117 research outputs found

    Merging traditional livelihood activities with new employment opportunities brought by ecotourism to Iona national park, Angola: rethinking social sustainability

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    Ecotourism activities and investment projects have been consistently increasing worldwide over the last few decades. In this process, ecotourism has contributed to fight poverty, to create local employment opportunities and to promote nature conservation. However, there are also plenty examples of nature-base tourism destinations where ecotourism principles have been distorted and negative impacts are on the rise. Therefore, studies that provide a deep understanding of the roots and consequences of those both positive and negative impacts are needed to achieve new higher tourism quality standards, to foster a sound local development and to promote an integrated and sustainable national growth. To obtain information useful to contribute specific recommendations aimed at linking tourism employers and job seekers, we have conducted a survey addressing locals’ demographic characteristics and their engagement in traditional livelihood activities. Data gathered from 202 respondents showed that in the largest villages traditional livelihood activities, excepting pastoralism, tend to have little expression while the same activities seem to play a key role in some small communities. Striking differences were found between nomadic or semi-nomadic people and people who have been assimilated into the western civilization and also have more sedentary life styles. Using this information and taking in consideration some new employment opportunities brought nature-based tourism to the Iona National Park, we have identified specific demographic profiles more suited for part-time and full-time jobs

    Assessment of photocatalytic capacity of a hydraulic mortar

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    In urban areas façades of buildings and monuments accumulate dirt and are visually degraded, implicating high consumption of resources for repair. The search and development of new products that can help to maintain those façades is therefore very important. To prevent possible damage to the building surface maintaining their aesthetic appearance, cementitious materials with new properties have been developed. One possibility arises from the introduction of titanium dioxide (TiO2) into the composition of coating materials. When exposed to solar UV radiation, the coatings lead to photo-induced oxidation of compounds adsorbed or deposited on their surfaces, with self-cleaning effect. This self-cleaning property reduces the need for maintenance. In can be an advantage for unpainted renders. In this research, physic-mechanical characterization and evaluation of the self-cleaning capacity of a commercial hydraulic lime mortar with photocatalytic property, by the addition of TiO2, were carried out. Two mortars with 1:3 (binder:aggregate) volumetric proportion were produced, only differing on the aggregate type, namely its particle size distribution, and compared with similar mortars but formulated with a common hydraulic lime without TiO2. In the physic-mechanical characterization mortar specimens were laboratory tested for mechanical strength, open porosity, capillary water absorption and drying capacity. The self-cleaning capacity of mortars was evaluated by monitoring the discolouration of two organic dyes stains (Rhodamine B and Methylene Blue), applied on the surface of mortar specimens, when exposed to sunlight and UV light. The mortars with TiO2 shown improvements mainly in terms of mechanical strengths but without significant changes concerning water and vapour behaviour. Simultaneously those mortars have shown a great degradation of colour of the two dyes stains, with high colour change percentages particularly after sunlight exposure.Secil argamassa

    Characteristics of Iona National Park’s visitors: Planning for ecotourism and sustainable development in Angola

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    To assess the characteristics of Iona National Park’s visitors, we analyzed secondary data and conducted a survey by administering face-to-face interviews. We used information referring to a total of 354 visitors to assess tourists’ personal characteristics (bio-data), their motivation for visiting, and their level of satisfaction. Themajority of the visitors (60%) revealed a prevailing interest in natural and cultural attractions, and they predominantly fit a “wildlife tourist” profile. Within this profile, two possible different types of clientele were identified: (1) tourists who consider the visit as a learning opportunity but tend to exhibit low environmental and social awareness; and (2) visitors who consider the visit as a learning opportunity but also as a process where sustainability norms should be maintained. Using the study findings, we propose guidelines for the development of ecotourism in Iona National Park to advance sustainable development

    Characteristics of Iona National Park’s visitors: Planning for ecotourism and sustainable development in Angola

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    To assess the characteristics of Iona National Park’s visitors, we analyzed secondary data and conducted a survey by administering face-to-face interviews. We used information referring to a total of 354 visitors to assess tourists’ personal characteristics (bio-data), their motivation for visiting, and their level of satisfaction. Themajority of the visitors (60%) revealed a prevailing interest in natural and cultural attractions, and they predominantly fit a “wildlife tourist” profile. Within this profile, two possible different types of clientele were identified: (1) tourists who consider the visit as a learning opportunity but tend to exhibit low environmental and social awareness; and (2) visitors who consider the visit as a learning opportunity but also as a process where sustainability norms should be maintained. Using the study findings, we propose guidelines for the development of ecotourism in Iona National Park to advance sustainable development

    The Influence of Water Quality on the Structural Development of Vessels: Smart Dimensioning Process

