1,709 research outputs found

    A representation theorem for integral rigs and its applications to residuated lattices

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    We prove that every integral rig in Sets is (functorially) the rig of global sections of a sheaf of really local integral rigs. We also show that this representation result may be lifted to residuated integral rigs and then restricted to varieties of these. In particular, as a corollary, we obtain a representation theorem for pre-linear residuated join-semilattices in terms of totally ordered fibers. The restriction of this result to the level of MV-algebras coincides with the Dubuc-Poveda representation theorem.Comment: Manuscript submitted for publicatio

    La vegetazione dell\u2019istituenda Riserva Naturale \u201cOasi di Lacchiarella\u201d (Parco Agricolo Sud Milano).

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    \uc8 stata studiata dal punto di vista fitosociologico la vegetazione della Riserva naturale Oasi di Lacchiarella. Sono state individuate 34 cenosi vegetali, ascrivibili a 12 classi fitosociologiche: Lemnetea, Potametea, Phragmiti-Magnocaricetea, Bidentetea tripartiti, Stellarietea mediae, Oryzetea sativae, Molinio- Arrhenatheretea,Galio-Urticetea, Alnetea glutinosae, Salicetea purpureae, Rhamno-Prunetea e Querco-Fagetea. Il grado di naturalit\ue0 e il valore floristico-vegetazionale \ue8 nel complesso basso, anche nelle formazioni boschive. Le cenosi si dispongono secondo un gradiente ecologico di umidit\ue0, caratterizzato da un progressivo svincolamento dalla falda. Le cenosi di piante infestanti o ruderali seguono una propria linea dinamico-evolutiva, pressoch\ue9 indipendente da quella di interramento dei corsi d\u2019acqua; entrambe comunque convergono verso le formazioni boschive

    Femtosecond manipulation of spins, charges, and ions in nanostructures, thin films, and surfaces

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    Modern ultrafast techniques provide new insights into the dynamics of ions, charges, and spins in photoexcited nanostructures. In this review, we describe the use of time-resolved electron-based methods to address specific questions such as the ordering properties of self-assembled nanoparticles supracrystals, the interplay between electronic and structural dynamics in surfaces and adsorbate layers, the light-induced control of collective electronic modes in nanowires and thin films, and the real-space/real-time evolution of the skyrmion lattice in topological magnets


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    Despite progress in diagnosis and treatment lead to a significant reduction of the rate of death attributable to cardiovascular disease (CVD), many efforts must to be done to modify the pathological process and enhance protection. Thus the development of new technologies for diagnosis and novel therapeutic agents is fundamental for clinicians and researcher. In the last decade, murine model had become a useful tool to study CVDs mechanism and to test new pharmacological treatments. Noninvasive imaging technique, specific for laboratory animals, provide the opportunity to image longitudinally the same animal, investigating the follow-up of pathologies and assessing the effect of pharmacological treatments. Aims of this work are to set up an animal model of myocardial infarction (MI) and cardiac imaging (cardiac magnetic resonance imaging and echocardiography) of left ventricle (LV), left atrium (LA) and appendage (LAA) in healthy mice, and then evaluate the global and regional functional-structural changes and remodeling occurring on LV, LA and LAA after MI, with or without pharmacological treatment. The in vivo imaging data were supported by morphological, histological and gene expression analysis. Results from this study described the regional area changes occurring on LV after MI with a progressive loss of contractility also in remote non-infarcted tissue; the presence of only three pulmonary veins entering LA and the presence of the large LAA which, working together with LA, plays an important role in LV filling. After MI not only LV but also LA and LAA remodel in order to maintain, with their enlargement, LV stroke volume. The pharmacological treatment with valsartan, a selective inhibitor of AT1 receptor of Ang II, influenced LV remodeling by reducing LV enlargement, infarct size, ECM gene expression (in particular collagen VIII, fibulin-2 involved in fibrosis and hypertrophy), preserving LV SV without affecting LAA and LA increase in dimension

    Burning magnesium, a sparkle in acute inflammation: gleams from experimental models

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    Magnesium contributes to the regulation of inflammatory responses. Here, we focus on the role of magnesium in acute inflammation. Although present knowledge is incomplete to delineate an accurate scenario and a schedule of the events occurring under magnesium deficiency, it emerges that low magnesium status favors the induction of acute inflammation by sensitizing sentinel cells to the noxious agent, and then by participating to the orchestration of the vascular and cellular events that characterize the process
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