442 research outputs found

    Avaliação da aderência pneu-pavimento para diferentes tipos de pavimentos utilizando o International Friction Index (IFI)

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    A condição superficial do pavimento é um fator importante para a avaliação da segurança viária por caracterizar diretamente os níveis de atrito, que condicionam as frenagens veiculares. No intuito de padronizar os diversos indicadores de aderência, desenvolveu-se o International Friction Index (IFI). O principal objetivo deste método é quantificar o atrito superficial, reportando-o como um índice em escala que possa ser utilizado internacionalmente. Neste contexto, o presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a aderência pneu-pavimento para diferentes tipos de pavimentos utilizados no Brasil. Para isso, consolidou-se um extenso banco de dados, obtidos a partir da revisão da literatura, de microtextura e de macrotextura, englobando aproximadamente dez técnicas diferentes de pavimentação. Desta análise, obtiveram-se curvas que correlacionam coeficiente de atrito e a velocidade, observando-se a preponderância da macrotextura do material no desempenho da aderência pneu-pavimento.Pavement’s surface condition is a key parameter to evaluate traffic safety because it directly characterizes friction levels, related to the quality of vehicular braking. Defined by both micro- and macrotexture, different techniques applied to determine skid resistance are documented in the literature. In order to standardized skid resistance, International Friction Index (IFI) was developed. Its main goal is to quantify frictional coefficient, reporting it as a single-scale indicator, which can be assessed worldwide. In this context, this paper’s mean objective is to assess skid resistance for different paving techniques. For that, an extent database of micro- and macrotexture was collected from the literature, counting on more than 10 different paving techniques. From this analysis, curves of frictional coefficient versus speed were plotted, observing macrotexture’s preponderance on skid resistance performance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    On fermion masses and mixing in a model with A4A_4 symmetry

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    In a recently proposed multi-Higgs extension of the standard model in which discrete symmetries, A4A_4 and Z3Z_3 are imposed we show that, after accommodating the fermion masses and the mixing matrices in the charged currents, the mixing matrices in the neutral currents induced by neutral scalars are numerically obtained. However, the flavor changing neutral currents are under control mainly by mixing and/or mass suppressions in the neutral scalar sector.Comment: Version accepted for publication in International Journal of Modern Physics A. In this version we added a discussion on the charged lepton and neutrino masses. The title has been changed. Other minor changes do not modify the conclusion

    Domestication Syndrome in Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz): Assessing Morphological Traits and Differentially Expressed Genes Associated with Genetic Diversity of Storage Root

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    Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) provides a staple food source for millions of people in tropical and subtropical world regions. Brazil is the major center of diversification for species of the Manihot, and a center for domestication of the cultivated species originated from wild ancestral M. esculenta subsp. flabellifolia. Genetic breeding of cassava depends on landraces. Molecular phylogenetic technologies used to study genetic traits selected by mankind in crops, are likely to predict proposed “domestication syndrome.” Phylogenetic trees use DNA sequences alignment to infer on gene historical events. A study on regulatory and structural complexity that dictates gene/protein function, will add non-sequence information to predict a more complete understanding of functional evolution. Transcriptional profile contains critical information on when and where a gene is manifested. These regulatory properties could explain functional genes diversity achieved within gene families across closely related species such as cassava and its ancestor. Microarray technologies measure transcriptional response of gene to a given environmental or genetic factor. Integration of genomic and transcriptomic data provides more detailed picture of molecular evolution. This chapter describes comprehensive study using the wild relative of cassava ancestor, recognition of natural morphological trait changes during domestication, and gene expression of cassava storage root

    Out-of-phase oscillation between superfluid and thermal components for a trapped Bose condensate under oscillatory excitation

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    The vortex nucleation and the emergence of quantum turbulence induced by oscillating magnetic fields, introduced by Henn E A L, et al. 2009 (Phys. Rev. A 79, 043619) and Henn E A L, et al. 2009 (Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 045301), left a few open questions concerning the basic mechanisms causing those interesting phenomena. Here, we report the experimental observation of the slosh dynamics of a magnetically trapped 87^{87}Rb Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) under the influence of a time-varying magnetic field. We observed a clear relative displacement in between the condensed and the thermal fraction center-of-mass. We have identified this relative counter move as an out-of-phase oscillation mode, which is able to produce ripples on the condensed/thermal fractions interface. The out-of-phase mode can be included as a possible mechanism involved in the vortex nucleation and further evolution when excited by time dependent magnetic fields.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, 25 reference

    A “Questão Social” no século XXI: O neoliberalismo em debate

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    Segundo o World Report de 2001 da ONU, 86% das riquezas estão concentradas nas mãos de 20% dos mais ricos da população mundial, enquanto os 20% mais pobres apropriam-se somente de 1% de toda a riqueza socialmente produzida. No Brasil, recente pesquisa do IPEA (2008) comprova que os 10% mais ricos concentram 75,4% da riqueza nacional. O contexto macro-histórico de nossa apresentação, portanto, se constitui no agravamento da “questão social” em meio ao advento, a partir dos anos 1980, do neoliberalismo. E, o nosso objeto de estudo, são as formas de representação teórica das dimensões econômica, política e cultural do neoliberalismo, em particular determinadas contribuições da crítica da economia política. A partir da análise de uma ampla literatura sobre o tema, podemos constatar que não há um consenso em relação ao conceito “neoliberalismo”. Diferentes sistemas ideológicos o definem de forma diversa, muitas vezes de maneira contraditória e antagônica. Assim, podemos considerá-lo como um conceito em disputa. Neste trabalho, tomaremos, para a definição precisa do neoliberalismo, alguns analistas da crítica da economia política, tais como: (1) François Chesnais, economista francês, que teoriza sobre a nova etapa de desenvolvimento do capitalismo, denominada a era da “mundialização do capital”, na qual se solidifica a hegemonia das finanças no bloco de poder dominante; (2) David Harvey, geógrafo britânico, que postula a mudança no padrão de acumulação capitalista, caracterizado pela transição da acumulação rígida à acumulação flexível, o que seria o rompimento com o padrão fordista de produção e instauração de um “novo imperialismo”. Finalmente, (3) as contribuições dos economistas franceses Gerard Duménil e Dominique Levy a respeito dos mecanismos de superação das crises capitalistas, dão os retoques finais a nossa produção