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    In fact, it is pivotal the development, use, and management of the best and most suitable coatings to be supplied to vessels—especially those designed for long journeys; not only to increase their stability and safety but also to minimize their maintenance cost. In this regard, it should be also considering the function, the vessel typology and its routes, as well as the quality of the waters by which it will navigate. Topics that are critical to promote a better dimensioning process of vessels. Thus, the present chapter, via an extensive literature review articulated with practical approaches, aims to define relevant directions for vessels structural development processes regarding the water quality (sea or river waters), where they will outline their routes. Therefore, the study looks for a relationship between the vessels structural coating design process and the quality of the water where they navigate. Moreover, such a process not only will optimize/minimize the costs with the periodic maintenance of the vessels linings, but also to relate it with its routes—contributing to the revitalization of their structural dimensioning

    Produção de biocombustíveis líquidos por pirólise seguida de hidrogenação de óleos alimentares usados

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    Tese de mestrado integrado, Engenharia da Energia e do Ambiente, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014The population growth in recent years and the continuous demand from this population for energy has resulted in increased concerns about the sustainability of the energy production process. On the other hand, the burning of fossil fuels has been causing an alarming increase in emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) resulting from this energy conversion process, made essential the development of energy production technologies that can replace fossil fuels in a sustainable and economically viable way. Among all developed technologies, one attracted particular interest because it combines the production of "renewable" fuels while eliminating a resultant residue of human activity. This technology is the hydrogenation of oils or fats. In this process, the existing carboxylic chemical bonds present in the triglycerides chain in this raw material are broken down, producing a fuel similar to petroleum, thus, usable in conventional internal combustion engines. This document is based on the study of the yield of production liquid biofuel from a pyrolysis reaction followed by a hydrogenation reaction, analyzing the resulting liquid and gas products. It was tested the effect of temperature, pressure and time in the used frying oil hydrogenation using four different temperatures: 350° C, 380ºC, 400ºC and 430°C; and three pressures: 160 psi, 3 bar and 6 bar, for four different time periods: 15 min, 30 min, 60 min and 90 min. It was found that the highest yield of the liquid fraction was obtained during the hydrogenation at 350°C for 30 minutes, while the gas fraction had a maximum yield at the hydrogenation with 400°C for 90 minutes. Regarding the composition of the products obtained, it was concluded that the compositions of gases collected from different trials are extremely different from the typical natural gas composition, presenting, therefore, a value well below the PCS made by that gas.O crescimento populacional registado nos últimos anos e a contínua demanda desta população por energia resultou num aumento das preocupações relativas à sustentabilidade do processo de produção energético. Por outro lado, a queima de combustíveis fósseis tem vindo a provocar um crescimento alarmante das emissões de gases com efeito de estufa (GEE), resultantes deste processo de conversão de energia, tornando premente o desenvolvimento de tecnologias de produção energética, capazes de substituir os combustíveis fósseis de uma forma sustentada e economicamente viável. De entre todas as tecnologias desenvolvidas, uma tem despertado particular interesse, pois combina a produção de combustíveis “renováveis” enquanto elimina um resíduo resultante da actividade humana. Esta tecnologia é a hidrogenação de óleos ou gorduras. Neste processo, as ligações carboxílicas existentes nas cadeias químicas dos triglicéridos, presentes nesta matéria-prima são quebradas, originando um combustível semelhante ao petróleo, sendo, assim, passível de utilizar nos motores de combustão interna convencionais. O presente documento baseou-se no estudo do rendimento de produção de biocombustíveis líquidos, a partir de uma reacção de pirólise seguida de uma reacção de hidrogenação, sendo analisados os produtos resultantes, líquido e gás. Testou-se o efeito da temperatura, pressão e tempo na hidrogenação do óleo alimentar usado, utilizando quatro temperaturas diferentes: 350ºC, 380ºC, 400ºC e 430ºC, três pressões 160 psi, 3 bar e 6 bar, durante quatro períodos temporais diferentes 15 min, 30 min, 60 min e 90 min. Verificou-se que o maior rendimento de produção da fracção líquida foi obtido no ensaio de hidrogenação a 350ºC durante 30 minutos, enquanto a fracção gasosa teve um rendimento máximo durante a hidrogenação a 400ºC durante 90 minutos. Relativamente à composição dos produtos obtidos, concluiu-se que as composições dos gases recolhidos dos diferentes ensaios são extremamente diferentes da constituição típica do gás natural, apresentando, por isso, um valor de PCS bastante inferior ao apresentado por aquele gás

    Caracterização de argamassa de cal hidráulica aditivada com dióxido de titânio para revestimento

