21 research outputs found

    Educating to sexuality care: the nurse educator’s experience in a multicenter study

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    Frontiers in Psychology 01 frontiersin.org Educating to sexuality care: the nurse educator’s experience in a multicenter study Cinzia Gradellini 1,2, Daniela Mecugni 1, Elena Castagnaro 3, Fátima Frade 4,5,6, Maria da Luz Ferreira Barros 7,8, Sara Palma 9, María Jesús Bocos-Reglero 10* and Sagrario Gomez-Cantarino 10,11 1 Reggio Emilia Nursing Course, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy, 2 Department of Business Economics, Health and Social Care, University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, Manno, Switzerland, 3 Azienda Unitaà Sanitaria Locale – IRCCS, Reggio Emilia, Italy, 4 Departamento de Enfermagem da Criança e do Jovem, Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal, 5 Nursing Research, Innovation and Development Centre of Lisbon (CIDNUR), Nursing School of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, 6 Centre for Public Administration and Public Policies, Institute of Social and Political Sciences, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, 7 Department of Nursing, University of Évora, Évora, Portugal, 8 Comprehensive Health Research Center (CHRC), Évora, Portugal, 9 School of Health, Polytechnic of Santarém, Santarém, Portugal, 10 Faculty of Physiotherapy and Nursing, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Toledo, Spain, 11 Health Sciences Research Unit: Nursing (UICISA: E), Nursing School of Coimbra (ESEnfC), Coimbra, Portugal Background: Sexuality is an issue inherent in the lives of all human beings. Education for Sexuality takes place informally, through relationships with the environment, with the family as a model, and formally, as a pedagogical practice in Teaching. Education for sexuality is recognized as an instrument of social transformation that leads to changes in behaviors and norms related to sexuality. Objectives: Knowing the perception of nursing professors about sexuality education in professional training, recognizing attitudes of these professors in relation to sexual education and identifying barriers in education for sexuality. Methods: Exploratory and descriptive study, using qualitative methodology. Data collection was carried out from semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis. Results: The interviewees consider sexuality education to be very important, being taught in the nursing course, addressing different themes. In general, they reported feeling comfortable teaching these topics. The identified barriers to the level of education students are in, students’ knowledge and reactions to the topic, religious and cultural issues, and the time available to talk about the topic and professional aspects. Conclusion: Sexuality is a fundamental theme in nursing education and needs to be further explored to overcome the barriers associated with its approach

    Insights Into Dolphins' Immunology: Immuno-Phenotypic Study on Mediterranean and Atlantic Stranded Cetaceans

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    Immunology of marine mammals is a relatively understudied field and its monitoring plays an important role in the individual and group management of these animals, along with an increasing value as an environmental health indicator. This study was aimed at implementing the knowledge on the immune response in cetaceans stranded along the Italian coastline to provide a baseline useful for assessing the immune status of bottlenose (Tursiops truncatus) and striped (Stenella coeruleoalba) dolphins. In particular, since the Mediterranean Sea is considered a heavily polluted basin, a comparison with animals living in open waters such as the Atlantic Ocean was made. Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded spleen, thymus, and lymph node tissues from 16 animals stranded along Italian and 11 cetaceans from the Canary Island shores were sampled within 48 h from death. Information regarding stranding sites, gender, and age as well as virologic, microbiological, and parasitological investigations, and the cause and/or the death mechanism were also collected in order to carry out statistical analyses. Selected tissues were routinely stained with hematoxylin-eosin (H&E) and with immunohistochemical techniques (IHC). For IHC analysis, anti-human CD5 monoclonal mouse antibody to identify T lymphocytes, CD20 monoclonal mouse antibody for the identification of mature B lymphocytes and HLA-DR antigen (alpha-chain) monoclonal mouse antibody for the identification of the major histocompatibility complex type II were previously validated for both species by Western-blotting technique. T-test method applied to quantitative evaluation of IHC positive cells showed a significant relationship between the number of (expression) of CD20 stained lymphocytes and normal and hypoplastic lymph nodes, respectively. No other significant correlations were noticed. Analyses for organochlorines (OC) compounds were performed in animals (n°5) having frozen blubber tissue available. A simple linear regression was calculated to predict if the amount of OCs could influence the number of inflammatory cell subpopulations and a moderate negative correlation was found between the presence of high quantity of contaminants and the number of T lymphocytes. Future analysis should be aimed to understand the effect of the major immunomodulatory pathogens on sub-populations of B and T cells

