340 research outputs found

    Feminism and Feminist Scholarship Today

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    Issues Affecting Medication Use Among Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders: A Qualitative Study

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    Background and Purpose: Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) populations may have unique issues (e.g., cultural attitudes and language barriers) that impact their relatively low adherence to medication use. Research on the topic is limited because AANHPI populations are generally not included in research studies. We conducted a qualitative investigation to gain insights into low adherence to medication use among AANHPIs and how to address this health disparity. Methods: In-depth individual interviews were conducted with 14 academic pharmacists and four other health care professionals knowledgeable about AANHPI disparities. Results: The majority of participants were either unsure of appropriate medication use by AANHPIs or felt they were used inappropriately. Over half of the participants were involved in or knew of efforts which focused on appropriate medication use. Participants felt that approaches to improving medication adherence included education and counseling, collaboration between providers, and conducting additional research, a role they felt the Daniel K. Inouye College of Pharmacy could fulfill. Conclusion: The appropriate use of medications for AANHPI populations is perceived as a barrier to parity in health care by pharmacists and other health care professionals. While current efforts exist to address appropriate medication use, additional research focusing on potential solutions identified by our participants is required to further assess their effectiveness in helping to close the health care gap

    La gestión administrativa y los conflictos laborales influyen en la productividad laboral de la dirección general de electrificación rural - Ministerio de Energía y Minas, 2021

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general explicar como la gestión administrativa y los conflictos laborales influyen en la productividad laboral de la Dirección General de Electrificación Rural, Ministerio de Energía y Minas, 2021. La metodología fue tipo aplicada, cuantitativa, no experimental y nivel explicativo. La población estuvo conformada por 220 empleados de la Dirección General de Electrificación Rural - Ministerio de Energía y Minas; tomando como muestra 140 trabajadores. La técnica utilizada fue la encuesta con el instrumento del cuestionario. Los resultados mostraron para el anova que el sig.,000b lo cual significa que dichas variables si influyen dentro de la productividad, el coeficiente de beta fue de 0,989arrojaron que para la variable Gestión Administrativa 86,4% se ubicó en nivel alto, para la Variable Conflicto Laboral 70,7% se ubicó en un nivel alto y para la Variable Productividad 70,7% presento un nivel alto. Se llegó a la conclusión que la gestión administrativa cumple una función importante dentro de la empresa, la cual puede orientar en situaciones de conflicto para que estas no influyan de forma negativa en la productividad, además, que las empresas deben llevar a cabo los procesos de planificación, organización, control y evaluación para poder lograr los objetivos trazados

    Gestión de Recursos Humanos y Compromiso Organizacional del personal de la Dirección Regional de Educación de Loreto, 2016

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    La investigación tuvo como objetivo principal encontrar la relación a través de la Gestión de Recursos Humanos y el Compromiso Organizacional del personal de la Dirección Regional de Educación de Loreto, 2016. La investigación fue de un enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo de estudio básico, por su profundidad la investigación fue de nivel correlacional, de diseño de investigación no experimental y de corte transversal. La población de estudio estuvo conformada por 150trabajadores de la sede de la Dirección Regional de Educación de Loreto. La técnica de muestreo utilizada fue el muestreo probabilístico aleatorio simple. La muestra fue de 108trabajadores. La técnica y el instrumento de recolección de datos, fueron la encuesta y el cuestionario. La investigación concluyó que existe una relación linealestadísticamente significativa, alta y directamente proporcional entre la gestión derecursos humanos y el compromiso organizacional de los trabajadores de la Dirección Regional de Educación de Loreto, 2016 (rs = 0.840, p<0.000). Asimismo, las dimensiones de la gestión de recursos humanos, dimensión integración de personas, dimensión organización de personas, dimensión retención de personas,dimensión desarrollo de personasy dimensión evaluación de personastienen una relación lineal estadísticamente significativa directa y proporcional con el compromiso organizacional (rs= 0.370, rs= 626, rs= 689, rs = 0.697 y rs = 0.658, respectivamente)

