6,340 research outputs found

    Seismotectonics of the San Andreas Fault System Between Point Arena and Cape Mendocino in Northern California\u27 Implications for the Development and Evolution of a Young Transform

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    The northernmost and relatively youthful segment of the San Andreas fault system is situated within a 100+ km wide zone of northwest trending strike-slip faults that includes, from west to east, the San Andreas, Maacama, and Bartlett Springs faults. Although the San Andreas fault is the principal strike-slip fault in this system, it has been virtually aseismic since the 1906 earthquake. Moderate levels of seismicity locate to the east along the Maacama fault and, to a lesser extent, the Bartlett Springs fault at focal depths typical of other strike-slip faults within the San Andreas fault system in central California. North of the San Andreas fault system, within the Cape Mendocino area, earthquakes occur at depths of up to 40 km and primarily reflect internal deformation of the subducting Garda slab, and slip along the Mendocino Fracture Zone. Seismicity along the Maacama and Bartlett Springs faults is dominated by right-lateral to oblique-reverse slip along fault planes that dip 50 °-75 ° to the northeast. The northern extent of seismicity along these faults terminates near the surface projection of the southern edge of the Garda slab. The onset of seismicity along these faults may be related to the abrupt change in the elastic thickness of the North American plate as it enters the asthenaspheric window. The Maacama and Bartlett Springs faults are strike-parallel with active reverse faults within the forearc region of the Cascadia subductian zone. This preexisting structural fabric of northwest trending reverse faults in the forearc area appears to have strongly influenced the initial slip and complexity of these faults. Continuation of the moderately dipping Maacama fault to the southeast along the steeply dipping Healdsburg and Rodgers Creek fault zones and the near-vertical Hayward and Calaveras fault zones in the San Francisco Bay area suggests that these faults evolve toward a more vertical dip to minimize the shear stresses that tend to resist plate motion

    Exploring the axion potential and axion walls in dense quark matter

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    We study the potential of the Quantum Chromodynamics axion in hot and/or dense quark matter, within a Nambu-Jona-Lasinio-like model that includes the coupling of the axion to quarks. Differently from previous studies, we implement local electrical neutrality and β−\beta-equilibrium, which are relevant for the description of the quark matter in the core of compact stellar objects. Firstly we compute the effects of the chiral crossover on the axion mass and self-coupling. We find that the low energy properties of axion are very sensitive to the phase transition of Quantum Chromodynamics, in particular, when the bulk quark matter is close to criticality. Then, for the first time in the literature we compute the axion potential at finite quark chemical potential and study the axion domain walls in bulk quark matter. We find that the energy barrier between two adjacent vacuum states decrease in the chirally restored phase: this results in a lower surface tension of the walls. Finally, we comment on the possibility of production of walls in dense quark matter.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Fitoplancton en costas occidentales de Baja California en dos temporadas distintas de 1998

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    Phytoplankton was studied in two different seasons of 1998 (March-April and December), during two cruises along the western coasts of Baja California, in three zones. Two different protocols for obtaining and studying phytoplankton were followed. In the March-April season, phytoplankton had relatively low species richness and was dominated in cell density (up to 93%) by coccolithophorids (mainly Emiliania huxleyi), together with nanoplanktonic centric and pennate diatoms, with abundances ranging from 5.4 103 to 1.2 105 cells L-1. In December, phytoplankton had higher species richness and was represented by larger, chain-forming diatom species, such as Pseudonitzschia delicatissima and P. pungens, which were widespread and numerically significant. There was a relative scarcity of coccolithophorids and thecate dinoflagellates, and densities were between 7 102 and 1.4 106 cells L-1. Hydrographic and oceanographic conditions in March-April were influenced by the occurrence of El Niño and the phytoplankton structure was found to be modified accordingly, with nanoplanktonic coccolithophorids and diatoms being significant contributors to the total abundance. In contrast, post-upwelling conditions might have favoured relatively high densities of Pseudonitzschia and other diatoms in December, 1998. Coccolithophorids have not been previously regarded as important contributors to the phytoplankton abundances in Baja California.Se estudió el fitoplancton en dos temporadas diferentes de 1998 (marzo-abril y diciembre), durante dos cruceros en tres zonas de las costas de Baja California. Se siguieron dos protocolos distintos para obtener y estudiar el fitoplancton. En marzo-abril, el fitoplancton tuvo una riqueza de especies baja y estuvo dominado en densidades celulares (de hasta 93%) por cocolitofóridos (principalmente Emiliania huxleyi), junto con diatomeas centrales y pennales nanoplanctónicas, con abundancias desde 5.4 103 to 1.2 105 cells L-1. Para diciembre, el fitoplancton incrementó la riqueza de especies y estuvo representado por diatomeas más grandes, formadoras de cadenas, que se distribuyeron ampliamente y fueron numéricamente importantes, como: Pseudonitzschia delicatissima y P. pungens, con relativa escasez de cocolitofóridos y dinoflagelados tecados, con densidades entre 7 102 and 1.4 106 cells L-1. Las condiciones oceanográficas en marzo-abril indicaron la presencia de El Niño y los resultados mostraron una estructura de fitoplancton modificada por ello, con una contribución importante de cocolitofóridos y diatomeas nanoplanctónicas a la abundancia total. En cambio, en diciembre, las condiciones de post-surgencia pudieron haber favorecido las relativas altas densidades de especies de Pseudonitzschia y otras diatomeas. Los cocolitofóridos no habían sido documentados previamente como contribuyentes importantes a la abundancia fitoplanctónica en Baja California

