111 research outputs found

    The T=1 capsid protein of Penicillium chrysogenum virus is formed by a repeated helix-rich core indicative of gene duplication

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    et al.Penicillium chrysogenum virus (PcV), a member of the Chrysoviridae family, is a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) fungal virus with a multipartite genome, with each RNA molecule encapsidated in a separate particle. Chrysoviruses lack an extracellular route and are transmitted during sporogenesis and cell fusion. The PcV capsid, based on a T=1 lattice containing 60 subunits of the 982-amino-acid capsid protein, remains structurally undisturbed throughout the viral cycle, participates in genome metabolism, and isolates the virus genome from host defense mechanisms. Using three-dimensional cryoelectron microscopy, we determined the structure of the PcV virion at 8.0 Å resolution. The capsid protein has a high content of rod-like densities characteristic of α-helices, forming a repeated α-helical core indicative of gene duplication. Whereas the PcV capsid protein has two motifs with the same fold, most dsRNA virus capsid subunits consist of dimers of a single protein with similar folds. The spatial arrangement of the α-helical core resembles that found in the capsid protein of the L-A virus, a fungal totivirus with an undivided genome, suggesting a conserved basic fold. The encapsidated genome is organized in concentric shells; whereas the inner dsRNA shells are well defined, the outermost layer is dense due to numerous interactions with the inner capsid surface, specifically, six interacting areas per monomer. The outermost genome layer is arranged in an icosahedral cage, sufficiently well ordered to allow for modeling of an A-form dsRNA. The genome ordering might constitute a framework for dsRNA transcription at the capsid interior and/or have a structural role for capsid stability. Copyright © 2010, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.This work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (BFU 2008-02328/BMC and S-0505-Mat-0238 to J.L.C. and BIO2008-02361 to J.R.C.) and the NIH Intramural Research Program with support from the Center for Information Technology.Peer Reviewe

    Mechanical disassembly of human picobirnavirus like particles indicates that cargo retention is tuned by the RNA-coat protein interaction

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    Here we investigate the cargo retention of individual human picobirnavirus (hPBV) virus-like particles (VLPs) which differ in the N-terminal of their capsid protein (CP): (i) hPBV CP contains the full-length CP sequence; (ii) hPBV Δ45-CP lacks the first 45 N-terminal residues; and (iii) hPBV Ht-CP is the full-length CP with a N-terminal 36-residue tag that includes a 6-His segment. Consequently, each VLP variant holds a different interaction with the ssRNA cargo. We used atomic force microscopy (AFM) to induce and monitor the mechanical disassembly of individual hPBV particles. First, while Δ45-CP particles that lack ssRNA allowed a fast tip indentation after breakage, CP and Ht-CP particles that pack heterologous ssRNA showed a slower tip penetration after being fractured. Second, mechanical fatigue experiments revealed that the increased length in 8% of the N-terminal (Ht-CP) makes the virus particles to crumble ∼10 times slower than the wild type N-terminal CP, indicating enhanced RNA cargo retention. Our results show that the three differentiated N-terminal topologies of the capsid result in distinct cargo release dynamics during mechanical disassembly experiments because of the different interaction with RNAFIS2017-89549-R, FIS2017-90701-REDT, PID2021-126608OB-I00, PID2020-113287RB-I0

    ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Chrysoviridae

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    The Chrysoviridae is a family of small, isometric, non-enveloped viruses (40 nm in diameter) with segmented dsRNA genomes (typically four segments). The genome segments are individually encapsidated and together comprise 11.5–12.8 kbp. The single genus Chrysovirus includes nine species. Chrysoviruses lack an extracellular phase to their life cycle; they are transmitted via intracellular routes within an individual during hyphal growth, in asexual or sexual spores, or between individuals via hyphal anastomosis. There are no known natural vectors for chrysoviruses. This is a summary of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) Report on the taxonomy of the Chrysoviridae, which is available at www.ictv.global/report/chrysoviridae.Peer reviewe

    50-plus years of fungal viruses

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    AbstractMycoviruses are widespread in all major taxa of fungi. They are transmitted intracellularly during cell division, sporogenesis, and/or cell-to-cell fusion (hyphal anastomosis), and thus their life cycles generally lack an extracellular phase. Their natural host ranges are limited to individuals within the same or closely related vegetative compatibility groups, although recent advances have established expanded experimental host ranges for some mycoviruses. Most known mycoviruses have dsRNA genomes packaged in isometric particles, but an increasing number of positive- or negative-strand ssRNA and ssDNA viruses have been isolated and characterized. Although many mycoviruses do not have marked effects on their hosts, those that reduce the virulence of their phytopathogenic fungal hosts are of considerable interest for development of novel biocontrol strategies. Mycoviruses that infect endophytic fungi and those that encode killer toxins are also of special interest. Structural analyses of mycoviruses have promoted better understanding of virus assembly, function, and evolution

