4 research outputs found

    Assessing the viability of electro-absorption and photoelectro-absorption for the treatment of gaseous perchloroethylene

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    This work focuses on the development of electro-absorption and photoelectro-absorption technologies to treat gases produced by a synthetic waste containing the highly volatile perchloroethylene (PCE). To do this, a packed absorption column coupled with a UV lamp and an undivided electrooxidation cell was used. Firstly, it was confirmed that the absorption in a packed column is a viable method to achieve retention of PCE into an absorbent-electrolyte liquid. It was observed that PCE does not only absorb but it was also transformed into phosgene and other by-products. Later, it was confirmed that the electro-absorption process influenced the PCE degradation, favoring the transformation of phosgene into final products. Opposite to what is expected, carbon dioxide is not the main product obtained, but carbon tetrachloride and trichloroacetic acid. Both species are also hazardous but their higher solubility in water opens possibilities for a successful and more environmental-friendly removal. The coupling with UV-irradiation has a negative impact on the degradation of phosgene. Finally, a reaction mechanism was proposed for the degradation of PCE based on the experimental observations. Results were not as expected during the planning of the experimental work but it is important to take in mind that PCE decomposition occurs in wet conditions, regardless of the applied technology, and this work is a first approach to try to solve the treatment problems associated to PCE gaseous waste flows in a realistic way

    Electro-Absorbers: A Comparison on Their Performance with Jet-Absorbers and Absorption Columns

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    This work focuses on the removal of perchloroethylene (PCE) from gaseous streams using absorbers connected with electrolyzers. Two types of absorption devices (jet absorber and absorption column) were compared. In addition, it has been evaluated the different by-products generated when a simultaneous electrolysis with diamond anodes is carried out. PCE was not mineralized, but it was transformed into phosgene that mainly derivates into carbon tetrachloride. Trichloroacetic acid was also formed, but in much lower amounts. Results showed a more efficient absorption of PCE in the packed column, which it is associated to the higher gas–liquid contact surface. Jet absorber seems to favor the production of carbon tetrachloride in gaseous phase, whereas the packed column promotes a higher concentration of trichloroacetic acid in liquid. It was also evaluated the scale up of the electrolytic stage of these electro-absorption devices by using a stack with five perforated electrode packages instead of a single cell. Clarification of the effect of the applied current density on the speciation attained after the electrolysis of the absorbent has been attempted. Experiments reveal similar results in terms of PCE removal and a reduced generation of gaseous intermediates at lower current densities

    Procesos de OxidaciĂłn avanzada en el tratamiento de agua

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    A lo largo de este libro diversos autores especializados exponen el tema permitiendo al lector encontrar desde principios básicos, hasta aplicaciones de procesos, resultando ser una fuente de consulta con una visión amplia de los procesos de oxidación avanzada y sus aplicaciones dentro del tratamiento de agua.El agua es un líquido vital, sin ella no podemos subsistir. Además de usarla en nuestro hogar, se utiliza en gran variedad de procesos industriales para la transformación de materias primas en productos terminados. El agua usada industrialmente cambia su composición fisicoquímica, ya que agregamos un sinfín de compuestos orgánicos e inorgánicos. Por ello, es necesario desarrollar nuevas metodologías que permitan de manera segura y eficiente recuperar la calidad del agua usada originalmente para poder usarla.Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Méxic