61 research outputs found

    Contribution towards intelligent service management in wearable and ubiquitous devices

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    Hoy en día asistimos a un creciente interés por parte de la sociedad hacia el cuidado de la salud. Esta afirmación viene apoyada por dos realidades. Por una parte, el aumento de las prácticas saludables (actividad deportiva, cuidado de la alimentación, etc.). De igual manera, el auge de los dispositivos inteligentes (relojes, móviles o pulseras) capaces de medir distintos parámetros físicos como el pulso cardíaco, el ritmo respiratorio, la distancia recorrida, las calorías consumidas, etc. Combinando ambos factores (interés por el estado de salud y disponibilidad comercial de dispositivos inteligentes) están surgiendo multitud de aplicaciones capaces no solo de controlar el estado actual de salud, también de recomendar al usuario cambios de hábitos que lleven hacia una mejora en su condición física. En este contexto, los llamados dispositivos llevables (weareables) unidos al paradigma de Internet de las cosas (IoT, del inglés Internet of Things) permiten la aparición de nuevos nichos de mercado para aplicaciones que no solo se centran en la mejora de la condición física, ya que van más allá proponiendo soluciones para el cuidado de pacientes enfermos, la vigilancia de niños o ancianos, la defensa y la seguridad, la monitorización de agentes de riesgo (como bomberos o policías) y un largo etcétera de aplicaciones por llegar. El paradigma de IoT se puede desarrollar basándose en las existentes redes de sensores inalámbricos (WSN, del inglés Wireless Sensor Network). La conexión de los ya mencionados dispositivos llevables a estas redes puede facilitar la transición de nuevos usuarios hacia aplicaciones IoT. Pero uno de los problemas intrínsecos a estas redes es su heterogeneidad. En efecto, existen multitud de sistemas operativos, protocolos de comunicación, plataformas de desarrollo, soluciones propietarias, etc. El principal objetivo de esta tesis es realizar aportaciones significativas para solucionar no solo el problema de la heterogeneidad, sino también de dotar de mecanismos de seguridad suficientes para salvaguardad la integridad de los datos intercambiados en este tipo de aplicaciones. Algo de suma importancia ya que los datos médicos y biométricos de los usuarios están protegidos por leyes nacionales y comunitarias. Para lograr dichos objetivos, se comenzó con la realización de un completo estudio del estado del arte en tecnologías relacionadas con el marco de investigación (plataformas y estándares para WSNs e IoT, plataformas de implementación distribuidas, dispositivos llevables y sistemas operativos y lenguajes de programación). Este estudio sirvió para tomar decisiones de diseño fundamentadas en las tres contribuciones principales de esta tesis: un bus de servicios para dispositivos llevables (WDSB, Wearable Device Service Bus) basado en tecnologías ya existentes tales como ESB, WWBAN, WSN e IoT); un protocolo de comunicaciones inter-dominio para dispositivos llevables (WIDP, Wearable Inter-Domain communication Protocol) que integra en una misma solución protocolos capaces de ser implementados en dispositivos de bajas capacidades (como lo son los dispositivos llevables y los que forman parte de WSNs); y finalmente, la tercera contribución relevante es una propuesta de seguridad para WSN basada en la aplicación de dominios de confianza. Aunque las contribuciones aquí recogidas son de aplicación genérica, para su validación se utilizó un escenario concreto de aplicación: una solución para control de parámetros físicos en entornos deportivos, desarrollada dentro del proyecto europeo de investigación “LifeWear”. En este escenario se desplegaron todos los elementos necesarios para validar las contribuciones principales de esta tesis y, además, se realizó una aplicación para dispositivos móviles por parte de uno de los socios del proyecto (lo que contribuyó con una validación externa de la solución). En este escenario se usaron dispositivos llevables tales como un reloj inteligente, un teléfono móvil con sistema operativo Android y un medidor del ritmo cardíaco inalámbrico capaz de obtener distintos parámetros fisiológicos del deportista. Sobre este escenario se realizaron diversas pruebas de validación mediante las cuales se obtuvieron resultados satisfactorios. ABSTRACT Nowadays, society is shifting towards a growing interest and concern on health care. This phenomenon can be acknowledged by two facts: first, the increasing number of people practising some kind of healthy activity (sports, balanced diet, etc.). Secondly, the growing number of commercial wearable smart devices (smartwatches or bands) able to measure physiological parameters such as heart rate, breathing rate, distance or consumed calories. A large number of applications combining both facts are appearing. These applications are not only able to monitor the health status of the user, but also to provide recommendations about routines in order to improve the mentioned health status. In this context, wearable devices merged with the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm enable the proliferation of new market segments for these health wearablebased applications. Furthermore, these applications can provide solutions for the elderly or baby care, in-hospital or in-home patient monitoring, security and defence fields or an unforeseen number of future applications. The introduced IoT paradigm can be developed with the usage of existing Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) by connecting the novel wearable devices to them. In this way, the migration of new users and actors to the IoT environment will be eased. However, a major issue appears in this environment: heterogeneity. In fact, there is a large number of operating systems, hardware platforms, communication and application protocols or programming languages, each of them with unique features. The main objective of this thesis is defining and implementing a solution for the intelligent service management in wearable and ubiquitous devices so as to solve the heterogeneity issues that are presented when dealing with interoperability and interconnectivity of devices and software of different nature. Additionally, a security schema based on trust domains is proposed as a solution to the privacy problems arising when private data (e.g., biomedical parameters or user identification) is broadcasted in a wireless network. The proposal has been made after a comprehensive state-of-the-art analysis, and includes the design of a Wearable Device Service Bus (WDSB) including the technologies collected in the requirement analysis (ESB, WWBAN, WSN and IoT). Applications are able to access the WSN services regardless of the platform and operating system where they are running. Besides, this proposal also includes the design of a Wearable Inter-Domain communication Protocols set (WIDP) which integrates lightweight protocols suitable to be used in low-capacities devices (REST, JSON, AMQP, CoAP, etc...). Furthermore, a security solution for service management based on a trustworthy domains model to deploy security services in WSNs has been designed. Although the proposal is a generic framework for applications based on services provided by wearable devices, an application scenario for testing purposes has been included. In this validation scenario it has been presented an autonomous physical condition performance system, based on a WSN, bringing the possibility to include several elements in an IoT scenario: a smartwatch, a physiological monitoring device and a smartphone. In summary, the general objective of this thesis is solving the heterogeneity and security challenges arising when developing applications for WSNs and wearable devices. As it has been presented in the thesis, the solution proposed has been successfully validated in a real scenario and the obtained results were satisfactory