    Numeri da non credere. Alcune derive semiotiche nella copertura mediatica delle statistiche ufficiali sull'economia

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    The article analyzes the media coverage of the official statistics on Italian economy between 2005 and 2015, and it focusses on journalistic articles containing information deemed inconsistent or only partially responsive to the data released by the National Statistics Institute (Istat). The examination of this "problematic" corpus shows that the distorted information is not only related to material errors regarding the way journalists handle numbers, but also to the pursuit of sensational effects that are constructed through discursive practices

    Leaving and losing a job after childbearing in Italy. A comparison between 2005 and 2012

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    This article builds on microdata from the Birth Sample Survey (BSS) carried out by Istat in 2005 and 2012 in order to analyse changes in the occupational status of mothers of young children. We aim in particular to broaden the understanding of the individual and contextual characteristics that can affect the probability of women who were employed during pregnancy of not returning to work in the two years following the child’s birth. The study contributes to existing literature on mothers’ employment in two main ways. First, we take into consideration the different nature - voluntary or involuntary – of the motivations for not returning to work. Second, we attempt to evaluate whether the likelihood of Italian mothers to leave or lose their jobs and the factors affecting these probabilities changed between 2005 and 2012. Our results confirm human capital investments and job characteristics to be among the main determinants of women’s employment continuity after childbearing. The probability of losing a job increased significantly for mothers in 2012 compared to 2005, probably as a result of the deterioration of labour market conditions during the recession years. Conversely, the probability of leaving a job was not statistically significantly related to the year; family characteristics - the presence of a couple and features of the partner’s job - were key factors in women’s deciding not to return to work after childbearing

    Lo squilibrio dei sessi alla nascita nel contesto migratorio. Anche in Italia

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    A partire dagli anni ’80, il rapporto di mascolinità alla nascita è cresciuto notevolmente in alcuni paesi, soprattutto asiatici, e ci si aspetta che rimanga significativamente più alto di quello teoricamente atteso almeno per i prossimi 30 anni, distanziandosi in maniera evidente da quella “costante demografica” per cui, in condizioni non perturbate, nascono mediamente circa 106 maschi ogni 100 femmine. Il crescente numero di migranti internazionali in tutto il mondo, e soprattutto di coloro che provengono dall’est e dal sud-est asiatico, sembra condurre a una esportazione della pratica della selezione del sesso del nascituro nei paesi di accoglienza

    Skewed Sex Ratios at Birth in Italian Migrant Populations: Evidence from a Longitudinal Register 1999–2017

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    none4noMany studies in different settings have suggested that migrants from countries with skewed sex ratios at birth tend to adjust the sex of their offspring to ensure the birth of at least one male child. Enlarging the scope of existing research, the present study explores the phenomenon by studying the sex ratio at birth and sex selection at birth among migrants in Italy, focussing on birth order and the sex of the previous child. We perform a descriptive analysis of SRB by birth order (first, second and third), sex of the previous children, inter-birth interval and citizenship of the child. We analyse data from the Longitudinal register on reproductive histories from 1999 to 2017 (ISTAT). Results show significantly higher values of SRB for third births among Indian and Chinese communities when the first and second births are girls. A skewed SRB is also present among Indian babies born after a female firstborn. A more detailed analysis of SRBs for immigrants from China and India, by the sex of the previous children and inter-birth interval between second and third birth, did not indicate significant changes in SRB when the inter-birth interval is longer. Our study provides evidence for policymaking. However, further research is needed to address the causes of sex selection among immigrant communities. Efforts to alter gender norms and reduce son preference within communities are required to tackle gender discrimination against second-generation girls.noneAmbrosetti, Elena; Ortensi, Livia Elisa; Castagnaro, Cinzia; Attili, MarinaAmbrosetti, Elena; Ortensi, Livia Elisa; Castagnaro, Cinzia; Attili, Marin