216 research outputs found

    Cardiac progenitor cells. The matrix has you

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    Components of the cardiac extracellular matrix (ECM) are synthesized by residing cells and are continuously remodeled by them. Conversely, residing cells (including primitive cells) receive constant biochemical and mechanical signals from the ECM that modulate their biology. The pathological progression of heart failure affects all residing cells, inevitably causing profound changes in ECM composition and architecture that, in turn, impact on cell phenotypes. Any regenerative medicine approach must aim at sustaining microenvironment conditions that favor cardiogenic commitment of therapeutic cells and minimize pro-fibrotic signals, while conversely boosting the capacity of therapeutic cells to counteract adverse remodeling of the ECM. In this Perspective article, we discuss multiple issues about the features of an optimal scaffold for supporting cardiac tissue engineering strategies with cardiac progenitor cells, and, conversely, about the possible antifibrotic mechanisms induced by cell therapy

    Development of a biological scaffold from adult human skin for cardiovascular repair and regeneration

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    Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are still the leading cause of death and disabilities globally. Among CVDs, ischemic heart disease (IHD) has remained the leading cause of death worldwide in the last 16 years. IHD is caused by a sudden blockage of blood flow through coronary arteries that prevents the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the region of myocardium fed by the affected vessels. This condition causes the necrosis of the myocardium that is followed by a reparative process that starts from the infarcted area, but then involves, at later stages, also the uninjured myocardium, causing progressive fibrosis that may lead eventually to heart failure. Unfortunately, there is no cure for IHD and therapy can at best control symptoms and prevent a second ischemic event. The induction of post-infarction cardiac regeneration by the means of three factors, cells, scaffold and signals, is currently the target of cardiac tissue engineering. However, the field is still at its infancy and all three factors are yet to be defined. Since the ECM is the naturally occurring scaffold loaded with uncountable biological and mechanical signals, we aimed at obtaining and characterizing a biological three-dimensional scaffold for cardiac repair and regeneration from the adult human skin. Our results provided evidence that the scaffold of decellularized human skin (d-HuSk) was acellular and had a preserved architecture, retained components of the ECM that are also typical of cardiac matrix and are critical for cardiac functions and mechanical properties of the ECM, like collagen, fibronectin, laminin, tenascin, elastin and GAGs. Additionally, growth factors stored in d-HuSk matrix were similar to those found in cardiac matrix and, as similar were the signals, similar were the effects of d-HuSk and cardiac matrix on human cardiac progenitor cells (hCPCs). Indeed, as emerged from cytocompatibility study, the environment offered by d-HuSk did not differ from the cardiac native one in supporting engraftment and survival of hCPCs. Furthermore, d-HuSk attracted hCPCs from the cardiac native matrix and sustained their differentiation and differentiation towards cardiac myocytes. Therefore, d-HuSk is a biological scaffold that is easily obtained and might be used as an autograft. It shares to a large extent the composition of the cardiac native matrix, exerts on hCPCs similar effects in vitro and is also capable of stimulating their mobilization and engraftment. Overall, d-HuSk fulfills the key requirements needed for a scaffold to warrant its use in tissue engineering and, then, holds great promise as substitute for cardiac environment. Additionally, consisting of ECM proteins and being a storage of growth factors, d-HuSk might alone provide two of the three pillars of tissue engineering, namely the scaffold and the signals, and might be exploited as stand-alone scaffold to boost cardiac regeneration by recruiting resident cardiac progenitor cells, or as a cellularized scaffold by preparing a cardiac engineered tissue in vitro with the cell population of choice

    Effects of physical exercise on adiponectin, leptin, and inflammatory markers in childhood obesity: systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: New findings on adipose tissue physiology and obesity-Associated inflammation status suggest that modification of the adipokine level can be relevant for the long-Term prevention of obesity-Associated chronic disease. Objectives: The scope of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of physical exercise in reducing the systemic inflammation related to obesity in children. Methods: We conducted a systematic review with meta-Analysis of controlled randomized trials, identified through electronic database search, which investigated the effect of physical exercise, without concomitant dietary intervention, on adiponectin, leptin, and/or other inflammatory markers in children up to age 18 years with a body mass index greater than the 95th percentile for age and sex. Results: Seven trials were included in the meta-Analysis, with a total of 250 participants. Compared with the control group without any lifestyle modification, the physical exercise resulted in a reduction in leptin [standardized mean difference (SMD)-1.13; 95% confidence interval (95%CI):-1.89 to-0.37; I2 = 79.9%] and interleukin-6 (SMD-0.84; 95%CI:-1.45 to-0.23, I2 = 0.9%) and an increase in adiponectin plasma concentration (SMD 0.69; 95%CI: 0.02-1.35; I2 = 74.3%). Conclusions: These results indicate that physical exercise improved the inflammatory state in children with obesity. It is unclear whether this effect can reduce the risk of cardiovascular and metabolic disease in adulthood. Clinical trials with a uniform intervention protocol and outcome measurements are required to put our knowledge on adipose tissue biology into a clinical perspective

