6 research outputs found


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    This study aims to identify the characteristics, objectives, benefits, advantages and limitations of mobile learning, analyzing opportunities and challenges the use of mobile learning as a learning model during the Covid-19 pandemic as well describes the application of the use of mobile learning in learning in education base. This research is a literature study with a qualitative approach using descriptive-analytic analysis. The research results show that mobile learning as a subset of e-learning has many advantages in facilitating learning process without the limits of time, space and place. Although it has limitations, but mobile learning has a very good opportunity to be utilized on virtual learning during the covid-19 pandemic as an alternative to learning face to face. Tablets, smartphones and laptops can be used as supporting devices in the implementation of mobile learning. In order to be implemented optimally, teacher skills are needed in operating the device and designing teaching materials properly digitally based

    Student Response to the Use of Augmented Reality Media in the Circulatory System in Humans

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    This study aims to explore the students' response to the use of Augmented Reality (AR) media in learning the circulatory system in humans. Until now, students have relied on textbooks consisting of pictures and text as their learning source. However, they face difficulties when studying topics such as the circulatory system that require complex visualization. A survey method was employed to collect data from students of the Biology Study Program at IPB University. The research sample consisted of 20 randomly selected respondents. The survey was conducted using a structured questionnaire designed to gather information about student engagement, conceptual understanding, interest, and preferences in using AR learning media. The questionnaire included questions about the respondents' response to their experience using AR media, perceived benefits, difficulties encountered, and suggestions for the development of future AR media. The collected survey data was analyzed using descriptive statistical methods. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize and depict the distribution of students' responses to the use of AR media in learning the circulatory system in humans. The results of this study can be concluded that the use of AR media in learning the circulatory system in humans has shown great potential. The majority of students responded positively, finding the use of AR media visually appealing and easy to learn

    Bangkit dan Maju Bersama: Dalam Tatanan Baru UT PTN BH

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    Bertepatan dengan usianya yang ke-38, UT akan bertransformasi dari perguruan tinggi negeri badan layanan umum (PTN BLU) menjadi perguruan tinggi negeri badan hukum (PTN BH). Transformasi ini akan mengubah tatanan Universitas Terbuka (UT) dalam bidang akademik, organisasi dan tata kelola, keuangan, sumber daya manusia, fasilitas dan aset institusi, serta mahasiswa. Perubahan tatanan ini akan memberikan peluang dan tantangan bagi UT dalam mewujudkan visi dan misinya sebagai perguruan tinggi terbuka dan jarak jauh (PTJJ) yang berkualitas dunia.Buku berjudul Bangkit dan Maju Bersama dalam Tatanan Baru UT PTN BH ini diluncurkan pada acara puncak Dies Natalis ke-38 UT. Melalui buku ini, kami berharap dapat memberikan deskripsi dan dokumentasi secara umum mengenai persiapan dan kesiapan UT dalam perubahan desain tatanan baru PTN BH

    The Potential of Interactive Teaching Materials of Natural Science Practicum Courses in Elementary School by Distance Learning

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    Distance learning is not new to education, but it requires more dedication and initiative than the implementation of conventional education. Distance learning in lectures is the implementation of learning when students and lecturers cannot attend face to face at the same time in the campus lecture hall. One of the efforts to implement distance learning is to use interactive literacy activities. This study aims to examine that this era has implications for Indonesia as a country that wants to become a developed country, especially in education. This type of research is descriptive research in the literature. The results of the description discuss (1) Efforts to adapt natural science practicum learning according to the times; (2) Provision of teaching materials to support the tutorial interaction process in natural science practicum activities; and (3) Students' readiness in implementing natural science practicum in distance learning. This study highlights several theoretical and empirical contributions. It provides recommendations that the implementation of remote practicum through digital media and the use of materials available in the surrounding environment need interactive instruction support to support student practicum competencie

    Pengembangan Model Marketing Program FKIP UT

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    Pada saat ini, jumlah mahasiswa Universitas Terbuka adalah 341,956 (16 November 2021 dalam https://www.ut.ac.id). Berdasarkan jumlah tersebut, porsi mahasiswa di Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan-UT (FKIP-UT) berada pada angka 37,88%, atau 129.546 (FHISIP 31,98%, FE 24,88%, FST 4,07%,dan Pascasarjana 1,19%). Artinya, berdasarkan data itu, jumlah mahasiswa FKIP-UT saat ini tidak menjadi dominan sebagaimana tercatat pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Sementara itu, jika dilihat dari persentase guru yang telah berkualifikasi sarjana, guru yang belum berderajat sarjana terbanyak adalah guru SD, yakni 21%. Kemudian guru Pendidikan Luar Biasa yang berada pada 18%. Berdasarkan data tersebut, tren penurunan mahasiswa FKIP-UT yang notabene para guru dalam jabatan adalah hal yang logis. Dalam konteks yang demikian, karena para guru yang berderajat sarjana sudah semakin terpenuhi, pembukaan program studi baru yang tidak mensyaratkan harus menjadi guru terlebih dahulu juga harus diantisipasi dengan baik. Namun, fenomena yang terjadi ini harus disiasati dengan pemilihan strategi marketing yang efektif agar penurunan yang terjadi dapat diredam. Salah satu cara yang harus dilakukan dapat berupa penciptaan program studi baru yang ditentukan berdasarkan analisis kebutuhan lapangan, atau strategi pemasaran yang menyasar berbagai kalangan, khususnya kaum milenial. Berkenaan dengan hal-hal tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendesain bentuk sosprom digital agar tren penurunan jumlah mahasiswa di FKIP-UT dapat disiasati dengan baik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dan direncanakan dilakukan dalam waktu tiga tahun. Pada tahun pertama, dilakukan studi pendahuluan untuk mengetahui bagaimana upaya marketing yang dilakukan selama ini dan berbagai terobosan yang telah didesain, misalnya dengan pembukaan program studi baru atau hal lainnya. Pada tahun kedua dilakukan pengembangan model marketing yang efektif untuk menyasar calon-calon mahasiswa FKIP-UT. Pada tahun ketiga akan dilakukan implementasi dan evaluasi program marketing. Responden penelitian adalah para pakar dari rumpun teknologi pendidikan, youtuber, pegiat media sosial, konten kreator, dan para Direktur UT sebagai salah satu ujung tombak pemasaran UT. Penelitian ini diharapkan mampu menghasilkan bentuk marketing digital sebagai sarana efektif untuk mengantisipasi tren penurunan calon mahasiswa FKIP-UT

    The Potential of Interactive Teaching Materials of Natural Science Practicum Courses in Elementary School by Distance Learning

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    Distance learning is not new to education, but it requires more dedication and initiative than the implementation of conventional education. Distance learning in lectures is the implementation of learning when students and lecturers cannot attend face to face at the same time in the campus lecture hall. One of the efforts to implement distance learning is to use interactive literacy activities. This study aims to examine that this era has implications for Indonesia as a country that wants to become a developed country, especially in education. This type of research is descriptive research in the literature. The results of the description discuss (1) Efforts to adapt natural science practicum learning according to the times; (2) Provision of teaching materials to support the tutorial interaction process in natural science practicum activities; and (3) Students' readiness in implementing natural science practicum in distance learning. This study highlights several theoretical and empirical contributions. It provides recommendations that the implementation of remote practicum through digital media and the use of materials available in the surrounding environment need interactive instruction support to support student practicum competencie