1,700 research outputs found
Development of an Extended Product Lifecycle Management through Service Oriented Architecture.
Organised by: Cranfield UniversityThe aim of this work is to define new business opportunities through the concept of Extended Product
Lifecycle Management (ExtPLM), analysing its potential implementation within a Service Oriented
Architecture. ExtPLM merges the concepts of Extended Product, Avatar and PLM. It aims at allowing a
closer interaction between enterprises and their customers, who are integrated in all phases of the life cycle,
creating new technical functionalities and services, improving both the practical (e.g. improving usage,
improving safety, allowing predictive maintenance) and the emotional side (e.g. extreme customization) of
the product.Mori Seiki – The Machine Tool Company; BAE Systems; S4T – Support Service Solutions: Strategy and Transitio
Characterization of the Hamamatsu R11265-103-M64 multi-anode photomultiplier tube
The aim of this paper is to fully characterize the new multi-anode
photomultiplier tube R11265-103-M64, produced by Hamamatsu. Its high effective
active area (77%), its pixel size, the low dark signal rate and the capability
to detect single photon signals make this tube suitable for an application in
high energy physics, such as for RICH detectors. Four tubes and two different
bias voltage dividers have been tested. The results of a standard
characterization of the gain and the anode uniformity, the dark signal rate,
the cross-talk and the device behaviour as a function of temperature have been
studied. The behaviour of the tube is studied in a longitudinal magnetic field
up to 100 Gauss. Shields made of a high permeability material are also
investigated. The deterioration of the device performance due to long time
operation at intense light exposure is studied. A quantitative analysis of the
variation of the gain and the dark signals rate due to the aging is described.Comment: 22 page
Speckled-speckle field as a resource for imaging techniques
Correlated states of light, both classical and quantum, can find useful applications in the implementation of several imaging techniques. Among the employed sources, pseudo-thermal states, generated by the passage of a laser beam through a diffuser, represent the standard choice. To produce light with a higher level of correlation, in this work we consider and characterize the speckled-speckle field obtained with two diffusers using both a numerical simulation and an experimental implementation. In order to discuss the potential usefulness of super-thermal light in imaging protocols, we analyze the behavior of some figures of merit, namely the contrast, the signal-to-noise ratio and the image resolution. The obtained results clarify the possible advantages offered by this kind of light, and at the same time better emphasize the reasons why it does not outperform pseudo-thermal light
Very low noise AC/DC power supply systems for large detector arrays
In this work, we present the first part of the power supply system for the CUORE and LUCIFER arrays of bolometric detectors. For CUORE, it consists of AC/DC commercial power supplies (0–60 V output) followed by custom DC/DC modules (48 V input, ±5 V to ±13.5 V outputs). Each module has 3 floating and independently configurable output voltages. In LUCIFER, the AC/DC + DC/DC stages are combined into a commercial medium-power AC/DC source. At the outputs of both setups, we introduced filters with the aim of lowering the noise and to protect the following stages from high voltage spikes that can be generated by the energy stored in the cables after the release of accidental short circuits. Output noise is very low, as required: in the 100 MHz bandwidth the RMS level is about 37 μVRMS (CUORE setup) and 90 μVRMS (LUCIFER setup) at a load of 7 A, with a negligible dependence on the load current. Even more importantly, high frequency switching disturbances are almost completely suppressed. The efficiency of both systems is above 85%. Both systems are completely programmable and monitored via CAN bus (optically coupled)
Large area Si low-temperature light detectors with Neganov-Luke effect
Next generation calorimetric experiments for the search of rare events rely
on the detection of tiny amounts of light (of the order of 20 optical photons)
to discriminate and reduce background sources and improve sensitivity.
Calorimetric detectors are the simplest solution for photon detection at
cryogenic (mK) temperatures. The development of silicon based light detectors
with enhanced performance thanks to the use of the Neganov-Luke effect is
described. The aim of this research line is the production of high performance
detectors with industrial-grade reproducibility and reliability.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure
Transformer coupling and its modelling for the flux-ramp modulation of rf-SQUIDs
Microwave frequency domain multiplexing is a suitable technique to read out a
large number of detector channels using only a few connecting lines. In the
HOLMES experiment this is based on inductively coupled rf-SQUIDs
(Superconducting QUantum Interference Devices) fed by TES (Transition Edge
Sensors). Biasing of the whole rf-SQUID chain is provided with a single
transmission line by means of the recently introduced flux-ramp modulation
technique, a sawtooth signal which allows signal reconstruction while operating
the rf-SQUIDs in open loop condition. Due to the crucial role of the sawtooth
signal, it is very important that it does not suffer from ground loop
disturbances and EMI. Introducing a transformer between the biasing source and
the SQUIDs is very effective in suppressing disturbances. The sawtooth signal
has slow and fast components, and the period can vary between a few kHz up to
MHz depending on the TES signal and SQUID characteristics. A transformer able
to face such a broad range of conditions must have very stringent
characteristics and needs to be custom designed. Our solution exploits standard
commercial, and inexpensive, transformers for LAN networks used in a suitable
combination. A model that allows to take care of the low as well as of the high
frequency operating range has been developed
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