    Non-modified RNA-Based Reprogramming of Human Dermal Fibroblasts into Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells

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    The generation of pluripotent stem cells from adult somatic cells by cell reprogramming has put a whole new perspective on stem cell biology and stem cell-based regenerative medicine. Cell reprogramming acts through the introduction of key genes that regulate and maintain the pluripotent cell state. In this chapter, we describe the optimized protocol for the efficient isolation of fibroblasts from a skin punch biopsy and the subsequent easy and effective generation of integration-free induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) colonies forcing the expression of specific factors by non-modified RNAs. © 2021, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

    Intense myocyte formation from cardiac stem cells in human cardiac hypertrophy

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    It is generally believed that increase in adult contractile cardiac mass can be accomplished only by hypertrophy of existing myocytes. Documentation of myocardial regeneration in acute stress has challenged this dogma and led to the proposition that myocyte renewal is fundamental to cardiac homeostasis. Here we report that in human aortic stenosis, increased cardiac mass results from a combination of myocyte hypertrophy and hyperplasia. Intense new myocyte formation results from the differentiation of stem-like cells committed to the myocyte lineage. These cells express stem cell markers and telomerase. Their number increased >13-fold in aortic stenosis. The finding of cell clusters with stem cells making the transition to cardiogenic and myocyte precursors, as well as very primitive myocytes that turn into terminally differentiated myocytes, provides a link between cardiac stem cells and myocyte differentiation. Growth and differentiation of these primitive cells was markedly enhanced in hypertrophy, consistent with activation of a restricted number of stem cells that, through symmetrical cell division, generate asynchronously differentiating progeny. These clusters strongly support the existence of cardiac stem cells that amplify and commit to the myocyte lineage in response to increased workload. Their presence is consistent with the notion that myocyte hyperplasia significantly contributes to cardiac hypertrophy and accounts for the subpopulation of cycling myocytes

    In vitro cultured progenitors and precursors of cardiac cell lineages from human normal and post-ischemic hearts.

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    The demonstration of the presence of dividing primitive cells in damaged hearts has sparked increased interest about myocardium regenerative processes. We examined the rate and the differentiation of in vitro cultured resident cardiac primitive cells obtained from pathological and normal human hearts in order to evaluate the activation of progenitors and precursors of cardiac cell lineages in post-ischemic human hearts. The precursors and progenitors of cardiomyocyte, smooth muscle and endothelial lineage were identified by immunocytochemistry and the expression of characteristic markers was studied by western blot and RT-PCR.The amount of proteins characteristic for cardiac cells (alpha-SA and MHC, VEGFR-2 and FVIII, SMA for the precursors of cardiomyocytes, endothelial and smooth muscle cells, respectively) inclines toward an increase in both alpha-SA and MHC. The increased levels of FVIII and VEGFR2 are statistically significant, suggesting an important re-activation of neoangiogenesis. At the same time, the augmented expression of mRNA for Nkx 2.5, the trascriptional factor for cardiomyocyte differentiation, confirms the persistence of differentiative processes in terminally injured hearts. Our study would appear to confirm the activation of human heart regeneration potential in pathological conditions and the ability of its primitive cells to maintain their proliferative capability in vitro. The cardiac cell isolation method we used could be useful in the future for studying modifications to the microenvironment that positively influence cardiac primitive cell differentiation or inhibit, or retard, the pathological remodeling and functional degradation of the heart

