390 research outputs found
Incidence and impact of land conflict in Uganda
While there is a large, though inconclusive, literature on the impact of land titles in Africa, little attention has been devoted to the study of land conflict, despite evidence on increasing incidence of such conflicts. The authors use data from Uganda to explore who is affected by land conflicts, whether recent legal changes have helped to reduce their incidence, and to assess their impact on productivity. Results indicate that female-headed households and widows are particularly affected and that the passage of the 1998 Land Act has failed to reduce the number of pending land conflicts. The authors also find evidence of a significant and quantitatively large productivity-reducing impact of land conflicts. This suggests that, especially in Africa, attention to land-related conflicts and exploration of ways to prevent and speedily resolve them would be an important area for policy as well as research.Environmental Economics&Policies,Municipal Housing and Land,Land and Real Estate Development,Real Estate Development,Agricultural Knowledge&Information Systems,Real Estate Development,Agricultural Knowledge&Information Systems,Environmental Economics&Policies,Municipal Housing and Land,Land and Real Estate Development
Large-N mesons
We present an update of our project of computing the meson spectrum and decay
constants in large-N QCD. The results are obtained in the quenched
approximation with the Wilson fermion action for N = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 17
and extrapolated to infinite N. We non-perturbatively determine the
renormalization factors for local quark bilinears that are needed to compute
the decay constants. We extrapolate our SU(7) results to the continuum limit,
employing four different lattice spacings.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, presented at the 31st International Symposium on
Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2013), 29 July - 3 August 2013, Mainz, German
Comparing land reform and land markets in colombia: impacts on equity and efficiency
Based on a large survey to compare the effectiveness of land markets and land reform in Colombia, the authors find that rental and sales markets were more effective in transferring land to poor but productive producers than was administrative land reform. The fact that land transactions were all of a short-term nature and that little land was transferred from very large to small land owners or the landless suggests that there may be scope for policies both to improve the functioning of land markets and to facilitate greater land access by the most disadvantaged. Analysis of the factors associated with success in a sample of land transfers from large to small producers helps to identify key elements for policies in both respects.Banks&Banking Reform,Environmental Economics&Policies,Municipal Housing and Land,Land Use and Policies,Agribusiness&Markets,Environmental Economics&Policies,Banks&Banking Reform,Rural Land Policies for Poverty Reduction,Land Use and Policies,Agribusiness&Markets
The meson spectrum in large-N QCD
We present lattice results on the meson spectrum and decay constants in large-N QCD. The results are obtained in the quenched approximation for N = 2,3,4,5,6,7 and 17 and extrapolated to N = ∞. Xth Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum
Cementless Total Hip Arthroplasty After an Iatrogenic Subtrochanteric Fracture due to Hardware Removal: A Case Report
Introduction: Total hip arthroplasty (THA) after proximal femoral fixation is a challenging procedure due to possible hardware-related complications. Case presentation: A 78-year-old female with hip osteoarthritis had a proximal femoral osteotomy fixed using a blade plate in the same femur 41 years ago. A two-step approach was planned. After a challenging hardware removal, an iatrogenic subtrochanteric fracture below the degenerated hip occurred after three months. THA with a tapered long stem was successfully performed with no need for additional osteosynthesis, and good results were seen two years later. Discussion: THAs in subtrochanteric fractures are technically demanding but feasible in selected cases. Hardware removal before THA implantation may carry important risks, and the surgical team should be prepared to perform arthroplasty in case of complications. Conclusion: THA in a subtrochanteric fracture below hip osteoarthritis is a feasible option in selected cases
Inibitori SIRT-1, LDH-A e GLUT-1 come approccio innovativo nella chemioterapia del carcinoma pancreatico.
