56 research outputs found

    Spherical Fourier Transforms on Locally Compact Quantum Gelfand Pairs

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    We study Gelfand pairs for locally compact quantum groups. We give an operator algebraic interpretation and show that the quantum Plancherel transformation restricts to a spherical Plancherel transformation. As an example, we turn the quantum group analogue of the normaliser of SU(1,1) in SL(2,CSL(2,\mathbb{C}) together with its diagonal subgroup into a pair for which every irreducible corepresentation admits at most two vectors that are invariant with respect to the quantum subgroup. Using a Z2\mathbb{Z}_2-grading, we obtain product formulae for little qq-Jacobi functions

    The L^p-Fourier transform on locally compact quantum groups

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    Using interpolation properties of non-commutative L^p-spaces associated with an arbitrary von Neumann algebra, we define a L^p-Fourier transform 1 <= p <= 2 on locally compact quantum groups. We show that the Fourier transform determines a distinguished choice for the interpolation parameter as introduced by Izumi. We define a convolution product in the L^p-setting and show that the Fourier transform turns the convolution product into a product.Comment: 29 pages, to appear in the Journal of Operator Theor

    Modular properties of matrix coefficients of corepresentations of a locally compact quantum group

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    We give a formula for the modular operator and modular conjugation in terms of matrix coefficients of corepresentations of a quantum group in the sense of Kustermans and Vaes. As a consequence, the modular autmorphism group of a unimodular quantum group can be expressed in terms of matrix coefficients. As an application, we determine the Duflo-Moore operators for the quantum group analogue of the normaliser of SU(1,1) in SL(2,CSL(2,\mathbb{C}).Comment: 22 pages. To appear in Journal of Lie Theor