos (g) y longitud hocico- cloaca (Lhc). La variable dependiente (presencia cola: 1, ausencia de cola: 0) se ajustó a una dis­tribución binomial, cuya función de enlace es logit (regresión logística). Solo la variable condición parasitado/ no parasitado se asoció significativamente con la autotomía de cola. Los individuos que se encontraban parasitados, presentaban en su mayoría colas cortadas o en alguna etapa de su regeneración. Sin embargo, los individuos que no estaban parasitados presentaban colas completas (intactas). Los resultados establecen por primera vez una relación entre el parasitismo y la pérdida de cola en L. darwinii. Se discuten los resultados en un contexto ecológico comportamental y asignación fisiológica de recurso. Además, nuestro trabajo es una aproximación al entendimiento del rol de los parásitos en la ecología de L. darwinii en el desierto del Monte en Argentina

    Trichuris dolichotis Morini, Boero & Rodriguez, 1955 (Nematoda: Trichuridae) en Dolichotis patagonum (Zimmermann, 1780) (Rodentia: Caviidae) del centro para la conservación de fauna silvestre, San Juan, Argentina

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    In Argentina, there is one record of the nematode Trichuris dolichotis Morini, Boero & Rodriguez, 1955 (Nematoda: Trichuridae) parasitizing the mara Dolichotis patagonum (Zimmermann, 1780), which corresponds to its original description in 1955. In June 2023, at the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, San Juan province, a specimen of mara male D. patagonum died and the necropsy´s results are under investigation at the moment. The post-mortem identified (n= 5) female nematodes of T. dolichotis in the intestine. In the present study we present the second record after 58 years of not reporting its presence, being the first record for the province of San Juan and the second for Argentina. The present work contributes to the knowledge of the mammalian parasite fauna of Argentina.En Argentina existe un registro del nemátodo Trichuris dolichotis Morini, Boero y Rodriguez, 1955 (Nematoda: Trichuridae) parasitando la mara Dolichotis patagonum (Zimmermann, 1780), la cual corresponde a su descripción original del año 1955. En junio del 2023, en el Centro de Rehabilitación de Fauna Silvestre, provincia de San Juan, un ejemplar de mara macho D. patagonum murió por causas que se investigan. Se procedió a realizar la necropsia correspondiente, identificando durante el proceso a nemátodos hembras (n= 5) de T. dolichotis en intestino. Nosotros en el presente estudio presentamos un segundo registro luego de 58 años de no reportar su presencia, siendo el primer registro para la provincia de San Juan y el segundo para Argentina. El presente trabajo contribuye al conocimiento de la fauna de parásitos de mamíferos de Argentina

    Contribución al conocimiento de nemátodos parásitos en mamíferos de la provincia de San Juan, Argentina

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    The endoparasitic fauna of four mammal species was analyzed: Puma concolor (Linnaeus, 1771) (cougar), Lycalopex gymnocercus (Fischer, 1814) (grey fox), Myocastor coypus (Molina 1782) (coipus) and Tolypeutes matacus (Linnaeus, 1758) (armadillo). These specimens entered the Center for Wildlife Rehabilitation, Environmental Education and Responsible Recreation located in the province of San Juan, Argentina. Out of the four mammal species, three died on the spot. The necropsy of L. gymnocercus, M. coypus and T. matacus was carried out, and it was evidenced the presence of three species of parasitic nematodes: Physaloptera clausa Rudolphi, 1819 (Physalopteridae) in L. gymnocercus; Trichuris myocastoris Enigk, 1933 (Trichuridae) in M. coypus; and adult females of Aspidodera sp. Railliet & Henry, 1912 in T. matacus. Regarding P. concolor, the expulsion of nematodes was orally, determining the presence of Toxascaris sp. Linstow, 1902 larvae (Toxocaridae). Metric and morphological data of the evidenced nematodes are presented. The present work mentions four new parasite-host interactions for Argentina, and the first records for the province of San Juan, thus contributing to the knowledge of parasites in mammals.Analizamos la fauna endoparasitaria de cuatro especies de mamíferos; Puma concolor (Linnaeus, 1771) (puma), Lycalopex gymnocercus (Fischer, 1814) (zorro gris), Myocastor coypus (Molina, 1782) (coipus) y Tolypeutes matacus (Linnaeus, 1758) (armadillo de tres bandas) del Centro de Rehabilitación de Vida Silvestre, Educación Ambiental y Recreación Responsable en la provincia de San Juan, Argentina. De las cuatro especies de mamíferos que ingresaron al Centro de Rehabilitación, tres fallecieron en el lugar, posteriormente se procedió a realizar la necropsia. El análisis post mortem de L. gymnocercus, M. coypus y T. matacus evidencio la presencia de tres especies de nemátodos parásitos; Physaloptera clausa Rudolphi, 1819 (Physalopteridae) en L. gymnocercus, Trichuris myocastoris Enigk, 1933 (Trichuridae) en M. coypus, y hembras adultas de Aspidodera sp. Railliet & Henry, 1912 en T. matacus. Con respecto al P. concolor, expulsó los nemátodos por vía oral, determinándose la presencia de larvas de Toxascaris sp. Linstow, 190 (Toxocaridae). Se presentan datos métricos y morfológicos de los nemátodos. Nuestro trabajo menciona cuatro nuevas interacciones parásitos- hospedadores para Argentina y los primeros registros para la provincia de San Juan, contribuyendo de esta forma al conocimiento parasitario en mamíferos