L’adenocarcinoma pancreatico duttale (PDAC) rappresenta la forma più comune di tumore del pancreas e figura tra le principali cause di morte per neoplasia nei paesi occidentali; si tratta di un tumore dalla prognosi decisamente infausta in quanto è caratterizzato da una comparsa tardiva dei sintomi e da una componente cellulare in continua replicazione che lo rende invasivo ed aggressivo, ragioni per le quali il tasso di sopravvivenza nei cinque anni successivi alla diagnosi risulta inferiore al 5% e il numero di morti per anno è in continua crescita. Ad oggi, le uniche due possibilità di cura per pazienti affetti da carcinoma pancreatico sono rappresentate dall’intervento chirurgico, sfortunatamente praticabile soltanto nel 10% dei casi e caratterizzato da un alto rischio di complicanze, e dal trattamento farmacologico con Gemcitabina, analogo nucleosidico di uso consolidato in chemioterapia ma che fornisce scarsi risultati ed elevata resistenza nel caso del tumore del pancreas. Per questi motivi si è resa necessaria la ricerca di approcci innovativi nella chemioterapia del carcinoma pancreatico che potessero consentire un’associazione tra farmaci di nuova sintesi e farmaco di riferimento, al fine di rendere le cellule più vulnerabili e di stabilire, nello stesso tempo, un regime posologico meno tossico e più efficace rispetto a quello attuale.
In questo lavoro di tesi, nello specifico, l’attenzione è stata rivolta alle vie cellulari e ai meccanismi adattativi messi in atto dal tumore stesso per sopperire alla deprivazione calorico-metabolica a cui va incontro durante la propria crescita. La sovra-espressione di molecole implicate nella glicolisi aerobia e nella protezione dallo stress ossidativo, quali l’isoforma A dell’enzima lattato deidrogenasi, il trasportatore del glucosio GLUT1 e la sirtuina SIRT1, ha costituito perciò un’ottima base per la sintesi di molecole che, inibendo tali target, potessero esplicare un’azione citotossica e antiproliferativa. Alla luce di queste osservazioni, l’obiettivo principale della presente tesi è stato proprio quello di selezionare tra questi nuovi composti quelli che potessero dare i migliori risultati come chemioterapici antitumorali. In particolare, sono stati studiati in vitro gli effetti antiproliferativi dei composti di sintesi #147 e #161 inibitori di LDH-A, PGL-17 inibitore di GLUT-1, BB24 inibitore di SIRT-1 sulla linea cellulare di metastasi di adenocarcinoma pancreatico umano (AsPC-1).
Sono state testate diverse concentrazioni dei composti per studiarne l’effetto sulla vitalità cellulare, quantificata tramite saggio colorimetrico con WST-1 dopo 72 ore di incubazione, e per identificare, al contempo, una concentrazione d’elezione tale da provocare una significativa ma parziale riduzione della sopravvivenza cellulare allo scopo di garantire un’eventuale co-somminiatrazione con i chemioterapici di riferimento riportati in letteratura
Modelling the mechanical properties and sorption behaviour of pulsed electric fields (PEF) treated carrots and potatoes after air drying for food chain management
One of the major challenges of the food industry is to develop more sustainable processing technologies. To address this change, it is necessary to have more information about available innovative technologies and their effect on different food matrices and processes to ensure efficiency in food chain management. The aim of this research was to increase the understanding of the physical modifications induced by the combination of pulsed electric field (PEF) pre-treatment and further drying in carrot and potato tissues by modelling the sorption isotherms and the textural properties. High coefficient of determination up to 0.980 for GAB and 0.977 for BET were obtained confirming the good ability of both models to describe the sorption isotherm of foodstuff. Either BET and GAB classified carrot in a III type shape and potato in II type shape for sorption isotherm. Mechanical properties for carrot and potato considering all PEF treatment and aw levels were reported and fitted by modified Fermi distribution. High coefficient of determination up to 0.995 confirm the ability of Fermi model to describe mechanical properties in relation to water activity (aw)
Thermodynamics of SU(N) gauge theories in 2+1 dimensions in the $T regime
Host publication title: Lattice 2010Non peer reviewe
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