    Capsid Structure of dsRNA Fungal Viruses

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    Most fungal, double-stranded (ds) RNA viruses lack an extracellular life cycle stage and are transmitted by cytoplasmic interchange. dsRNA mycovirus capsids are based on a 120-subunit T = 1 capsid, with a dimer as the asymmetric unit. These capsids, which remain structurally undisturbed throughout the viral cycle, nevertheless, are dynamic particles involved in the organization of the viral genome and the viral polymerase necessary for RNA synthesis. The atomic structure of the T = 1 capsids of four mycoviruses was resolved: the L-A virus of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ScV-L-A), Penicillium chrysogenum virus (PcV), Penicillium stoloniferum virus F (PsV-F), and Rosellinia necatrix quadrivirus 1 (RnQV1). These capsids show structural variations of the same framework, with 60 asymmetric or symmetric homodimers for ScV-L-A and PsV-F, respectively, monomers with a duplicated similar domain for PcV, and heterodimers of two different proteins for RnQV1. Mycovirus capsid proteins (CP) share a conserved α-helical domain, although the latter may carry different peptides inserted at preferential hotspots. Insertions in the CP outer surface are likely associated with enzymatic activities. Within the capsid, fungal dsRNA viruses show a low degree of genome compaction compared to reoviruses, and contain one to two copies of the RNA-polymerase complex per virion

    The C-terminal domain of the pVP2 precursor is essential for the interaction between VP2 and VP3, the capsid polypeptides of infectious bursal disease virus

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    AbstractThe interaction between the infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) capsid proteins VP2 and VP3 has been analyzed in vivo using baculovirus expression vectors. Data presented here demonstrate that the 71-amino acid C-terminal-specific domain of pVP2, the VP2 precursor, is essential for the establishment of the VP2–VP3 interaction. Additionally, we show that coexpression of the pVP2 and VP3 polypeptides from independent genes results in the assembly of virus-like particles (VLPs). This observation demonstrates that these two polypeptides contain the minimal information required for capsid assembly, and that this process does not require the presence of the precursor polyprotein

    ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Chrysoviridae

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    Members of the family Chrysoviridae are isometric, non-enveloped viruses with segmented, linear, dsRNA genomes. There are 3–7 genomic segments, each of which is individually encapsidated. Chrysoviruses infect fungi, plants and possibly insects, and may cause hypovirulence in their fungal hosts. Chrysoviruses have no known vectors and lack an extracellular phase to their replication cycle; they are transmitted via intracellular routes within an individual during hyphal growth, in asexual or sexual spores, or between individuals via hyphal anastomosis. This is a summary of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) Report on the taxonomy of the family Chrysoviridae, which is available at ictv.global/report/chrysoviridae.Peer reviewe

    A protein with simultaneous capsid scaffolding and dsRNA-binding activities enhances the birnavirus capsid mechanical stability

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    Viral capsids are metastable structures that perform many essential processes; they also act as robust cages during the extracellular phase. Viruses can use multifunctional proteins to optimize resources (e.g., VP3 in avian infectious bursal disease virus, IBDV). The IBDV genome is organized as ribonucleoproteins (RNP) of dsRNA with VP3, which also acts as a scaffold during capsid assembly. We characterized mechanical properties of IBDV populations with different RNP content (ranging from none to four RNP). The IBDV population with the greatest RNP number (and best fitness) showed greatest capsid rigidity. When bound to dsRNA, VP3 reinforces virus stiffness. These contacts involve interactions with capsid structural subunits that differ from the initial interactions during capsid assembly. Our results suggest that RNP dimers are the basic stabilization units of the virion, provide better understanding of multifunctional proteins, and highlight the duality of RNP as capsidstabilizing and genetic information platformsThis work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (FIS2011-29493 to PJP, BFU2011-29038 to JLC and BFU2014-55475R to JRC) and Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (S2013/MIT-2850 to JLC and S2013/MIT-2807 to JRC

    The mechanism of vault opening from the high resolution structure of the N-terminal repeats of MVP

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    Vaults are ubiquitous ribonucleoprotein complexes involved in a diversity of cellular processes, including multidrug resistance, transport mechanisms and signal transmission. The vault particle shows a barrel-shaped structure organized in two identical moieties, each consisting of 39 copies of the major vault protein MVP. Earlier data indicated that vault halves can dissociate at acidic pH. The crystal structure of the vault particle solved at 8 Å resolution, together with the 2.1-Å structure of the seven N-terminal domains (R1–R7) of MVP, reveal the interactions governing vault association and provide an explanation for a reversible dissociation induced by low pH. The structural comparison with the recently published 3.5 Å model shows major discrepancies, both in the main chain tracing and in the side chain assignment of the two terminal domains R1 and R2