    Direct cell reprogramming as a new emerging strategy in cardiac regeneration

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    Myocardial infarction (MI) is the current leading cause of mortality in the industrialised world. It is due to the irreversible death of billions of cardiomyocytes, secondary to a condition of ischemia. This leads to the formation of a stiff fibrotic tissue, mainly populated by cardiac fibroblasts (CFs). Currently, the only available therapy addressing the irreversible loss of functional cardiomyocytes is heart transplantation. Different tissue engineering approaches and cell therapies are under investigation, aimed at recovering myocardial contractility. Main issues in these strategies are the poor grafting and survival ability of implanted cells as well as the limited endogenous regenerative potential of adult heart. A new strategy is now emerging based on direct reprogramming of CFs into induced cardiomyocytes (iCMs) using transcriptional factors and/ or microRNAs (miRNAs) (miR-combo) [2-4]. Proof of concepts results of in vitro and in vivo conversion of mouse CFs into iCMs have been published and in vitro direct reprogramming of human CFs has also been reported [1-3]. However, such strategy is still an immature approach: reprogramming efficiency is low and partially reprogrammed non-beating cardiomyocytes have been generally obtained. Recently, in vitro direct reprogramming efficiency of mouse CFs cultured in 3D fibrin hydrogels using miR-combo has resulted significantly increased compared to 2D culture systems [4]. Based on these preliminary results, in this work we studied the miR-combo mediated reprogramming efficiency of human dermal and cardiac fibroblasts cultured on hydrogel matrices, including fibrin, fibrin/laminin, fibrin/fibronectin and fibrin/cardiac biomatrix [5], by analysing cell morphology, cell viability, change in gene expression (PCR analysis) and presence of markers of trans-differentiation by immunohistochemistry. The 3D biomimetic hydrogels were able to increase reprogramming efficiency respect to 2D culture environment, both at a genetic and protein level, with an enhancement in the expression of cardiac genes and cardiac proteins such as cardiac troponin I and alpha sarcomeric actinin. [1] J.A. Batty et al. Eur. J. Heart Failure 2016; 18: 145 [2] T.M. Jayawardena et al. Circ. Res. 2012; 110: 1465-1473. [3] T.M. Jayawardena et al. Circ. Res. 2015; 116:418-24. [4] Y. Li et al. Scientific Reports 2016; 6: 38815. [5] C. Castaldo et al. Biomed Res Int. 2013; 2013: 352370. ERC-CoG 2017 BIORECAR project is acknowledge

    Normal versus pathological cardiac fibroblast-derived extracellular matrix differentially modulates cardiosphere-derived cell paracrine properties and commitment

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    Human resident cardiac progenitor cells (CPCs) isolated as cardiosphere-derived cells (CDCs) are under clinical evaluation as a therapeutic product for cardiac regenerative medicine. Unfortunately, limited engraftment and differentiation potential of transplanted cells significantly hamper therapeutic success. Moreover, maladaptive remodelling of the extracellular matrix (ECM) during heart failure progression provides impaired biological and mechanical signals to cardiac cells, including CPCs. In this study, we aimed at investigating the differential effect on the phenotype of human CDCs of cardiac fibroblast-derived ECM substrates from healthy or diseased hearts, named, respectively, normal or pathological cardiogel (CG-N/P). After 7 days of culture, results show increased levels of cardiogenic gene expression (NKX2.5, CX43) on both decellularized cardiogels compared to control, while the proportion and staining patterns of GATA4, OCT4, NKX2.5, ACTA1, VIM, and CD90-positive CPCs were not affected, as assessed by immunofluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry analyses. Nonetheless, CDCs cultured on CG-N secreted significantly higher levels of osteopontin, FGF6, FGF7, NT-3, IGFBP4, and TIMP-2 compared to those cultured on CG-P, suggesting overall a reduced trophic and antiremodelling paracrine profile of CDCs when in contact with ECM from pathological cardiac fibroblasts. These results provide novel insights into the bidirectional interplay between cardiac ECM and CPCs, potentially affecting CPC biology and regenerative potential

    Non-integrating Methods to Produce Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells for Regenerative Medicine: An Overview

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    Induced Pluripotent Stem cells (iPSC) are adult somatic cells genetically reprogrammed to an embryonic stem cell-like state. Due to their autologous origin from adult somatic cells, iPSCs are considered a tremendously valuable tool for regenerative medicine, disease modeling, drug discovery and testing. iPSCs were first obtained by introducing specific transcription factors through retroviral transfection. However, cell reprogramming obtained by integrating methods prevent clinical application of iPSC because of potential risk for infection, teratomas and genomic instability. Therefore, several integration-free alternate methods have been developed and tested thus far to overcome safety issues. The present chapter provides an overview and a critical analysis of advantages and disadvantages of non-integrating methods used to generate iPSCs
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