    Neural Underpinnings of Distortions in the Experience of Time Across Senses

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    Auditory signals (A) are perceived as lasting longer than visual signals (V) of the same physical duration when they are compared together. Despite considerable debate about how this illusion arises psychologically, the neural underpinnings have not been studied. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate the neural bases of audiovisual temporal distortions and more generally, intersensory timing. Adults underwent fMRI while judging the relative duration of successively presented standard interval–comparison interval (CI) pairs, which were unimodal (A–A, V–V) or crossmodal (V–A, A–V). Mechanisms of time dilation and compression were identified by comparing the two crossmodal pairs. Mechanisms of intersensory timing were identified by comparing the unimodal and crossmodal conditions. The behavioral results showed that auditory CIs were perceived as lasting longer than visual CIs. There were three novel fMRI results. First, time dilation and compression were distinguished by differential activation of higher-sensory areas (superior temporal, posterior insula, middle occipital), which typically showed stronger effective connectivity when time was dilated (V–A). Second, when time was compressed (A–V) activation was greater in frontal cognitive-control centers, which guide decision making. These areas did not exhibit effective connectivity. Third, intrasensory timing was distinguished from intersensory timing partly by decreased striatal and increased superior parietal activation. These regions showed stronger connectivity with visual, memory, and cognitive-control centers during intersensory timing. Altogether, the results indicate that time dilation and compression arise from the connectivity strength of higher-sensory systems with other areas. Conversely, more extensive network interactions are needed with core timing (striatum) and attention (superior parietal) centers to integrate time codes for intersensory signals

    Perspectives on Medication-Related and Other Health Disparities Affecting Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Other Pacific Islanders: A Qualitative Study

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    Background and Purpose: The present body of literature has little information regarding factors behind gaps in health status affecting Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities, and methods to address them. We sought to examine pharmacists’ and other health care professionals’ perceptions of AANHPI health disparities and their ideas for solutions involving pharmacists, pharmacy schools, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Methods: In-depth individual interviews were conducted with ten academic pharmacists and four other health care professionals knowledgeable about AANHPI disparities, with a focus on medication-related disparities. Results: Commonly identified factors behind disparities included poor communication, low socioeconomic status, cultural inhibitions creating a reluctance to seek care, and limited access to care. Suggested strategies for community pharmacists to reduce disparities included one-on-one care focused on outcomes, translated materials and translation services, and tracking adherence to medications. Participants suggested that colleges of pharmacy could continue community health events, encourage students to be culturally aware, and conduct health disparities research, and that the FDA could provide translated information, research funding, and requirements for greater ethnic diversity in clinical trials. Conclusion: Experts believe that pharmacists have the potential to help close the health care gap for AANHPI populations

    Morphologically Directed Raman Spectroscopic Analysis of Forensic Samples

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    Morphologically directed Raman spectroscopy (MDRS) is a novel and reliable tool that would enable criminalists to obtain more discriminatory information from forensic samples than their current capabilities. MDRS combines automated particle imaging and Raman spectroscopy into one instrument. Particle imaging is performed to determine particle size and shape distributions of components in a blended sample. Particle size is an important physical property of particulate samples and can be used in conjunction with Raman spectroscopy in the analysis of a range of samples of forensic interest, including illicit and counterfeit drugs, soils, gunshot residue (GSR), and white powders. Although measurement of particle size distributions is routinely carried out across a wide range of industries and is often a critical parameter in the manufacture and analysis of many products and substances, it is not widely used in the forensic sciences. Raman spectroscopy is used in forensic science to determine the molecular chemistry of materials because it is rapid, reliable, allows for analysis without contacting the sample, is nondestructive, and enables detection at low concentrations. Combining these two analytical techniques into a single platform allows the individual components present within a blend or mixture to be independently characterized and compared

    Tecnología en almacenes y centros de distribución

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    La tecnología aplicada en los almacenes es cada vez más diversa y sin duda ofrecen muchos beneficios tanto para incrementar la productividad de la empresa como para tener mayor capacidad de respuesta a las necesidades de los clientes. Esta tecnología son sistemas como softwares, dispositivos o equipos mecánicos que permiten tener mejor visibilidad de los productos almacenados y aumentar la eficiencia en la movilización de los productos. Estos sistemas son más empleadas en las industrias con un gran volumen de productos dado que permite tener un mejor control de la ubicación de estos, del inventario de entrada y salida y proporcionan beneficios en la productividad y velocidad de atención y recolección de pedidos de los clientes. Autores como Ribeiro, Silva, & Benvenuto (2006) demuestran en sus estudios que la aplicación de estos sistemas, como el WMS, permite reducir costos, retrasos en las entregas y un incremento de la productividad de las operaciones logísticas. La aplicación de estos sistemas requiere de una gran inversión, por lo que se debe evaluar la mejor alternativa ya que la implementación de estos depende del tamaño y tipo de almacén que se posee.The technology applied in warehouses is increasingly diverse and undoubtedly offer many benefits both to increase the productivity of the company and to be more responsive to customer needs. This technology are systems such as software, devices or mechanical equipment that allow better visibility of the stored products and increase the efficiency in the mobilization of the products. These systems are more used in industries with a large volume of products since it allows better control of the location of these, of the incoming and outgoing inventory and providing benefits in productivity and speed of attention and collection of customer orders. Authors such as Ribeiro, Silva, & Benvenuto (2006) show in their studies that the application of these systems, such as the WMS, allows reducing costs, delays in deliveries and an increase in the productivity of logistics operations. The application of these systems requires a great investment, so the best alternative must be evaluated due to the implementation of these depends on the size and type of warehouse that is owned