    A Study on Applicability of Distributed Energy Generation, Storage and Consumption within Small Scale Facilities

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    Distributed generation and storage of energy, conceived as one of the prominent applications of the Smart Grid, has become one of the most popular ways for generation and usage of electricity. Not only does it offer environmental advantages and a more decentralized way to produce energy, but it also enables former consumers to become producers thus turning them into prosumers). Alternatively, regular power production and consumption is still widely used in most of the world. Unfortunately, accurate business models representations and descriptive use cases for small scale facilitates, either involved in distributed energy or not, have not been provided in a descriptive enough manner. What is more, the possibilities that electricity trade and its storage and consumption activities offer for small users to obtain profits are yet to be addressed and offered to the research community in a thorough manner, so that small consumers will use them to their advantage. This paper puts forward a study on four different business models for small scale facilities and offers an economical study on how they can be deployed as a way to offer profitability for end users and new companies, while at the same time showing the required technological background to have them implemented

    Obras de Christóbal de Castillejo, secretario del Emperador D. Fernando

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-2010Sign.: [ ], A-Z8, 2A-2G8Port. con grab. xil

    An anonymous authentication and key establish scheme for smart grid: FAuth

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    The smart meters in electricity grids enable fine-grained consumption monitoring. Thus, suppliers could adjust their tariffs. However, as smart meters are deployed within the smart grid field, authentication and key establishment between smart grid parties (smart meters, aggregators, and servers) become an urgency. Besides, as privacy is becoming a big concern for smart meters, smart grid parties are reluctant to leak their real identities during the authentication phase. In this paper, we analyze the recent authentication schemes in smart grids and other applied fields, and propose an anonymous authentication and key establishment scheme between smart grid parties: FAuth. The proposed scheme is based on bilinear maps and the computational Diffie–Hellman problem. We changed the way the smart meter parties registered at Key Generation Center, making the proposed scheme robust against various potential attacks that could be launched by the Key Generation Center, as the scheme could avoid the private key of the smart meter parties from leaking to the Key Generation Center. Besides, the proposed scheme reduced the computational load, both at the smart meter side and at the aggregator side, which make it perfectly suitable for computation-constrained devices. Security proof results show the proposed scheme is secure under the BAN logic and random oracle model

    Prácticas de inclusión productiva en organizaciones de Cartagena. Una mirada desde el programa de desarrollo económico incluyente de las Naciones Unidas

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    The project consists of a track of the good practices of productive Inclusion with populations in situation of vulnerability of Cartagena and Bolivar, which have been developing the companies and foundations anchored in the region, belonging to the network of productive inclusion in the programme of the United Nations for UNDP, as a strategy of knowledge management and transfer of learning. The research is conclusive descriptive section, through the use of structured questionnaires, participant observation and focus groups, followed by the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results under the PNUD and CECODES methodology of Colombian Business Council for Sustainable Development. In his last period, yet to be developed, is were improvements and recommendations to enhance the positive impacts that have these organizations in their stakeholders and the generation of capabilities within the vulnerable population.El proyecto consiste en hacer un seguimiento de las Buenas Practicas de Inclusión productiva con poblaciones en situación de vulnerabilidad de Cartagena y Bolívar, que vienen desarrollando la empresas y fundaciones ancladas en la región, adscritas a la Red de Inclusión Productiva del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD), como estrategia de gestión del conocimiento y transferencia de aprendizajes. La investigación es conclusiva de corte descriptivo, a través del uso de cuestionarios estructurados, observación participativa y grupos focales, seguido del análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de los resultados bajo las metodologías PNUD y CECODES (Consejo Empresarial Colombiano para el Desarrollo Sostenible). En su última etapa, aun por desarrollar, se  plantearán  mejoras  y   recomendaciones  para  potencializar  los   impactos positivos que tienen estas organizaciones en sus stakeholders y en la generación de capacidades dentro de la población vulnerable

