208 research outputs found

    Explorer des oeuvres de francophonie périphérique (Belgique francophone) pour amplifier l'expérience interculturelle d'apprenants en Erasmus

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    En tant que professeur de français langue étrangère pour des étudiants Erasmus qui viennent étudier dans une université francophone hors de France, l'on peut s'interroger sur la pertinence d'enseigner les variations linguistiques et les références culturelles et littéraires propres à cet espace francophone, ou d'abord et avant tout des références et oeuvres "franco-centrées". L'appropriation de références culturelles et de spécificités francophones "locales" présente cependant un double intérêt. D'une part, les apprenants y sont, par immersion, confrontés ; connaitre ces particularités ne peut que les aider à oser pratiquer réellement leur français avec des natifs, en dehors de la classe. D'autre part, la découverte d'oeuvres ou de références d'une communauté francophone "périphérique" (Klinkenberg, 2010) ouvre, pour ces étudiants internationaux, une voie vers la réflexivité sur l'expérience de décentrement qu'ils vivent (Anquetil, 2006 ; Meunier, 2015), ainsi que sur le développement de compétences interrelationnelles que le séjour Erasmus peut leur permettre de développer. À la suite de cette réflexion, il s'agira de présenter, de façon très concrète, quelques exemples de tâches et d'oeuvres présentées à un groupe d'étudiants en séjour Erasmus en Belgique francophone, afin d'entamer avec eux cette démarche de réflexivité à partir de productions culturelles et littéraires de créateurs et créatrices belges francophones. L'on s'interrogera aussi sur la "déconstruction" de certaines attitudes puristes ou de stéréotypie vis-à-vis du français ou des Francophones, initiée grâce à la découverte de la pluralité lexicale du français de Belgique et de diverses oeuvres littéraires et artistiques de cette aire "périphérique".As a French as a foreign language teacher for Erasmus students studying at a French-speaking university outside France, we may wonder about the relevance of teaching the linguistic variations and cultural and literary references specific to this French-speaking area, or first and foremost "Franco-centred" references and works. However, the appropriation of cultural references and "local" Francophone specificities is of twofold interest. On the one hand, learners are confronted with immersion; knowing these particularities can only help them to dare to really practice their French with native speakers, outside the classroom. On the other hand, the discovery of works or references from a "peripheral" Francophone community (Klinkenberg, 2010) opens up a way, for these international students, to reflect on their experience of decentralization (Anquetil, 2006; Meunier, 2015), as well as on the development of inter-relational skills that the Erasmus enable them to develop. Following this reflection, we willevoke in a very concrete way some examples of tasks and works presented to a group of students staying for an Erasmus in French-speaking Belgium, in order to start with them this process of reflexivity based on cultural and literary productions by French-speaking Belgian creators. We will also examine the "deconstruction" of certain purist or stereotypical attitudes towards French language or Francophones, initiated by the discovery of the lexical plurality of French in Belgium and of various literary and artistic works in this "peripheral" area.Como profesor de francés de estudiantes Erasmus que estudian en una universidad francófona fuera de Francia, cabe preguntarse sobre la pertinencia de la enseñanza de las variaciones lingüísticas y de las referencias culturales y literarias propias de este espacio francófono o, ante todo, de las referencias y obras "francesas". Sin embargo, la apropiación de las referencias culturales y de las especificidades "locales" francófonas tiene un doble interés. Por un lado, los estudiantes se enfrentan a la inmersión; conocer estas particularidades sólo puede ayudarlos a atreverse a practicar realmente su francés con hablantes nativos, fuera del aula. Por otra parte, el descubrimiento de obras o referencias de una comunidad francófona "periférica" (Klinkenberg, 2010) abre un camino para que estos estudiantes internacionales reflexionen sobre su experiencia de descentralización (Anquetil, 2006; Meunier, 2015), así como sobre el desarrollo de habilidades relacionales que la estancia Erasmus puede promover. Tras esta reflexión, se tratará de presentar, de manera muy concreta, algunos ejemplos de tareas y obras presentadas a un grupo de estudiantes que se alojan en Erasmus en la Bélgica francófona, con el fin de iniciar con ellos este proceso de reflexividad basado en producciones culturales y literarias de creadores belgas francófonos. Examinaremos también la "deconstrucción" de ciertas actitudes puristas o estereotipadas hacia los franceses o los francófonos, iniciada por el descubrimiento de la pluralidad léxica del francés en Bélgica y de varias obras literarias y artísticas en esta zona "periférica"