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    Principalmente em meios urbanos, as fachadas de edifícios acumulam sujidade e são alvo de vandalismo, por exemplo com tintas de graffiti, a procura e desenvolvimento de novos produtos que ajudem a manter a limpeza representa uma evolução na protecção da superfície dos materiais de revestimento. Para prevenir possíveis danos nos materiais construtivos objectos de sujidade e manter a aparência estética dos edifícios, os materiais cimentícios vem sendo a ser optimizados, de modo a poderem responder de forma eficiente a essas novas exigências. Tais capacidades, nomeadamente de autolimpeza, podem surgir com a introdução da nanopartícula de dióxido de titânio (TiO2) nos materiais, por exemplo juntamente ao ligante de argamassas. Quando expostos a raios UV solares, os revestimentos com essas argamassas produzem uma oxidação foto-induzida dos compostos adsorvidos ou depositados sobre as suas superfícies. Esta autolimpeza e evita a acumulação de sujidade e diminui a necessidade e recursos gastos com manutenção. Neste trabalho foram realizados estudos de caracterização e avaliação da capacidade de autolimpeza de provetes de duas argamassas, produzidas com areias siliciosas distintas, realizadas com uma cal hidráulica de produção nacional, com efeito fotocatalítico através da incorporação de dióxido de titânio na sua constituição. Compararam-se estas argamassas com outras, ainda ao mesmo traço volumétrico 1:3, com as mesmas areias, mas com cal hidráulica do mesmo produtor sem conter TiO2 na sua constituição. A primeira fase experimental, com a realização de ensaios laboratoriais, teve como objectivo caracterizar genericamente as argamassas avaliando o seu comportamento em termos de propriedades físico-mecânicas. A influência de TiO2 na autolimpeza foi avaliada na segunda fase experimental através de uma monitorização da descoloração, por exposição à luz solar e à luz UV, de nódoas de dois corantes orgânicos (Rodamina B e Azul de Metileno) e de duas tintas de graffiti de cores diferentes, aplicadas na superfície dos provetes de argamassa. As argamassas produzidas com cal hidráulica com dióxido de titânio apresentaram um acréscimo principalmente nas resistências mecânicas. Estas argamassas fotocatalíticas apresentaram uma grande capacidade de degradação da cor dos dois corantes com elevadas percentagens de mudança de cor, com melhores resultados ao longo dos ensaios da argamassa composta pela areia de menor granulometria

    HIV-1 Fusion Inhibitor Peptides Enfuvirtide and T-1249 Interact with Erythrocyte and Lymphocyte Membranes

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    Enfuvirtide and T-1249 are two HIV-1 fusion inhibitor peptides that bind to gp41 and prevent its fusogenic conformation, inhibiting viral entry into host cells. Previous studies established the relative preferences of these peptides for membrane model systems of defined lipid compositions. We aimed to understand the interaction of these peptides with the membranes of erythrocytes and peripheral blood mononuclear cells. The peptide behavior toward cell membranes was followed by di-8-ANEPPS fluorescence, a lipophilic probe sensitive to the changes in membrane dipole potential. We observed a fusion inhibitor concentration-dependent decrease on the membrane dipole potential. Quantitative analysis showed that T-1249 has an approximately eight-fold higher affinity towards cells, when compared with enfuvirtide. We also compared the binding towards di-8-ANEPPS labeled lipid vesicles that model cell membranes and obtained concordant results. We demonstrated the distinct enfuvirtide and T-1249 membranotropism for circulating blood cells, which can be translated to a feasible in vivo scenario. The enhanced interaction of T-1249 with cell membranes correlates with its higher efficacy, as it can increase and accelerate the drug binding to gp41 in its pre-fusion state

    Border effect on flora and raptors diversity. An iberian case.

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    The organisms and their habitats do not know borders. Thus, the conservation of biodiversity and the management of natural renewable resources along geopolitical borders should be concerted between neighboring countries. Furthermore, Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) projects and strategies should deeply analyze how «border effect» affects the different species, since they have dissimilar tolerances to stress factors and they also differ in the way they adapt to environmental changes. In this regard, considering the rich biodiversity of EUROACE Euroregion, as well as the CBC projects and strategies operating within these territories (Portugal- Spain), the present study intended to be an exploratory approach to the analyses of differences between the success of several biodiversity conservation policies and strategies among these two countries. Our research is focused on the geopolitical border across the Luso-Extremadurense chorological Province. In this exploratory work we present the results obtained for two very distinct groups of species: raptors and Nature2000 plant species protected under Habitats Directive (Council Directive 92/43/EEC). In both approaches, the analysis was made comparing alpha diversity (species richness) in both sides of the Portuguese/Spanish border, using UTM grid10x10 km as sample unit, and between the two biogeographic sectors of the Luso-Extremadurense province, present along the border. The results were similar for raptors and plants and showed that diversity is analogous in both country sides, suggesting that European Union policies may playing similar impact in both countries