2,826 research outputs found

    Thresholds for epidemic spreading in networks

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    We study the threshold of epidemic models in quenched networks with degree distribution given by a power-law. For the susceptible-infected-susceptible (SIS) model the activity threshold lambda_c vanishes in the large size limit on any network whose maximum degree k_max diverges with the system size, at odds with heterogeneous mean-field (HMF) theory. The vanishing of the threshold has not to do with the scale-free nature of the connectivity pattern and is instead originated by the largest hub in the system being active for any spreading rate lambda>1/sqrt{k_max} and playing the role of a self-sustained source that spreads the infection to the rest of the system. The susceptible-infected-removed (SIR) model displays instead agreement with HMF theory and a finite threshold for scale-rich networks. We conjecture that on quenched scale-rich networks the threshold of generic epidemic models is vanishing or finite depending on the presence or absence of a steady state.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    How Corporate Culture Impacts Unethical Distortion of Financial Numbers

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    The recent accounting scandals have highlighted the critical role that investor confidence in the accuracy and lack of distortion of accounting data plays in the health of capital markets and, indeed, the whole economy. The legal and moral culpability of top-level company managers (as well as auditors) is an issue that will be addressed by the nation in the coming months. Whether or not legal sanctions are imposed on managers, it would be well to examine some of the reasons managers may feel compelled to distort accounting numbers as well as engage in other actions that damage the interests of company stakeholders, such as stockholders, employees, and the community. Tom Morris, in his poignant book If Aristotle Ran General Motors, makes a compelling case that creating an ethical climate in the workplace is about more than promulgating clear guidelines for ethical behavior and developing codes of conduct. He argues persuasively that creating an ethical climate must transcend a compliance approach to ethics and focus instead on fostering socially harmonious relationships. While Morris does an outstanding job of defining and illustrating these socially harmonious relationships that lead not only to more productive effort but ultimately to a more ethical climate, we believe most organizations may fail to see how current management policies and practices, in fact, may defeat or inhibit development of the kind of climate Morris is advocating. Consequently, we explore here those policies and managerial practices that militate against a culture of socially harmonious relationships in the workplace

    The average shape of a fluctuation: universality in excursions of stochastic processes

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    We study the average shape of a fluctuation of a time series x(t), that is the average value _T before x(t) first returns, at time T, to its initial value x(0). For large classes of stochastic processes we find that a scaling law of the form _T = T^\alpha f(t/T) is obeyed. The scaling function f(s) is to a large extent independent of the details of the single increment distribution, while it encodes relevant statistical information on the presence and nature of temporal correlations in the process. We discuss the relevance of these results for Barkhausen noise in magnetic systems.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    A multi assessment approach to attachment in middle childhood and early adolescence in two clinical groups

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    Whilst it is widely recognised that attachment is a fundamental aspect of psychological wellbeing, there is little research on attachment in specific psychopathological conditions, in middle childhood and early adolescence. This study seeks to evaluate the role of attachment in patients (8-15 years) with somatic symptom disorders (SSDs) and with disruptive behavior disorders (DBDs). A battery of assessments was completed: Child Attachment Interview, Separation Anxiety Test, and Kerns Security Scale. Findings on \u201cattachment models\u201d showed an over-representation of insecure attachment patterns with a preponderance of disorganized attachment in both clinical groups. On \u201cperceived security,\u201d SSD participants viewed their parents as safer than DBD participants, but, regarding \u201cseparation anxiety,\u201d they didnot show higher separation anxiety. Therefore, a multi-assessment approach is likely to yield a more accurate picture of attachment organization at this age, and to capture attachment processes in SSDs and DBD

    Overall time evolution in phase-ordering kinetics

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    The phenomenology from the time of the quench to the asymptotic behavior in the phase-ordering kinetics of a system with conserved order parameter is investigated in the Bray-Humayun model and in the Cahn-Hilliard-Cook model. From the comparison of the structure factor in the two models the generic pattern of the overall time evolution, based on the sequence ``early linear - intermediate mean field - late asymptotic regime'' is extracted. It is found that the time duration of each of these regimes is strongly dependent on the wave vector and on the parameters of the quench, such as the amplitude of the initial fluctuations and the final equilibrium temperature. The rich and complex crossover phenomenology arising as these parameters are varied can be accounted for in a simple way through the structure of the solution of the Bray-Humayun model.Comment: RevTeX, 14 pages, 18 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Average trajectory of returning walks

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    We compute the average shape of trajectories of some one--dimensional stochastic processes x(t) in the (t,x) plane during an excursion, i.e. between two successive returns to a reference value, finding that it obeys a scaling form. For uncorrelated random walks the average shape is semicircular, independently from the single increments distribution, as long as it is symmetric. Such universality extends to biased random walks and Levy flights, with the exception of a particular class of biased Levy flights. Adding a linear damping term destroys scaling and leads asymptotically to flat excursions. The introduction of short and long ranged noise correlations induces non trivial asymmetric shapes, which are studied numerically.Comment: 16 pages, 16 figures; accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Emergence of influential spreaders in modified rumor models

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    The burst in the use of online social networks over the last decade has provided evidence that current rumor spreading models miss some fundamental ingredients in order to reproduce how information is disseminated. In particular, recent literature has revealed that these models fail to reproduce the fact that some nodes in a network have an influential role when it comes to spread a piece of information. In this work, we introduce two mechanisms with the aim of filling the gap between theoretical and experimental results. The first model introduces the assumption that spreaders are not always active whereas the second model considers the possibility that an ignorant is not interested in spreading the rumor. In both cases, results from numerical simulations show a higher adhesion to real data than classical rumor spreading models. Our results shed some light on the mechanisms underlying the spreading of information and ideas in large social systems and pave the way for more realistic diffusion models.Comment: 14 Pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Journal of Statistical Physic

    Renormalization group study of one-dimensional systems with roughening transitions

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    A recently introduced real space renormalization group technique, developed for the analysis of processes in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class, is generalized and tested by applying it to a different family of surface growth processes. In particular, we consider a growth model exhibiting a rich phenomenology even in one dimension. It has four different phases and a directed percolation related roughening transition. The renormalization method reproduces extremely well all the phase diagram, the roughness exponents in all the phases and the separatrix among them. This proves the versatility of the method and elucidates interesting physical mechanisms.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Upper critical dimension, dynamic exponent and scaling functions in the mode-coupling theory for the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation

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    We study the mode-coupling approximation for the KPZ equation in the strong coupling regime. By constructing an ansatz consistent with the asymptotic forms of the correlation and response functions we determine the upper critical dimension d_c=4, and the expansion z=2-(d-4)/4+O((4-d)^2) around d_c. We find the exact z=3/2 value in d=1, and estimate the values 1.62, 1.78 for z, in d=2,3. The result d_c=4 and the expansion around d_c are very robust and can be derived just from a mild assumption on the relative scale on which the response and correlation functions vary as z approaches 2.Comment: RevTex, 4 page

    Effects of communication and utility-based decision making in a simple model of evacuation

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    We present a simple cellular automaton based model of decision making during evacuation. Evacuees have to choose between two different exit routes, resulting in a strategic decision making problem. Agents take their decisions based on utility functions, these can be revised as the evacuation proceeds, leading to complex interaction between individuals and to jamming transitions. The model also includes the possibility to communicate and exchange information with distant agents, information received may affect the decision of agents. We show that under a wider range of evacuation scenarios performance of the model system as a whole is optimal at an intermediate fraction of evacuees with access to communication.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure
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