    Estudio de prefactibilidad para la producción de helados de fresa (Fragaria) con leche en paletas y su distribución a través de máquinas dispensadoras en universidades de Lima Metropolitana

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    Implementar máquinas expendedoras de paletas de helado de fresa permite estar al alcance de los estudiantes, docentes y personal no docente de los centros universitarios con el fin de contribuir a la alimentación saludable en el poco tiempo que poseen dado que generalmente se consumen snacks en las horas de cambio de clase o en las horas libre entre clase. Por lo que producir paletas de fresa con leche y distribuirlas mediante máquinas expendedoras es una alternativa saludable y conveniente para las personas que concurren los centros universitarios, además que facilita la compra y se evitan colas para su adquisición. La demanda es segmentada en la cantidad de personas que asisten en un ciclo regular y de verano, resultando en 1 317 602 paletas de helado al quinto año del proyecto, demanda que se tiene que adecuar a la participación de mercado que tendrá el proyecto (20%), resultando en 263 520 paletas de helado de fresa con leche en el año 2027. La planta estará ubicada en Lurín, en la ciudad de Lima y se determinó dicha locación teniendo en cuenta los factores de disponibilidad de terreno, costo de terreno, seguridad ciudadana y facilidad de trámites de operación. El tamaño de planta se ve limitada por el tamaño de mercado dado que el valor es superior al punto de equilibrio y los demás tamaños no representan una limitante en la producción de las paletas de helado. En la ingeniería del proyecto, se detalla el proceso de producción, el balance de materiales, el programa de producción, la tecnología a emplear y el requerimiento de maquinaria y operarios. De igual manera, se calculó que el área total de la planta es de 510,74 m2. El precio y costo de producción del producto serán S/ 7,00 y S/ 5,60 respectivamente. La evaluación económica y financiera del proyecto evidenció que es factible dado que se presenta un VAN de S/.446 741,81, un TIR superior al COK y el periodo de recupero de la inversión es de 2 años, estos indicadores pertenecen al flujo de fondos financiero y nos indican que adquirir un préstamo es la mejor alternativa para la inversión.Implementing strawberry ice cream popsicles on vending machines contributes to healthy nutrition for students, teachers and non-teaching staff of universities due to the very limited time they have between breaks or free times between classes. Therefore, producing strawberry popsicles and distributing them through vending machines is a healthy and convenient alternative for people who attend university centers, as well as facilitating purchase and avoiding queues for their acquisition. The demand is segmented by the number of people who attend in a regular and summer cycle, resulting in 1 317 602 strawberry ice cream popsicles in the fifth year of the project, demand that has to be adapted to the market share that the project will have, being 20%, resulting in 263 520 strawberry ice cream popsicles with milk in the year 2027. The plant will be located in Lurin, in the city of Lima, and the location was determined taking into account the factors of land availability, land cost, public safety, and ease of operating procedures. The plant size is limited by the market size due to the value is above the break-even point and the other sizes do not represent a limiting factor in the production of ice cream popsicles. In the project engineering, the production process, the balance of materials, the production program, the technology to be used, and the machinery and operator requirements are detailed. The total area of the plant was calculated to be 852,6 m2. The production and price cost of the product will be S/ 5,60 and S/ 7,00, respectively. The economic and financial evaluation of the project showed that it is realizable since it has an NPV (Net Present Value) of S/.446 741,6, an IRR (Internal Rate of Return) higher than the COK and the payback period of the investment is in 2 years, these indicators belong to the financial cash flow and indicate that acquiring a loan is the best alternative for the investment