    Comparison of Three Aspirin Formulations in Human Volunteers

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    <p>Introduction: The treatment of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) includes the administration of aspirin. Current guidelines recommend chewing aspirin tablets to increase absorption. While this is intuitive, there are scant data supporting this recommendation. The purpose of this study is to assess which of 3 different aspirin formulations is most rapidly absorbed after ingestion.</p> <p>Methods: A prospective, open-label, 3-way crossover volunteer study at a tertiary university medical center with human subjects 18 years or older. Fasted subjects were randomly assigned to receive aspirin 1,950 mg as (1) solid aspirin tablets swallowed whole, (2) solid aspirin tablet chewed then swallowed, or (3) a chewable aspirin formulation chewed and swallowed. Serum salicylate measurements were obtained over a period of 180 minutes. Pharmacokinetic parameters were determined.</p> <p>Results: Thirteen males and 1 female completed all 3 arms of study. Peak serum salicylate concentrations were seen at 180 minutes in all groups. Mean peaks were 10.4, 11.3, and 12.2 mg/dL in groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Mean area under the time concentration was 1,153, 1,401, and 1,743 mg-min/dL in groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively. No measurable salicylate concentrations were seen in 6 subjects in group 1 at 60 minutes as compared to 1 subject in group 2. All subjects in group 3 had measurable levels at 45 minutes. There were no adverse effects in any of the subjects during the study period.</p> <p>Conclusion: Our data demonstrate that the chewable aspirin formulation achieved the most rapid rate of absorption. In addition, the chewable formulation absorption was more complete than the other formulations at 180 minutes. These data suggest that in the treatment of ACS, a chewable aspirin formulation may be preferable to solid tablet aspirin, either chewed or swallowed. [West J Emerg Med. 2011;12(4):381–385.]</p

    Oceanic Zircon Records Extreme Fractional Crystallization of MORB to Rhyolite on the Alarcon Rise Mid-Ocean Ridge

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    The first known occurrence of rhyolite along the submarine segments of the mid-ocean ridge (MOR) system was discovered on Alarcon Rise, the northernmost segment of the East Pacific Rise (EPR), by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute in 2012. Zircon trace element and Hf and O isotope patterns indicate that the rhyolite formed by extreme crystal fractionation of primary mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) sourced from normal to enriched MOR mantle with little to no addition of continental lithosphere or hydrated oceanic crust. A large range in zircon ϵHf spanning 11 ϵ units is comparable to the range of whole rock ϵHf from the entire EPR. This variability is comparable to continental granitoids that develop over long periods of time from multiple sources. Zircon geochronology from Alarcon Rise suggests that at least 20 kyr was needed for rhyolite petrogenesis. Grain-scale textural discontinuities and trace element trends from zircon cores and rims are consistent with crystal fractionation from a MORB magma with possible perturbations associated with mixing or replenishment events. Comparison of whole rock and zircon oxygen isotopes with modeled fractionation and zircon-melt patterns suggests that, after they formed, rhyolite magmas entrained hydrated mafic crust from conduit walls during ascent and/or were hydrated by seawater in the vent during eruption. These data do not support a model where rhyolites formed directly from partial melts of hydrated oceanic crust or do they require assimilation of such crust during fractional crystallization, both models being commonly invoked for the formation of oceanic plagiogranites and dacites. A spatial association of highly evolved lavas (rhyolites) with an increased number of fault scarps on the northern Alarcon Rise might suggest that low magma flux for ∼20 kyr facilitated extended magma residence necessary to generate rhyolite from MORB
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