    Causes of non-attachment to contraceptive methods

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    Existen diversas causas de abandono o desapego al tratamiento en usuarias de métodos anticonceptivos. De forma general, la percepción o asociación de efectos adversos con el método anticonceptivo representa la principal causa de abandono. La mayor parte de los efectos adversos de los métodos anticonceptivos se relaciona con ideas o creencias erróneas, basadas en mitos, que se transmiten a través del tiempo. Incluso la influencia de abandono o desapego viene apoyada por el propio médico, quien por falta de actualización y asesoramiento puede seguir anclado en el pasado y recomendar acciones, como los 'descansos' del tratamiento con anticoncepción hormonal combinada, que motivan el abandono o, lo que es peor, fracaso del método, con la consecuencia de un embarazo no deseado. Los factores intrínsecos al método pueden aumentar la tasa de abandono, cuando este no se adapta a las características específicas y preferencias des las pacientes. En un intento por disminuir la tasa de abandono se han desarrollado nuevas formulaciones de anticonceptivos hormonales, con la finalidad de reducir los efectos adversos y aportar beneficios adicionales que aumenten el apego al tratamiento. [English] There are several causes of abandonment or detachment to treatment in users of contraceptive methods. In general, the perception or association of adverse effects with the contraceptive method represents the main cause of interruption. Most of the adverse effects of contraceptive methods are related to misconceptions or beliefs, based on myths, that are transmitted over time. Even the influence of abandonment or detachment is supported by the doctor himself, who for lack of updating and advice can remain anchored in the past and recommend actions, such as the 'breaks' of treatment with combined hormonal contraception, which motivate the abandonment or, which is worse, failure of the method, with the consequence of an unwanted pregnancy. The factors intrinsic to the method can increase the abandonment rate, when it does not adapt to the specific characteristics and preferences of the patients. In an attempt to reduce the dropout rate, new formulations of hormonal contraceptives have been developed, with the aim of reducing adverse effects and providing additional benefits that increase adherence to treatment

    Review and analysis of advances in functionalized, smart, and multifunctional asphalt mixtures

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    Road pavements are designed to withstand road traffic and weathering actions while ensuring comfortable and safe riding conditions as well as low costs and damage to the environment. When a road pavement has additional abilities or reacts to an external stimulus, it is considered to be smart and multifunctional. Examples of such abilities that have been investigated in asphalt mixtures are photocatalytic, superhydrophobic, self-cleaning, de-icing/anti-icing, self-healing, thermochromic, and latent heat thermal energy storage abilities. These abilities are developed using different materials such as nano/microparticles (including semiconductor materials and microcapsules), fibers, phase change materials (PCMs), and dyes, often using dissimilar techniques such as spray coating, volume incorporation, spreading, and asphalt binder modification. Owing to their large surface areas, road pavements are true recipients for large amounts of nano/micromaterials, and consequently, act as important “tools” to stimulate an emerging sector related to the scale of production of materials in the form of nanoparticles. Moreover, smart and multifunctional road pavements can be included in the domain of clean technology (e.g., photocatalytic pavements that promote the environmental depollution of NOx-type gases emitted as vehicle exhaust gases). In this context, they can contribute to materializing the transition to a novel socio-economic model known as “Green Recovery” that is environmentally friendly, sustainable, and inclusive. This model is a very important path toward economic and employment recovery, a vision to which many countries are strongly committed. Therefore, this work reviews new capabilities imparted to asphalt mixtures and provides recommendations.This work was supported by FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) under the framework of the Strategic Funding UIDB/04029/2020, UIDB/04650/2020, and UID/FIS/04650/2019, and the PTDC/FIS-MAC/6606/2020, PTDC/FIS/120412/2010, and PEst-OE/ECI/UI4047/2019. The first author would like to acknowledge the FCT for the Ph.D. scholarship (SFRH/BD/137421/2018) and the third author would like to thank CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - for the PQ 1-D scholarship (308,360/2017–6)

    A neural network underlying cognitive strategies related to eating, weight and body image concerns

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    Concerns about food intake, weight and body shape can trigger negatively loaded emotions, which may prompt the use of cognitive strategies to regulate these emotional states. A novel fMRI task was developed to assess the neurobehavioral correlates of cognitive strategies related to eating, weight and body image concerns, such as self-criticism, avoidance, rumination, and self-reassurance. Fourteen healthy females were presented audio sentences referring to these conditions and instructed to repeat these internally while engaging their thoughts with the content of food or body images. Participants were asked to report the elicited emotion and rate their performance. All cognitive strategies recruited a network including the inferior and superior frontal gyri, orbitofrontal and anterior cingulate cortex, insula, and dorsal striatum. These brain regions are involved in emotional, reward and inhibitory control processing. Representational similarity analysis revealed distinct patterns of neural responses for each cognitive strategy. Additionally, self-report measures showed that self-criticism was positively associated with superior frontal gyrus (SFG) activation. Self-compassion scores were negatively correlated with activations in the insula and right putamen, while self-reassurance scores were negatively associated with activity in the orbitofrontal cortex. These findings identify a neural network underlying cognitive strategies related to eating, weight and body image concerns, where neurobehavioral correlation patterns depend on the cognitive strategy