    Integration of wearable devices in a wireless sensor network for an e-health application

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    Applications based on Wireless Sensor Networks for Internet of Things scenarios are on the rise. The multiple possibilities they offer have spread towards previously hard to imagine fields, like e-health or human physiological monitoring. An application has been developed for its usage in scenarios where data collection is applied to smart spaces, aiming at its usage in fire fighting and sports. This application has been tested in a gymnasium with real, non-simulated nodes and devices. A Graphic User Interface has been implemented to suggest a series of exercises to improve a sportsman/woman s condition, depending on the context and their profile. This system can be adapted to a wide variety of e-health applications with minimum changes, and the user will interact using different devices, like smart phones, smart watches and/or tablets

    Firefighter and victims protecting solution based on wireless body area network nodes

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    Interconnectivity between Web systems and sensor networks is used to provide smart services for the Internet of Things. These services are based on data collection and processing to obtain useful information about the supervised environment. With this information it is possible to provide smart services, but some of them must be considered as protected by the legislation regarding privacy of personal data. In order to face this issue, security and privacy mechanisms must be used. So as to deal with the limited resources in sensor networks, these mechanisms must be as lightweight as possible to preserve the enough Quality of Service. However, these mechanisms must fulfill security and privacy requirements defined by the regulations. This paper describes a Wireless Body Area Network application providing services to protect firefighter work in hazardous environments. The firefighter wears a special shirt with sensors embedded. These sensors are able to monitor not only the firefighter health status, but also they can be connected to external sensors in order to monitor the health status of the victims. These external sensors are part of the equipment carried by the firefighter to face the emergencies and save lives. Thus, they are able to obtain external medical aid

    SMArc: a proposal for a smart, semantic middleware architecture focused on Smart City energy management

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    Among the main features that are intended to become part of what can be expected from the Smart City, one of them should be an improved energy management system, in order to benefit from a healthier relation with the environment, minimize energy expenses, and offer dynamic market opportunities. A Smart Grid seems like a very suitable infrastructure for this objective, as it guarantees a two-way information flow that will provide the means for energy management enhancement. However, to obtain all the required information, another entity must care about all the devices required to gather the data. What is more, this entity must consider the lifespan of the devices within the Smart Grid—when they are turned on and off or when new appliances are added—along with the services that devices are able to provide. This paper puts forward SMArc—an acronym for semantic middleware architecture—as a middleware proposal for the Smart Grid, so as to process the collected data and use it to insulate applications from the complexity of the metering facilities and guarantee that any change that may happen at these lower levels will be updated for future actions in the system

    SensoTrust: trustworthy domains in wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) based on wearable devices are being used in a growing variety of applications, many of them with strict privacy requirements: medical, surveillance, e-Health, and so forth. Since private data is being shared (physiological measures, medical records, etc.), implementing security mechanisms in these networks has become a major challenge. The objective of deploying a trustworthy domain is achieving a nonspecific security mechanism that can be used in a plethora of network topologies and with heterogeneous application requirements. Another very important challenge is resilience. In fact, if a stand-alone and self-configuring WSN is required, an autosetup mechanism is necessary in order to maintain an acceptable level of service in the face of security issues or faulty hardware. This paper presents SensoTrust, a novel security model for WSN based on the definition of trustworthy domains, which is adaptable to a wide range of applications and scenarios where services are published as a way to distribute the acquired data. Security domains can be deployed as an add-on service to merge with any service already deployed, obtaining a new secured service

    The AFarCloud ECSEL Project

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    Farming is facing many economic challenges in terms of productivity and cost-effectiveness. Labor shortage partly due to depopulation of rural areas, especially in Europe, is another challenge. Domain specific problems such as accurate identification and proper quantification of pathogens affecting plant and animal health are key factors for minimizing economical risks, and not risking human health. The ECSEL AFarCloud (Aggregate FARming in the CLOUD) project will provide a distributed platform for autonomous farming that will allow the integration and cooperation of agriculture Cyber Physical Systems in real-time in order to increase efficiency, productivity, animal health, food quality and reduce farm labour costs. This platform will be integrated with farm management software and will support monitoring and decision-making solutions based on big data and real-time data mining techniques.The AFarCloud project is funded from the ECSEL Joint Undertaking under grant agreement n° 783221, and from National funding