    Nuevas perspectivas terapéuticas en la enfermedad de Alzheimer: protección frente a la neurotoxicidad del aluminio

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    25 p.La enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa que constituye una de las principales fuentes de morbilidad y mortalidad en ancianos. Uno de los factores influyentes en el desarrollo de esta enfermedad es la exposición al aluminio (Al), el cual aumenta el depósito de placas β-amiloides, la actividad acetilcolinesterasa y el estrés oxidativo, mecanismos que han sido probados en modelos in vivo. Además, estos resultados se han visto respaldados por los observados en estudios epidemiológicos. El efecto neurotóxico del Al se ve disminuido tras el consumo de silicio (Si) en su forma biodisponible, el ácido o-silícico, ya que este disminuye la carga corporal del Al. Asimismo, el Si ha demostrado en estudios in vivo ser capaz de prevenir el efecto del Al en los tres mecanismos patológicos implicados en la EA. La cerveza es una de las principales fuentes de Si en la dieta, y del mismo modo ha demostrado este efecto protector frente a la neurotoxicidad del Al. Por lo tanto, el consumo de cerveza se podría considerar una medida profiláctica para disminuir el desarrollo de la EA.Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease and a leading source of mobility and mortality in the elderly. One of the factors implicated in the development of the disease is Aluminium (Al) exposure, which increases β-amyloid deposition, acetylcholinesterase activity and oxidative stress, mechanisms that have been proved in in vivo models. Also, these results have been supported with the ones observed in epidemiological studies. The neurotoxic effect of Al has been shown to decrease after the intake of silicon (Si) on its bioavailable form, orthosilicic acid, since it decreases the body burden of Al. Likewise, Si has proved in in vivo studies its capability to prevent the effect of Al in the three mechanisms implicated on the AD development. Beer is one of the main sources of Si in the diet, and has also proved the protective effect on aluminium neurotoxicity. Thus, moderate intake of beer may be considered as a prophylactic action to decrease AD’s development.Grado en Farmaci

    Alterations in anatomic and functional imaging parameters with repeated FDG PET-CT and MRI during radiotherapy for head and neck cancer: a pilot study

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    Background: The use of imaging to implement on-treatment adaptation of radiotherapy is a promising paradigm but current data on imaging changes during radiotherapy is limited. This is a hypothesis-generating pilot study to examine the changes on multi-modality anatomic and functional imaging during (chemo)radiotherapy treatment for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). Methods: Eight patients with locally advanced HNSCC underwent imaging including computed tomography (CT), Fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET)-CT and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (including diffusion weighted (DW) and dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE)) at baseline and during (chemo)radiotherapy treatment (after fractions 11 and 21). Regions of interest (ROI) were drawn around the primary tumour at baseline and during treatment. Imaging parameters included gross tumour volume (GTV) assessment, SUVmax, mean ADC value and DCE-MRI parameters including Plasma Flow (PF). On treatment changes and correlations between these parameters were analysed using a Wilcoxon rank sum test and Pearson’s linear correlation coefficient respectively. A p-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Statistically significant reductions in GTV-CT, GTV-MRI and GTV-DW were observed between all imaging timepoints during radiotherapy. Changes in GTV-PET during radiotherapy were heterogeneous and non-significant. Significant changes in SUVmax, mean ADC value, Plasma Flow and Plasma Volume were observed between the baseline and the fraction 11 timepoint, whilst only changes in SUVmax between baseline and the fraction 21 timepoint were statistically significant. Significant correlations were observed between multiple imaging parameters, both anatomical and functional; 20 correlations between baseline to the fraction 11 timepoint; 12 correlations between baseline and the fraction 21 timepoints; and 4 correlations between the fraction 11 and fraction 21 timepoints. Conclusions: Multi-modality imaging during radiotherapy treatment demonstrates early changes (by fraction 11) in both anatomic and functional imaging parameters. All functional imaging modalities are potentially complementary and should be considered in combination to provide multi-parametric tumour assessment, to guide potential treatment adaptation strategies. Trial Registration: ISRCTN Registry: ISRCTN34165059. Registered 2nd February 2015