    Aberrant Intrinsic Activity and Connectivity in Cognitively Normal Parkinson’s Disease

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    Disturbances in intrinsic activity during resting-state functional MRI (rsfMRI) are common in Parkinson’s disease (PD), but have largely been studied in a priori defined subnetworks. The cognitive significance of abnormal intrinsic activity is also poorly understood, as are abnormalities that precede the onset of mild cognitive impairment. To address these limitations, we leveraged three different analytic approaches to identify disturbances in rsfMRI metrics in 31 cognitively normal PD patients (PD-CN) and 30 healthy adults. Subjects were screened for mild cognitive impairment using the Movement Disorders Society Task Force Level II criteria. Whole-brain data-driven analytic approaches first analyzed the amplitude of low-frequency intrinsic fluctuations (ALFF) and regional homogeneity (ReHo), a measure of local connectivity amongst functionally similar regions. We then examined if regional disturbances in these metrics altered functional connectivity with other brain regions. We also investigated if abnormal rsfMRI metrics in PD-CN were related to brain atrophy and executive, visual organization, and episodic memory functioning. The results revealed abnormally increased and decreased ALFF and ReHo in PD-CN patients within the default mode network (posterior cingulate, inferior parietal cortex, parahippocampus, entorhinal cortex), sensorimotor cortex (primary motor, pre/post-central gyrus), basal ganglia (putamen, caudate), and posterior cerebellar lobule VII, which mediates cognition. For default mode network regions, we also observed a compound profile of altered ALFF and ReHo. Most regional disturbances in ALFF and ReHo were associated with strengthened long-range interactions in PD-CN, notably with regions in different networks. Stronger long-range functional connectivity in PD-CN was also partly expanded to connections that were outside the networks of the control group. Abnormally increased activity and functional connectivity appeared to have a pathological, rather than compensatory influence on cognitive abilities tested in this study. Receiver operating curve analyses demonstrated excellent sensitivity (≥90%) of rsfMRI variables in distinguishing patients from controls, but poor accuracy for brain volume and cognitive variables. Altogether these results provide new insights into the topology, cognitive relevance, and sensitivity of aberrant intrinsic activity and connectivity that precedes clinically significant cognitive impairment. Longitudinal studies are needed to determine if these neurocognitive associations presage the development of future mild cognitive impairment or dementia

    Antioxidant activity, photosynthetic rate, and Spectral mass in bean Plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Response to Stress Defense Activators

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    An increase in antioxidant activity is a common response in plants as a defense mechanism against biotic and abiotic stress factors, such response is also generated with the exogenous application of "defense activators", which have negative effects on plant metabolism. In this work, bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cv. Pinto Nacional were treated with jasmonic acid (0.5 mM), salicylic acid (2 mM), Trichoderma asperellum (105 spores/ml), and Bacillus pumilus (105 CFU / mL), in order to determine the level of structural and metabolic response of the plants. On the seventh day after the application of the treatments, it was measured the enzymatic activity of catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POX), and superoxide dismutase (SOD). In addition, leaf impressions were taken to measure the stomatal opening and conductance, photosynthetic rate, and the mass spectrum (mass/charge, m/z). The antioxidant activity increased in plants treated with jasmonic acid and T. asperellum, which in turn significantly increased the stomatal opening and conductance, and photosynthetic rate. The mass profile showed that the plants treated with T. asperellum have a greater quantity of masses/charge, of which some had statistically highly significant difference according to the means test Tukey (